Cable Camouflage...anyone worked with this yet?
I just converted/upgraded a stack of cable to camo, thinking I'd be able to disguise them as the various floor materials, but the manager is only detecting the camo cable directly connected to it. In order for this to work, do I need to install them inside cable clusters along with another inventory cable? Or am I doing something wrong?
3 Inventory cables + 3 Ender Pearls + 3 Wool seems kinda high price for SFM covers IMO.
Edit: just watched a video that answered my question. I'd actually need to use the advanced cable cluster to have the 'inventory cable connectivity' ability. So 10 Inventory cables + 3 Ender Pearls + 3 Wool for SFM cover'd piping. Looks like I'll be burying my cabling [sigh].
Aside: while SFM camo works with Chisel, I does not replicate 'connected textures?'