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  1. Bahnmor

    Baldur's Gate I, II, and Enhanced Editions

    "Minsc will lead by Blade and Boot!... ...Boo will take care of the details. *squeak*"
  2. Bahnmor

    Mystcraft world behaviors

    I don't know if it was changed since a this was a few versions back, but I think the nether or the End only unload if you use the vanilla method of travelling back to the overworld (nether/end portals). If you use a mystcraft linking book to return to the overworld then the Chunkloaders work...
  3. Bahnmor

    Can the FTB supporting modders agree on ores?

    Though not part of FTB, I have Metallurgy manually added (with the world gens tweaked to avoid overlap, except for copper, as I always need a lot of it), which also has its own dusts. Using IC2 macerators on a metallurgy copper or tin ore produces the metallurgy dust, which smelts into the...
  4. Bahnmor

    Point and Click Adventures

    My own intro to the genre was Monkey Island, waaaay back when. I wasted many hours on the first two, then found a copy of the third several years later. I must admit, I haven't played numer four nor any of the newer 'Tales of' series.
  5. Bahnmor

    What to do with all the drones from Forestry

    I don't know if you still can in current versions, but I used to throw mine into a recycler. For some reason that strikes me as more evil than pumping them into a void pipe. I have no idea why.
  6. Bahnmor


    I wondered if someone would bring this game up. I was so saddened when it was announced that Terraria was no longer being worked on. Then I found this and hope was restored.
  7. Bahnmor

    Pneumatic Tube replacement?

    I suppose it really only replaces mag-tubes, rather than pneumatics. Could the Cargo Manager from Steve's Carts even be used for some basic sorting? Then filtering into a small BC pipe system to finish it off? Hmm. I'm warming to the idea. I've not really looked at Railcraft beyond Coke Ovens...
  8. Bahnmor

    Pneumatic Tube replacement?

    Would Railcraft maybe work in some places? I know loaders aren't really an option for on-site item moving or sorting, but they could work in some situations. Such as moving items in bulk from a forestry farm area or a reasonably distant quarry back to your main base.
  9. Bahnmor

    [1.2.5] Insanity: Cactus

    Another path to propolis is to breed bees of the Industrious branch. IIRC they produce 'stringy' combs that give Wax and propolis when centrifuged.
  10. Bahnmor

    Optifine broken textures

    It's a known issue with optifine. It doesn't play nice with several mods. In the instance I use it reacts badly with Metallurgy, causing the same problems you report. I don't know what causes it specifically, but you're not the only one who suffers from it.
  11. Bahnmor

    Server Project Advice

    Thanks for the help. It's greatly appreciated. I consider myself moderately computer savvy. The easiest way to describe it is 'I know enough to know when I don't know enough'. I can generally stop myself before I do something monumentally stupid/damaging. I'm asking advice on both the hardware...
  12. Bahnmor

    Server Project Advice

    I am going into the planning stage of a project to put together a standalone machine to function partly as a fileserver, predominantly as something I can run a small whitelist minecraft server on for my friends and I. I'm wanting something I can set up so that it stays switched on pretty much...
  13. Bahnmor

    Baldur's Gate I, II, and Enhanced Editions

    Similarly, I would tout for the same.
  14. Bahnmor

    Baldur's Gate I, II, and Enhanced Editions

    Yes. Twice, both options each time. The BG series was very open-world and story driven, with the kind of humour that you see in a lot of the Bioware cRPGs now (Mass Effects 2 and 3 even have some oblique references to the series). The story was well written and solidly fleshed out, with...
  15. Bahnmor

    Baldur's Gate I, II, and Enhanced Editions

    If you're like me and only know enough about modding the Infinity Engine games to be able to recognise when you're out of your depth, then I recommend the BiG World Setup program. It is labelled as a beta stage, but is predominantly stable unless you go in for some highly technical mods when you...
  16. Bahnmor

    Baldur's Gate I, II, and Enhanced Editions

    Serious nostalgia trip for me. I discovered BG1 at 14 in the summer, IWD that winter (amusingly enough) and then BG2 the following summer when I was 15. I was hooked once I got out of Candlekeep. I remember quite clearly when I fought my first dragon in BG2. It was a ridiculously hot day and...