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  1. Bahnmor

    3x3 piston door using redpower?

    Is the piston door an idea for an airlock for your big project, Hamster?
  2. Bahnmor

    Inspiration for starting bases

    I think I have it. I remeber the very early days (before I discovered mods, just after the original Hallowe'en update), when I was snowed in having just discovered MC a week before. Started off with just a single tower, originally out of cobble then later smooth stone. I added expansions to it...
  3. Bahnmor

    U.S.S. Hamster [WIP]

    If you have it to spare, the Xycraft aluminium can be made into light coloured metal blocks. Might that help for joining material?
  4. Bahnmor

    Inspiration for starting bases

    Heh, exactly.
  5. Bahnmor

    Inspiration for starting bases

    I'd given some thought to the modular compound idea. The location lends itself to that.
  6. Bahnmor

    Inspiration for starting bases

    The plains biome is more for the bauxite, and it was the first non-tree biome I ran across after spawning.
  7. Bahnmor

    Inspiration for starting bases

    Hello all, I've recently done a restart and am getting established in a nice plains biome. I've now outgrown the tiny little shelter I hid in during my first few nights and, much as I revere the DW, I want to set myself up in something other than an array of 9x9s. However, I am severely...
  8. Bahnmor

    Portal gun insane recipe

    While I may find the newer recipie a little inconvenient, I don't have a huge objection to it. At least for the handheld device. I don't like the fuel option, but I think you can turn that off (on mobile device, unable to verify). A handheld item capable of that, it makes sense that it would...
  9. Bahnmor

    Update to Mystcraft - Intraworld Linking?

    In the current version this is achieved by crafting a linkbook modifier and adding the intraworld linking option to an inserted linkbook.
  10. Bahnmor

    Tinkering with Fusion Reactors

    I'm pondering how much more compact this might become if the logisitc pipes port were added in. I might need to experiment....
  11. Bahnmor

    Toby Turner (Tobuscus) is now playing with FTB!

    I don't know if I'd use the word 'with' to describe what he's doing. Perhaps playing 'against FTB' would be more accurate.
  12. Bahnmor

    Pure Node Cleansing

    If it's your server then there are ways to regenerate the nodes by using the config file. If not you'll have to report it to the owner. Either way more detailed instructions can be found in the guide sections of this forum (can't provide a link as I'm on a mobile device and don't know the code...
  13. Bahnmor

    U.S.S. Hamster [WIP]

    You could flesh it out and have patrol 'squads'. Golems in pairs, one with a laser and one with a nano sabre.
  14. Bahnmor

    U.S.S. Hamster [WIP]

    For crew (and side effect of interesting automation possibilities), why not experiment with thaumcraft golems?
  15. Bahnmor

    Aluminum - Xycraft and GregTech

    I can vouch that the cans do work. Just for vanilla fluids (water and lava), but they do work. They won't work if you try and use them in the field though. You need to use something like a Forestry bottler, a TE Liquid transposer or the GUI of the Railcraft tanks. They won't function in the...
  16. Bahnmor

    Warning, don't move wind turbines with frames . . .

    Only solution I can think of is a setup that pulls out the sails, moves the frames, then reinserts the sails. Might be complex, but can probably be done with transposers or similar.
  17. Bahnmor

    GLSL Shaders for Feed The Beast

    There's another guide in the Texture Pack forum that has an explanation on what to add to your texture pack of choice to change the light maps so that they work with the shaders mod. Lovely though it is, I don't use it myself. It brings my frame rates from 80+ down to around 30. At some point...
  18. Bahnmor


    I'm seeing a block-based out of bounds exception in the new error log. Have you set a block ID in tropicraft to something above 4095? Like what has been said above: block IDs must be beneath that number, item IDs above. The config should label the relevant IDs as one or the other. I may be...
  19. Bahnmor

    disepearing chests

    Not normally, no. I have had blocks, vanilla and mod, randomly swap before. Normally if I've had a crash of some sort, or if I've been forced to use MCEdit to delete a bugged block so I can get back into my save. Plus, it hasn't been determined yet whether we are talking vanilla chest and leaf...
  20. Bahnmor

    Guidance for Logistics unofficial port

    Oh yes, extremely helpful. Thanks dude.