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I've re-released SoundMuffler++ for 1.10! Not one of my more well known mods, due to it being buggy as hell when I first released it. But it's fixed, it works, and it's back!


Logo done by @bubblesayoyo





Heard all these before? Sick and tired of your cow farm making a racket? Wishing your nether portal would be just a bit quieter? Well, then this mod is for you! This mod brings a simple block to the game that will muffle any nearby sounds, or mute them altogether, based on its configuration.

But wait, you scream at me. Didn't another popular mod already do this!?

Well, yes, but to put things into perspective, where that mod provides Kleenex, this mod cures the common cold and removes your nose! How do I accomplish such a miraculous feat? By providing an incredible level of customization and portability.

You see, once the block is placed in the world, it doesn't immediately do anything. Right-clicking on the block will open a GUI that allows one to specify what sounds to act on, and what percentage to modify the volume by. All sound rules are also available in a list that can be scrolled through, selected by clicking, and removed by clicking the X button.


As you can see in the image, wildcards are also supported. The rule in the image would reduce all mob "say" sounds by 50%.

The two input fields at the top can be toggled via the TAB key, and once both are filled, the rule can be added by pressing ENTER.

Now, there are a lot of sounds, and with mods, even more, and the names can sometimes be quite cryptic. That's why I've also added the ability to search for a specific sound. Clicking on the magnifying glass button will open a search GUI.


This GUI allows for the searching of sounds by splitting the sound by category. For example, "mob.cow.say" would be under mob, then cow, then say as the endpoint. One can jump to a category by double-clicking, or use it as a wild-card by clicking the checkbox button. Any endpoint sounds (an actual sound, not a category) will display as red and underlined.


Now, all this is fantastic, but there's one problem. A block in the world is useful, but it's hardly portable, and there are some sound rules you simply want to keep with you at all times. That's why this mod also adds magical earplugs! By holding them in your hand and shift-right-clicking, you open the configuration GUI, and can configure it in the same way. Then equip them in your helmet armor slot to apply the effect.
new day, new update, and today it's @Emx2000 with Spindle
Emx2000 said:

Spindle v1.0 Initial Release

Creates pixel art directly from web images!

What is Spindle?

   Do you remember that one time when you and your friends compete on the best pixel art? Or the time when you were a server admin looking for ways to entertain your players? Now you can do just that. Spindle is a mod that allows you to create pixel art from a URL, be it an external (http://) or internal (file://) one. The mod is also fully functional when installed on the server alongside the client, allowing certain players to use this mod outside singleplayer mode.


 There is only one item added with this mod, a paintbrush. It is located in the Tools tab of the creative menu.

   To use the paintbrush, simply right click while pointing on a block. The block does not need to be in range, you can right click any block up to 256 blocks away. A gui will appear, where you can enter any URL. Enter an URL, and then click Paint, or slam your enter key.

   Voilà! Your pixel art has spawned, centered horizontally from where you're pointing at, and going upwards. Simple as that!


   Using the paintbrush requires being in creative mode and have cheats enabled in singleplayer, and be opped in multiplayer. If you do not have those permissions, you will still be able to get the item, but upon using the item, a chat message to the player will pop up saying the permission which you lack.


   Currently, the mod only provides a way to create a 1:1 scale pixel art. That means, you will get a pixel art with the exact same dimensions of the image you're using. So, if you have a 256 pixels wide image, you will get a 256 block wide pixel art. Same goes for height.

   Another limitation, the mod only uses the available 16 colors of wool to recreate the image, and is currently not resource pack based. Hence, changing resource packs won't change the way the mod generates the pixel art.

   Always keep in mind, my algorithm which converts images to Minecraft's 16 wool colours isn't perfect. Everyone is welcome to show me a good way to do this more realistically!

Official Minecraft Forums Thread

and @iChun with GooglyEyes
iChun said:


This is my 30th released mod. Requires Forge. Clientside only. Adds googly eyes to every mob in vanilla Minecraft.

By default, 20% of all mobs will have googly eyes. This can be changed in the config file.

and @elucent with Clarity
elucent said:
Clarity is an extremely simple mod with just one purpose: it decreases the density of underwater fog, making it much easier to see underwater, without totally removing the fog so it's still quite clear that you're underwater.
new day, new update, and today it's @CovertJaguar with Railcraft
CovertJaguar said:
Railcraft 10.0.0-beta-3
  • NEW: Halloween Surprise!
  • CHANGE: Rework Poor Ore worldgen. Replace with Mines, branching clouds of ore containing both Poor Ore and Standard Ore.
  • CHANGE: Standardize Item and Texture names, may affect addons and resource packs, worlds should unaffected.
  • CONFIG: Added config option to reduce/eliminate vanilla Gold/Iron Ore generation.
  • FIX: Fix Geode generation.
  • FIX: Various other fixes.
new day, new update, and today it's @Rubironi with Server Tick Monitor
Rubironi said:

Adds a Monitor Block as well as the command /tps to measure the current server tickrate in real time.
The block is uncraftable and only obtainable by ops or users in creative mode. The /tps command can be executed by everyone on the server.

The ideal tickrate is 20 ticks per second. (Good)
A lower tickrate means the server is currently lagging. (Bad)
A higher tickrate means the server is skipping ticks and tries to catch up. (Bad)


and @boni with Tinkers Construct
boni said:
Tinkers Construct 1.10.2-2.5.6
This version requires Mantle 1.0.0 or higher and Forge 2073

Changelog of the previous version: 2.5.3

This will be the last version supporting Java 7!


  • Tables can be rotated with wrenches
  • The One Probe integration
  • Removed splinters from wood, since they were too confusing for players
  • Sharpening kits now cost 2 material
  • Shards are craftable via pattern/cast, but have no inherent use
  • Pig Irons tasty trait takes effect at 3/4 bar already
  • Increase default spawnrate of nether ores a tad
  • Toolmodels now have a cache, meaning having many tools on the screen is faster

  • Fix stones sword damage being off, requiring too many hits to kill mobs
  • Frying Pan rightclick damage was off
  • Fix Silktouch not working from offhand
  • Unbreakable tools are now also unbreakable in the vanilla sense
  • Blocks with rotation can't be rotated with wrenches anymore and don't lose all their data
  • Some safety measurements for crashes when stuff goes wrong/other mods break things
new day, new update, and today it's @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.10 - 45
- change over to Forge's new config system:
- Or don't, but you'll get a load of duplicate and unnecessary options.
- If an old config breaks anything, you were warned.
- added WAILA support for Tesla Coils
- added The One Probe Compat for machines and energy storage
- added a config option to disable villagers and their houses
- added a config option to disable OreDict names in Advanced Tooltips
- re-added config option for Railgun damage
- re-added support for Railcrafts rails and rebar to be used as projectiles
- re-added shader support for Railcraft carts
- re-added the placement options for Redstone Breakers (thanks Malte)
- changed blocks with configurable sides (capacitors, barrels) to use unlisted properties and lazy loading. Reduces IE's model count at startup by >75%
- change Refinery model to have a big power input like Fermenter and Squeezer
- fixed Refinery not properly accepting fluids
- fixed crash when crafting cetain items (thanks Malte)
- fixed Conveyors dropping invalid items (thanks Malte)
- fixed Pumps not working due to miscalculated XORs (thanks Malte)
- fixed Watermills having too small models
- fixed wonky wire rendering (thanks Malte)
- fixed material list for the Lightning Rod
- fixed Faraday suit not blocking Tesla damage
- fixed Floodlight having broken rendering and expanded computer support (thanks Malte)
- fixed Buckshot projectiles not applying full damage
- fixed Scaffolding not rendering properly on the inside
- fixed breakerswitch not emitting redstone
- fixed force chunkloading through redstone connectors
- fixed Toolbox voiding items
- fixed Pipes resetting connection configs (thanks Malte)
- fixed Silo voiding items and not having Comparator output
- fixed Pipes not dropping their covers
- fixed placement logic for multiblock placements (posts, transformers, drill, teslacoil)
- fixed CraftTweaker integration for the Refinery
- fixed stair rendering
- fixed explosion resistance for leaded concrete stairs and slabs
- fixed Crusher overloading its process queue
- fixed multiple minor issues
ArmorPlus has been updated for Minecraft Versions 1.10.2

Mod's Versions 1.10.2- - with some updates from old versions

Now requires TheDragonLib 1.10.2-1.3.0

Link to the Mod's Wiki: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/ArmorPlus

ArmorPlus 1.10.2-
* **{JEI}**
* Hidden the cosmetic items from JEI
* **{Bugs Fixed}**
* Crash on using either Armor Forge & Advanced Armor Forge
ArmorPlus 1.10.2-
* **{Translations}**
* Updated French Translation of ArmorPlus (Thanks to ImmortalPharaoh7)
* Added Russian Translation of ArmorPlus (Thanks to FTB_lag)
* **{Features Added/Removed/Changed}**
* Tooltips on Armors now will only be displayed if LSHIFT is pressed
* Removed unused Images & Models
* Made the Energy Items to be able to be enchanted
* Lava Crystal & Charged Lava Crystal are funally registered as a fuel source
* Added a special text color for ArmorPlus people
* Armor Forge & Advanced Armor Forge
* Added the ability to add/remove recipes to both armor forge (for modders and addon creators)
* Made them support OreDict
* Fixed Functionality, and added support for Ore Dict recipes via JEI
* Made repair cost on the Lava Armor depend on gamemode via config (Easy = Lava Crystal, Expert = Charged Lava Crystal)
* **{Bugs Fixed}**
* Fixed a bug with Obsidian Armor Configs and Effects being wrong
* Fixed a bug with Lapis Armor Configs and Effects being wrong
* Fixed Ender Dragon Zombie drops
################################ Changes (dev version 1.10.2- )################################
* **{Dependancies}**
* ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonLib 1.10.2- or later to work!
################################ Changes (dev version 1.10.2- )################################
* **{Dependancies}**
* ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonCore 1.10.2- or later to work!
* **{Features Added/Removed/Changed}**
* Ender Dragon Zombie will now only drop Ender Dragon Scale rather than full equipment (after this it might stay or be removed, time will say)
* Added RF supports, Main Supported Energy API
* RF Tools/Weapons
* Changed Steel Armor to support mainly RF and secondary Tesla
* Added OreDict for some things
* Mob drops
* Made the Wither skeleton to drop 0-1 wither bones on death
* Removed Creative Power Cell (Temporaly, maybe)
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Made BaseEnergyArmor class confusing, then made it to no longer be
* Added a lot of base classes for all types of items/weaps supported by Energy APIs
* Changed Tesla tools/weapons tooltips to be more accurate using own mathod rather than the premade from Tesla
################################ Changes (dev version 1.10.2- )################################
* **{Bugs Fixed}**
* Fixed Guardian Armor's stats and achievements not working
* Fixed a server Crash
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Removed TiC.postInit from Common Proxy
################################ Changes (dev version 1.10.2- )################################
* **{Changed Format For Dev Versions}**
* <mcversion>-<major>.<api>.<minor>.<patch>.<build>-dev
* **{Bugs Fixed}**
* Crash using and later version of JEI
* **{Features Added/Removed/Changed}**
* Added Tinkers Integration
* Added Modifiers
* Charged Lava Crystal + Brick = Firestorm
* The Ultimate Material + Tool/Weapon = + 1 Modifier (max uses 1)
* Added Materials
* Lava Crystal material
* Blocks Added
* WIP Spawners
* Mobs Added
* WIP Mini Boss Guardian
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Cleaned Up some code from Main Mod file, like Ore Dicts moved to common proxy
* Added an empty class ServerProxy - just because it should be here
ArmorPlus 1.10.2-
* **{Dependancies}**
* ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonLib 1.10.2- or later to work!

ArmorPlus 1.10.2-
* **{Dependancies}**
* ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonCore 1.10.2- or later to work!
* **{Features Added/Removed/Changed}**
* Ender Dragon Zombie will now only drop Ender Dragon Scale rather than full equipment (after this it might stay or be removed, time will say)
* Added RF supports, Main Supported Energy API
* RF Tools/Weapons
* Changed Steel Armor to support mainly RF and secondary Tesla
* Added OreDict for some things
* Mob drops
* Made the Wither skeleton to drop 0-1 wither bones on death
* Removed Creative Power Cell (Temporaly, maybe)
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Made BaseEnergyArmor class confusing, then made it to no longer be
* Added a lot of base classes for all types of items/weaps supported by Energy APIs
* Changed Tesla tools/weapons tooltips to be more accurate using own mathod rather than the premade from Tesla

ArmorPlus 1.10.2-
* **{Bugs Fixed}**
* Fixed Guardian Armor's stats and achievements not working
* Fixed a server Crash
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Removed TiC.postInit from Common Proxy

ArmorPlus 1.10.2-
* **{Changed Format For Dev Versions}**
* <mcversion>-<major>.<api>.<minor>.<patch>.<build>-dev
* **{Bugs Fixed}**
* Crash using and later version of JEI
* **{Features Added/Removed/Changed}**
* Added Tinkers Integration
* Added Modifiers
* Charged Lava Crystal + Brick = Firestorm
* The Ultimate Material + Tool/Weapon = + 1 Modifier (max uses 1)
* Added Materials
* Lava Crystal material
* Blocks Added
* WIP Spawners
* Mobs Added
* WIP Mini Boss Guardian
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Cleaned Up some code from Main Mod file, like Ore Dicts moved to common proxy
* Added an empty class ServerProxy - just because it should be here

ArmorPlus 1.10.2-
The Birth Of Something New
Entire Changelog
* **{Dependancies}**
* ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonCore 1.10.2- or later to work!
* **{Features Added}**
* Creative Tab for Tesla Items/Blocks/Weapons
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Moved all the Tesla Items/Blocks/Weapons to the Tesla Creative Tab
* Added @Optional Annotations to all Tesla stuffs, so they work only if Tesla is installed
################################ Changes (dev version 1.10.2- )################################
* **{Features Added/Removed/Changed}**
* Tesla Items
* Added Tesla Axe
* Added Tesla Rod
* Added Tesla Shovel
* Added Tesla Hoe
* The Gift Of The Gods now will have 2 uses before it gets consumed, and if the player uses the gift of gods while in stack it will only consume one of them.
* The Gift Of The Gods now has cooldown 30 seconds
* Steel Armor now will have Tesla as durability
* New Textures for the Tesla Tools/Weapons
* Added a config option for all the Gift Of The Gods things, and debugMode for it
* Made all aniumated textures a bit more smooth
* Added config options for most of the tesla items' propeties
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Made Tesla Weapons/Tools animated using mcmeta
* Rewrited how (GOTG) works (now drops the item instead of replacing the held one, and made it to have more than 1 uses)
* added more config options
* Registered the new Items
* Updated Client Config Gui's list to include all the config options
* Added/Changed recipes of the tesla tools/weapons to require Tesla Rod instead of Stick
* Gradlew Clean Up
* **{Dependancies}**
* Tesla ( or later) (Optional) but required for Tesla Tools/Weapons and v2 armors
################################ Changes (dev version 1.10.2- )################################
* **{Features Added/Removed/Changed}**
* Tesla Items/Blocks
* Tesla Sword
* Tesla Pickaxe
* Creative Power Cell (Tesla)
* More Cosmetic Items for special people
* MMD Logo Cosmetic
* Removed Teleport Command, Dimension ArmorPlus
* Changed GUI Scale and Background Image of the ArmorPlus Books
* Removed Night Vision from the Ultimate Armor
* **{Code Changed/Added/Removed}**
* Added BaseEnergyBlock (Used by the tesla blocks as a base)
* Added Cofh/API to main code for later usage mayble - if not used it will be removed
* Added BaseTesla (Used by the tesla tools/weapons as a base)
* Item Tesla Sword
* Removed all the code for the Dimension ArmorPlus
* Removed the ARPTP command, cheaty, unneeded
* Changed Values of the GUIs for the ArmorPlus Books so they match their new GUI Texture by (Aya Shameimaru)
* Added the `hasTesla` Method so it checks if Tesla is loaded
* Added Recipes for the Tesla tools/weapons
* Removed Night Vision Key Bind
################################ Changes (dev version 1.10.2- )################################
* **{Features Changed}**
* Full Code Rewrite
* Lava Armor now if is in the water with water breathing effect wont apply any debuffs nor break the armor
* **{Features Added}**
* More Cosmetic Items for special people
* Twitch Logo Cosmetic
* Beam Logo Cosmetic
new day, new update, and today it's @boni with Harvest Tweaks
boni said:
This mod allows you to modify the harvestability of blocks and tools.

Currently supports:

  • All tools using the forge harvest system (including vanilla)
  • Setting block harvestability per block-name
  • Setting block harvestability per oredict (block-name takes precedence)
  • Setting harvest level of Tinkers' Construct materials

To begin just start the game and default configs will be generated. The defaults will not change anything (as good as possible). The configs can be found in the HarvestTweaks sub-folder. You can remove entries that should not be changed. If a section is completely empty, defaults will be generated for it.

You can set a tool for blocks that usually don't require a tool to harvest, like wooden logs or planks. Those blocks simply wont get any break progress when trying to be broken without the tool.

The Block notation allows you to set the harvestability for all metadatas by setting the metadata to -1 or omitting it completely. The notation itself consists of


Each config file has a settings to log all changes it does, use that to debug.

When the mod encounters a problem when changing the harvestability of a tool or block it will log a warning.
new day, new update, and today it's @McJty with RFTools Control
McJty said:
RFTools Control 1.10-1.5.0

  • Note: McJtyLib required is now 2.2.0!
  • Added fluid support. This works as follows:
    • There is a new multi tank which you have to place adjacent to the processor. You can use multiple
    • Per multi tank you get four slots that can each hold 10 buckets of any liquid
    • These slots you can allocate in the processor similar to how you allocate items and variables
    • The liquid opcodes work similarly to item opcodes. First you transfer a liquid to an internal slot and then you transfer it back to a new location
    • Multi tanks cannot be used in any other way. They don't allow extraction or insertion at this moment
  • Big rework on the internals of the parameter system. If I did my job right you should not notice this. Basically parameter handling should be a bit more efficient (less load on a server) and it is also cleaner and more consistent
  • If you hold shift on an opcode in the grid you will get the coordinate of that opcode in the tooltip
  • Bugs fixed:
    • Copy to json of item opcodes sometimes messed up the meta value (bonemeal -> ink sac)
    • The examine items external opcode will no longer ignore the item if a slot is given and return 0 if the item doesn't match with what is in the slot
Update to Realistic Fluids Fork

Alpha 5.4:
Removed diagonal water flow (still renders diagonal)
Fixed warnings for mod water interactions.
Added a config option for rain to be in the air (nb: unintended side effects.)

NB: Does not address the major outstanding issues:
1. Speed of updates is much faster than vanilla (especially lava)
2. If the number of updates is higher than the limit, the chunks get revisited in the same order, rather than round robin (so some chunks get no flow at all, and things just sit there).
new day, new update, and today it's @elucent with Embers
elucent said:
Embers 0.012

- The Copper Charger, a block that can charge ember-containing items.

- The Ember Jar, an item that will hold 1000 ember and is accessible if in your inventory.

- The Ember Cartridge, an item that holds 6000 ember and is only usable if in your offhand slot.

- Clockwork Pickaxe and Axe, two ember-powered tools. They're fast, durability-free tools that require ember to do damage or mine. Right-click with them to mine an AOE.

- The Grandhammer, an ember-powered hammer. It's a powerful weapon, and you can right-click with it to do an AOE strike around you with high knockback.

- The Blazing Ray, a projectile weapon powered by ember that will fire a damaging beam.

- The Cinder Staff, a projectile weapon powered by ember that can charge up and release fireball projectiles.


- All Embers machines being horribly rendered.

- Some issues with capability code.
More Railcraft! Woo!

  • NEW: Updated monster spawn list for Pumpkin Cart
  • NEW: Ores and Geodes are now SimpleRetrogen compatible
  • CHANGE: Mines are richer in Mountain, Mesa, and Hills types of biomes
  • FIX: Various other fixes

And for those using Railcraft in 1.10.2, and were wondering why mine-shaft carts could suddenly be seen from chunks away, with complete disregard for the big mountain in the way, it is a seasonal thing and can be turned off in the config. (See the Railcraft issues page for details. Or, at least, more detail than this.)
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) (1.10.2) to 1.9.3:
  • You can now configure the chance of a Shoggoth Lair generating in the Overworld
  • The Fire Rain Disruption will now fire a random amount of fireballs (so possibly not 8 at once)
  • Sacthoth now turns day into night when he spawns through a ODB explosion
  • Added Energy Collector
  • Added Energy Relay
  • Energy Pedestals no longer passively generate PE
  • Disruptions triggered from Ritual Altars now only fire server-side (apparently forgot to make that adjustement there)
  • Collected PE now persist when you break a block that can hold it, and the tooltip displays how much is contained
  • You can now have NBT tags persist through Infusion Rituals
  • Gateway Keys will now display a line of text in their tooltip when you can't use them
  • The Dreaded Abyssalnite Chestplate and Plated Coralium Chestplate's aura is now replaced with the effect being applied to attackers on hit
  • Added Energy Container
  • The Ethaxium Boots now applies a Speed boost like the other boots
  • The upgraded Gateway Keys can now place the previous key's portal in it's dimension
  • Added Interdimensional Cage (item that can capture entities)
  • Updated the information in the Ritual Information section
  • Fixed a performance hit caused by viewing pages that had pictures on them (in specifc cases)
  • Fixed the derp where the "next turn-up" button disappeared in the Machines section
  • Added a config option to make Shoggoth Ooze turn into dirt after being exposed to light for a random period of time
  • Added Tiered Energy Collectors
  • Added Tiered Energy Relays
  • Added Tiered Energy Containers
  • Changed the defaults to lower numbers for a couple of config options (biome spawn weights, entity spawn weights)
  • Min and max and default values for numerical config options are now provided in the comments (in favor of those not using the config GUI)
  • The Demon Sheep's name is now localized (1.8.9 only)
  • Updated nearly all of the pictures in the Necronomicon
  • The Abyssalnite Golem and Dreaded Abyssalnite Golem have new skins
  • Spiced up Hardcore Mode a bit
  • Depths Ghouls no longer spread the Dread Plague (that's apparently been a thing since 1.9.2) (1.8.9 only)
  • Anti-Ghouls now swing their arms when attacking
  • The Ritual of Fertility no longer has a chance of spawning Lesser Shoggoths
  • Remove the "Shoggoth infestation" Achievement, since that event no longer triggers
  • The Transmutation Gem now consumes durability when used for crafting, instead of being consumed directly
  • The "AbyssalCraft Items" Creative Tab now has each Necronomicon filled with PE alongside the normal empty one
  • The Staff of Rending and Staff of The Gatekeeper now raytrace properly
  • The Staff of Rending can now be upgraded to increase the amount of energy collected
  • A lot of items now have new textures (courtesy of Tiktalik)
  • The JEI integration now displays information regarding things created with the Staff of Rending
  • Darkened the sky color in the Abyssal Wasteland
  • Statues refuse to transport any PE if they're not under a clear sky
  • Statues now have a tolerance value, which increases the more you harvest PE from them, which eventually triggers a Disruption
  • Players no longer emit smoke inside the Dark Realm, only other entities
  • Sounds now play again in a few instances where they didn't (1.9+)
  • Fixed crashes regarding the Anti-Spider loot table (1.9+)
new day, new update, and today it's @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
Blood Magic 1.9.4-2.1.0-66
Version 2.1.0-66:

- Made it so that when you acquire a Living Armour Upgrade from a Tome, it raises the corresponding Stat Tracker up to that upgrade level.
- Added some more framework for the Living Armour Downgrades.
- Modified the Grim Reaper's Sprint so it is better at later levels.
- Added a Repairing Living Armour Upgrade (trained by damaging the chestplate of the Living Armour while you have a full set on - it repairs all of your armour pieces over time)
- Modified the Dwarven Might skill to better change the mining speed when mining.
- Added a Dig Slowdown armour downgrade called "Weakened Pick".
- Added the framework for a ritual that grants downgrades (instead of the potion method).
- Fixed the recipes for some of the Demon Will blocks
- Added the Sigil of Elasticity, the Sigil of the Claw, and the Sigil of Winter's Breath.
- Changed most of the BlockString blocks to a BlockEnum in order to solve a loading issue with schematics.
- Added the entries for the Skeleton Turret Array and the Updraft Array
- Added the Bounce Array
- Modified the Sigil of the Phantom Bridge so it better performs with speed modifications
- Added the ability to use Mimic Blocks containing a valid Altar Component to work with the altar (#945)
- Note: If using a Blood Rune, you do not get the ability of said rune. It just counts as a valid block.
- Fixed `/bloodmagic network get NAME` using the wrong localization (#955)
- Fixed Mimic Blocks causing an NPE with some Tile Entities (#951)
- Fixed a massive FPS drop when looking at a Master Ritual Stone while holding a Ritual Tinkerer (#950)
- Fixed an occasional crash when looking at a Mimic block with WAILA installed (#949)
- Fixed the displayed Lesser Tartaric Gem recipe in the Guide (#947)
- Fixed Dagger of Sacrifice one-shotting bosses. It now just doesn't work (#932)
- Fixed controls re-binding after each startup (#922)
- Added an alchemy array, the Array of the Fast Miner

and @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 1.10.2 Alpha 1.2.0
- Added Wooden Spikes (small damage, won't actually kill, just reduce to half a heart)

- Added Stone Spikes

- Added Iron Spikes

- Added Gold Spikes (enemies drop experience orbs)

- Added Diamond Spikes (enemies drop 'rare' items which normally only drop from player kills, e.g. wither skeleton skulls)

- Added Creative Spikes (insta-kill, no drops)

- Fix: Rotating blocks doesn't reset their TileEntity data

- Fix: Transfer nodes/filters in the same block wont override each other on save/load

and @ObliviousSpartan with Spartan Shields
ObliviousSpartan said:
Spartan Shields is a simple mod for Minecraft 1.10.2 that adds 5 new shields to the game.

Each new shield is based on vanilla tiers:

  • Crude Wooden Shield - Very early game with low durability; easily crafted in a emergency; Base of all other shields
  • Stone Braced Shield - Early-Mid game with improved durability over the basic wood shield
  • Iron Plated Shield - Mid game shield with better durability than vanilla's shield
  • Gold Gilded Shield - Low-Durability shield with a higher chance of getting a better enchantment on it
  • Diamond Reinforced Shield - Late game shield with a durability that seems to last forever
All shields can be enchanted with Unbreaking I-III, making them last even longer, unlike vanilla shields. However, these new shields cannot have the custom banner patterns put on them.

The mod should be considered a Beta, mainly due to how it may interact with other mods.

Requires Java 8!

Any Issues/Bugs/Balance Issues? Let me know here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/spartan-shields/issues

Modpack permissions:
Permission granted! No need to ask. If you have a interesting modpack including this in it, let me know! I would love to see it.

Mod Showcase (By Alec Is Gray):
new day, new update, and today it's @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.9-334
R1.9 334
  • WARNING: If you have an enabled loonium in your world DISABLE IT before updating, as it can spawn mobs, including creepers, now.
  • Added a config option to disable shedding entirely. This improves load times by not checking every mob.
  • Added the Cirrus and Nimbus Amulets, which give you double and triple jump, respectively.
  • Added the Invisibility Cloak. It's pretty self explanatory.
  • Added the Third Eye, a nwe body slot bauble that makes mobs spectral.
  • Changed the recipes for the Pyroclast and Snowflake Pendants to use Mana Infused String.
  • Fixed the floating flower cache log not being formatted properly.
  • Fixed the teru teru bozu not resetting the rain time.
  • Mana Bursts that have been teleported by a Warp Lens can no longer deliver mana to receiving blocks.
  • Removed the ability for the Invisibility brew to be added to a Tainted Blood Pendant.
  • The /botania-download-latest command can now be ran on singleplayer without cheats enabled.
  • The Bauble Box and Corporea Retainer recipes now use the chest ore dictionary tag.
  • The Loonium now spawns mobs that drop dungeon loot instead of spawning dungeon loot outright.
  • The Manasteel and Elementium shovels can now make grass paths like vanilla shovels can. They can turn grass paths into farmland now.
  • Updated the Force Relay lexicon entry to be less ambiguous.
  • You can no longer summon a Guardian of Gaia if there's already one nearby.
  • [API] Added functionality to ILensEffect to decide how much mana goes into an IManaReceiver.
  • [API] Increased version number to 85.