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  1. Bahnmor

    What are the Worst crimes you have done in FTB

    Mine is from the time before I discovered Extra Bees. I had automated breeding set up and was rapidly acquiring a large surplus of drones. "What can I do with all these bees?" I asked myself. Then I found something buried in a dark corner of my storeroom. An IC2 recycler that I had put away as I...
  2. Bahnmor

    D&D 4e

    A party of nothing but halflings. The DM never had a 20 he wasn't forced to reroll.
  3. Bahnmor

    X:BtF Series

    So, with X:Rebirth just around the corner *squeeeeeeeee!* I thought it might be interesting to see a few stories people might have of their experiences of the surprisingly stealthy, much underrated, space sim. Mine is of my first encounter with it, from an era when Gordon Freeman had only just...
  4. Bahnmor

    Applied Energistics vs. Metallurgy Crash

    That's correct. From experience, if adding the whole of the Metallurgy suite there is a lot of careful crawling through ID dumps involved to get it playing nice with the ftb packs.
  5. Bahnmor

    Damn you. Credit where it's due for a unique way to get people to lose, but still... damn you...

    Damn you. Credit where it's due for a unique way to get people to lose, but still... damn you. *seethe*
  6. Bahnmor

    Any good free games?

    Yes, completely free. The Lazy Newb Pack is a fan-made utility that contains features that let you tailor the game's features to preference. Like I said, I use it for the graphics, but you can do other tweaks on the gameplay itself. I'm not exaggerating though, it does take some work to get to...
  7. Bahnmor

    Any good free games?

    Dwarf Fortress. Persevere, get used to the UI and the keyboard shortcuts and prepare to sacrifice many hours. Assuming you like sandbox strategy games. Personally I grab the Lazy Newb Pack for the graphical overhauls. I find it easier than the ASCII format.
  8. Bahnmor

    Wand Turtle

    Could a wand turtle possibly help with placing/removing warded blocks, glass and doors?
  9. Bahnmor

    [Forum Game] ASCII metamorphosis

    The right one hulks out oiO
  10. Bahnmor

    Tunnel bore output problem

    Two ideas: 1) I remember that autarchic gates had been beefed up to pulse much quicker. Could that maybe up the speed compared to the elec engines? It would take up far less space. 2) If you have the space available at your output enderchest, could you attach and power a second wooden pipe to...
  11. Bahnmor

    Steve's Carts Tree Farm Arrangement

    I'm relatively new to using the 'rail' part of Railcraft, and by extension the awesomeness that is Steve's Carts. I have a nice little tree farm set up with a standard solar and coal engine arrangement, dumping and fuelling from a cargo manager. I spotted that for fuel it likes to pull out...
  12. Bahnmor

    Easiest Way to Get Mystcraft Pages?

    Seconded. Create random ages once in a position to do so. Once you have one you can bear to be in for an extended time go exploring for genned structures (ancient libraries?), taking appropriate precautions just in case you missed a dangerous instability. Rinse and repeat. Probably the quickest...
  13. Bahnmor

    Help with a compatability investigation (Ultimate pack and some extras)

    I remember seeing that. I have a newer log now which also shows that, after a classnotfound referencing redpower's volcano gen. I take out Ars Magica and the problem stops, so I just prioritise what mods I can do without. If I'm seeing a steady increase like that though, doesn't increasing the...
  14. Bahnmor

    Help with a compatability investigation (Ultimate pack and some extras)

    Ok, I've reached the end of my own limited ability to troubleshoot on this one. I'm attempting to run an instance of the FTB Ultimate pack with a total of three other mods and there are some strange problems. My PC is an i7 sandybridge running with 16gb RAM, 8 of which is allocated to multiMC...
  15. Bahnmor

    [mindcrack] Bronze cost via config

    If you leave the forestry recipe enabled then you are able to craft the bronze using just the ingots in the recipe, rather than having to macerate the tin and copper back into dust, blend them and re-smelt them (which is what you'd have to do if you just had the IC2 option). Slightly less...
  16. Bahnmor

    What to do with exccess cobblestone

    -Amass your stockpile of cobble -Channel eventual overflow into a simple smelting setup to begin amassing a stockpile of smooth stone -Channel eventual overflow of smooth stone into an autocrafting setup to begin amassing a stockpile of stone bricks. -Channel eventual overflow of stone bricks...
  17. Bahnmor

    Aquaeous Accumulator and Combustion Engines

    You can skip the wooden waterproof pipes and replace them with golden. The accumulator outputs automatically, no need for the wooden pipe. Or, as people have said, replace all the piping with liquiducts. If pipes are what you want then it may help to use a chunk-loading block to make sure that...
  18. Bahnmor

    Epic Fail stories

    Mine is similar to the machines hooked up to MFE/MFSU without the transformer upgrades, but a little later on in game. I was moving base camp and had decided to start with my IC2 machines, all happily hooked up and running from the MFSU. I went to my macerator, which was in the middle of...
  19. Bahnmor

    Update to Mystcraft - Intraworld Linking?

    Correct. You just have to keep creating blank descriptive books until you get it (or spawn in a notebook in creative mode).
  20. Bahnmor

    Inspiration for starting bases

    Lovely image. Maybe later on in game. That's more of a post infrastructure project. The machine plague growths will suffice for me for a time.