Railcraft 10.0.0 – Happy Halloween!
So we are finally here! It’s been a long time folks, but the first official 1.10.2 version of Railcraft is ready! After more than six months of hard work, Railcraft lives again!
So first off, I want to say thanks to everyone for their continued support during this long process. You guys are great!

Happy Halloween, all aboard the Ghost Train!
Now onto the gritty details. I want to be very clear, this version is NOT feature complete. There are a lot of things that still need some work to be ready for 1.10.2. None of the Factory machines are ready for example and recipes are largely using their alternate versions. All the Rolling Machine recipe can be crafted at a normal Crafting Bench, but recipe conflicts are a real possibility. Additionally, Switches and Signals are not ready yet, the goal is to include those in 10.1.0 in a month or so. With Factory machines a month after that followed by a feature complete version some time in January. So that is were we stand at the moment.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t new things to play with and vast improvements made! Perhaps the biggest change relates to how Track is laid. Rather than crafting every variant of Track with its own recipe; Control Tracks, Locking Tracks, and the like. Now you first craft the base ‘Flex’ Track, which can do corners and slopes and all that stuff and now comes in seven different variants: Iron Track, Strap-Iron Track, Abandoned Track, Reinforced Track, Electric Track, High Speed Track, and last but not least High Speed Electric Track. Once you’ve done that and laid your track in the world, you can craft a Track Kit. There are currently 19 different Track Kits, I’m not going to list them all but here are some examples: Control Track Kit, Booster Track Kit, Locking Track Kit, Buffer Stop Track Kit, and Gated Track Kit. Once crafted you can take these Track Kits and used them directly on track in the world to upgrade it to a specialty Outfitted Track. This new system allows much more flexibility on track type usage and increases the number of combinations possible without increasing the mental load of having hundreds of variants. I’m quite pleased with how it turned out and I think you will be too.

7 Track Types and 19 Track Kits
Other notable changes and new features include a Charge Trap block that will zap anything that touches it and a much improved Charge Network. The Charge Network has undergone a major overhaul, no more ticking tile entities, and should no longer be a major source of lag on large servers (one can hope!).

Warning: High Voltage!
Additionally, Worldgen has undergone a major overhaul. Its now SimpleRetroGen compatible and Poor Ore generation has been replaced with a brand new algorithm: Mines. A Mine is has large tendrils of Poor Ore and Standard Ore that covers a large area, whereas the old Poor Ore generator spawned diffuse clouds of pure Poor Ore. The picture below will explain it better than I ever could. Additionally, a config option has been added to reduce/disable Vanilla Ore of Gold and Iron for those so inclined. Oh and there is now Silver as well to round out the classical metals.

Usually these spawn underground, but its hard to debug down there
Those are the most significant changes, but by no means the only changes. There were many improvements and bugfixes along the way (no more flipping Locomotives? Yay!). As I said before, the missing features will be added in future versions, 95% of everything from 1.7.10 will return eventually (except the Tracking Aura, its gone, you don’t need to ask!). I should have posted a video with this, but as usual I always forget about that until I’m here writing the post. I’ll try to have one posted tomorrow.
Anyway, enjoy your Halloween, be sure to stop by and see the Ghost Trains and Pumpkin Carts. The event will be around for another week or so!
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Lastly, I’d like to direct everyone’s attention to my
Patreon Page. There is some cool stuff over there (Beta Access, Custom Emblems, etc….) so be sure to take a look! The fact that you can now see and contribute to Railcraft’s code is a direct result of Patreon. If you’d like to continue to see even greater things, be sure to pass some support along!
Change Log:
- INFO: First official MC 1.10.2 release
- NEW: Added in-game config editor support
- NEW: Updated monster spawn list for Pumpkin Cart
- NEW: Ores and Geodes are now SimpleRetrogen compatible
- CHANGE: Rework Poor Ore worldgen. Replace with Mines, branching clouds of ore containing both Poor Ore and Standard Ore.
- CHANGE: Mines are richer in Mountain, Mesa, and Hills types of biomes.
- CONFIG: Added config option to reduce/eliminate vanilla Gold/Iron Ore generation.
- FIX: Fix various GUI issues
- FIX: Render Locomotive and Maintenance Cart Lamps
- FIX: Add Steam Locomotive Fluid Container handling
- FIX: Various other fixes