Forge: My list of grievances

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It's a good job you have that disclaimer.
Yeah, since I'm very opinionated and since almost everything I think and say (or say without thinking) is very controversial (such as me hating ichun, liking vanilla, not hating technic, not liking the ultimate pack, loving redpower, etc) I figured that disclaimer would keep people like you from getting unnecessarily angry at me.
I fear I've been misunderstood. I am not suggesting YouTube is an easy way of making money and it certainly stands to reason that one would need a very active channel to earn a living from YouTube alone. It does however feel a bit like the gold rush, with more and more people trying to make it big, as shown by all the "let's play's" and similar that are advertised all around the web. Either way, the people who do make videos always have an agenda and I'm quite sure you do as well. Be it for money or for fame, it's never done out of pure altruism.

People in this thread were talking about YouTubers as if they are martyrs, sacrificing themselves so that the rest of us can thrive on their funny jokes and video games collections, but it's simply not so and I feel obligated to point it out - there is always a motive.

Edit: I am sure somebody will eventually argue my theory by pointing out the tutorials people post online, saying that it's done selflessly in order to promote awareness. The truth is that unless it's done in an anonymous fashion, it's still done for the e-credits.

Yeah... I have to take offense to this. I started making YouTube videos, and then livestreaming, because I was told by friends it was something they'd like to see. I continued to do it because I have fun. I gathered a fan base because apparently people enjoy watching me, and through that, somehow, I wound up on ForgeCraft. I stream on ForgeCraft because that's what people like to see. When I don't want to play that anymore, I play something else that I enjoy. At least for me, it's really just a way of being able to play a game and hang out with my friends at the same time. Just because my friends now number in the 350+ category doesn't mean I have some kind of "agenda".

Seriously, man. Do you understand how offensive it is to sit there and tell me what my motivations are for what I do?
I've been sitting quietly, but there is one thing that could be said.

The opinion that forgecraft is elitist and that the mod makers are rude is required for a segment of the population. If that wasn't something that at least some people believed and strongly, then there'd be nobody who felt justified in distributing without permission.

If there is hate, it's easier to depersonalize the other side, discard the worth they have, and the value of the time, and .. well, this is a long familiar rant of mine.
I sort of agree, but they're free mods what are you gunna do? Can't really expect their motivation to be user centric when you don't have to pay for it.

I'll also say that I'm very grateful that all you guys on forgecraft share these mods with us even if I get annoyed sometimes watching you guys "testing" lol.
Yeah, since I'm very opinionated and since almost everything I think and say (or say without thinking) is very controversial (such as me hating ichun, liking vanilla, not hating technic, not liking the ultimate pack, loving redpower, etc) I figured that disclaimer would keep people like you from getting unnecessarily angry at me.
I've only ever gotten truly angry at one person on these forums and it aint you.
Seriously, man. Do you understand how offensive it is to sit there and tell me what my motivations are for what I do?

Perhaps my post was a tad too philosophical for this thread, or perhaps I just didn't express myself properly.

for me, it's really just a way of being able to play a game and hang out with my friends at the same time

How is that any different from what I said? It doesn't matter what your motivation is, my point was that there is always a reason. I never said everyone does it for money.
They're modmakers, not facebook. It's ok if they don't interact too much, i mean.. Come one, years making a mod and sustaining it.. Maybe they are tired of the 90% stupid ppl that are always saying "hey, your mod broke my game" without a crashlog or "hey, can you add *insert Op stupid thing which makes no sense at all here* please?".

And, besides, they have lives.. They have family, friends, they're not some kind of celebrity, we are grateful for their work,thats all.. if you can't understand, that's your problem. But you're not the center of the universe and they're not some kind of slave that works for your entertainment. Their mod is their property, if they don't want to make a public release, that's their decision and we are none to judge it because we are getting THEIR work for FREE...
And, besides, they have lives.. They have family, friends, they're not some kind of celebrity, we are grateful for their work,thats all.. if you can't understand, that's your problem. But you're not the center of the universe and they're not some kind of slave that works for your entertainment. Their mod is their property, if they don't want to make a public release, that's their decision and we are none to judge it because we are getting THEIR work for FREE...

Repeating that argument 24h/24 kind of get boring you know. Also what they do IS part of their life too.
Repeating that argument 24h/24 kind of get boring you know. Also what they do IS part of their life too.

yes it's part of their life, but they're the ones who decide what the fuck to do with their fucking time. It's not that we are repeating the same argument, is just that you don't understand something that simple. It's not an argument, it's the truth.

We are no one to tell them what to do, when to do it or how to do it, they do it because they want, not because of us, so shut up and accept that they're not working for us. And don't have any right to say anything.
We are no one to tell them what to do, when to do it or how to do it, they do it because they want, not because of us, so shut up and accept that they're not working for us. And don't have any right to say anything.
If you're not capable of responding without telling me to "shut up", I won't give a single crap about you said

that argument needs to be repeated until retarted self entitled little pricks understand it. I'd say sorry for you being bored with it but honestly I don't give a flying fuck.
It's true, but instead of being blocked at that point cannot we just extend this argument instead of repeating over and over ? If it doesn't work, it's not good enough, even if totally true.
I've only ever gotten truly angry at one person on these forums and it aint you.

Challange accepted :P

Repeating that argument 24h/24 kind of get boring you know. Also what they do IS part of their life too.

Most people still don't understand that this argument is the whole point of why the OP is incorrect about a lot of his assumptions.

Everything that is done, Forgecraft included is not happening because the Modders and Streamers want, but because we want it.

Why does a Dev-Server exist? Because we want relativly bug-free Mods and exspecially cross-mod compatibility was a very large problem before forgecraft existed and nowadays we normally have all the pulverizer-recipies etc. at the moment a new ore comes to existence.

Why are there streamers and youtubers on Forgecraft? Because we want to see the development process, we want to see the streamers talking with modders and watch them doing so and even more directly influence the development. If Lemming shows up in Jadeds or Slows stream it is our opportunity to talk with them to get some ideas about the future of the mods. And he takes this time for us, not to show everybody what a great person he is (although he is a really nice guy).

They sacrifice a part of their time to make something a lot of people appreciate, which is quite the opposite of being elitist, which would mean that they would isolate themself from lower beings like us, which they are clearly not doing.
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