[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
is there anyway to move item across a far distance.i tried with ender chest,but bc pipes doensn't work with ender chest,golem doesn't want to interact with ender chest.i just wasted a lot of resource make those stuff.

Nicolás Granelli

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
is there anyway to move item across a far distance.i tried with ender chest,but bc pipes doensn't work with ender chest,golem doesn't want to interact with ender chest.i just wasted a lot of resource make those stuff.

Jabba BSpace upgrade. It works as an ender chest for a single item (also use an ender chest in the recipe)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Jabba BSpace upgrade. It works as an ender chest for a single item (also use an ender chest in the recipe)
i have a really big farm,i tried Bspace but gave up middle because it is too resource demanding.i really miss thermal foundation duct.bc pipes is just stupid(im just fed up after couple times failing to move item).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah, ok then. According to this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/2k8llp/mekanism_joules_to_te_redstone_flux/ ... my two turbines each generate 240 joule. (I just flew up to my turbines and noticed they actually produce 96 instead of 92 RF)

Edit: On an unrelated note, I seem to have inadvertedly caused a duplication glitch. I used to have 1 greater band of mana, but now I have 3. If I recall correctly I noticed this every time I tried to drop my ring directly out of the baubles inventory screen into a mana pool.

Edit #2: I just ran into a problem with my thermal lily setup.


Below the floodgate are 4 everburn urns feeding into it and I do hear the sound of the thermals siphoning away the mana. They even smoke ... but no mana seems to be transported. At the beginning it worked fine ... then it stopped after a while.

Edit #3: Looks like I solved it. Seems as if I placed way too many lilies. Cut it down to 8 and it seems to work now. ... or maybe it was just the rather long cooldown messing things up.Not sure how I could add a timed redstone signal to the floodgate.
Unless Vazkii has changed it (I haven't tested in a while) a Thermalily takes about 45 seconds to consume a block of lava. During that time, it will not pick up another block. So, when you feed lava to lily #1 you have 45 seconds to feed lava to all the other lilies in range of the spot you are placing lava. After 45 seconds, lily #1, which has started its 5 minute cool down, will pick up the next block of lava it sees (resetting its cool down) before lily #x, which isn't on cool down, will/can pick up the block.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
is there anyway to move item across a far distance.i tried with ender chest,but bc pipes doensn't work with ender chest,golem doesn't want to interact with ender chest.i just wasted a lot of resource make those stuff.

Magic mirrors is what you want. Make two of them, link them together and then just throw the items through it yourself, let golems do it, or let a pipe throw items in it. Takes quicksilver+glass pane for a mirror, which is then infused on a Thaumcraft alter with 3 gold ingots and an ender pearl. Also 8 iter, praecantatio and tenebrae ... shouldn't be too hard to get. Ender pearls for iter(4) and praecantatio(2), cracked sand for tenebrae(1).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Magic mirrors is what you want. Make two of them, link them together and then just throw the items through it yourself, let golems do it, or let a pipe throw items in it. Takes quicksilver+glass pane for a mirror, which is then infused on a Thaumcraft alter with 3 gold ingots and an ender pearl. Also 8 iter, praecantatio and tenebrae ... shouldn't be too hard to get. Ender pearls for iter(4) and praecantatio(2), cracked sand for tenebrae(1).

Yeah magic mirrors is the way to go. Instant travel from point a to point b. Just make sure to put an energized node with Ordo in it near the DESTINATION mirrors, otherwise they transfer slow. If they have vis, then they are stupid fast.

Anyone know if you can slap a hungry maw on a storage drawer controller or slave? I might try this out, but it seems like you could then just pump items out of the mirror and directly onto the maw and have them stored in drawers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unless Vazkii has changed it (I haven't tested in a while) a Thermalily takes about 45 seconds to consume a block of lava. During that time, it will not pick up another block. So, when you feed lava to lily #1 you have 45 seconds to feed lava to all the other lilies in range of the spot you are placing lava. After 45 seconds, lily #1, which has started its 5 minute cool down, will pick up the next block of lava it sees (resetting its cool down) before lily #x, which isn't on cool down, will/can pick up the block.

Honestly, other than the gourmallis (sp?) and endoflame, the botania mana generation schemes are such a pain in the ass I don't bother. I'd really rather just feed an endless supply of coal/charcoal to a bunch of floating endoflames than bother trying to automate anything else.

Personally I find mana generation the most pointless thing about Botania. There are umpteen different ways to do it, most of them are a pain to implement, and frankly - you don't really need that much mana anyway. At least Blood Magic has rituals to spend "LP" on that are actually interesting/useful. The only flowers I seem to use are the Whisperweed, Eucladaisy (both from another mod) and Loonium. I suppose the Orechid might be good on another modpack, so I'll give it that as well.


How can i activate the diamond hoe craft? It does not appear and its only available in creative mode, i need it for a craft D:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really dislike BC pipes so for short distances i switched to mekanism logical transporters as soon as i could, but yeah for long distances magic mirrors seems to be the way to go. Another way would be to use BM Teleposers, i use them to teleport oil tanks from the wells to the my refinery.

On another note i would like to share some troubles i been having with logical transporters, first my setup:

Behind the sorter is a chest that receives input from an automated farm, the sorter sends the items to their proper auto-assembler "flower" where some of the essences get processed into items, the items get piped back into the chest behind the sorter and the sorter sends it to a drawer controller along with any essence i don't want/need processed, this is done with the default auto-eject feature.

The system works as intended, but sometimes the sorter would ignore the existence of a auto-assembler "flower" (the aqua one, and always the aqua one) and the items destined to get there were dyed black instead (the default color) and would end in an overflow chest i have by the drawer controller, to fix it i would need to break a pipe connecting to the aqua pipe and replace it, that would force the network to scan again and it would work again. After a while i realized this happened when that chunk unloaded, so i set up a world anchor and that fixed the issue, however last night i played for longer than usual (like 2 hours taking some pause breaks) and the system completely jammed, none of the transporter would pull the processed items, after some troubleshooting i had no idea what was going on so i tried to quit and rejoin and my game crashed. When i did rejoin the system worked fine and i noticed a rapid succession of the clicking noise the sorter does (all those stuck items getting piped to the chest and it sorting it) and wherever i log off near the sorter and log in back i hear the same noise. I am guessing the system jams regularly but i don't play for long enough for it to cause problems and when i play the next session it just resets.

Anyone know what the problem could be? i could switch to some sort of JABBA sorting system but i rather keep this mekanism one, i usually use a system like this for ore processing and never had trouble, the sorter has like 20 ish filters set up (is that too much?)

Edit: I replaced the logical transporter that pipe items from the flowers back to the sorter chest with BC pipes (and a hungry chest nearby in case of overflow), hopefully this will fix the issues.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
is there anyway to move item across a far distance.i tried with ender chest,but bc pipes doensn't work with ender chest,golem doesn't want to interact with ender chest.i just wasted a lot of resource make those stuff.
Thaumic Escoteria has chest seals. Essentially turns a regular chest in to an ender chest (like the modded one not the trash vanilla one.)
You make 2 of them and place one of them on a chest. Right click with the separate seal (make sure they aren't stacked) and it will link the seals. Then apply that seal on to the other chest. They should then share inventories like modded end chests do.
Not sure if it has to be a vanilla chest, might not hurt to test it on an enhanced inventories chest.
It also has similar seals for essentia.
Im alsi not sure what the research path is. As I tend to research everything and it unlocks naturally.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, other than the gourmallis (sp?) and endoflame, the botania mana generation schemes are such a pain in the ass I don't bother. I'd really rather just feed an endless supply of coal/charcoal to a bunch of floating endoflames than bother trying to automate anything else.

Personally I find mana generation the most pointless thing about Botania. There are umpteen different ways to do it, most of them are a pain to implement, and frankly - you don't really need that much mana anyway. At least Blood Magic has rituals to spend "LP" on that are actually interesting/useful. The only flowers I seem to use are the Whisperweed, Eucladaisy (both from another mod) and Loonium. I suppose the Orechid might be good on another modpack, so I'll give it that as well.
I totally agree with you. Most of the generating flora are just too fiddly to deal with (and that Game of Life thing is just stupid). And, unless you are producing Terrasteel in wholesale quantities (why?), a few endoflames will keep up quite nicely.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I totally agree with you. Most of the generating flora are just too fiddly to deal with (and that Game of Life thing is just stupid). And, unless you are producing Terrasteel in wholesale quantities (why?), a few endoflames will keep up quite nicely.

Yep. My opinion is that the passive flowers got nerfed because it hilighted the problem with the mod - there is nothing to spend large quantities of mana on so there is no reason to invest in any of the mana generating flowers that generate a lot of mana.

Thaumcraft has kind of the same problem with Essentia, but it happens much later on in the "tech tree" if you will and even then it's not as pronounced because even though you can automate essentia generation, you still have to occasionally fiddle with things if you're making large quantities of a single infusion (or doing a lot of enchanting). Anyway, it's much more engaging than Botania is, where you can realistically get through the entire mod with just a handful of the same generating flower (endoflames).

Right now I have something dumb like 12 full mana pools sitting around under my base that I hardly ever touch except when I feel like turning on the loonium or eucladaisys. Pretty much all my mana needs since the very early start of the game have been handled by a small handful of endoflames.

Next, watch Vazkii nerf them instead of adding more places to spend mana. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really dislike BC pipes so for short distances i switched to mekanism logical transporters as soon as i could, but yeah for long distances magic mirrors seems to be the way to go. Another way would be to use BM Teleposers, i use them to teleport oil tanks from the wells to the my refinery.

Why do people dislike BC pipes so much? They're pretty low on lag generation and work exactly how they're labeled on the tin.

I actually prefer them to most other pipe network mods because of some of the clever routing you can do with pipe wire and gates. A good example would be automating the creation of cakes. If you want to do this with botania then you need to use something like corpea funnels and an assortment of redstone repeaters to get the timing down right to send items. You can do the same thing much easier with just some pipe wire, a couple gates and an item buffer and an emerald extraction pipe.

People also rarely use gate logic, which I don't understand. It's quite handy if you say, have energy going to a storage battery and want to turn on generators when it dips below something like <40% and then run them until the battery is full or >90%. It's basically a SR-Latch right on the transmission pipe. You can actually do a hell of a lot with gate logic and some of the automagy items like the wireless redstone comparator and magic hourglass. It's still not as compact as using RedNet (anyone still remember Minefactory Reloaded? Is it in any common mods these days?) or ComputerCraft, but it's pretty much your only real option if you want to try and make compact gates or memory circuits in Regrowth.

Heck, I use the structure pipe and gates/wires in most of my redstone automation in this modpack because it's just simply the best available option.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why do people dislike BC pipes so much? They're pretty low on lag generation and work exactly how they're labeled on the tin.

Because of the included "random" descriptor when items reach an intersection. Yes, I know there are ways to accomplish what you wanted them to do, not what you tell them to do, but it gets tedious really fast IMO.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why do people dislike BC pipes so much? They're pretty low on lag generation and work exactly how they're labeled on the tin.

I actually prefer them to most other pipe network mods because of some of the clever routing you can do with pipe wire and gates. A good example would be automating the creation of cakes. If you want to do this with botania then you need to use something like corpea funnels and an assortment of redstone repeaters to get the timing down right to send items. You can do the same thing much easier with just some pipe wire, a couple gates and an item buffer and an emerald extraction pipe.

People also rarely use gate logic, which I don't understand. It's quite handy if you say, have energy going to a storage battery and want to turn on generators when it dips below something like <40% and then run them until the battery is full or >90%. It's basically a SR-Latch right on the transmission pipe. You can actually do a hell of a lot with gate logic and some of the automagy items like the wireless redstone comparator and magic hourglass. It's still not as compact as using RedNet (anyone still remember Minefactory Reloaded? Is it in any common mods these days?) or ComputerCraft, but it's pretty much your only real option if you want to try and make compact gates or memory circuits in Regrowth.

Heck, I use the structure pipe and gates/wires in most of my redstone automation in this modpack because it's just simply the best available option.

Thinking about it i don't dislike BC pipes that much personally, they not hard to handle and in most cases all you gotta do is use insertion pipes and overflow protection, i do dislike you gotta invest a lot of power and resources to be able to craft the gates so usually i end up using whatever alternative i have but i guess the main reason is the bad memory i have of them...i am a server admin and back in the day where BC were one of the few ways to move items a lot of people had so many overflow problems lol.

As for Botania, i totally agree with you guys, it is a great mod to get you started with other mods, specially in this modpack obviously, you can get water breathing, fast movement and magnetization really early but once you progress in the other mods, all that mana just sits there looking somewhat pretty. From what i heard Vazkii passed the torch to someone else for botania (minecraft 1.8 and foward) while she focuses on a new vanilla oriented mod.

Nobody? :C

Sorry, i don't know. Out of curiosity what exactly you need to craft with a diamond hoe?
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