I just dont get this. After all you guys are spending lots of time making modpacks. Are you really saying all you guys do is fix IDs and then bingo, finished polished well working modpacks? Because then why are so many of the packs still in beta? Should not take THAT long to dish out an ID to all the items from the Universal IDs.
What about Configs, bugfixing, testing, updating, version "detective work". Is every single user just going to have to do this themselves? Do you really reckon every user is really able of doing this them self? I think I am quite knowledgeable about things, but I don't think I can do it to a quality that I actually can/want to play.
What about the nightmare of making sure people on the same server firstly are capable of "dropping in the mods", secondly making sure they have the proper mods installed, in the right versions.
And yes interest seems to have risen for specialized packs. But on just an average day here on the forum I must admit that I am not seeing much mention of MF2 or BnB. Not even TW2 or MW2. It seems to be all about DW20, Monster, Unleashed and Ultimate. It seems from my experience from here and from friends that what people still want is the big beefy packs.