I dont know how to make slabs because you need a crafting table to make slabs but you need slabs to make a crafting table any help?
I recommend reading the quest book, it tells you how to make a crafting table.I dont know how to make slabs because you need a crafting table to make slabs but you need slabs to make a crafting table any help?
I dont know how to make slabs because you need a crafting table to make slabs but you need slabs to make a crafting table any help?
You'll need to disable the Nether-side of the portal and then kill yourself -- assuming you don't have a pick to break it, you can use TNT right next to the portal. Once the portal is off (and you have died and returned to the overworld), you can build a new one (perhaps in the same direction that looks good in the Nether), and it should spawn you to a new nether portal, hopefully in a better place.Is there a way to change my nether spawn? i feel like i have the most horrid spawn ever (middle of a lava lake quite high and tons of ghasts flying arround...) already tried building a new portal about 500blocks away from the first and i still spawn in the same place <.<
Why is black magic evil? If I use it for good, does it still classify as evil? What about time/space magic?Magic comes in 2 forms white magic is for good black magic is for evil
Those would fit more into a Red Mage arsenal. And black magic is considered evil because of what it does (raises the dead, curses, etc). All types of magic can be used for good or evil, but they're still classified as a specific type due to their inherent natureWhy is black magic evil? If I use it for good, does it still classify as evil? What about time/space magic?
I was playing 0.6.5, my task remaining 87% of the first eight.
Other tasks should be completed.
Are there tips on how to complete it?
That mana fluxfield... it kinda obsoletes every other power source huh? A single mana tablet / half mana pool generates 5,000,000 RF in just a few minutes. I setup a combustion engine full of oil, let it run, and got a bit over 500,000 RF in the same amount of time (used up about half the oil). An industrial steam engine with a whole lotta steam, only a few hundred thousand... not to mention those require so much more infrastructure than a few endoflames and a coal dropper.
Is there any good reason to use any of the other engines once you can make a fluxfield (which is pretty darned cheap..)?
Red rock is definitely craftable, at least in 0.7.3I use so much white in my main base (flooring is cypress and the ceilings are marble) to make it feel livable that I try to get away from it in other buildings. So probably no white pyramid. I have some witchery circles (you can just see them in one screenie, last one, I think) near the altar in the grove, but no building for witchery stuff so far. It's all plopped down just outside the main altar grove. Witchery feels more like a druidic mod in many ways. Which makes me think I need my own circle of standing stones along the lines of the spawned ones.
Next time I do one I think it will be sandstone. Redrock would be possible if that were available too. Be interesting for a blood altar. Too bad liquids flow down the carpenter slopes the same as they do down the jagged blocky ones. A river of blood flowing down from the altar would be...well, laggy maybe, but topical.
Red rock is definitely craftable, at least in 0.7.34 Earth essence, and 4 Fire essence.
Can a minimap mod be installed into regrowth for 7.4? it will be very usefull
Speaking of the atlas, is there any way to make a reliable path on it, so I know where to go? I've wandered off from my house several times with the atlas and always forget which way I'm supposed to go back. The maps in the atlas only show the connections to the next map over, but not a full path.Just drop in Journeymap if you want a minimap. I did. Dev has already said he is happy with the Atlas.
Speaking of the atlas, is there any way to make a reliable path on it, so I know where to go? I've wandered off from my house several times with the atlas and always forget which way I'm supposed to go back. The maps in the atlas only show the connections to the next map over, but not a full path.
OkayJust drop in Journeymap if you want a minimap. I did. Dev has already said he is happy with the Atlas.