[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Oh my, this is ridiculous. I just finished some infusion enchanting and I now have boots of the meteor with Haste III. Also a sojourner's sash. Jump height 9 blocks, jump width from using the boots activatd ability when standing still: 28 blocks ... when pressing forward while jumping ... 45 blocks.

Added enderio and I need it for a farming station
Well, either you go in creative, or if you have cheats disabled, you'd have to fiddle with the configs to reactivate it I guess.
No idea how one would do that though ... I'll look around in the configs a bit to see if I find anything.

Edit: Haven't found anything in the configs that sounded as if they change crafting recipes. I'm not very familiar with Regrowth, just started a week or two ago, so I don't quite know which mod changed vanilla recipes.
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Added enderio and I need it for a farming station

The recipe changes are handled by minetweaker and that uses scripts, they are located in the ...\Regrowth - An HQM Pack/scripts folder. From a quick search i found that the file called earlysurvival.zs is the one that disables the hoes, line 227 does the diamond one and i am assuming that deleting that line and line 228 (so it appears in NEI) will allow you to craft it, i take no responsibility if anything messes up so make sure you backup the file just in case.

On a side note i recommend you play the pack without Ender IO, the pack challenges to think different to do automation but being as how broken mekanism logical networks seem to be right now i cannot blame you lol.
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The recipe changes are handled by minetweaker and that uses scripts, they are located in the ...\Regrowth - An HQM Pack/scripts folder. From a quick search i found that the file called earlysurvival.zs is the one that disables the hoes, line 227 does the diamond one and i am assuming that deleting that line and line 228 (so it appears in NEI) will allow you to craft it, i take no responsibility if anything messes up so make sure you backup the file just in case.

On a side note i recommend you play the pack without Ender IO, the pack challenges to think different to do automation but being as how broken mekanism logical networks seem to be right now i cannot blame you lol.

I tried doing that, but only line 227, ill try with both, and i installed it because i just love to automate crops xD. But its pretty dificult to get a single farming station for crops, so i dont see it as an op mod.
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Thinking about it i don't dislike BC pipes that much personally, they not hard to handle and in most cases all you gotta do is use insertion pipes and overflow protection, i do dislike you gotta invest a lot of power and resources to be able to craft the gates so usually i end up using whatever alternative i have but i guess the main reason is the bad memory i have of them...i am a server admin and back in the day where BC were one of the few ways to move items a lot of people had so many overflow problems lol.

I can understand that I guess. I see a lot of people setting up looping systems because they don't know how to set up proper overflow or routing, which of course usually leads to a pipe exploding as the system gets past capacity, which then leads to thousands of entities spewing on the floor.

Actually, the worst lag generator I ever saw was a cursed earth mob farm someone set up under their blood magic altar. This thing was freaking huge, something like 4 square chunks. It was basically always at capacity for mobs (there's a hard limit of the number of mobs you can have in a specific loaded area) and had thousands of object entities (mob drops) that were on the ground decaying.

Most of the items in this pack are pretty good for lag. I'm still annoyed that the TiCon smeltery is a lag beast for rendering, but other than compat updates for new versions of Minecraft, I'm under the impression that it's not being maintained really?

It's kinda funny however that I can stare at a full Botania tree farm with mana spreaders and particles flying everywhere and barely get any framerate drop, but looking at a large (7x7) inactive smeltery causes a huge dip.
There are plenty other ways to automate farming in Regrowth already, aren't there? Thaumcraft, Forestry, Botania and Buildcraft all offer ways to automate farming.

On an unrelated note: I just learned that the essentia pump from witching gadgets apparently can take over the role of an essentia centrifuge. I ran out of ordo, but the pump kept pulling in essentia. Instead ovf 1 metallum&1 ordo it now used 2 metallum to create native metal clusters. That comes at a price however, since the alchemical device works a lot slower that way.

Edit: Though once metallum runs out, even if refilled, this odd behaviour stops. So this behaviour only happens if both aspects are available at first ... hm. Not sure if that is a bug or a feature.
Major mana uses in most packs would probably include heavy use of a Rank A or higher Shatterer pick. In WLR I went through two full greater bands of mana (four mana pools?) while mining out a hollow hill from twilight forest. :) My shatterer pick in Regrowth has Efficiency IV / Unbreaking III, so nearly everything in my normal building work is done by that as well. But while flattening out a new, larger area for the base I went through another half of a band. >_< There's also the heavy use of rod of the lands + rod of shifting crust combo. Recent expansion is going to be for a proper villager area.

But yes, otherwise I don't go through heavy amounts of mana anymore. Which is why I have my little Thermalilly station that I feed fire essence into now and then, and the little mana bank is happy for a few sessions. :)

[Um, did I really mine out 32K cracked sand by hand? Geez...]
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Major mana uses in most packs would probably include heavy use of a Rank A or higher Shatterer pick. In WLR I went through two full greater bands of mana (four mana pools?) while mining out a hollow hill from twilight forest. :) My shatterer pick in Regrowth has Efficiency IV / Unbreaking III, so nearly everything in my normal building work is done by that as well. But while flattening out a new, larger area for the base I went through another half of a band. >_< There's also the heavy use of rod of the lands + rod of shifting crust combo. Recent expansion is going to be for a proper villager area.

But yes, otherwise I don't go through heavy amounts of mana anymore. Which is why I have my little Thermalilly station that I feed fire essence into now and then, and the little mana bank is happy for a few sessions. :)

[Um, did I really mine out 32K cracked sand by hand? Geez...]

I wonder now ... is a high powered Terra Shatterer faster than the bound pick? Especially with it's ridiculous activated ability? (Mines an 11*11*11 cube for 100k LP I think)
I don't expect anyone to be able to answer this, but figured I would post it as a warning of sorts for others.

I have some automated farms set up, that use a golem/hopperhock combo to harvest the crops into a chest. The items are pumped out of the chest and sorted into several enderlinked barrels.

Recently I rebuilt this system using Advanced Logistic Transporters instead of BC pipes. Almost immediately things went bad. I started getting random server crashes for an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception in Botanias' Vanities Emptiness spawn handler (I have nothing using or providing that potion effect), and when the server comes up my barrels are "randomized". I.e. what used to be a Fire Essence barrel is now enderlinked to my Cobblestone barrel, Gold Essence barrel is now linked to my Clay barrel, etc. Barrels that have void upgrades in them stop voiding excess, etc. Only the barrels connected to the Mek Pipes seem to be affected. If I fix these things, they are broken again next server crash, though what gets screwed up is different every time.

This happened right after the changeover, so I have to assume it is the Mek pipes doing it. I'm going back to BC until I can make the move to AE...
I don't expect anyone to be able to answer this, but figured I would post it as a warning of sorts for others.

I have some automated farms set up, that use a golem/hopperhock combo to harvest the crops into a chest. The items are pumped out of the chest and sorted into several enderlinked barrels.

Recently I rebuilt this system using Advanced Logistic Transporters instead of BC pipes. Almost immediately things went bad. I started getting random server crashes for an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception in Botanias' Vanities Emptiness spawn handler (I have nothing using or providing that potion effect), and when the server comes up my barrels are "randomized". I.e. what used to be a Fire Essence barrel is now enderlinked to my Cobblestone barrel, Gold Essence barrel is now linked to my Clay barrel, etc. Barrels that have void upgrades in them stop voiding excess, etc. Only the barrels connected to the Mek Pipes seem to be affected. If I fix these things, they are broken again next server crash, though what gets screwed up is different every time.

This happened right after the changeover, so I have to assume it is the Mek pipes doing it. I'm going back to BC until I can make the move to AE...

Ah yeah, issues have been happening to me as well with mekanism transporters, no random crashes but odd things would happen, i made a post detailing the system. I ended up replacing most with BC pipe and barrels (was using logical sorters) , but now i am ready to move to AE, another thing i dislike of BC pipes is the extraction rate, to get a good one you need to spend energy...These last versions of Mekanism have been really laggy and broken with the Transporter networks and they wont fixed it because they are focusing on 1.8 version.

I can understand that I guess. I see a lot of people setting up looping systems because they don't know how to set up proper overflow or routing, which of course usually leads to a pipe exploding as the system gets past capacity, which then leads to thousands of entities spewing on the floor.

Actually, the worst lag generator I ever saw was a cursed earth mob farm someone set up under their blood magic altar. This thing was freaking huge, something like 4 square chunks. It was basically always at capacity for mobs (there's a hard limit of the number of mobs you can have in a specific loaded area) and had thousands of object entities (mob drops) that were on the ground decaying.

Most of the items in this pack are pretty good for lag. I'm still annoyed that the TiCon smeltery is a lag beast for rendering, but other than compat updates for new versions of Minecraft, I'm under the impression that it's not being maintained really?

It's kinda funny however that I can stare at a full Botania tree farm with mana spreaders and particles flying everywhere and barely get any framerate drop, but looking at a large (7x7) inactive smeltery causes a huge dip.

That cursed earth sounds nasty, our server became private so nowadays most people know what they are doing, and well right now we just vanilla 1.9. The worst thing i experienced was when i first joined that server about a week after, its when that "foresty bee incident" happened this huge castle with tons of factories and automation got all messed up and corrupted the chunks so much that being near it would lag you and if you went into the chunks you would obviously crash and there was no real admin, so the owner of the server had to time their re logging with teleports to get them out of the corrupted chunks, even after i introduced the server owner to mcedit and thought him how to delete the chunk, he still marked the whole zone as the "quarantine zone".

Anyway TC is not just being maintained, the new versions have some changes, the tools now have a max of 3 modifiers (no way to increase that number) and there is a ton of new properties in materials (such as aquamarine giving you a really nice aqua affinity). I have no played it so i am not sure if they have fixed the smeltery lag, it has to do with how the multiblock is formed, the bigger it is, the laggier it is.
I played pretty far in the regrowth pack and recently delved into mekanism und applied energistics. I have to admit I don't like the modified recipes for these mods. I sometimes had to wait ages just for my assembly table (driven by 8 lasers) to produce the next 4728 redstone chipsets. This thing is just so slow and hard to automate. To make it even worse, the recipes from AE2 now also need the forestry chips from the thermionic fabricator. Sorry, but I really don't like that.
I totally understand the idea to modify the recipes to compensate for the abundance of resources, but mixing in this hard to mass-produce / automate-stuff is nasty.
I played pretty far in the regrowth pack and recently delved into mekanism und applied energistics. I have to admit I don't like the modified recipes for these mods. I sometimes had to wait ages just for my assembly table (driven by 8 lasers) to produce the next 4728 redstone chipsets. This thing is just so slow and hard to automate. To make it even worse, the recipes from AE2 now also need the forestry chips from the thermionic fabricator. Sorry, but I really don't like that.
I totally understand the idea to modify the recipes to compensate for the abundance of resources, but mixing in this hard to mass-produce / automate-stuff is nasty.

These added steps were a bit repelling to me at first too ... but I wonder, is it really that hard to automate? The fabricator has an internal storage, shouldn't be too hard to pipe diamonds and redstone in there. Though I am not sure how to get those glass panes in there. Maybe piping it in from the top?

As to the problem with the slow assembly table ... you could always throw more lasers at it. I saw a video recently of somebody going for complete overkill with ... several thousand lasers. I think 4k in total. So if the assembly table in Regrowth has a similar range, maybe a dedicated laser room would be a good long term project to work on.

I for one will first delve into the outer lands II before I go back to the tech side of this pack. Once I'm back I'll setup all my golems (8 straw and 8 thaumium) and build on a jabba barrel storage system for all the farmable ressources.
The Forestry chips come from the carpenters, which should accept materials from pipes or AE buses. Not sure about the Fabricator, but you can 'batch build' those tubes (and in turn the AE chips) relatively easily - One stack of diamond AE Curcuits, one of certus and two of gold is a decent starting point, and unless you're going full AE you won't likely go through all of that. I let the storage 'wall' handle the heavy lifting in that case.

The main problem with automating those devices though is that you will need one for each recipe. So four dedicated carpenters for Forestry chips, as an example there. I'm not sure if multiple BC Tables would do the same thing - it can do multiple crafts in round-robin fashion though, so instead I would throw in mats for two stacks of everything and let 25 lasers (1K RF/t) handle the problem while I did other things for a bit.
I wonder now ... is a high powered Terra Shatterer faster than the bound pick? Especially with it's ridiculous activated ability? (Mines an 11*11*11 cube for 100k LP I think)
The bound pick will likely be faster. Shatterer pick only does one layer at a time, and speed is still based on the block you're targeting.

On the other hand, you can get in trouble faster with a bound pick; that area you mention is done in one go, and I don't know of any ways to tone that down other than keeping it off. So one wrong slip and you've just nuked a sizable part of your base. With the Shatterer you can keep an active Stone of Temperence on you, and its restricted to TiCo hammer size (plus the Truncator axe becomes a 'normal' one, which is useful for keeping your inventory sane).
The Forestry chips come from the carpenters, which should accept materials from pipes or AE buses.

Sorry, I meant the tubes you produce in the fabricator. You need them for the AE2 stuff. As for the lasers, I'd love to set up a big room with them, but you need botania runes for each of the lasers, and this is something else hard to mass-produce.
So, today two of my auto-assemblers disappeared without a trace...has this happened to anyone else?

i guess i need to switch to AE assemblers soon....
The bound pick will likely be faster. Shatterer pick only does one layer at a time, and speed is still based on the block you're targeting.

On the other hand, you can get in trouble faster with a bound pick; that area you mention is done in one go, and I don't know of any ways to tone that down other than keeping it off. So one wrong slip and you've just nuked a sizable part of your base. With the Shatterer you can keep an active Stone of Temperence on you, and its restricted to TiCo hammer size (plus the Truncator axe becomes a 'normal' one, which is useful for keeping your inventory sane).

Oh yes, the lack of moderation for the bound pick's ability is a downside in certain situations. That's why I am about to make a primordial crusher. No risk of accidental nukings. And for the really fine stuff I have a potency V excavation focus.

Speaking of digging implements: Anybody here got some experience with the blood infused diamond tools from Blood Arsenal? Or the corrupted toolset from Sanguimancy? So many diverse tools and most I see mentioned in this thread seems to be Botania's tools. Granted, they are the fastest to get, but I am not as familiar with Botania as many others here seem to be, so I skipped past what appears to be Botania's answer for mid to lategame tiered tools.

I've been running around with unbreakable reinforced glowstone Tinker's Construct tools ... until I accidentally threw the bag with all said tools (and more, like a fairly well explored atlas with half a stack of maps) into the chest that feeds my infernal furnace. >.<
Oh yes, the lack of moderation for the bound pick's ability is a downside in certain situations. That's why I am about to make a primordial crusher. No risk of accidental nukings. And for the really fine stuff I have a potency V excavation focus.

Speaking of digging implements: Anybody here got some experience with the blood infused diamond tools from Blood Arsenal? Or the corrupted toolset from Sanguimancy? So many diverse tools and most I see mentioned in this thread seems to be Botania's tools. Granted, they are the fastest to get, but I am not as familiar with Botania as many others here seem to be, so I skipped past what appears to be Botania's answer for mid to lategame tiered tools.

I've been running around with unbreakable reinforced glowstone Tinker's Construct tools ... until I accidentally threw the bag with all said tools (and more, like a fairly well explored atlas with half a stack of maps) into the chest that feeds my infernal furnace. >.<

For demolishing hills/mountains you should give the Primal wand focus a try. Upgrade it with potency a few times and watch the blocks go flying. :)

I tend to use the TiCon tools for pretty much everything else. It's easy because you can make them at say, iron level crusher and lumberjack axe and then keep upgrading them as you go by replacing just the head, so by the time other tools open up I just can't be bothered to switch.

Pity you lost those glowstone tools :o
For demolishing hills/mountains you should give the Primal wand focus a try. Upgrade it with potency a few times and watch the blocks go flying. :)

I tend to use the TiCon tools for pretty much everything else. It's easy because you can make them at say, iron level crusher and lumberjack axe and then keep upgrading them as you go by replacing just the head, so by the time other tools open up I just can't be bothered to switch.

Pity you lost those glowstone tools :eek:

Hmm, I've slowly been upgrading my foci. Just finished a frugal IV & architect equal trade focus and a enlarge II, potency II & silktouch excavation focus ... but then I noticed that the primal crusher with unbreaking III, efficiency V and silk touch is a lot easier to control than said focus. I'll give that idea with the primal focus a try. Though sadly there are no mountains near my spawn. I found some west ... maybe 1500 blocks away. I really don't want to risk creating taint though. Not unless I have a means of controlling it. I should cook up a stack or two of ethereal blooms once my advanced alchemical furnace is running.

Speaking of taint, I got a nasty surprise lately. Some of the Thaumcraft quests reward you with creative nodes to place. In the last quest that gives 8 of those nodes as a reward ... the third spawned as a hungry one.

Anywys, I would really recommend you give the primordial crusher a try. Comes with insane innate repair, way faster than any stacking of moss could achieve and the blocks you mine will be pulled towards you, making for a cleaner mined area.