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  1. Bahnmor

    Guidance for Logistics unofficial port

    Thanks. That looks like just what I need. I know the original stuff, but the newer pipes and modules are what I could use help with.
  2. Bahnmor

    Automatic Sawdust Compression

    There is a thread knocking about somewhere that explains how you can use autarchic gates and conductive pipes to simulate the old Redstone engine array for power generation.
  3. Bahnmor

    Guidance for Logistics unofficial port

    So, I have downloaded the above mod and beaten the config into submission so it runs in my customised modpack. I have a good working knowledge of how the original, official logistics pipes addon worked, but I see all these cool-looking new things added in the unofficial port. Now don't get me...
  4. Bahnmor

    Automatic Sawdust Compression

    Yes. It's also the only way to get them to work like that without logistic pipes. Even with them you have to use that setup to craft with materials that don't stack.
  5. Bahnmor

    FTB 1.2.5 Pyramid Challenge - Insanity

    For blaze rods, go into the Nether with a philosopher's stone and a stack of glowstone dust. Aim at any spawned mob and spam the r button until the mob turns into a blaze. Kill it and collect the rod. Add it to your transmutation table and go nuts. The same principle applies to ghasts and their...
  6. Bahnmor

    Institutional Hypocrisy: FtB's role in infringing Mojang's copyright.

    It's been mentioned already by a few that Mojang have not taken action, which grants implicit approval. Legality and ethics debate aside of modifying texture content, a massive part of Copyright Law is consistent enforcement. In order to have a viable legal position from which to defend your...
  7. Bahnmor

    Any way to turn engine off/over wireless redstone?

    If you have redpower then a toggle latch would work. Set one output to provide the signal for the engine to run, then the other to, well, nothing. Rig the input to your wireless receiver. Whenever you pulse the remote you switch the toggle latch between each output.
  8. Bahnmor

    Iron Tank Room (Liquid List)

    Lava and molten Redstone (Thermal Expansion). At least I think the last one can be stored. I'm not able to check just now.
  9. Bahnmor

    Redstone Energy Conduits

    That would suggest then that it would be better to try and test it over 2 buckets, I might try with 5 once I get a biofuel setup ready. I'd need to fairly route it to two or three REC though. Those hold 500000 each, right? I tend to use the conduits anyway as I think they look so much better...
  10. Bahnmor

    Baldur's Gate I, II, and Enhanced Editions

    You managed to get ToEE working well? You are far better at this than I. A point to argue as Devil's advocate for NWN, though. The packaged campaign (including expansions) was designed as a showcase of the toolkit's features. The real strength of the game comes from the fan-made modules. For...
  11. Bahnmor

    Ars Magica

    DW did say the mod authors for this and Thaumcraft were talking to each other. Perhaps we'll be lucky enough to see some linked functionality further down the line.
  12. Bahnmor


    Does anyone else find it amusing talking about getting an Easter egg for Christmas? But then, it doesn't take much to make me laugh.
  13. Bahnmor

    mindcrack pack issue

    Me too. Mindcrack has the Forge 473 build. The mods in it should work with the 474 build, which is the one that Mystcraft needs.
  14. Bahnmor

    It seems many items have no uses or recipes [Mindcrack pack]

    At the point when the pack was put together NEI Plugins wasn't updated.
  15. Bahnmor

    Any idea if the ultimate pack will add anything world gen?

    I haven't exhaustively checked the versions of all the mods in the Mindcrack pack yet, but those I have seem ok with Forge 474 (needed for Mystcraft 1.4.6). I've tried swapping out my forge version using multiMC and the resulting jar seems stable enough. Has anyone else tried it and run into...
  16. Bahnmor

    FTB Beta Pack A: Will it be Updating to 1.4.6 with its Current Settings?

    I think it's been stated (whether officially or not, I'm unsure) that the beta pack is not going to be updated, but the Ultimate pack will have have everything including Gregtech with the hard recipies disabled by default. They will just need switching back on in the configs.
  17. Bahnmor

    X: Beyond the Frontier

    I was just wondering who had played/currently plays games from this series. For those who are curious: The series is inspired by the original Space Trader/Combat/Flight sim, Elite [pause for nostalgic reverie].... The following have been released and can be picked up through clients such as...
  18. Bahnmor

    The new pack + game performance.

    Which option? Threaded optimisation or Vsynch?
  19. Bahnmor

    Your first world after the Ultimate pack is released?

    Unless it's changed for the new release, I think RP2 Worldgen spawns volcanoes in oceans as well. Just need to hint for a bit to find one.
  20. Bahnmor

    Your first world after the Ultimate pack is released?

    Find a Jungle biome: treetop fortresses linked by wooden bridges primed with explosives to deal with intruders. Then portal to Twilight Forest and build a canopy-top city.