It could be a power issue, if you see the contents flash grey you do not have enough power. Each operation, inserting, extracting, crafting all use up a little power.
To remedy this, craft some energy cells to have a buffer of power.
Yup, that was it, thank you very much for the tip! Full apiarist's clothes, here I come! (those Silk Wisps are sooooo slow, even with impregnated frames)
I am using tropical bees to get the silky combs in a magical (forest?) biome (Botania altar recipe for the Modest hive and then just keep tossing that into a Mana Pool to get the one you want - the tropical one is the first or second "mutation", you can get about 7 or 8 basic hives this way). I took the easy way for changing biome type: silverwood tree with a pure node, since I can't get any witch to speak with me to get them into my coven (I haven't really looked too much into that since I started the tech quests once I was really deep into Witchery - actively avoiding the Spirit world for now).
All conduits fit in the same blockspace. There's no need to route to three sides of a block that needs energy, produces fluids and items like say an ender quarry. Plus the conduits are perfectly hideable short of WAILA.
That is very easy no matter how you see or argument.![]()
One day I will setup a bunch of agricarnations, sprinklers, and lamps of growth, whatever the Blood Magic ritual is, and see if it's possible to make them grow instantly.That's also why valves come in handy if you have a big garden, but only work in small areas at a time. Once seeds get to 10 it really doesn't need faster growth. Over kill is still an option though![]()
It seems 2 railcraft wooden tanks generated enough water to supply 4 sprinklers.
That's also why valves come in handy if you have a big garden, but only work in small areas at a time. Once seeds get to 10 it really doesn't need faster growth. Over kill is still an option though![]()
The generators pneumaticraft adds are nothing more than converters. Simply because it is possible to convert energy to pressure and it is possible in real life.There are actually a few things, Hoppers, RF producing engines, etc. Even thou I added EnderIO I still made and used BC pipes. I still am using them, and am replacing them as I go with conduits. Again, just don't see it. You say that Pneumaticraft adds things that are not in the pack, I can say the same about enderio. It doesn't matter because I don't have any issue with what mod you added just the fact that you dismiss one that someone else has added. I like Pneumaticraft buy the way.
The generators pneumaticraft adds are nothing more than converters. Simply because it is possible to convert energy to pressure and it is possible in real life.
But it is not efficient. Not at all. Producing pressure for the single purpose of producing energy is not a viable option in most cases.
And by 'adding something' I was talking about the door, cannon, helmet, the elevator... The hopper from pneumaticraft is more of an improvement of the vanilla hopper than a new thing.
Now let's recap what EnderIO brings to the table what is not already in the pack.
Energy creation? We have Railcraft, Mariculture, Mekanism, and Buildcraft. Hell even Botania has energy conversion.
Energy storage? Applied Energistics 2, Mekanism, Mariculture and Buildcraft have you covered. Unless you want another one there's nothing new.
Painting of a block? Ever heard of the sagmill from Mariculture which does a similar job? Different painted sides possible.
Inventory sorting? AE2, Buildcraft and Thaumcraft have you covered.
Ore doubling mechanic? Tinkers Construct, Mariculture, Mekanism and Buildcraft has it in varying height.
And lastly solely to not be misunderstood. By 'breaking the pack' I did not mean "I don't like xyz so don't you use it!". EnderIO, Big Reactors and the Computer mods alongside with many less known mods just don't fit the theme of the pack and/or do the same things that are already covered by mods in the pack. Pneumaticraft brings things with it that are not yet covered and is not against the pack theme. Regrowth has AE2 ...
The generators pneumaticraft adds are nothing more than converters. Simply because it is possible to convert energy to pressure and it is possible in real life.
I'm giving up. To argue with two or more persons that are only understanding what they want to understand is pointless at best.
Try understanding what you're reading instead of thinking you understand what you're reading before posting.I only have a tiny amount of contact with either Pneumaticraft or EnderIO. I'm arguing against your logic. The only thing I'm understanding in this whole argument is logic. If you don't want to debate on a logical platform like I am, then you're completely invalidating your side of this. May you have a good day, sir.![]()
I'm giving up. To argue with two or more persons that are only understanding what they want to understand is pointless at best.