Another small thing that might help out early on is an alternate recipe for pipe plugs. There really is no reason for them to need lasers.
It has 5500 power and I know its in range.... :\if this is a witchery thing perhaps your altar doesnt have enough power
Does anybody knows if the kettle recipe for the Brew of Floawing Spirit is working? I read recently that the Spirit World is not avalaible yet, but I need the brew to complete the quest. Maybe I'm failing dropping the items, but apparently this is my third miss D:
For actual terrain transformation (biome unchanged) there's also the ritual of Nature's Bounty (I think that's the right name) from Witchery.Thinking about "late game" stuff. I'd achieved golems before, but never really put them to use, cuz I restart too much.So now I'm thinking hard about the things I want to automate. If I truly want to regrow the world, I think I have 3 options:
- Silverwood trees - 7x7-ish? area turns into magical forest
- Ritual of Gaia's Transformation - Can pick any biome, up to 21x21
- Rite of Shifting Seasons - Can pick any biome. Area not specified in wiki, but I believe it's bigger than Gaia's Transformation
Other options, which won't actually change biomes but can at least put some grass on the ground:
- Wand of Equal Trade
- Manual Labor
I'm curious - has anyone finished/abandoned the quest book and made this their goal? Any thoughts on which are easiest automate? I remember from Agrarian Skies the Blood Magic stuff was a bit tricky, but doable. Witchery looks doable, but I haven't actually done the Rite yet, so not sure how much of the materials can be automated. Silverwood trees seem easy enough to mass produce, but provide only limited change.
Also, about the "having" to plop down witchery and botania, why not just make a cool area for it instead of just plopping it down? Sure, you may not be able to complete it at that moment, but just leave a little room for whatever you know is coming and use what you need while making the place look cool. For example, I knew that redstone seeds were coming up, so I made a nice area for my witchery setup before making the whiff of magic. Sure, I could've just plopped down the oven, but that wouldn't have done me any good in the long run. This pack has a lot of planning involved, it's not just "run through progression as fast as you can while expanding your base". You actually have to think about how you want things laid out before you get there, which is something I've not had to do with any other pack and am having a ton of fun with.
Well, I'll be looking into some of the other terraforming witchery circles pretty soon myself, just ripped through the Thaumcraft quests todayThinking about "late game" stuff. I'd achieved golems before, but never really put them to use, cuz I restart too much.So now I'm thinking hard about the things I want to automate. If I truly want to regrow the world, I think I have 3 options:
- Silverwood trees - 7x7-ish? area turns into magical forest
- Ritual of Gaia's Transformation - Can pick any biome, up to 21x21
- Rite of Shifting Seasons - Can pick any biome. Area not specified in wiki, but I believe it's bigger than Gaia's Transformation
Other options, which won't actually change biomes but can at least put some grass on the ground:
- Wand of Equal Trade
- Manual Labor
I'm curious - has anyone finished/abandoned the quest book and made this their goal? Any thoughts on which are easiest automate? I remember from Agrarian Skies the Blood Magic stuff was a bit tricky, but doable. Witchery looks doable, but I haven't actually done the Rite yet, so not sure how much of the materials can be automated. Silverwood trees seem easy enough to mass produce, but provide only limited change.
Have you crafted lapis lazuli yet?Love the mod, such a great concept. I do seem to be having some real problems with getting quests to open (started v7.1 now 7.2). I've progressed pretty far in the mod, have completed witchery up to the point where i need a dragon stone to continue, I've completed an extreme infusion stone and created all the resources from the previous tier. Think my arcanist score is 54, "the way the world works" I've completed the third tier runes quest (wrath, envy etc). Problem is earlier things like terra steel and pylons haven't even appeared yet and im pretty sure they should have. Am I missing something or have I managed to bug my quest book?
Honestly the recipes that gives the random dusts aren't supposed to be present - it looks like they aren't being removed properly.Hey, aren't the impure dusts supposed to be random? I think the iron impure dusts are supposed to give iron copper or aluminum (great early alumite by the way). Anyways, I decided to upgrade my base into pure iron hiseled walls because ... Reasons. So I threw in some hyperkinetic upgrades (three standard) and my crucible fills up with liquid before it can drain. It happened to be aluminum so all I got was aluminum from the dusts. Is this the way its supposed to work, or is it supposed to be different things? To be honest, I'm glad it was aluminum because I only have iron copper tin and coal unlocked. I restarted, and am taking my time this time. Last world, I had a catastrophic pressure water accident and I /ragequit
Hiya, found this modpack on the launcher and I'm enjoying the heck out of it. One question, though, I've seen a bit throughout the thread about using straw golems to automate magic crops, and I've got plans to do the same thing myself, but what's their maximum range, and is it circular or like the distance water has for farmland hydration? (Like 4 blocks radius or 4 blocks forward and 4 left/right). I'm aware the spectacles can increase their range, but I'm looking for a general area so I can get to digging my crop silo, subterranean bases ftw! xD
they dont need to replantThe harvest core gives the golem the ability to harvest crops in a 9x9x9 area centered around the golem. It is possible to upgrade the range of the golem with the use of a Water upgrade and the Tiny Spectacles accessory. Without the Order upgrade, Golems will not replant the crops that they harvest.
they dont need to replant![]()