What's new in modded minecraft today?

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@asie back on Charset again, with 0.3.1 release for 1.10.2

* [All] Removed the following content. Please don't cry. (Okay, you can cry a little bit.)
* Wires - they were broken anyway
* Gates - use amadornes's Super Circuit Maker instead
* Backpacks (Storage) - use copygirl's WearableBackpacks instead
* [All] Fix various NPEs throughout the mod (asie, palaster)
* [Audio] Update DFPWM to "1a"
* [Audio] [#85] Fix SoundEvent crash in NoteBlockManager on server side
* [Audio] [#77] Fix the Tape Drive file dialog freezing Minecraft
* [Pipes] Reduce amount of Shifter models
* [Storage] Fix Hopping Barrels inventory insertion (Tahg)
* [Storage] Fix Locks not rendering on server (asie, palaster)
* [Tweaks] Add support for some modded doors to DoubleDoorTweak

foamfix also updated to 0.3.2a Law

- 0.3.2a

  • [#1] Fix Botania flowers rendering incorrectly
  • Fix crash caused by disabling the deduplication feature
new day, new update, and today it's @Raven2396 with Ex Nihilo Omnia
Raven2396 said:
Ex Nihilo Omnia 1.2.1
Fixes issue causing barrels to not properly be destroyed

Added support for draconic evolution draconic ore (Thank you RealGrep!)

New Features:

Support for forestry:
You can craft an artificial hive with a hay bale and silk mesh.

You can treat the artificial hive in a barrel with seed oil and you get a Scented Artificial Hive

This can be placed in the world and, when certain requirements are met, it might attract some bees and turn into their hive

Chorus sprouts and chorus seeds:
You get chorus seeds from sifting end gravel

You can plant them on endstone and grow them into a chorus plant

and @MoSadie with Exponential Power
MoSadie said:
This mod adds a simple late game RF generator using the power of the End. You can craft Ender Cells, which power Ender Generators. For each Ender Cell you add to a Ender Generator, that Ender Generator will exponentially generate more RF/t, up to 2,147,483,647 RF/t with 64 Ender Cells.

Is it overpowered? Yes, yes it is.

and @18107 with Render 360
18107 said:
See the world in glorious 360 degrees (or 2pi radians for mathematians).

This mod renders the world 6 times, then collates it to show the full 360 degrees.

Versions 2.1 and higher should be compatible with optifine.

This mod is still a work in progress. Bugs are to be expected.

and @Cerulan with Health and Hunger Tweaks
Cerulan said:
This mod requires AppleCore.

This mod is in beta, so there will likely will certainly be bugs. Please report them.

Modifies the way Minecraft manages food and the corresponding health regeneration in the following ways:

  • Decreases hunger drain (1/2 normal rate)
  • Gives an effect (Satiated) to players when eating food that disables hunger drain for its duration
  • Disables health regeneration from saturation and fullness (come on, it had to be balanced)
  • Provides a Health Kit system to compensate
This mod is for those who think Minecraft's hunger system is a little poorly-designed, with it being more of an annoyance than an interesting / fun game mechanic.

More information can be found at the repository and the wiki page.

Mod pack information: read the license, though the answer is most likely 'yes'.

Also: don't expect me to read / reply to comments left on Curse. Please use the Github Issue Tracker for bug reports. If there's a crash, post a link to a pastebin of the crash-report found in the Minecraft folder. Give as much information as possible, such as logs, what you expected to happen, what happened, logs, images (if applicable), and logs. Use common sense as well.

Finally: I may or may not be around to update this in the future, so if you feel like forking the repo and distributing it, that's totally fine by me. Just name it in such a way that it can be distinguished from the original (e.g. Health and Hunger Tweaks Reborn, or something like that).

and @Disconsented with Cristallum
Disconsented said:
Cristallum is a Command And Conquer inspired resource generation mod.

Cristallum leeches metals and other heavy minerals out of the soil, concentrating them into crystals which can be easily harvested and processed (in a specially designed refinery) into easy to use resources. The crystal's growth speed and mineral content depends on variables such as soil conditions, moisture, yearly-average temperature, and local weather.

Outcroppings of Cristallum release odorless gases as they appear. While Cristallum was originally considered harmless, these fumes will react materials it comes in contact with as well as heavily poison any carbon-based life form that ventures through it.

Cristallum types:


This is the most basic form of Cristallum . Its crystals are small and green in appearance, thus it is commonly referred to as "green Cristallum ." This type of Cristallum has a low level of leeched minerals and is therefore the least valuable resource, albeit the most available. Riparius grows and spreads very fast.

Less common than Riparius, Vinifera is harder to find, grows slower and tends to container rarer minerals. It can be identified with its distinct blue colour.

The least common of them all is Aboreus which shares many characteristics with Vinifera Cristallum, this is tends to contain even rarer minerals that Riparius and spreads the slowest of them all. It is highly combustible and unstable. It detonates violently when brought into contact with explosives.

and @Aeronica with mxTune
Aeronica said:
mxTune 1.10.2-
  • New status HUD. New option on Music Options dialog to adjust the size the position of the HUD. It's a bit derpy right now. It needs more love.
  • New look for the group status placards for players.
  • No more PLAYING GUI for the PIANO. You will be able to chat while you play!
  • No more PLAYING GUI for JAM/GROUP Sessions! You CAN Walk and RUN while JAMMING - BUT...
  • ... While JAMMING Music Will Stop if the DISTANCE between the JAMMERS goes beyond a set LIMIT!
  • All mxTune music will be 3D audio sound sources for LISTENERS. Music PLAYERS will hear other SOLOISTS and GROUPS in 3D, but will HEAR their OWN PLAYING in STEREO.
  • A new audio chain the pregenerates the audio and the then plays it. This allows the 3D effects and eliminates stutters that could occur in the old chain.
  • Removed the Volume Control from the mxTune Music Options Dialog and placed it on the Vanilla Music & Sound Options dialog. This means that mxTune music can be adjusted like any other sounds in Minecraft.
  • Known issues:
    Starting to play may fail. Just retry. It may be related to accidentally bumping the mouse wheel/scroll while playing. Depends how sloppy/sensitive it is.

I've left some logging turned on the group play and the PCM audio codec. You will see INFO lines in the log like this:
[14:05:20] [Thread-11/INFO]: zeroBufferCount: 0
[14:05:20] [Thread-11/INFO]: zeroBufferCount: 1
[14:05:20] [Thread-11/INFO]: zeroBufferCount: 2
[14:05:20] [Thread-11/INFO]: zeroBufferCount: 3
[14:05:20] [Thread-11/INFO]: zeroBufferCount: 4
[14:05:20] [Thread-11/INFO]: zeroBufferCount: 5
[14:05:20] [Thread-11/INFO]: zeroBufferCount: 6
[14:05:22] [Thread-10/INFO]: cleanup

These are buffers of dead silence that are generated while the audio chain converts the MML to audio. Depending on the speed of your CPU and load on your game and JAVA there may be more. If there are more than 40 per play, your PC is probably too slow to run mxTune properly. It's hard to tell though. I only have my own PC to test on. Please let me know. "cleanup" is posted for any error or the end a clean play. Not very helpful, I need to improve error messages for the audio chain.

Blacklist and Whitelist were lost when a player died or changed dimensions. They are now saved properly.

No more support for Minecraft 1.9.4. I will concentrate on 1.10.2, 1.11+. A release for 1.11 will occur sometime in December.
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
This would be alpha7 of Applied Energistics 2 for 1.10.2:

  • Feature #2633 Reworked configuration, added config options to disable more features. - yueh
  • Change #2636: Removed ASMTweaker and replaced it with an AT. - yueh
  • Fixes #2276, #2655: Two dupe bugs related to network storage handling while booting. - yueh
  • Fixes #2623: Network Tool not removing facades with shift rightlick. - yueh
  • Fixes #2626: Subtract the correct amount from the remaining amount of IItemHandlers. - yueh

Not to mention 1.1.1 of Extra Utilities 2, also for 1.10.2

  • Added Magic Apple (when eaten shuffles the random enchantments available at an enchanting table)
  • A full set of running generators is now required for *each* rainbow generator.
  • A 'running generator' is now 'any generator that was running in the last 10 ticks'.
  • Add IMC handler to allow other mods to add new machines and recipes
  • Fix Rainbow generator effect rendering in wrong layer
  • Improved rendering to prevent missing texture particles
and @xalcon with TorchMaster
xalcon said:
Adds a special torch which prevents mob spawning in a configurable radius.


and @CreativeMD with AmbientSounds
CreativeMD said:

and @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
Blood Magic 1.9.4-2.1.0-67
Version 2.1.0-67:

- Added the Destructive Will effect to the Ritual of the Green Grove. This ritual now is done~
- Finished the Augments for the Serenade of the Nether.
- Implemented a new model for the Blood Altar to be more in-line with the rest of the mod (Thanks, wiiv!)
- Made the Blood Altar respect the new capability system for fluid management.
- Finished the Augments for the Ritual of the Feathered Knife.
- Finished the Augments for the Ritual of the Crusher.
- Finished most of the Augments for the Ritual of the Shepherd.
- Changed the Ritual of the Feathered Knife so it respects the Tough Palms Living Armour Upgrade.
- Fixed the Ritual of the Feathered Knife so that its health threshold is percent-based.
- Made the aspected Sentient Tools drop their corresponding Will type on killing enemies.
- Made it so peaceful animals provide more LP by default (to encourage creating your own farm).
- Increased the effectiveness of animals for the Gathering of the Forsaken Souls ritual by a factor of 4.
- Added the framework for the Purification Altar.
- Fixed a crash with the Ritual Diviner when attempting to replace certain blocks.
- Snares can no longer hit the thrower of the snare within 20 ticks of throwing it.
- Updated the book so it contains most of the rituals.
- Added some placeholder recipes for the Living Armour Downgrades - they will eventually change.

and @boni with Tinkers Construct
boni said:
Tinkers Construct 1.10.2-2.6.0
Requires Java 8!

Requires Forge

Requires Mantle 1.1.2 and (if used) JEI

This is an Alpha version. It is fully functional, but things and balance might change in the full release.


  • Bows are back, as well as the crossbow! You'll find that they've changed quite a bit, but the book has you covered
  • Shortbows are fast and mobile
  • Longbows are slow but have higher range and more base damage
  • Crossbows are really slow but are very accurate, have high damage and partial armor penetration
  • Arrows use different shaft materials with traits
  • Bolts also use the shaft materials as base now
  • New book multistructures
  • New book chapters for the different tools, and bow materials
  • New modifier: fins. Put them onto projectiles for underwater fun

  • Swords now have a "sword" harvestability. Also fixes an incompatibility with Waila Harvestability where swords stopped breaking cobwebs
  • Requires newer JEI now, some recipes are displayed a bit differently now
  • The smeltery and tank now displayes empty space as ingots. Press shift to display bucket space

  • Fix table recipes not showing up in JEI
  • Fix scythe calculating handle durabilities incorrectly
  • Fix shurikens not being repairable with all materials
  • Fix a bug where the last shot of a projectile (Shuriken,...) would not deal damage
  • Fix a bug where projectiles could not hit the Ender Dragon
  • Fix a bug where looting on projectiles wouldn't work for Endermen
  • Fix a bug where the rapier animation didn't play
  • Fix a crash with mods that add extra buttons to GUIs
  • Pattern-/Partchests gotten from destroying the block now correctly stack with newly crafted ones

  • A very small minor API break where an event was renamed because of a typo. I doubt anybody used it.
  • Bow stuff is now finished
Updated AbyssalCraft Integration (1.7.10) (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) to 1.4.6:
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft (1.7.10 only)
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft (1.8.9+)
  • Fixed the removePage and removeChapter methods in the MineTweaker integration
  • Fixed the remove methods for rituals in the MineTweaker integration
  • Any string specified as a Chapter title and/or Page text will be localized if possible
  • Added a method for adding URL-based image Pictures in the MineTweaker integration
  • Re-balanced the aspects on the various wands added in the Thaumcraft integration (1.8.9 only)
  • Re-balanced the aspects for creating the wand components in the Thaumcraft integration (1.8.9 only)
  • Added Aspects to more blocks (ones added since AC 1.9.2) (1.8.9 only)
  • Now runs on Forge (1.9.4 only)
new day, new update, and today it's @Keridos with Open Modular Passive Defense
Keridos said:
Companion mod for OMT, adds hard blocks, walls and fences. Depends on OMLib.

You most likely know the blocks and fences from the 1.7.10 version of OpenModularTurrets. These are now in their own mod and got some unique new features: They are owned, and their owner can break those blocks instantly (now via shift-rightclicking with an empty hand, later with a tool from OMLib). Also the owner does not get damage from his own fences. If you have any more ideas for the mod please feel free to post them at the issue tracker.

and @Vadis365 with Mob Grinding Utils
Vadis365 said:
Mob Grinding Utils is a mod designed to encourage players to create new ways for farming mobs for drops and experience. Contained in the mod is a fully modular system for players to explore and use to get the most out of their mob farms. Below is a list of blocks, items, and the various features.

Mob Fans. (Moves Mobs & Players in the Direction it Faces)

Spoiler (click to show)
Absorption Hopper. (Sucks up Items and XP Orbs and distributes to Inventories & Tanks)

Spoiler (click to show)
Singularity Tank. (Portable Fluid Tank Holds 32 Buckets)

Spoiler (click to show)
XP Tap. (Attach to Tank to spawn XP Orbs)

Spoiler (click to show)
Iron Spikes. (Spikes for Mob traps)

Spoiler (click to show)
The Mob Masher. (Mashes up Mobs)

Spoiler (click to show)
Wither Boss and Dragon Mufflers. (Muffles Boss Death sounds and Hides Boss Bars)

Spoiler (click to show)
Fluid XP.

Spoiler (click to show)
Mob Swabs & GM Chicken Feed Items (Mob eggs in survival)

Spoiler (click to show)
new day, new update, and today it's @Lorexe with BanHammer
Lorexe said:
Ever wanted to use a hammer to ban a player ? NOW YOU CAN!

The mod add modifiers to apply on any Tinker's Construct tools/weapons

Next, hit a player and lets the magic happens

Features :

  • Two modifiers : Ban & Kick (uncraftable)
  • Require to be OP for ban
  • Config to allow players to use the kick modifier

and @Shadows_of_Fire with Attained Drops 2
Shadows_Of_Fire said:
Attained Drops
See MCF page: MCF Page

Originally by VapourDrive

"I created this mod initially to provide an interesting way to farm ender-pearls and then decided to add support for multiple different mob drops" - VapourDrive, 2014

Allowed by the MIT License and with permission from the original author, we have continued this mod to modern Minecraft versions, and rewritten most of it. You will find that some features didn't make the transition (yet).

Vitalized Soil: The basis of drop attainment

Soil Planter: Creation of soil

Mob Drop Plant Seeds

Vitalized Soil Planter

Bulbs: The eight types

  • Slay hostile mobs to attain Life Essence.
  • Craft Mob-Drop Plant Seeds
  • Craft the Vitalized Soil Planter
  • Place the Vitalized Soil Planter in the world surrounded by grass or dirt (Form a ring around the planter)
  • Wait for the Planter to chance the surrounding soil to Vitalized Soil
  • Craft Mob-Drop Plant Seeds and plant them on Vitalized Soil
  • Right-Click on Vitalized soil with a hostile mob drop (or bare hand for chat info)
  • Bone-Meal plant or wait for it to fully mature (a fully mature one can be broken for seeds)
  • Once fully mature the plant will sprout bulbs on top that correspond to the drop in the soil underneath
  • There is a chance that the vitalized soil may revert to dirt.
  • Planters revert to dirt after creating 16 soil blocks.
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @masa with Just Enough Dimensions
masa said:
A small mod that allows registering custom dimensions to the game.
The registration is done via a simple JSON config file.
Due to the way that dimension IDs are handled in vanilla and Forge, this mod is also required on the client side.

There is currently only one configuration option in the main config file (and the in-game config menu):

  • replaceRegisteredDimensions - If enabled then already registered dimension IDs will be unregistered and then registered for the dimensions added via this mod.

The dimension registration is done via the config/justenoughdimensions/dimensions.json file.
Here is an example that you should easily be able to adapt:

Spoiler (click to hide)
"dimensions": [
"dim": 9,
"name": "Test dim 9",
"suffix": "dim9",
"keeploaded": false,
"worldprovider": "WorldProviderSurface"
"dim": 10,
"name": "Test dim 10",
"suffix": "dim10",
"keeploaded": false,
"worldprovider": "WorldProviderHell"
"dim": 11,
"name": "Test dim 11",
"suffix": "dim11",
"keeploaded": false,
"worldprovider": "WorldProviderEnd"
"dim": 15,
"name": "Test dim 15",
"suffix": "dim15",
"keeploaded": false,
"worldprovider": "biomesoplenty.common.world.WorldProviderHellBOP"

The most important part is the dimension id, given in the dim integer.
The dimensiontype object contains the information that will get passed to the vanilla DimensionType registration.
The suffix value is mainly used for certain data filenames, so don't use any fancy characters or spaces in it.
The worldprovider can be one of WorldProviderSurface (for normal overworld-type worlds), WorldProviderHell (Nether) or WorldProviderEnd for the vanilla options, or it can be the fully qualified class name of a modded WorldProvider.

To make things easier, this mod also adds a custom teleport command that works cross-dimensionally. That way you can easily get to a custom dimension at least once, so that you can set up whatever mod teleporters you have available. The command variants are:

  • /tpj <dimension> [x y z] [yaw] [pitch] - Teleport yourself into another dimension. The position arguments in square brackets are optional, it will default to the overworld spawn position (probably not what you want...)
  • /tpj <player> - Teleport yourself to another player. Works cross-dimensionally.
  • /tpj <player1> <player2> - Teleport player1 to player2. Works cross-dimensionally.
Run the command without any arguments to see the current dimension ID, and to see the usage/help.

About using existing worlds
If you want to use existing worlds as custom dimensions, you can do that in two cases:

  • The world is a vanilla world.
  • The world has been created using the exact same level.dat file, which means that it will have the same block and item IDs (so this pretty much never is the case).
So mostly if you want modded alternate worlds, you would need to let them generate while using this mod. Or you could pre-generate them using the same level.dat file from the main world and then copy them over into a DIM directory.

Mod packs/permissions
  • Mod packs: go ahead!
  • Re-hosting the mod file otherwise is not cool, mmkay?
new day, new update, and today it's @Vazkii with Quark
Vazkii said:
Quark r1.1-61
The 101 feature update!
Quark now has 101 features to spice up your game.

- General: Any features that turn themselves off when specific mods are loaded now have config options to force them on.
- General: Features now define whether they require a minecraft reload to enable or not. Furthermore, any that don't, can now properly be enabled ingame even if they were disabled before.
- Automation: Added Animals eating food from the ground.
- Automation: Added End Rods working as block breakers when pushed by Pistons.
- Building: Added Soul Sandstone Bricks and Polished Soul Sandstone to the More Sandstone feature.
- Building: Added Soul Sandstone.
- Decoration: Added Iron Ladders.
- Management: Added Deleting Items by pressing DELETE.
- Management: Added Inventory Sorting.
- Management: Moved the Restock button in Chest Buttons and added a Sort button if Inventory Sorting is enabled.
- Tweaks: Added Endermites burying into Purpur, turning into Shulkers.
- Tweaks: Added Food and XP display when mounted.
- Tweaks: Added Food Display on Tooltips.
- Tweaks: The Double Doors feature will now turn off if CharsetTweaks is loaded.
Updated Grue (1.7.10) (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) to 1.3.3:
  • Reduced the amount of times the Grue spawning sound is played
  • Added a config option to set the height above ground at which you're considered airborne (so Grues no longer spawn in mid-air)
  • The Dimension Whitelist should now work correctly when more than a single dimension is whitelisted
  • Min and max and default values for numerical config options are now provided in the comments (in favor of those not using the config GUI)
new day, new update, and today it's @gr8pefish with Bed Bug Buster
gr8pefish said:
Bed Bug Buster
A simple mod that just adds one button to the sleeping GUI, allowing a player to kick themselves from the server (and therefore their bed).

This fixes the annoying issue of being stuck in a bed, a vanilla Minecraft bug, without having to completely restart the game.

Screenshot of what is added:


Quick (8 second) demonstration:
new day, new update, and today it's @TheOldOne22 with Actually Additions Mining Laser tweaker
TheOldOne22 said:
Just a backport of a feature added to Actually Additions in 1.11. Config allows adding ores to the Actually Additions Mining Laser in 1.10.2 much like Actually Additions itself allows in 1.11.

and @insaneau with Ex Nihilo Adscensio
insaneau said:
Ex Nihilo Adscensio 1.10.2-0.1.4

  • Should no longer be able to remove sieve meshes while sieving.

  • Ore chunks/pieces now have far nicer textures.

  • "Similar" sieves now work in harmony. This makes the sieve a primitive multiblock to help with early game automation. The radius around which "similar" sieves are detected is configurable. Setting to 0 disables this behaviour entirely.
new day, new update, and today it's @Baughn with Electrical Age
Baughn said:
Electrical Age 1.13.0

Let's call this the "Power grid" release.

The chief feature added this time is electrical utility poles, which allow you to transfer electricity further and faster than ever before. Although chiefly of use on modded servers with large energy sinks such as Applied Energistics, you may find that they're handy for getting that suburb look in your base.

To connect two utility poles, right-click them with a stack of high-voltage cable.

They come in two variants: With or without transformers. Only the former can be attached to old-fashioned ground cables.

Utility poles run at a nominal voltage of 12,800 volts, for just over 80kW of power capacity. A second tier of poles will be added, though possibly not during the 1.7.10 cycle. I am now gearing up for the port to 1.10.2, but others are still working on 1.7.10, so this may or may not be the final 1.7.10 release.

Community spotlight
There is an ongoing series of tutorials, to be found on the wiki, and which now includes an embryonic power-pole tutorial.

As always, we will grant wiki editing access to anyone who shows up in gitter or on irc and asks.

  • Tier-1 utility poles

  • Analog chips
Similarly to the digital AND/OR/NAND etc. chips added in the previous release, these let you break out the signal processor's function into multiple blocks. We've also added an OpAmp chip, so please have fun playing with it.

  • The macerator now macerates AE2 ores
The correct way to make it work with mod ores is to install AOBD, but AOBD lacked support for AE2.

  • WAILA support now works on (some) 'ghost' blocks, and uses less memory.
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @boni with Tinkers Construct
boni said:
Tinkers Construct 1.10.2-2.6.1

Requires Java 8!

Requires Forge

Requires Mantle 1.1.3 and (if used) JEI

Changes and Bugfixes compared to the 2.6.0 alpha:

  • Cobalts Lightweight trait works with bows now
  • Fix attack indicator on crosshair not showing when using a bow or crossbow
  • Fix smeltery/furnace controller not stacking when harvested
  • Fix book links/double-forwards
  • Bolt Cores on bolts can be replaced correctly now
  • Fix smelting progress resetting when shift clicking items in
  • Localization fixes
  • Add missing death messages
  • Harvest level names can be correctly overriden by resourcepacks now


  • Bows are back, as well as the crossbow! You'll find that they've changed quite a bit, but the book has you covered
  • Shortbows are fast and mobile
  • Longbows are slow but have higher range and more base damage
  • Crossbows are really slow but are very accurate, have high damage and partial armor penetration
  • Arrows use different shaft materials with traits
  • Bolts also use the shaft materials as base now
  • New book multistructures
  • New book chapters for the different tools, and bow materials
  • New modifier: fins. Put them onto projectiles for underwater fun

  • Swords now have a "sword" harvestability. Also fixes an incompatibility with Waila Harvestability where swords stopped breaking cobwebs
  • Requires newer JEI now, some recipes are displayed a bit differently now
  • The smeltery and tank now displayes empty space as ingots. Press shift to display bucket space

  • Fix table recipes not showing up in JEI
  • Fix scythe calculating handle durabilities incorrectly
  • Fix shurikens not being repairable with all materials
  • Fix a bug where the last shot of a projectile (Shuriken,...) would not deal damage
  • Fix a bug where projectiles could not hit the Ender Dragon
  • Fix a bug where looting on projectiles wouldn't work for Endermen
  • Fix a bug where the rapier animation didn't play
  • Fix a crash with mods that add extra buttons to GUIs
  • Pattern-/Partchests gotten from destroying the block now correctly stack with newly crafted ones

  • A very small minor API break where an event was renamed because of a typo. I doubt anybody used it.
  • Bow stuff is now finished

and @tterrag1098 with Ender IO
tterrag1098 said:
Ender IO 1.10.2-
  1. Added secondary recipes for colored glasses so the uncolored item's (commit: 8ea39f8f12fffb1fe548055da512826d1b451d78) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  2. Started work on the inventory panel mass storage block (commit: b9877364098d25744cd1ad541792dc5f7abe4a27) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  3. Make all number formatting go though the same code (commit: 040dae0dd1b456758a21240e8186a8783156c407) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  4. Work around vanilla font renderer pollution gl state (commit: a12af1fe4e1ae6df40240639cab3fab2480db355) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  5. Flooded the workplace with a good dose of dupe-be-gone(tm) (commit: b33d6e7531cc43651d218940b51911b977f36a2f) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  6. SAG Mill recipes for Actually Additions (commit: 0c1527803364afbba6a5ed2a62f0c570c219197b) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  7. New: Dark Steel Trap Door (commit: 9b0a1599bfb701e649f5ef8d51f4b5cb1c57ad5b) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  8. New: Painted Trapdoors (commit: 186a386f57035591d3cb87c1237e5f8ff4ac224f) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  9. Added a temp model (commit: 1311773b31c0a67911c0d3d5426e389e0fc78730) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  10. Added better model (commit: 319e4555bd7b2f4753e821efa20db360543ce179) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  11. Energy and TOP (commit: ba53356f06ddddbb0e0e4f4f140e9883eea850f8) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  12. Recipes and "active" texture (commit: d354a5bfd802e0bc3f7a231f300db711602f4c6e) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  13. Merge pull request #3874 from yepidoodles/patch-1 (commit: ec3faa16c460e2af6e8794f564ebb34725ab86d8) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  14. Removed weird weirdness (commit: 6290b6a6a1a5db4238eb53b6bacfb7449bbbbc04) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  15. Make dense ME conduit trigger rendering of dense cable (commit: 3621b91c3df1ecb5c150593e169a77e9d481cc3c) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
new day, new update, and today it's @Beeto with Better With Mods
Beeto said:
Better With Mods 0.14.2-1.10.2
Aside from bugfixes, this will probably be the last 1.10.2 version.

  • Fix vertical windmill placement being broken
  • Finally squash that TESR crash that's plagued mechanical machines
  • Added chain mail - primetoxinz
  • Added pickaxe durability and hardness changes (can be disabled in config) - Koward
  • Fix passive mob food search AI not triggering sometimes
  • Add steel battleaxe and mattock - primetoxinz
  • Add config to enable kilns smelting any ore that can be smelted in the furnace - primetoxinz
  • Added various egg-based foods and sandwiches - blueyu2
  • Added JEI integration to turntables and filtered hoppers - primetoxinz
  • Filtered hopper mechanics reworked so addons can create their own filters - primetoxinz
  • Added portions of Hardcore Melons - DaedalusGame
  • Added Soulforged Steel Armor - primetoxinz
  • Added config for tools and armor to use diamond ingots - blueyu2
  • Added Steel Anvil - blueyu2
  • Added blasting oil explosions - primetoxinz
  • Added Hardcore Endermen - primetoxinz
  • Added structure overrides to bring certain buildings to more BTW-like standards (config enabled removes enchanting table/brewing stand recipes) - blueyu2
  • Added Hardcore Redstone - blueyu2
  • Added config for guaranteed (non-standard) equipment drop from zombies and skeletons
new day, new update, and today it's @jaquadro with Storage Drawers Extras
jaquadro said:
This is an addon pack for the Storage Drawers mod. It adds a new set of wooden drawer styles and recipes using the plank blocks available in other mods. This is a unified version of the individual addon packs available for the 1.7.10 version of Storage Drawers. Current supported mods are:

  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Forestry
  • Natura

Storage Drawers:
Put your most frequently used items within convenient reach. Storage Drawers borrows ideas from Jabba and Bibliocraft, resulting in a highly functional, compact, and aesthetic storage solution that is meant to complement rather than replace those mods.

Visit the Storage Drawers project for more information.

and @McJty with RFTools Control
McJty said:
RFTools Control 1.1x-1.6.3

  • New 'call function' opcode with which you can implement subroutines (on the same card)
  • New vector datatype. A vector is basically a list or array. Items can be of any type. There are several vector operations provided as well as a few functions
  • Prevent possible stack overflow when updating fluid slots when a tank is placed next to a processor

and @Growlith1223 with Spider Wand
Growlith1223 said:
Spider wand is a small mod that adds in one usable item, the Spider Wand! the Spider wand acts much similar to other mods, just with only this functionality.

How it works

To use the wand, simply shift right-click a block that has an inventory and it'll drop a Webbed Contents item, this item is not craftable and is not usable by spawning it in. when you right click with the Webbed Contents, it'll place the block right back to how it was before, just in a new location!



Vortex Gem


Wand Rod


Spider Wand



This mod is still work-in-progress, as such, i cannot guarantee the stability of Spider Wand. So tread with caution i guess. This is my first actual mod I have made so expect SOME bugs with it.

and @romelo333 with Not Enough Wands
romelo333 said:
Not Enough Wands 1.1x-1.5.1

  • It is now possible to blacklist blocks for the moving and displacement wand by modid. Use "D:"minecraft:*"=-1 in the movingblacklist option to blacklist everything from minecraft for example
  • The swapping wand now also uses the blacklisting option from the movingwand

and @xalcon with Energy Converters
xalcon said:
This mod idea is based on PowerCrystals "Power Converters" Mod.

This project is in early alpha. Crashes may occur - you have been warned!

You probably know the feeling when you start your base, completly decked out in RF based machines like sag mills or arc furnaces... and then you need that one industrial craft machine to craft your jetpack. This mod helps you generate the needed energy by converting from one energy type (i.e. Redstone Flux) to another (IndustrialCrafts EU). You can even convert from EU to EU... if you want to do that for some reason...

Energy Converters provide you 3 different Block Types: Energy Consumers, Energy Producers and the Energy Bridge.

The Energy Consumer will consume energy from an energy source and store it inside an adjacent Energy Bridge. An Energy Producer will convert that energy to another type - just connect a cable or any machine to the producer and you are good to go.

A single energy bridge supports up to 6 consumers and/or producers (1 per side) - but any consumer/producer may only connect to one bridge at a time!

The mod currently supports RF and IC2 EU (Lv, Mv, Hv, Ev, Iv). More Energy Systems might follow in the future.

The conversion rate is currently 1 EU <-> 4 RF. A configuration option will follow in a future release.


Energy Bridge


IC2 Energy Producer (LV in this case, just replace the Transformer with any other transformer for its corresponding tier)


To get the Energy Consumer, just put any producer into a crafting grid and you get the corresponding consumer.


and @TheLMiffy1111 with EssentialCraft 4 Unofficial
TheLMiffy1111 said:
This mod is the unofficial version of Modbder's mod, EssentialCraft 3, with some changes.

The current state of the original author's inactivity puts me in a state in which I cannot obtain a written statement of approval, therefore I am able and required to use the follow statement:

This work, EssentialCraft 4 Unofficial, is a derivative of EssentialCraft 3 by Modbder, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. EssentialCraft 4 Unofficial is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by TheLMiffy1111.

The changes are found at the commits on my GitHub fork of this mod.
new day, new update, and today it's @RlonRyan with AgriCraft
RlonRyan said:
AgriCraft 2.0.0-i0.3.0-a3
- FIXED: Custom Wood Recipes!

- FIXED: Server initialization crash!
- FIXED: Jar naming scheme.
- FIXED: Excessive Jar size.

- ADDED: 1.10.2 Port
- ADDED: JSON Crops!

and @OreCruncher with Dynamic Surroundings
OreCruncher said:
Dynamic Surroundings

What's New!

  • Minecraft 1.10.2 support! Yay! Works in SP as well as SMP.
  • Speech Bubbles will display player chat messages above their heads.
  • Firefly block effect that generate fireflies at night in biomes that are temperate or warm.
I am looking for feedback on the firefly and speech bubble features. Feel free to send me a message direct with comments. If you have an issue make an entry in the the issue tracker so it won't get lost.

I want to thank Abastro for stepping up and providing unofficial builds for those of you that moved on to Minecraft 1.9.x+. I had no intention of dropping the mod but sometimes real life things work against you. No fear, though, things are back to normal - or what passes for normal in the US now a days.


  • Block effects (effects and footsteps) are now sensitive to block metadata values. This means that dust motes will no longer drop from the polished versions of stone.
  • Updated support for the 1.10.2 release of Biomes O'Plenty. Checkout the firefly effects in a BoP world.
  • Updated Dynamic Surroundings particle sheet. Particles for the End Rod and Minecraft's hit splat hearts will now render correctly.

  • The mod is built and tested against Forge 1.10.2-12.18.2185.
  • Added options to quickly disable various block effects without having to resort to configuration files. Don't like the new fireflies? Turn them off.
  • Removed fancy cloud handling. It was causing more compatibility issues with mods than what was gained. Dynamic Surroundings needs to work out of the box.
  • Since Minecraft now has a weapon swoosh sound that plays when whacking a mob, the Dynamic Surroundings feature was changed to produce a noise when a tool or weapon is swung but not hitting a mob. This allows you to impress villagers with your technique by swinging the tool all around! Well, not really...
  • Since Minecraft now has a potion HUD Dynamic Surroundings has been changed to replace it out out of the box. The potion indicators now line up in the upper right corner. If you like the Minecraft HUD better you can turn off the Dynamic Surroundings potion HUD and behavior will revert.
  • Thunder storms in Minecraft became rare because of how the weather mechanics in Minecraft work and Dynamic Surroundings interacted. Additional configuration options are now available that allow a player to customize when thunder occurs. By default the rain intensity has to be greater than 50 for there to be a chance of a storm (thunder).
  • The default range for Dynamic Surroundings particle effects has been changed from 16 to 32. A configuration option can be tweaked so that you can reduce it back to 16, or increase it all the way up to 64. Note that longer ranges will require more CPU so pay attention to client side tick lag.
  • Tweaked popoff particles to always render on top. Sometimes the particle was buried in a mob and you wouldn't see it. Oh, added more catch phrases to the critical hit particle.
  • Biome background sounds will fade in rather than starting abruptly. Makes biome transitions more natural.
  • Increased the default volume scale factor for footstep sounds so that they play louder.
  • The /rain command is now /ds. The options and functions have changed. Detailed information can be found here.

and @Squirtle8459 with Time Overhaul
Squirtle8459 said:
Tired of the 20 minute day cycles?
Would you rather set it to 24 hour cycles?
If 'yes' was your response to both of the questions than this mod is for you!
That's right, this mod is dedicated to replacing Minecraft's time with Your Real Time!

Setting Minecraft's time to be exactly the same as real time does cause some lag,
this has a 2 minute pause period of waiting before updating the time (eventually this will be modifiable via the config)

-A Config...

As this mod is 'MIT Licensed', you are free to distribute this mod, therefore 'yes' you can add this to your mod-pack, all I ask is that this page is added to your mod-pack permissions in case someone needs to report a bug, or credit is provided so they can know at least who made it.

and @AlgorithmX2 with Chisels & Bits
AlgorithmX2 said:
Chisels & Bits 13.2
Add new performance option dynamicRenderFullChunksOnly, defaults to true.

Fix Typo enableChiselMode_ConnectedMatrial -> enableChiselMode_ConnectedMaterial

Don't show air in Bags and such.

Fix #200 - Don't use same class, registry dislikes this.

Allow Crafting Chisel + Block + Bag; inserts bits into the bag, modifying the chisel and the block in the grid. Resolves #162

Added option to disable said recipe.

and @WhichOnesPink with Realistic Terrain Generation
WhichOnesPink said:
Realistic Terrain Generation 1.10.2-
This version IS compatible with worlds created with version and above UNLESS you are also updating to Agricultural Revolution v0.9.0 or higher.

IMPORTANT! You should BACKUP and then DELETE your RTG config folder before updating to this version!


New biome config file structure

  • Previously, all biome configs were lacking in both structure and comments, so we've organized the way each biome config file is structured and added helpful comments to each setting. As always, you can view RTG's default configs on GitHub.
World gen

  • Added more sugar cane to hot biomes' rivers - RTG now attempts to generate sugar cane as frequently as a default world attempts to do so, with the exception of a handful of vanilla biomes. In general, the reason RTG actually generates less sugar cane is because RTG generates fewer rivers and fewer lakes overall, meaning there are fewer valid spawn locations for sugar cane to generate. If you want more sugar cane in your worlds, try increasing river frequency and/or lake frequency in the configs to allow for more possible spawn locations.
Mod compatibility

Bug fixes

Config options

Public API

  • Added the first (experimental) incarnation of a public API, which other mods can use to interface with RTG. (Please note: The public API is still under heavy development, so mod authors are advised to use at their own risk and be aware that future versions will likely NOT be backwards-compatible until the API is mature.)
Under the hood

  • Optimized river surface painting in hot biomes.
  • Lots of refactoring, including the introduction of RTGWorld and a non-static config system.
  • Git/Gradle housekeeping.

and @ewyboy with Engineers Workshop
EwyBoy said:


  • This mod was originally created by Vswe and distributed under the MIT License.
  • The original curse forge page can be found here.
  • He has not given the mod away to me. This is just a unofficial continuation of his work.
  • You cannot hold Vswe liable for any support or bugs in this mod.
Author's note:
As a mod author it is sad to see a mod die. Especially the mods you love playing with. The original mod have't got any updates since Sep 10, 2014 and lacked full compatibility with 1.7.10 with semi outdated code. I have now updated the mod to fully support 1.7.10 and overhauled a big chunk of the code up to my standards. I also added Waila support and better NEI integration. Some values from the original mod has been tweaked. Those values are also now configurable in the mods config file generated on launch. RF support is also on its way to the mod and expect new upgrades. This is not meant to disrespect the original author Vswe but instead as a tribute to his awesome work.

About the mod:
This is a small and simple mod that allows you to have a central modular workbench for all your crafting and smelting. The workbench can be configured exactly how you like it to be. Either you wanna have 4 crafting grids in one table to work on complex recipes or run 4 furnaces in the space of one block powered by one internal fuel source. Or maybe you wanna mix em up like this:


The mod comes with various upgrades to help you with various task and improve the overall block after your needs. Here are some of the upgrades available right now:

To figure out what they all do download the mod and see for yourself.


Thanks to Vswe for making Steve's Workshop and CyanideX for all the textures he made!

Live development: The mod is being developed live at my twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/ewyboy

You can us on twitter:



and @Dr_Codex with Modularity
Dr_Codex said:



Machines and more in a Thermal Expansion style


  • TheCodedOne - Coding
  • CyanideX - Textures

and @raoulvdberge with Refined Storage
raoulvdberge said:
Refined Storage 1.3.4
  • Added option to check for oredict in the Grid Filter (raoulvdberge)
  • Added option to use a mod filter in the Grid Filter (raoulvdberge)
  • Added option to use a whitelist or blacklist in the Grid Filter (raoulvdberge)
  • Added Grid tabs using Grid Filters (raoulvdberge)
  • The Grid now resizes based on screen size (max rows can be configured) (raoulvdberge)
  • Added configuration option to enable large fonts in Grid (raoulvdberge)
  • Made Solderer tooltip less big (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed bug with opening a network item with food in offhand (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed not respecting "Extract only" option for storages (raoulvdberge)
  • Made the Interface sideless, you can just insert or extract from any side (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed a few autocrafting bugs (way2muchnoise)
  • Fixed a crash with the Disk Manipulator (way2muchnoise)

and @TheLMiffy1111 with Essential Thaumaturgy Unofficial
TheLMiffy1111 said:
This mod is the unofficial version of Modbder's mod, Essential Thaumaturgy, with some changes.

This work, Essential Thaumaturgy Unofficial, is a derivative of Essential Thaumaturgy by Modbder, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Essential Thaumaturgy Unofficial is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by TheLMiffy1111.

The changes are found at the commits on my GitHub fork of this mod.
new day, new update, and today it's @KklyAq with Queue Box
KklyAq said:
Queue Box is a mod for handling items in queues. As opposed to regular inventories and item handling blocks, items must always be extracted in the order they were inserted.


This mod currently provides 4 specialized blocks for different kinds of queued item handling.

Queue Chest
The Queue Chest is, like the vanilla chest, a basic inventory. To get items to move from the input towards the output, there is a GUI button to enable compacting, which will move the entire queue one step towards the output each game tick.

Queue Box
The Queue Box is a more advanced variant of the Queue Chest. It has options to limit input and output stack sizes, toggling stacking on and off, and setting the queue movement tick delay.

Queue Filter
The Queue Filter functions like filter in many other mods, except that it only accepts items in the order defined in the recipe.

Process Queuer
The Process Queuer is a block intended for automation where the order of items used is crucial.

All 4 blocks by default uses models which includes a frame along the edges.

This frame can be painted using the Paintbrush item to look like most regular blocks in Minecraft (and most mods).


and @jaredlll08 with JAIM - Just Another Information Mod
jaredlll08 said:
JAIM completely overhauls the vanilla World Selection Screen!

The JAIM World Selection Screen™ shows the player more information about their world, such as how big it is, when it was last played, what dimension the player is in when the world was saved and much more!

With JAIM it will be easier for a player to get information about their worlds without having to join it!

For example, when a player ctrl+clicks on a world, the world seed will be copied to their keyboard!
