What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @elucent with Embers
elucent said:
Embers 0.013

- A new machine, the cinder plinth, that can burn any item into ash. It will either automatically output to a bin beneath it, or pop the items out of its top.

- Ashen stone, a new decorative block made using ash and stone.

- Full and empty versions of the ember storage items to the creative tab.


- Ember-powered tools and ranged weapons no longer require ember to use in creative mode.


- Ember cartridges and jars not working in multiplayer.

- Cinder staff crashing
new day, new update, and today it's @BlayTheNinth with Cooking for Blockheads
BlayTheNinth said:
Cooking for Blockheads 1.10.2-4.2.26
  • Hotfixed crash on startup when Immersive Engineering is not installed.
Hi! I don't have as much time as I used to, but I tried to squeeze as much as possible into a quick bugfix/compat update.

  • Added support to heat the oven using an Immersive Engineering External Heater (=> without coal)
  • Added The One Probe support (Toaster and Milk Jar only at the moment, just like Waila)
  • Added a way of registering custom cow entities via (IMC) API (for the Cow in a Jar)
  • Made the sink support fluid capabilities (should fix some items not filling up / some pipes not working with it)
  • Fixed a crash that would have probably happened if you put a comparator next to an oven
  • Fixed in-world placement of tools on the oven not being correct in most cases
  • Fixed potential crash in the network packet handling
  • Fixed recipe registration time (so the latest JEI should show recipes for Cooking for Blockheads things again)
Next update will hopefully add some actual new features/content. Good night!

and @ValkyrieofNight with Simple Generators
ValkyrieofNight said:
Simple Generators 1.10.2-0.10.5b
Update 0.10.5b

- Added MK.III Generators
new day, new update, and today it's @raoulvdberge with Refined Storage
raoulvdberge said:
Refined Storage 1.2
  • Added new autocrafting system (way2muchnoise)
  • Added ore dictionary autocrafting (way2muchnoise)
  • Added recipe transfer handler for Processing Pattern Encoder (way2muchnoise)
  • Added void excess items functionality to storage blocks (geldorn, raoulvdberge, InusualZ)
  • Added config option to configure RS to EU conversion rates (InusualZ)
  • Added ability to toggle between insert and extract, only insert and only extract mode in storage blocks (InusualZ, raoulvdberge)
  • Added Silk Touch Upgrade for Destructor (InusualZ)
  • Added Fortune Upgrade for Destructor (InusualZ)
  • Added ore dictionary compare toggle to storage I/O blocks (raoulvdberge)
  • Added disk leds to Disk Drive block that shows the disks (raoulvdberge)
  • Added disk leds to Disk Manipulator block that shows the disks (raoulvdberge)
  • Added Wrench, has two modes: configuration saving / reading mode, and rotation mode (raoulvdberge)
  • Changed storage GUIs (raoulvdberge)
  • Changed default EU conversion rate to be 1:8 with RS (raoulvdberge)
  • Controller sorts by energy usage in GUI (highest to lowest) (raoulvdberge)
  • The Constructor can now drop items in the world (raoulvdberge)
  • The Constructor can now place skulls (modmuss50)
  • The Destructor can now pick up items in the world (InusualZ)
  • Stack upgrade in Importer / Exporter in fluid mode and Fluid Interface now transfers 64 buckets at once (raoulvdberge)
  • Detector without any filter will detect based on total items or fluids stored (raoulvdberge)
  • Storage disks and storage blocks now don't despawn anymore when dropped in the world (raoulvdberge)
  • Grid item and fluid quantity now only rounds to 1 digit after comma (raoulvdberge)
  • Items count can no longer overflow, and will max out at the maximum integer value (raoulvdberge)
  • Limited network transmitter usage to 1000 RS/t (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed lag issues caused by External Storage (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed resetting a stack of patterns yields 1 blank pattern (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed being able to pipe items in the export slots of the Interface (InusualZ)
  • Fixed Interface being stuck when item isn't accepted in storage (InusualZ)
  • Fixed items with colored name being uncolored in Grid (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed fluid rendering bugging out side buttons (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed item count going negative when using the Disk Manipulator (InusualZ)
  • Fixed Storage Drawer quantities not updating properly on Void Drawers (geldorn)
  • Fixed Disk Manipulator blocking items transferring in some cases (InusualZ)
  • Fixed External Storage crafting recipe not supporting ore dictionary chests (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed when shift clicking crafting recipe and inventory is full items are dropping on the ground instead of going in the system (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed glitchy rendering of cable parts in item form (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed Destructor being able to break bedrock (InusualZ)
  • Fixed External Storage thinking that items are inserted in Extra Utilities Trash Cans (InusualZ)
  • Fixed Grid quantities being unreadable when using unicode font (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed disconnecting when Storage Disk or Storage Block is too big (raoulvdberge)
  • Updated Storage Drawers API (raoulvdberge)
Time for alpha4 for Applied Energistics 2 for 1.10.2:

  • Change #2511: Made memory card messages more clearly. - DeadSix27
  • Fixes #2561: Do not use unchecked casts for IContainerListener. - yueh
  • Fixes #2558: Make Sky Stone Chest TESR more robust against odd world state, as Vanilla also does. - shartte
  • Fixes #2557: Made facades much more robust when rendering. - shartte
  • Fixes #2554: Extract identical item not any equal one. - yueh
  • Fixes Macerator recipes when IC2 integration is enabled. - shartte
  • Fixes registration of recipes when one of the recipes throws an unexpected unchecked exception during registration. - shartte
  • Replaced reference to FMLCommonHandler EventBus through MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS due to deprecation notice - thatsIch
  • Removed tickhandler registration from FMLCommonHandler EventBus since they same to MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS - thatsIch
  • Updated russian translation - xMrVizzy
and @amadorness with Super Circuit Maker

Excit- I mean CurseForge Page said:
Super Circuit Maker is the Chisels & Bits of redstone circuitry.

Start by placing a 7x7 circuit board on the ground and draw a few patches of wire. Ran out of space? Place another circuit board next to it and they'll join together, giving you a 7x15 work area! This will scale as far as you want!

Mix and match components or choose from a wide range of pre-made logic gates in both full circuit form and integrated circuit form!

What!? Ran out of space again and you don't have more floor tiles to fill with circuit boards? Don't worry, just add another level on top of the current one and you'll be good!

If you're looking for a new wiring and logic mod to mess around with, build a calculator in or create an SNES emulator inside Minecraft, you've come to the right place! Serve yourself :)

Feel free to include Super Circuit Maker in any of your packs! :)
new day, new update, and today it's @rolandoislas with Touch of Beacon
rolandoislas said:
Touch of Beacon

Touch of Beacon is a Minecraft Mod with one goal; never let a player go hungry. Are you tired of spice in your life? Then this is the mod for you.

The core of the mod is a potion effect that will feed the player, never letting them go below a certain point. How powerful the effect, depends on the amount tier of beacon or potion. The best results lie with the top tier, where you will get be fed to the point that you just regenerate from joy.

Effect - Fed
The fed effect keeps you from starving. How well it does this depends on the level of the effect.

Fed: three food ticks (no running)

Fed II: five food ticks (running, no regen)

Fed III: full food bar (running and regular regen)

Fed IV: full food bar and added saturation (1.10+ fast regen)

Four beacon tiers.

All the beacons provide one level of Fed with the level increase as the tier of beacon increases.

The Fed effect has normal, splash, lingering, and arrow potions.

Food Blocks
Various food blocks are added (e.g. beef, fish, carrot) that make up the base of a Touch of Beacon, beacon.
new day, new update, and today it's @RazzleberryFox with DecoCraft
RazzleberryFox said:
DecoCraft 2.3.4
  1. UPDATE to 1.10.2!
  2. Added new models
  3. Fixed transparency
  4. Made it so flat planes don't have outlines

and @RWTema with Funky Locomotion
RWTema said:
Funky Locomotion 1.10.2 Alpha 0.0.1
Port to 1.10.2

Warning: This is a largely untested version and I can't guarantee that things wont explode.

Java 8 is required
Applied Energistics 2 for 1.10.2, Alpha 5.

  • Feature #2573: Add configuration to remove crashing items from Storage Cells, off by default. - shartte
  • Fixes #2549: A block being rendered in the translucent layer will cause the item renderer to completely disable depth-writing causing silly looking models when held in hand. - shartte
  • Fixes #2556, #2579: Restore old click behaviour in GUIs. - yueh
  • Fixes #2567: Use heightmap for very low sea levels. - yueh
  • Fixes #2569: Prevent crashes from missing mods and an AE2 integration for these. - shartte
  • Fixes #2571: Only call getDurabilityForDisplay if the item is damageable. - shartte
  • Fixes #2574: Reduced drive update rate by limit them to modulate actions. - yueh
  • Fixes #2575: Stopped AEBaseTile from ticking by removed ITickable. Causes Charger to be no longer affected by external ticks. - yueh
  • Fixes #2577: Use the item stacks color handler to color tinted quads of the block model. - shartte
  • Fixes #2580: The inscriber's rotation is not taken into account when returning the IItemHandler capability. - shartte
  • Fixes #2582: Right-Clicking with a Storage Cell would prevent further interaction even if the storage cell wasn't being disassembled. - shartte
  • Fixes #2585: Hide WAILA data when it cannot be retrieved from the server. - yueh
new day, new update, and today it's @gegy1000 with Statue
gegy1000 said:

Statue allows you to show off your wonderful Tabula & Qubble creations to the world, in the form of a block!

Statue requires LLibrary, which can be downloaded here.

How does it work?

The first thing you will need to start creating statues is the 'Statue Model' block. This can be found in the 'Decoration Blocks' creative tab. If you'd like to create a Statue in survival, the block can be crafted:


Once you have your Statue block, you can place it down wherever you want to create your statue.

Right clicking the block will open a GUI where you can edit your statue.


The two buttons on the bottom left are what you will need to edit the model and texture on your statue.

The 'Edit' button will open a new GUI where you can select either a Tabula or Qubble model. When you select a model, you can look at it from different angles by dragging with the left or right mouse button. Once you're happy with the model you'd like to use, click the 'Select' button.


This will take you back to the previous GUI, where you will see the name of your model, the author of that model, and most importantly, the model itself.

Now, your model needs a texture, click the 'Texture' button and it will take you to a GUI similar to the Model Selection GUI. Once you've added your desired texture, hit 'Select' again to add it to your model.


You will once again be taken back to the main GUI. From here, you can press 'Okay' to see your model in-game.


This may be all you want to do to your model, but if you'd like to scale, rotate or translate your model, you can do that from inside the main GUI. Simply right click again to reopen the GUI. You will notice these sliders on the left side of the GUI:


These are what you will use to scale, rotate and translate, as the labels imply. Drag or click the arrows to change these properties. Holding 'Shift' while clicking the arrows will change the values faster, and holding 'Ctrl' while changing the scale will change all the values at the same time.

If you'd like to see what the model looks like in the world while you are editing these properties, press the 'GUI' button, which will switch you to a world view.


You now have your very own model inside your world!


This mod works in multiplayer! You can show off all your models to everyone else on the server!

But, if you have a server full of modelers, things may get a little crazy, as can be seen here:


Now, what if you don't want other players editing your models? Well, you can stop them! You may have noticed the 'Locked' checkbox on the Statue edit GUI. As long as this is checked, other players cannot modify your statue.

and @Gigabit101 with Steve's Factory Manager Reborn
Gigabit101 said:
Steve's Factory Manager 1.10+ is a port of Steve's Factory Manager for Minecraft 1.10.2.

Steve's Factory Manager allows the player to control the distribution of Items / Fluids to multiple places at once.

Note: Currently the Inventory system in SFM dose not support the new Inventory Capability System.

this will be added soon just wanted to get a build out for testing before adding support for the new system.

This mod was created by vswe.

Permissions have been given for anyone including me to update any mod made by VSWE.

Permissions can be found here.


Credits to VSWE for making the mod and allowing me to update it.
late reply but here's a download to my port to 1.10.2 for ars magica 2!


not sure if i am allowed to post that link lol

recent download contains:

Fixed Multiplayer errors when casting(wouldn't allow you to cast but would remove the mana, causing a desync until relog)
Fixed burnout bar from attempting to flash on server side(why flash textures on what is not there :P )
Fixed Crafting altar from being broken with hand(now requires a stone pickaxe or above)
Fixed Felled Oak flicker focus so it actually breaks the entire tree
new day, new update, and today it's @canitzp with TUMAT
canitzp said:
TUMAT 1.5.0
-Show more information at Chisel&Bits blocks
-Fixed RF is not displayed
-Added syncing for RF and EU
-Beetroots are now shoe their Growth status
-Fixed Light source only show if it stand on the ground
-Disabled complete description overwriting, mod names are still shown
-Pressing CTRL in a inventory shows up all slot numbers
-Fixed the error message if you look at a player
-Fixed offset '<Error>' message
-Fixed TUMAT Gui button doesn't work and moved it to the Options screen
-Changed color for some IC2 tooltips

and @MrTutankhamun with Storage Boats
MrTutankhamun said:
Storage Boats 1.1
*You can now open the inventory by pressing E in the storage boat and store items!

and @desht with Modular Routers
desht said:
Modular Routers 1.10.2-1.1.0

and @McJty with The One Probe
McJty said:
The One Probe 1.10-1.2.2

  • Implemented a bauble version of the one probe. Fits in the 'head' slot
  • Switched the harvestability info to use the vanilla beacon icons (can be configured back in game to the original style if wanted)
  • Show repeater delay and comparator mode
  • Show collar name for a wolf
  • Growth level for plants is now yellow if not fully grown and otherwise it shows 'fully grown'
  • Show brewing stand info

and @romelo333 with Not Enough Wands
romelo333 said:
Not Enough Wands 1.10-1.4.0

  • Fixed rendering of outlines (for building wand, moving wand, protection wand, ...) to be full bright again
  • Added 25-row mode for the building wand
  • The potion wand works again
  • The displacement wand now uses the same (safer) technique for moving tile entities as the moving wand does
  • Made the '=' key conflict resolution to be in-game
  • The tooltips now show the correct key that is used for switching the mode
  • New sub-mode key for the building wand to change the direction that the building wand will build in row mode

and @McJty with RFTools Dimensions
McJty said:
RFTools Dimensions 1.10-4.45
  • Fixed the dimlet workbench so that it can be automated more easily (piping in dimlets for extraction)
  • The 'extract' button is now a toggle button so that you can enable auto extracting
  • Ported the energy extractor from 1.7.10 back
new day, new update, and today it's @AlgorithmX2 with Flat Colored Blocks
AlgorithmX2 said:
Flat Colored Blocks 1.10-v4.4
  1. Add Tool-tips for Flat Colored Blocks to show RGB, HSV, Opacity, and LightValue.
  2. Added Options for the new tool-tips, they can all be toggled, even in-game.

and @TehNut with Hwyla
TehNut said:
Here's What You're Looking At

HWYLA (Pronounced "Hwhy-la", similar to "Coo-Hwhip")

A fork of WAILA by ProfMobius. This fork is permitted under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

I intend to update this fork quickly and often.

All plugins/addons/compatibilities created with the official mod are 100% compatible with this fork.

This is a list of the primary changes and differences between the official Waila and this fork.

Note: This list may be incomplete. A more up-to-date version may be found in the README on Github.

  • Added a new plugin registration system
    • Use @WailaPlugin on an instance of IWailaPlugin
    • The annotation can take a String value for a required modid. Blank for any
  • If fluid tooltips are enabled, they will now attempt to display the fluid inside a bucket.
  • Forge Capability support (Information is obtained using a null facing. Mods who do not handle this correctly are not supported)
    • Native support for displaying tank information
      • Disabled by default so as to not clash with mods adding their own support
      • Limited to 5 tanks displayed to avoid mishaps where hundreds would get added
      • Only works on tanks using the Forge Capability system
    • Native support for displaying inventory contents
      • Disabled by default so as to not clash with mods adding their own support
      • Displays up to 5 items. If sneaking, the full inventory will be displayed
      • Items that are stack-able are condensed down. So if you have 2 stacks of Cobblestone, it will show with a single stack with a count of 128.
        • When a count reaches a high enough number, it will be condensed down. (eg: 1357 -> 1.3K)
      • Works on all blocks that provide IInventory, IItemHandler, or instanceof TileEntityEnderChest
    • Native support for displaying Forge Energy storage
      • Disabled by default so as to not clash with mods adding their own support
      • Only works on energy handlers that provide IEnergyStorage
  • Fixed the Furnace progress handler
    • Did any of you even know this was a thing? I sure didn't
  • Maturity tooltips for crops now work correctly if the crop has a different max age.
  • Added config for the format used to display Block, Entity, and Mod names
    • You can now wrap custom text around the name, with support for MOTD-like formatting codes.
    • Due to limitations presented by item rarity, the block name itself will always be a fixed colour, and reset formatting to default after itself.
    • See image below
  • Fixed the ID + Meta tooltip
    • No more < UNIMPLEMENTED > in your tooltips
  • Re-implemented in-game recipe lookups via key-bind
    • Now with 100% more JEI
  • Changed the ItemStack lookup method to use getPickBlock(...) like everybody has though it's been for a long time
  • Re-formatted the /dumphandlers command
    • Now prints the dump text to WailaHandlerDump.md
    • Formatted as markdown to increase readability
  • Re-formatted all core handlers to the plugin format
    • Registered manually to make sure they are loaded first
  • Removed lots of Vanilla special casing by fixing things correctly
  • General code cleanup
  • Removed plugin code for mods that have not updated
  • Removed NEI handler code
  • Removed all coremod related code
    • I think it was completely unused, but still
new day, new update, and today it's @McJty with The One Probe
McJty said:
The One Probe 1.10-1.3.0

  • New generic styling system for text. In the probe support code you can now use conceptual styles like 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO' and on the client side this can then be translated to actual colors and styling information. For example. 'ERROR' can be mapped to 'red,bold'. This mapping can be set in the 'Mod Options'.
  • Fixed a bad dependency on baubles
  • New probe mode (3) so that the probe tooltip is always visible but you need the probe to get access to the extended info
  • First time players will get a note in their inventory when they log in explaining how to use the probe and how the probe is configured in their pack. In some cases they will also be able to change the config through that note
  • New easy to use config GUI with which the user can control a few more common gui styles. There are several presets for colors. The tooltip can be positioned in the corners or borders and you can change the size of the tooltip
  • This new config GUI can be opened by:
    • Sneak right click the 'note'
    • Right click the probe
    • The /topcfg command
  • New border style 'offset' option which allows the probe to be configured to look slightly more like WAILA

and @modmuss50 with Steves Carts Reborn
modmuss50 said:
Steves Carts Reborn is a 1.10.2 fork of Vswe's Steves Carts 2 mod.


It is currently in beta for minecraft version 1.10.2
Beta means things haven't been tested, and things may break, you have been warned!

Full credit goes to Vswe for the original Steve's Carts mod. You can see bellow what he said on twitter about releasing his mods:


We have an IRC channel: #StevesCarts on esper.net

More images:


This is showing the GUI of the Cart Assembler with JEI to the right of it.


This is showing an example cart that has been made using the Cart Assembler

Please report any issues you find to the github, they cannot be fixed if we don't know about them!
new update for my ars magica repo is out!
the people reporting bugs are amazing lol, so many bugs!

Fix crash when using the entity Shockwave
Fix Inscription Table not removing the tile entity
Fix Feather touch not working anymore
Fix crash with 2 chrono anchor casts then reloading
Fix config files being generated with path in name for a non-Windows OS(hopefully)
Fix three modifier limit being worked around
Fix Mage NPCs not casting
Prevent users from opening the occulus if you haven't gotten the book

Performance improvements to block updates
new day, new update, and today it's @seia6666 with Vanilla Magic
seia6666 said:
Vanilla Magic 1.10.2-
This is ONLY use for testing purposes.

[1]Major new feature in this update will be a capability of Saving / Loading CustomTileEntities (Yes, no more recreating Quarry after each joining World).

It currently only supports Machines (Quarry, Farm, etc.).

Ou, yeah, Farm is working again.

[2]Farm supports:

-plantable things

-nether wart (You must plant first seed)

-melon / pumpkin (You must plant the seed)

-picking flowers

-cocoa (first seed must be planted by Player)

-sugar cane / cactus (You must plant the first layer)

Farm NOT supports:


-huge mushrooms

To make a working farm You must place Cauldron. Than You must place inventory on top of the Cauldron and under it.

Shift-right-click with Blaze Rod in right hand and at least 1x Wheat seed in left hand.

Than put: shears, hoe, fuel (coal, wood, etc.), seeds which You want into the inventory which is on top of the Cauldron.

After You place fuel the farm should start working.

To check the information about the Farm right-click it with Clock in right hand.
ArmorPlus updated from `1.10.2-` (last post) to 1.10.2- (current version)

Just a side note that there were a lot of updates since my last posting, I hope you have fun reading through the changelogs :)
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Finally Fixed Regeneration Effect from Super Star Armor not working properly
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Crash opening the ArmorPlus Book
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Added more config options for full customization of the armor's effects
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Fixed Crash issue on server start up
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Added the ability to set potion effects to the armors via config
  • Added the ability to color weapons' name
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Fixed Armors not having a real damage reduction value
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Bows/BattleAxes/Swords Damage are now configurable
  • Bows/BattleAxes/Swords Durability are now configurable
  • Added Ender Dragon Arrow
  • Changed Particles
  • Fixed dupe glitch
  • Fixed Potion Effect Particles being shown while wearing armors
  • Fixed world freeze/crash using or later version of JEI
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Added new achievements, tweaked the previous ones
  • Tweaked base classes
  • (MC)-(Major).(Minor).(Patch).(Build)
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Fixed Ender Dragon Zombie being buggy and its movement
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Added debug info for the Ender Dragon Zombie if debugMode is true
  • Moved all the remaining recipes to their benches
  • Tiered from one to tier three is done
  • You can add/remove recipes from all three benches through mod addons/integrations
  • Added JEI support for the Ulti-Tech Bench
  • Added some little, but handy info for the bows
  • Improved how things work in code
  • Added the ability to disable armors entirely from the game via config options
  • Added Baubles integration/support
    • Added some new Cosmetics
  • Enchantments, added 2 new enchantments
    • Life Steal - when an entity is hit the player will get health points back depending on the level of the enchantment, the damage that the item will deal and some other calculations
    • Furious - Treasure Enchantment, when player is hit wearing this enchantment the player will get speed and strength effects for a limited time depending on the level of the enchantment
  • Added new blocks
    • Red Stone Brick
    • Red Stone Brick Tower
    • Red Stone Brick Corner
    • Black Stone Brick
    • Black Stone Brick Tower
    • Black Stone Brick Corner
  • Added Recipes for the castle blocks (red/white/black stone bricks)
  • Changed benches' models and textures
  • Added support for block rotation
    • Block Lava Crystal, Block of Steel, Electrical Block, Lava Nether Brick, Compressed Obsidian
  • Tinkers Integration
    • Added Compressed Obsidian material
    • Tweaked Lava Crystal Material, now requires 2 Lava Crystals or 1 Charged Lava Crystal
    • Tweaked Fire Storm modifier, now it has 10 levels instead of 4
    • Added compatibility for Steel material via ArmorPlus' steel
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • MAJOR Update
    • Refactor of "Armor Forge" to "Workbench" (Tier 1)
    • Refactor or "Advanced Armor Forge" to "High-Tech Bench" (Tier 2)
    • Addition of the "Ulti-Tech Bench" (Tier 3)
    • Moved all ArmorPlus recipes into their benches (UNDER DEVELOPMENT & UNDER CHANGES)
  • Removed Prefixes before names that were listed
  • Made all items require to have SHIFT pressed to show their tooltips
  • Hided Dev Items from JEI
  • Hidden the cosmetic items from JEI
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Crash on using either Armor Forge & Advanced Armor Forge
  • Updated French Translation of ArmorPlus (Thanks to ImmortalPharaoh7)
  • Added Russian Translation of ArmorPlus (Thanks to FTB_lag)
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Tooltips on Armors now will only be displayed if LSHIFT is pressed
  • Removed unused Images & Models
  • Made the Energy Items to be able to be enchanted
  • Lava Crystal & Charged Lava Crystal are finally registered as a fuel source
  • Added a special text color for ArmorPlus people
  • Armor Forge & Advanced Armor Forge
    • Added the ability to add/remove recipes to both armor forge (for modders and addon creators)
    • Made them support OreDict
    • Fixed Functionality, and added support for Ore Dict recipes via JEI
  • Made repair cost on the Lava Armor depend on gamemode via config (Easy = Lava Crystal, Expert = Charged Lava Crystal)
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Fixed a bug with Obsidian Armor Configs and Effects being wrong
  • Fixed a bug with Lapis Armor Configs and Effects being wrong
  • Fixed Ender Dragon Zombie drops
  • ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonLib 1.10.2- or later to work!
  • ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonCore 1.10.2- or later to work!
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Ender Dragon Zombie will now only drop Ender Dragon Scale rather than full equipment (after this it might stay or be removed, time will say)
  • Added RF supports, Main Supported Energy API
    • RF Tools/Weapons
  • Changed Steel Armor to support mainly RF and secondary Tesla
  • Added OreDict for some things
  • Mob drops
    • Made the Wither skeleton to drop 0-1 wither bones on death
  • Removed Creative Power Cell (Temporally, maybe)
{Code Changed/Added/Removed}
  • Made BaseEnergyArmor class confusing, then made it to no longer be
  • Added a lot of base classes for all types of items/weapons supported by Energy APIs
  • Changed Tesla tools/weapons tooltips to be more accurate using own mathod rather than the premade from Tesla
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Fixed Guardian Armor's stats and achievements not working
  • Fixed a server Crash
{Code Changed/Added/Removed}
  • Removed TiC.postInit from Common Proxy
{Changed Format For Dev Versions}
  • (mcversion)-(major).(api).(minor).(patch).(build)-dev
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Crash using and later version of JEI
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Added Tinkers Integration
    • Added Modifiers
      • Charged Lava Crystal + Brick = Firestorm
      • The Ultimate Material + Tool/Weapon = + 1 Modifier (max uses 1)
    • Added Materials
      • Lava Crystal material
  • Blocks Added
    • WIP Spawners
  • Mobs Added
    • WIP Mini Boss Guardian
{Code Changed/Added/Removed}
  • Cleaned Up some code from Main Mod file, like Ore Dicts moved to common proxy
  • Added an empty class ServerProxy - just because it should be here
  • ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonCore 1.10.2- or later to work!
{Features Added}
  • Creative Tab for Tesla Items/Blocks/Weapons
{Code Changed/Added/Removed}
  • Moved all the Tesla Items/Blocks/Weapons to the Tesla Creative Tab
  • Added @Optional Annotations to all Tesla stuffs, so they work only if Tesla is installed
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Tesla Items
    • Added Tesla Axe
    • Added Tesla Rod
    • Added Tesla Shovel
    • Added Tesla Hoe
  • The Gift Of The Gods now will have 2 uses before it gets consumed, and if the player uses the gift of gods while in stack it will only consume one of them.
  • The Gift Of The Gods now has cooldown 30 seconds
  • Steel Armor now will have Tesla as durability
  • New Textures for the Tesla Tools/Weapons
  • Added a config option for all the Gift Of The Gods things, and debugMode for it
  • Made all animated textures a bit more smooth
  • Added config options for most of the tesla items' properties
{Code Changed/Added/Removed}
  • Made Tesla Weapons/Tools animated using mcmeta
  • Re-written how (GOTG) works (now drops the item instead of replacing the held one, and made it to have more than 1 uses)
  • added more config options
  • Registered the new Items
  • Updated Client Config Gui's list to include all the config options
  • Added/Changed recipes of the tesla tools/weapons to require Tesla Rod instead of Stick
  • Gradlew Clean Up
  • Tesla ( or later) (Optional) but required for Tesla Tools/Weapons and v2 armors
{Features Added/Removed/Changed}
  • Tesla Items/Blocks
    • Tesla Sword
    • Tesla Pickaxe
    • Creative Power Cell (Tesla)
  • More Cosmetic Items for special people
    • MMD Logo Cosmetic
  • Removed Teleport Command, Dimension ArmorPlus
  • Changed GUI Scale and Background Image of the ArmorPlus Books
  • Removed Night Vision from the Ultimate Armor
{Code Changed/Added/Removed}
  • Added BaseEnergyBlock (Used by the tesla blocks as a base)
  • Added Cofh/API to main code for later usage mayble - if not used it will be removed
  • Added BaseTesla (Used by the tesla tools/weapons as a base)
  • Item Tesla Sword
  • Removed all the code for the Dimension ArmorPlus
  • Removed the ARPTP command, cheaty, unneeded
  • Changed Values of the GUIs for the ArmorPlus Books so they match their new GUI Texture by (Aya Shameimaru)
  • Added the `hasTesla` Method so it checks if Tesla is loaded
  • Added Recipes for the Tesla tools/weapons
  • Removed Night Vision Key Bind
{Features Changed}
  • Full Code Rewrite
  • Lava Armor now if is in the water with water breathing effect wont apply any debuffs nor break the armor
{Features Added}
  • More Cosmetic Items for special people
    • Twitch Logo Cosmetic
    • Beam Logo Cosmetic
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Fixed Ender Dragon Zombies Drop Rates
  • Fixed code variables
  • Fixed some problems with bows
{Bugs Fixed}
  • A recipe bug with tinkers construct armors.
{Features Added}
  • Special Cosmetic for special people
{Features Changed}
  • Lava Armor will now extinguish the fire overlay if the full set effect is set to false and the player is wearing 1 of the armor pieces
  • ARP Dimensions will be disabled by default
  • Structure Castle Generation is set to 0 by default, until it is fully done
  • Ender Dragon Zombies will have 40.0D HP by default and their movement speed is increased to 0.20D
{Bugs Fixed}
  • No Description and no name for the achievement "Welcome to ArmorPlus"
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Crash when loaded armorplus on a sever
{Features Changed}
  • Armors again will be single set effect by default
  • NBT Item (Dev Item) (Ignore - Added for future planed releases)
{Features Added}
  • Keybind to enable/disable the Night Vison effect of The Ultimate Armor (Default: "N")
{Features Added}
  • World Gen Castles [WIP]
  • If not the full set of the Ultimate Armor is equipped the player can't move
  • Improved White Stone Brick blocks to work better with BlockStates
  • Lava Crystal Sub Items
  • Lava Crystal and Charged Lava Crystal
{Features Changed}
  • Changed the recipe of the Armor Forge now uses Lapis Lazuli instead of lapis blocks
{Features Removed}
  • All the 4 Reinforced Sets
{Features Changed}
  • Lava Armor no longer have the resistance effect.
  • Lava Armor in contact with water will give the player slowness 2 and will damage the player with water damage and the armor will lose durability each tick.
  • All armors will now be full set effect only by default.
  • Integration with the one probe is now optional but will require you to craft the helmet with the probe in order to combine.
{Bugs Fixed With Compatibility}
  • Crash JEI because of duplicated JEI categories
{Features Added}
  • White Stone Brick
  • White Stone Brick Tower
  • White Stone Brick Corner
  • Added JEI Support for the Advanced Armor Forge
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Names not displaying correctly
  • Fixed a crash on easy mode
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Missing Texture on some Items/Blocks
{Features Changed}
  • Fixed some compatibility issues in some situations
  • Unlocalized names are now all lowercase
  • Textures names are now all lowercase
  • Model names are now all lowercase
  • Resource Location names are now all lowercase
  • Language File changed the item's unlocalized names
{Balancing Update}
  • Reduced Ender Dragon Zombie's HP from 100 to 20
{Features Added}
  • Added a config option for all Ender Dragon Zombie Properties (hp, damage, knockback resistance etc..)
new day, new update, and today it's @LordSaad with Refraction
LordSaad said:

THIS MOD REQUIRES LIBRARIANLIB! Can be found here: https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/252910-librarianlib

Refraction was originally a TMT mod and has been in heavy development ever since. It has gone multiple rewrites and has undergone heavy optimizations for the past three months. We hope you enjoy what we've been working on.

Refraction is a mod that is based on the manipulation of light and lasers. You do so by making arrays of magnifiers to collect sunlight into focused beams or by making laser blocks that require glowstone. Light beams in this mod can be split and merged using half mirrors, prisms, and reflection chambers in order to produce different colors of light, and colors of light in the mod all have special effects that will ensure you no boredom ever. For example, a cyan light beam attracts any entities towards the source while a purple beam disperses entities away from the source.

The wiki is currently WIP but we've written up a quick starter guide and a couple or most of the features currently present in the mod via this google document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1buFt9v2deKTJZtZNVvVX1peuFxEourl0idncqoEDAQo/edit?usp=sharing

If you experience any bugs, please report them on the issue tracker found here: https://github.com/TeamWizardry/TMT-Refraction/issues

And if you would like to join our discord to hang out or ask questions: https://discord.gg/tGFYcWz

and @RWTema with Funky Locomotion
RWTema said:
Funky Locomotion 1.10.2 Alpha 0.0.3
- Added Frame Projector. Creates a pyramid of light that will connect to and pull any blocks within the pyramid. Shift-right-click with a wrench to adjust the range.

- Fixed extreme rendering lag spike when moving tiles

- Fixed various broken recipes

- Fixed pullers not working

- Improved RF energy handling

- Fixed NPE crash in compatibility handling code

- Fixed broken network update tags

- Improved networking to ensure moving tile entities will be correctly synced with the client

and @Sangar with OpenComputers
Sangar said:
OpenComputers 1.10.2-
- Added: Rack mountable floppy disk drive.
- Added: Ability to interact with some item inventories using the inventory controller.
- Added: Support for RotaryCraft power (uses same conversion ratio as AE2).
- Added: Possiblity to define a viewport on GPUs, allowing to copy data from off-screen for performance trickery.
- Added: Cables will now remember which color they have and can also be dyed by being crafted with a dye.
- Added: Reenabled IC2 integration on 1.8.9.
- Added: Possibility to cycle through loot disks by crafting them with a wrench (wrench is not consumed).
- Added: Device info API. Devices may now provide generic information, queryable via `computer.getDeviceInfo()`.
- Added: More helpful messages when trying to run a missing program (when possible) via the new `computer.getProgramLocations()` API.
- Added: Trading upgrade, allows trading with villagers (Inari-Whitebear).
- Added: Allow defining custom HTTP request headers (invliD).
- Added: `debug.playSoundAt` (gamax92).
- Added: Parameter to specify AE2 CPU to use when requesting crafting (habnabit).
- Added: ThaumicEnergistics integration (DrummerMC).
- Added: Dyeing of hover boots to change light color (Vexatos).
- Added: Network activity indicator on servers (magik6k).
- Added: Brazilian Portuguese translation (hws689).
- Changed: Racks have been revamped. They can now house other things than servers and how things get connected is a lot more flexible now.
- Changed: Remote terminals are now bound to remote terminal servers which are a new type of rack mountable.
- Changed: Disk drives now also provide a component allowing to check for floppy presence and ejecting floppies.
- Changed: Geolyzer scan area can now be customized to be an arbitrary cube instead of only columns. Total volume must not exceed column volume, though.
- Changed: A couple of recipes. Introduced diamond shards/chips to avoid the massive diamond cost ramping of higher tier items.
- Changed: New font for screens, unscii, sporting much better readability (asie). If you absolutely detest it even after giving it a fair chance, you can restore the old unifont one using a resource pack.
- Changed: OpenOS got a *major* overhaul, in particular term related things, and also a few new built-in programs (payonel). This would deserve a changelog of its own, really...
- Fixed: Pseudo-hangs when crafting a massive amount of a recipe that produces the same output as it has as input.
- Fixed: A few GregTech recipes and related issues.
- Fixed: Userdata handling in LuaJ.
- Fixed: Power conversion for a couple of mods, oops.
- Fixed: Performance issues caused by compressing data sent to clients too much.
- Fixed: Performance issues caused by disk I/O when sending machine descriptor packets to clients (thanks to Player for pointing those two out to me; we need more BTMs).
- Fixed: Updated LuaJ and fixed a few more bugs in it (gamax92).
- Fixed: Mystcraft integration (ItsTheKais).
- Fixed: Updated BC wrench integration.
- Fixed: Robots being able to suck up certain flowing fluid blocks (effectively a liquid dupe bug).
- Fixed: Generator eating container items if they weren't taken out in time.
- Fixed: Disassembling tablets not dropping upgrade containers installed in them.
- Fixed: Some broken saving logic in 1.8+ due to subtle lifecycle callback order changes.
- Fixed: Fixed MCUs passing out messages other than network messages.
- [API] Added: Added sided version of block drivers, deprecated non-sided one.
- [API] Added: Processors/Memory may now define a provided call budget.
- [API] Changed: Geolyzer related events due to custom scan area.

Known Issues

- Any open issues on Github. I'm afraid I don't have the time right now, so I'm just throwing this version out as-is for now.