What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Alpha6 of Applied Energistics 2 for 1.10.2:

  • Feature: Added charging items via IC2 API. - shartte
  • Feature: AE now accepts power via the legacy RF API. - shartte
  • Feature: Added item charging via legacy RF API. - shartte
  • Fixes #2544: NetworkTool now returns PASS for shift+right click on parts. - yueh
  • Fixes #2566: Update packet deserialization was broken when parts were present that were not a grid host. - shartte
  • Fixes #2593: Subtract the extracted not already gathered amount. - yueh
  • Fixes #2595: Restrict ItemHandlerAdaptor to not exceed the stacksize of a slot. - yueh
  • Fixes #2599: Missing instanceof EntityPlayerMP test. - yueh
  • Fixes #2605: Formation plane now using the correct offset position. - yueh
  • Fixes #2608: Handle scrollbar on mouseclicks not during rendering. - yueh

This release addresses some wobbly bits interacting with Storage Drawers. If you were having troubles with largish crafting orders, give this one a go.
new day, new update, and today it's @bafomdad with Real Filing Cabinet
bafomdad said:
The Mod:


Real Filing Cabinet is a storage mod with a varying amount of usefulness and resourcefulness. Unlike many other storage mods, it does not offer a solution to storing many, many different things. But what it can store, will be able to store it in large amounts, to the point of limitless storage. Can it store a thousand cobblestone? Yes. Can it store a million? Yes. Quadrillion? Yes.

The Filing Cabinet:

The filing cabinet block itself is simple to make. It has 8 inventory slots to store things in, but they accept only filing folders that have things inside of them. You can open and close the cabinet with an empty hand. Right-clicking with a (non empty) folder will store it in the filing cabinet. Shift-rightclicking an open cabinet with an empty hand will take a folder out of it.

A filing cabinet will only accept filing folders when it is opened. You can insert valid items/blocks into the cabinet at any time as long as it's holding a folder that accepts that item. Item extraction from a filing cabinet is possible by adding a filter onto it via item frame above the block facing the same way. If you know your JABBA and Storage Drawers, you know how to store and retrieve items. Automation will follow the rules of this filter too. Item Filter setup is below:

Item Filter:


By setting it up this way, you can make item extractions possible, manually and automatically. Make sure the item frame is facing the same direction as the filing cabinet is. An empty item frame means nothing will be extracted from the cabinet at all.

The Basic Items:

  • Magnifying Glass: Will show you the contents of a filing cabinet containing filing folders. Also useful for removing upgrades with. If you have WAILA or The One Probe installed, you can use those to display the contents instead and disable that function for the magnifying glass in config.
  • Whiteout Tape: Will wipe the information from a folder that contains 0 items or blocks; emptying them for re-use.
  • Master Key: Used to lock your filing cabinets with. Other players will be unable to extract/insert or open/close your filing cabinets.
  • Key Copy: Right-clicking your locked filing cabinets with this will create a "copy" of your master key. Giving this key to other players will let them modify your filing cabinets as long as they have it in their inventory. They still cannot unlock your filing cabinets, like the Master Key can.
  • Filter: An arrow shaped item you can place in an item frame above your filing cabinets. Depending on the item's rotation in the frame, it will let you extract from the slot it is "pointing" at. Default rotation will point at slot 0. If it's pointing straight down; slot 4, and so on.

The Filing Folders:

The heart of the mod; folders you can carry around or store in the cabinets themselves. They are able to carry more items or blocks than you will practically need. There are 3 different folders you can craft that have different functions:

  • Filing Folder: This is a normal filing folder. It will only accept items and blocks that can stack together. Items that can be damaged/repaired cannot be accepted into it. Shapelessly craft the empty folder with an item/block to return a filing folder that can be stored in a filing cabinet.
  • Durability Folder: This is the opposite of the previous folder. It can store items that can be damaged/repaired. So armor/tools/weapons can be stored in it. Shapelessly craft an undamaged item with the durability folder. After that, it can accept damaged items of the same type into it. Any more damaged items that go into the folder will merge with the other damaged items, repairing it as if it was shapelessly repaired in the vanilla crafting window.
  • Mob Folder: After crafting the empty mob folder, rightclicking any non-boss/non-child mob with it will draw them into the folder, creating a new mob storage folder storing that mob. Clicking again on a block will release that mob.
The Upgrades:

Even a filing cabinet without a practical storage limit can have upgrades too! Rightclicking a cabinet while holding an upgrade will set them to that upgrade. Remove an upgrade from the filing cabinet by shift+leftclicking it with a Magnifying Glass. Filing cabinets that already have an upgrade will not accept another, with one exception. Here are some of their abilities:

  • Creative Upgrade: Obtainable only in creative mode. Allows for infinite item extraction from any folder stored in it. This is the only upgrade that can be applied to any filing cabinet that do or do not have an upgrade already applied.
  • Crafting Upgrade: Setting this upgrade will make the cabinet try to autocraft an item that is in the Item Filter. The crafting ingredients to autocraft an item must be provided by the folders that contain those ingredients.
  • Ender Upgrade: Is functionally the same as a normal filing cabinet, with one difference: Once applied, you cannot modify the contents of the filing cabinet (until you remove the upgrade to be able to do so again). Any folders you take out of the filing cabinet are simply copies of it, and what that folder copy can do is keep its contents synced with the filing cabinet it was taken from.
  • OreDict Upgrade: Gives the filing cabinet oredictionary capabilities once applied. A folder containing Oak Wood will accept Spruce Planks, and Tin ingots from a mod will accept Tin ingots from another mod, and so on. This can work the other way, using the Item Filter.
  • Mob Upgrade: Applying this to a filing folder will have it behave differently depending on what mob is colliding with it. If a mob collides with the filing cabinet and it contains a Mob Folder that can store that mob, the mob will disappear, being sucked into the folder automatically. This upgrade does not do anything different for folders that aren't Mob Folders.

and @koxhack with Better Agriculture
koxhack said:
Better Agriculture 1.0 RC1
Version 1.0 RC1



Full Mobs Code Rewrite (For better mod compatibility)

Fancy Tile Block Variants

Large Tile Block Variants

Small Tile Block Variants

Tiny Tile Block Variants

Farmer Outfit

Pigs now drop Pig Leather

Sheep now drop Sheep Skin

Sheep now drop Sheep Milk

Male Farmland (NPC)

Straw Hat

Red Shirt



Goat Milk

Sheep Milk

White Sheep Skin

Pig Leather

Grey Sheep Skin

Duck feather

Duck Egg

Duck Breat

Diced Goat

Goat Curry


Slate Ore drops

and @MonzterAssassin with Advanced Thaumaturgy 2
MonzterAssassin said:
Advanced Thaumaturgy 2 started as a port from Advanced Thaumaturgy by LycaonX, but quickly became more than just that.

This mod seeks to extend the Thaumcraft playtime, but not in a tedious manner. It will add items that unlock features every Thaumaturge dreamed of, such as the ability to modify a node, at a price obviously! But there is a lot planned for this mod that we will be revealing at a later date.

To stay updated on everything at the very moment we say it I recommend you join our public discord chat:

And for FAQ on our mod, please refer to the Minecraft Forums Page:

Any and all requests are considered, but we urge you to post those along with bug-reports in the Discord chats. If you have questions you can ask them there as well! ;)

and @Chocohead with Industrial Craft
Chocohead said:
Industrial Craft 2-2.6.105-ex110
  • Allow TeBlocks control over side rendering.
  • Allow addons to add their own extensions onto the network encoder.
  • Fix Dynamite-o-mote.
  • Added support for comparators for more IC2 blocks.
  • Document the Recipes API better.
  • Moved INetworkCustomEncoder into the API.
  • Fixed crash when reloading broken textures in XML GUIs.
  • Expanded the XML GUI system to support many more options.
  • Added active support by default for all TileEntityBlocks.
  • Move the solar panel to XML to show how it can work now.
  • Cleaned up the kinetic water generator, fixed modded biomes not working.
  • Added back Industrial Credits.
  • Fix pattern storage recipe.
  • Fix coffee recipes.
  • Allow slot grids to have custom spacing too.
  • Expose the JEI plugin so addons can hook onto it easier.
  • Added a quick texture for the Jetpack Attachment Plate.
  • Fixed fatal flaw in design with TeBlocks.
  • Fixed attached jetpacks not being charged from charging batteries.
  • Fix the kinetic generator only looking in a single direction for biome changes.
  • Allow none IC2 resource domain sounds to be played using the sound engine.
  • Fix rotating energy storage units posting energy events clientside, will reduce log spam.
  • Grabbed an old missed change from the 1.8 branch.
  • Fix assertion error pulling a treetap off a booze barrel.
  • Fix server side localization.
  • Fix API doc spelling mistake.
  • Stop the Q-Suit-Helmet draining energy when trying to eat but failing.
  • Update JEI module.
  • Fix iTNT recipe only producing 1 not 4.
  • Allow core addons to use ItemElectricTool like ItemIC2.
  • Fixed CESUs turning bronze into iron, they now drop themselves.
  • Allow core addons to use ItemArmorIC2 too.
  • Made the fermenter less strange.
  • Allow jetpacks with different speeds.
  • Baby steps to having better keyboard options.
  • Fix Forestry's ethanol not working in the Semifluid Generator and Liquid Firebox.
  • Stopped JEI crashing and complaining about things.
  • Prevented keys being registered more than once.
  • Fix bug with not getting electrocuted with tin cables.
  • Added some more new Achievements.
  • Fix New ore miner achievement.
  • Fix fluid cell still doing offhand action, when succeeding.
  • Make the sorting machine behave itself more, now properly pays attention to transformer upgrades.
  • Clean WorldData initialization and local enet retrieval up.
new day, new update, and today it's @McJty with RFTools
McJty said:
RFTools 1.10-5.60
  • Tansheron added a new mode to the sensor to allow it to detect fluids. When in 'block' mode the sensor will no longer pick up fluids. Keep that in mind!
  • Kayila fixed the spawner so that it can now spawn functioning Ender Dragons.
  • KFGL changed syringe tooltip to show correct info when it has Zombie Pigman essence
  • Changed the sides of the power relay to 'L' (left), 'R' (right) and 'B' (back) to be less confusing
  • It is now possible to name elevators and these will be used in the elevator module. It is still possible to override that in the module for the first 8 levels
  • Added a new mechanic for looting with shields. Insert dimensional shards in the new slot to get the shield to do looting 3 (configurable). Be sure to enable 'player' damage type for this
DramaSplash now available for 1.11 (and all versions above 1.8, really).

  • Now supports any version above 1.8, because I am sick of updating the accepted versions (thank you Maven for sucking at semantic versions; see Ruby ~>). The code this modifies very rarely gets changed so I think this is fairly safe. Now works on 1.11.

I will be waiting until a stable 1.11 for my other mods because of the thing mentioned in the changelog.
Last edited:
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Reactions: Yusunoha
new day, new update, and today it's @CenturionFox13 with Wolf Armor and Storage
CenturionFox13 said:
Overrides the basic wolf entity to enable tamed wolves to equip various armors and hold up to six items in storage.


Supports configuration to customize rendering layers, and other options:

- Enable and disable wolf packs entirely

- Enable and disable wolf pack rendering

- Enable and disable wolf health / armor display in the inventory

- Enable and disable wolf armor rendering


Right-click a tamed wolf to add six slots of storage.


Dye leather wolf armor!


Apply wolf armor via dispensers!


Each type of armor is craft-able!


Known Incompatibilities:

Anything that overrides or replaces the basic wolf entity

This should not cause any issues with mods that extend the basic wolf entity. Custom wolves from mods that do this will not support wolf armor.
new day, new update, and today it's @Professorvennie12 with Simpley Machines
Professorvennie12 said:
Simple machines adds four blocks right now.(I have many more planned)



The basic grinder is 2 times as efficient on fuel then the normal furnace and is slightly faster.


The basic grinder uses fuel to grind items.


The solar furnace harness the energy from the sun to smelt items. There are some side effects from using this method. It is slow, and no automation of the furnace.


The solar grinder harness the energy of the sun to grind items. There are some side effects from using this method. It is slow, and no automation of the grinder.


Textures are all made by me(so they are not the best). If some one is willing to make me some better textures that would be greatly appreciated.

You can use this mod in any non paid mod pack just provide the credit.
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @Brandon3055 with Custom Starter Gear
brandon3055 said:
This is a very simple mod that allows you to control exactly what items players start which when they login for the first time.

Key Features:
- Removes books/manuals and any other items given by other mods. If you want these items you can just add them yourself via this mod.
- Places the items back in exactly the same slots with support for armor and off-hand.
- Supports item NBT data.
- Can be easily configured by simple running a command with the desired items in your inventory.
- Can be implemented as a server side only mod but also works in singleplayer.

Put all the items you wish players to start with in your inventory (Note the slot in which you place them will also be saved)
Then run the command "/csg_config set" to save your inventory.
Now when a player logs in for the first time they will get an exact copy of your inventory. (Including item NBT and meta)

This does overwrite things like manuals given by other mods but if you still want players to receive those simply include them when you save your inventory.

If for whatever reason you wish to manually give a player the starting inventory you can use "/csg_config give <player>"
Note: This will delete any existing items in that players inventory!

You are free to use this mod in any and all mod packs. No need to ask permission.
new day, new update, and today it's @McJty with RFTools
McJty said:
RFTools 1.10-5.61
  • Fixed crash with placing new elevator blocks
  • Added some protection for invalid itemstacks to the storage scanner
  • The storage screen module now works over different dimensions
  • RFTools blocks protected by the block protector are now also protected from the wither's force to simply break through blocks. This should also protect these blocks from the enderdragon. Noe that this is not true for other blocks protected by the block protector. The block protector can still only protect blocks from harvesting and regular explosions. Not from the enderdragon or wither trying to break through.

and @lumien with Random Things
Lumien said:
Random Things 3.7.7
  • Added: Magnetic Enchantment (Drops from Blocks mined with a tool that has this enchantment go straight in your inventory instead of dropping)
  • Added: Blaze And Steel (The fire created by this spreads much quicker than vanilla fire)
  • Added: Returning Block of Sticks (Works like Block of Sticks but when breaking it returns to your inventory instead of vanishing)
  • Changed: The Player Interface texture is no longer animated because huge animated textures cause performance problems on certain graphics cards.
  • Changed: Made the brown variant of the Rainbow lamp less hideous
  • Changed: Reduced Climbing Speed on the lesser magic bean
  • Changed: The Item Collector now uses IItemHandler instead of IInventory
  • Fixed: Crash on World Load
  • Fixed: Crash when using JER to profile the overworld
  • Fixed: Trying further to prevent CME caused by Redstone Interfaces
  • Fixed: Prevent other Mods from Spawning Monsters in the Spectre Dimension
  • Fixed: Don't spawn Beans in the Nature Chest if they are disabled
  • Fixed: Check whether entity has space before spawning one with the Nature Core
  • Fixed: Crash when the Igniter tries to place Fire where it can't
  • Fixed: Crash when looking at a Filtered Item Redirector
  • Fixed: Crash when a chunk with a redstone interface is loaded
  • Updated: Baubles API
Due to updating the Baubles API Random Things now required Java 8. There isn't a reason to not update to it though so it should be fine.
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
@RWTema released Extra Utilities 2 1.0.0 (NO LONGER APLHA!)
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.10.2 - 1.0.0 Changelog

- No longer in alpha
- Added loads of new generators
- Culinary Generator
- Dischantment Generator
- Ender Generator
- Explosive Generator
- Frosty Generator
- Halitosis Generator
- Magmatic Generator
- Netherstar Generator
- Overclocked Generator
- Pink Generator
- Potion Generator
- Heated Redstone Generator
- Slimey Generator
- Survival Generator
- Undeath Generator
- Added Energy and Fluid variants of the Trash Can
- Added Mini-Chest
- Added Blue Dye (made when crushing blue wool - instead of the more valuable lapis)
- Improved Indexer GUI. It now has text field for proper filtering and a side crafting grid.
- Added more crusher recipes
- Lava buckets are no longer valid for the furnace generator
- Improved JEI Integration
- Added 'comma' formatting for large RF numbers
- Player Chest armor slots now correctly check for validity
- Any 'FluidHandler' XU tile can be right-clicked with buckets to add/remove fluids
- Fluid Transfer Nodes with mining upgrads perform an event check to see if infinite water sources are disabled.
- Fix side quads being rendered darker than they should be.

Culinary Generator is back, hooray!
Updated my mods to 1.11 (only minor changes, see the change log for details) Enjoy:

Biome Height Tweaker:
easily configure custom heights and variation of the biomes. Can be used to selectively amplify your world, or just make parts of it slightly more mountainous/flat. Will work with modded biomes in Default world gen, not compatible with mods such as Biomes o Plenty after 1.7.10.

Default World Generator (Port):
my port of fireball1725 original Default World Generator mod to versions of mc 1.8.9 and above. Allows a pack creator to set or force the default world type, and any customization screen. Easiest to configure in the Mods -> configuration gui as this will use the same gui for customization screen as the customize button on the new game screen.


Need a highly customization wasteland terrain with no resources to be found for your modpack, possibly something loosely based off of regrowth or crash landing? This is it, recommended to be used with Default World Generator (port) to set the default for the users of your pack. While not intended to be used standalone, you can try the village challenge in the preset that ought to allow progression to the end via looting the villages.
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) (1.10.2) to
  • Asorah and Spectral Dragons are now immune to fire
  • Reduced the amount of smoke particles during a ritual
  • Ritual Altar creation now has more visual effects
  • Loading stages are no longer logged
  • A few Item textures have been updated
  • Patron Necronomicon info is now fetched from a remote file (has a local version if something goes wrong)
  • A Necronomicon Page object can now specify a URL that points to an image, which will then be displayed (if the image can be located)
  • Any JSON file added to the "abyssalcraft" folder in the config directory that's properly formatted will be injected into the "Other Information" section of the Necronomicon
  • The "AbyssalCraft Tools" Creative Tab now has a Interdimensional Cage filled with PE alongside the normal empty one
  • Fixed the Item name colors on the Gateway Keys
  • Replaced half of the Darklands structures
  • Added API hooks for generating Darklands structures
  • Added config option to force the dimension biomes to reset the mob spawning lists in order to stop mobs from other mods from populating the lists
  • Made the teal tint on the Depths Helmet overlay A LOT more transparent
  • Added Abyssal Sand
  • Added Fused Abyssal Sand
  • Added Abyssal Sand Glass
  • The terrain in the Abyssal Wasteland now has a top layer of Fused Abyssal Sand, with patches of Abyssal Stone
  • Added Dreadlands Dirt
  • Updated the textures on Dreadstone, Abyssalnite Stone and their brick counterparts
  • Added Abyssal Cobblestone, Dreadstone Cobblestone, Abyssalnite Cobblestone and Coralium Cobblestone
  • Added Abyssal Cobblestone, Dreadstone Cobblestone, Abyssalnite Cobblestone and Coralium Cobblestone Stairs, Slabs and Walls
  • Changed the ritual formation blocks to use the Cobblestone blocks instead of Bricks where applicable
  • Updated the information about statues to mention them needing an open sky to operate
  • Fixed the bug where the random blindness from Darklands biomes would stay when it's reached 0
  • Replaced the Darkstone Cobblestone in Abyssal Strongholds with Abyssal Cobblestone
  • Rituals can now be NBT sensitive (pedestal offerings must have identical NBT tags to the ones in the ritual recipe)
  • You can no longer process Liquid Antimatter or Liquid Coralium Buckets in Furnaces, Transmutators or Crystallizers
  • Removed the crafting recipe for a Liquid Antimatter Bucket
  • Changed some of the Potion Effects added by the various armor sets
  • Now runs on Java 8
  • Wooden Pressure Plates in Darklands villages is now replaced with Darklands Oak Pressure Plates (1.9 only)
  • Deprecated the Liquid Coralium and Liquid Antimatter Buckets, they're now handled by the Forge Universal Bucket (1.9+)
  • Fixed a bug with Potion brewing (1.9+)
  • Fixed crashes with GregTech 5 Unofficial (1.10.2 only)
new day, new update, and today it's @LordSaad with Refraction
LordSaad said:
Refraction 1.1
  • Fixed spectrometers not showing r g b values
  • Added wormholes generators (AXYZ)
  • Fixed laser pen not producing beam properly
  • Made beams responsive
  • Added more config options
  • Added photon grenades
  • Changed particles of assembly table
  • Added in light bridges and electron exciters
  • Changed accelerate beam to freeze beam for balance
  • Fixed screwdriver not changing angles when not pointing at a block
  • Added translocators that telepose a beam half a block further and teleport AXYZs to their initial pre-piston-pushed positions
  • Possibly introduced an unknown cause of extreme tps lag spikes
  • Fixed bugs with color mixing in the reflection chamber
  • Fixed bug with the optic fibers not absorbing the light from reflection chambers when connected to them properly from certain angles
  • Fixed assembly table not merging beams that go into it
  • Fixed sound manager not managing sounds properly
  • Added sounds for light bridges and grenades
  • Removed a lot of tickables and tile entities! Stuff is much more efficient now
  • Fixed burn beam not burning blocks properly nor burning entities properly
  • Nerfed bonemeal beam
  • Documented the Beam class
  • Added UUIDs to beams
  • Fixed prism intersection planes not refraction beams properly
  • Increased timer for glowstone fuel in lasers. Configurable.
  • Added achievements
  • Fixed lasers producing double beams probably

and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.10 - 49
- rewrote the shader system
- improved texture performance
- changed API integration
- added listing in the manual, including re-ordering
- removed the recipe to turn shaders back into bags
- added the ability to rename wooden crates
- added IRotationAcceptor interface for dynamos and the things that drive them (thanks Malte)
- re-added the config for Excavator fail chance (thanks Malte)
- re-added the ability to dye balloons (thanks Malte)
- re-added the ability to add shaders to balloons
- changed the drill's hardness checks to easier dig ores (thanks Malte)
- fixed duped fluidcontainers on treated wood recipes
- fixed incompat issue with new versions of TConstruct
- fixed CraftTweaker compat (thanks mezz)
- fixed Crusher recipe for sand requiring grass rather than gravel (thanks MalkContent)
- fixed NPE on inserting items
- fixed Wirecutters consuming durability and not working properly on transformers
- fixed various client issues (thanks Malte)
- fixed Structural Connectors and Redstone Connectors not displaying properly (thanks Malte)
- fixed Conveyors throwing NPEs on Servers (thanks Malte)
- fixed dupebug with Charging Station
- fixed a few missing sounds
- fixed a concurrent modification in Tesla Coil sounds (thanks Malte)

and @EuhDawson with Shulker Box Mod
EuhDawson said:
This mod adds a feature that you can interact with your Shulker Box from your inventory.

Just right click the Shulker Box item in your inventory and the GUI of the Shulker Box shows up.

and @nekosune with Modular Forcefield System
nekosune said:
Modular Forcefield System 3.0.01
MFFS Classic!

There will later be updated textures/models however this should be good for people for now

Requires EnderIO or IC2.

Can select in the configs which recipes it uses
PSA: Don't use Immersive Engineering 0.10 - 49 with Tinker's Construct unless you have the secret alpha release with bows, it will crash while loading

Bows is coming to next Tinker's Construct release!
new day, new update, and today it's @insaneau with Ex Nihilo Adscensio
insaneau said:
Ex Nihilo Adscensio

Do you love Skyblocks? Do you hate having one block that takes you from minute 5 to year 5? Then this is the mod for you!

Ex Nihilo Adscensio is the continuation of the Ex Nihilo mod from 1.7.10, rewritten from the ground up.

The core concepts remain the same, but with a few key additions to give a little extra progression.

  • Sieve blocks in the sieve for resources, just as before, but the sieve now takes different meshes.
    Each mesh gives potentially different results, so check carefully.
    Sieve meshes can also be enchanted in a vanilla crafting table to give an extra boost to your efficiency (or fortune).
  • Hammers now respect a mining level. No more using a wooden hammer for everything!
  • Witchwater is back!
  • Mob Dolls are back!
  • Barrels are back! They can also potentially compost to something that isn't dirt, if you choose.
  • Silk Worms are back! (And easier to see)
  • Crucibles are back! And can potentially melt down to things that aren't lava...
  • The Broken/Crushed/Powdered Ore system has been replaced with a simple "Piece / Chunk" system. I felt like the old system served as nothing more than a nuisance, and ended up with something like this anyway.
Most importantly, from a developers perspective, the entire backend is powered by JSON. This means almost everything is configurable, allowing you to set up the mod as you see fit. This means no more reliance on MineTweaker/ModTweaker.

This mod has been through some alpha testing, and I believe it is now stable enough to be released to the general public. However, please note that I am sure there are uncaptured bugs that may or may not be world corruptors.

I consider this mod feature-complete, barring some mod integrations, particularly relating to ore-doubling mechanics. These will be added Soon (TM)

and @andrenoel1 with Death Quotes
andrenoel1 said:

When a player dies the game announces to all players that you died and from what condition such as "swimming in lava". This mod adds a funny amusing quote just above that message.

The default set of quotes contains about 450 of them. You may add to the quotes file or change it completly. If you don't have a quotes file in the /config/deathquotes.txt it will create the default one for you. Please do post your quotes files for others to use. :)

These quotes are from a bunch of Minecraft players. We had a lot of fun coming up with them and enjoyed playing with this on our own servers for some time.

This should work in single player and in multiplayer servers from Minecraft version 1.7.10 all the way to Minecraft 1.11

Have fun! And have more fun when you die. lol


As with any forge mod, just drop the downloaded jar file into the /mods/ folder and restart the game server. Be sure you selected the download for the version of Minecraft you are playing.


Yes, you may use this for anything.

Yes, you may distribute this.

Only needed on the server side for this mod to work on multiplayer servers.

This is a forge mod, no bukkit is needed.

Source code is included in the jar

Check out my other mods if you like.

and @koxhack with Redstone Flux Arsenal
koxhack said:

Redstone Flux Arsenal adds tools and weapons that use the RF, the energy system added by the Redstone Flux API

Tool - Axe
Redstone Flux Energized Axe - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Use 100)
Tool - Pickaxe
Redstone Flux Energized Pickaxe - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Use 100)
Tool - Hoe
Redstone Flux Energized Hoe - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Use 100)
Tool - Shovel
Redstone Flux Energized Shovel - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Use 100)
Tool - Sword
Redstone Flux Energized Sword - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Use 100)
Armor - Helmet
Redstone Flux Energized Helmet - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Hit 100)
Armor - Chestplate
Redstone Flux Energized Chestplate - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Hit 100)
Armor - Leggings
Redstone Flux Energized Leggings - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Hit 100)
Armor - Boots
Redstone Flux Energized Boots - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100, Energy Per Hit 100)
Energized Capacitor Tier 1
Redstone Flux Energized Capacitor Tier 1 - (Capacity 100000, Transfer Rate 100) - (Can charge other Redstone Flux items in inventory)

Energized Capacitor Tier 2
Redstone Flux Energized Capacitor Tier 2 - (Capacity 500000, Transfer Rate 500) - (Can charge other Redstone Flux items in inventory)

Energized Capacitor Tier 3
Redstone Flux Energized Capacitor Tier 3 - (Capacity 2000000, Transfer Rate 2000) - (Can charge other Redstone FLux items in inventory)
Energized Capacitor Creative

Redstone Flux Energized Capacitor Creative - (Capacity 2000000, Transfer Rate 2000) - (Can charge other Redstone FLux items in inventory)


Component (Craftting component)
Dark Ingot

Redstone Flux Energized Ingot

Redstone Flux Energized Plate

Redstone Flux Energized Gem

Redstone Flux Energized Crystal





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Feel free to use it as long as you give credits and a link to this page.

Optional: Let me know about it so I can check it out

and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.10 - 50
- added versioncheck for TConstruct to prevent crashes with bows
- added Icons for all IE machines to JEI and fixed recipe displays
- fixed furnace heater constantly updating chunks
- improved UV maps on the revolver, added a new shader

and @elucent with Roots
elucent said:
Roots 0.205

- Achievement screen crash when scrolling up to the top.

- Particles from tile entities appearing in other dimensions.

- Shift-clicking with a staff turning it white and unable to cast spells.

- Spell casting particles not syncing.

- Sanctuary spell having an infinite lifetime.

- Multiple spell entities not having a valid constructor.

- Explosions destroying two-block-tall blocks crashing the server.

- Growth spell (just, like, the whole thing).

- Frost shards not having any spread in multiplayer.


- All sprites are less derpy. They now will not migrate far from their initial spawning position.

- The sprite guardian boss has been revamped. It is now far more aggressive and more difficult. I recommend Botania flasks or other healing items, diamond armor or better, diamond weapons or better, and if possible flight if you want to make the fight easier on yourself.

- The pixie stone has been totally revamped into an air dash.

- All of the post-spirit-tier trinkets besides the pixie stone and the ancient hourglass have been removed for the time being. They still exist in code, but they are uncraftable and do not show up in the Runic Tablet.

- Frost shards now freeze entities in place briefly.

- Almost every combat spell received a damage buff.

- Several other spells received general usefulness buffs.

- Spirit conduits and spirit fonts work better. It's hard to explain, but it should be easier to make spirits flow from one to another now, and they don't create entities so they should be much less laggy (not that they were very laggy before).

- There is also a bunch of unused dimension content in the mod. It's coming later. :^)

- All staves have about 3x the durability.


- Ritual of Recharge. Recharge the uses of any spellcasting item.

and @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.10.2 - 1.1.0
- Added Rainbow Generator: the ultimate power source - when ALL the other RF generator types are ALL running simultaneously (on the same player grid), the Rainbow Generator outputs insame amounts of RF to all sides every tick
- Added Creative Chest: infinite source of items
- Added Creative Energy Source: infinite source of energy
- Change textures of creative blocks/items to use a purple sheen, rather than the command block texture
- Reworked Culinary generator algorithm to prevent '0 rf/t and infinite time' recipes
- Add special catch for when block/tile entities are mismatched
- Fix various machines not dropping all items when broken
- Prevent mobs spawning in quantum quarry dimension
- GP Generators are renamed to Mills to prevent confusion with RF Generators.
- Fixed Crusher adding ingot->2x dust recipes
- Fixed Crusher adding duplicate recipes

and @Epoxide with Dark Utilities
Epoxide said:
Dark Utilities 1.10.2-

  • Added filter for fire resistant mobs.
  • Added filter for boss mobs.
  • Added inverted mob filters.
  • Added charm of gluttony, allows players to eat food super fast!
  • Added sneaky bedrock
  • Added agression charm, agrovates nearby mobs in a larger range.

  • The filter recipe to output four blocks rather than one
  • Ender Tether now teleports enderman when they spawn as well.
  • Anti Slime blocks can be disabled using redstone!
  • Timers can now be disabled when powered with redstone!

  • Fixed Ender Tether spawning mobs on the edge rather than the middle.
  • Fixed occasional desync issue with mobs moved by the ender tether.
  • Fixed Sneaky Torch looking like a full block in item form.
  • Fixed Update Detectors breaking instantly.
  • Fixed chests having weird break textures

and @Phylogeny with Extra Bit Manipulation
Phylogeny said:
Extra Bit Manipulation 1.10.2-2.2.0

  • Allowed all tool settings to be set via a menu that opens when pressing the vanilla Chisels & Bits radial menu key bind.
  • Added new item – Modeling Tool:
    • Creates chiseled blocks that are models of collections of blocks in the world.
    • An area of blocks (up to 16 x 16 x 16) is selected by left clicking, and a chiseled block model is created in the world by right clicking.
    • Chiselable block states will automatically map to bits of that block state, while unchiselable block states will map to a default bit (although that is configurable)
    • Whether or not a state is chiselable, a mapping of states to bits, and of blocks (i.e. all states for a given block) to bits, can be manually specified via a GUI.
    • Instructions regarding controls/usage are found in the tooltip and GUI hovering text.
    • Many new configs were added for the Modeling Tool.
  • Added SHIFT, CONTROL, and ALT replacement keybinds for tools (Ex: control + left click becomes some other key + left click), as well as a keybind to open the Modeling Tool GUI.
  • Allowed vanilla Chisels & Bits designs to be edited while holding them upon pressing the keybind that opens the Modeling Tool GUI.
  • Split up config file into three main files: client, server, and common:
    • The client and server files contain only configs accessed from client or server, respectively. The common file contains configs accessed from both client and server.
    • The number of common configs was minimized, so there are far fewer instances where changing a value will cause client/server desync.
    • When a player joins a server, only their common config file needs to be the same as the server's.
    • The config GUI was split into three primary menus to access these three main config files.
  • Switched player-bound tool data from being stored in the player's NBT via the capability system to being stored per-client in separate config files:
    • These additional config files (sculpting and modeling) cannot be accessed via the config GUI and are automatically read from and written to when using their respective tools in-game.
  • Allowed config bit item stacks to be specified via block ID or by string (modid:name), and added support for specifying them with metadata (Ex: minecraft:wool:7 or 35:7).
  • Prevented recipe configs from being changed in-game and caused the Minecraft restart requirement prompt to display when they are changed.

Modeling Tool example usage:


new day, new update, and today it's @sinkillerj with ProjectE
sinkillerj said:
ProjectE 1.10.2-PE1.1.0B
###Version 1.10.2-PE1.1.0B
* NOTICE: When reporting issues on the tracker please be sure to tag them as 1.10
* NEW: The Black Hole Band can be used to remove world fluids like in EE2
* NEW: Scoreboard objective projecte:emc_score which reads a players stored transmutation EMC
* FIXED: Night vision no longer causes particles
* FIXED: Homing arrow target height
* FIXED: A pedestal rendering issue resulting from the day cycle being disabled
* FIXED: Other minor pedestal rendering fixes
* FIXED: Tooltips referencing the long since removed wrenching feature have been removed
* FIXED: A Watch of Flowing Time crash
* FIXED: Repair talisman now targets armor slots
* FIXED: A sync issue causing transmutation knowledge to appear empty
* FIXED: XP calculations have been updated to modern MC standards
* FIXED: Tome of Knowledge can be unlearned again
* FIXED: Mysterious red zeroes sometimes appearing in the transmutation GUI
* FIXED: Various sound fixes
* CHANGE: Pedestal GUI has been removed
* CHANGE: Various backend optimizations
* CHANGE: MineTweaker support has returned, further testing is required
* CHANGE: Minor world transmutation rendering optimization
* CHANGE: ProjectE recipes now accept OreDict mats. This may be removed in the future if serious exploits arise
* CHANGE: Swiftwolfs Rending Gale will no longer smite tamed mobs
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) (1.10.2) (1.11) to
  • The Achievements and Rituals with Water Bottles should display Water Bottles, and nothing else (1.9+)
  • Switched the internal method of killing the sacrifice in rituals that requires a sacrifice (Pigs will no longer turn into Zombie Pigmen)
  • The Forge Universal Bucket is actually registered for the fluids, instead of it not being that (1.9.4+)
  • Set the correct textures for the Ritual Altars/Pedestals that didn't have the correct texture (1.9.4+)
  • All of the Ritual Altars/Pedestals now drop the correct block
  • Pressing U while hovering over something used in a ritual will now display the ritual in the list of recipes where it's used in the JEI plugin (1.11 only)
  • Expanded the amount of different types of objects you can input as offerings in a Ritual
  • Made the bounding boxes for Shoggoth Ooze, Shoggoth Biomass and Solid Lava the size of a full block (1.9.4+)
  • Fixed the placement of Torches and Buttons in Abyssal Strongholds (1.9+)
  • Fixed the placement of Torches in Dreadlands Mineshafts (1.9+)
  • The Dread Spawn now plays it's sounds (instead of the Zombie ones) (1.10.2+)
  • Ported to 1.11 (1.11 only)

Yes, AbyssalCraft is now available for 1.11!
Last edited:
and @Shadows_of_Fire with Mob Farm
Shadows_Of_Fire said:
Tired of being chained to high power costs or high resource costs to spawn mobs at your will? No more of that.

Mob farm allows you to plant crops that when harvested spawn a monster of their respective type. These monsters are normal versions, and are just as strong as usual, with the same drops.

They can even be automated for use as grinders using other mods such as EnderIO. These crops will not be uprooted by soil being turned back into dirt, as to allow for easier automation.

There is one caveat though, they cannot be bonemealed.

and @NanoHeart with Long Fall Boots
NanoHeart said:
Long Fall Boots

Boots that negate all fall damage when you wear them.

That's it, plain and simple.

Inspired by the Long Fall Boots found in the game, Portal
