What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
new day, new update, and today it's @MatrexsVigil with Pam's HarvestCraft
MatrexsVigil said:
Pam's HarvestCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2f
HarvestCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2f Cross Compatibility - Tofu Update

- Changed: Firm/Soft Tofu no longer works as meat/eggs in recipes
- Added: rawtofeakItem, rawtofaconItem, rawtofishItem, rawtofeegItem, rawtofuttonItem, rawtofickenItem, rawtofabbitItem, rawtofurkeyItem, rawtofenisonItem, cookedtofeakItem, cookedtofaconItem, cookedtofishItem, cookedtofeegItem, cookedtofuttonItem, cookedtofickenItem, cookedtofabbitItem, cookedtofurkeyItem, cookedtofenisonItem
--Note: While all raw items give the same food back as their raw meat counterparts, same for their cooked counterparts
- Added: Cook raw tofu items in the furnace to get cooked tofu items
- Recipes Added
rawtofeakItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, listAllmushroom, foodSoysauce, foodBlackpepper, foodOliveoil

rawtofaconItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, foodOliveoil, foodSalt, foodFlour, listAllsugar

rawtofishItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, cropSeaweed, cropLemon, cropSpiceleaf

rawtofeegItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, dyeYellow

rawtofuttonItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, foodFlour, foodOliveoil, cropPotato

rawtofickenItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, foodFlour, foodOliveoil, cropSpiceleaf

rawtofabbitItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, foodFlour, foodOliveoil, cropCarrot

rawtofurkeyItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, foodOliveoil, Items.BREAD

rawtofenisonItem = toolCuttingboard, foodFirmtofu, foodFlour, foodOliveoil, listAllnut, foodSoysauce, listAllmushroom

Hopefully tofu meats and normal meats should be more balanced in terms of food point costs and such. Enjoy!
new day, new update, and today it's @Beeto with Better With Mods
Beeto said:
Better With Mods 0.12-1.10.2
The Water Update

  • Added config GUI - primetoxinz
  • Fixed plank recipe lookup for ShapelessOreRecipe (mainly affected Forestry, as far as I know)
  • Added the Screw Pump - MRebhan
  • Properly updated to the latest Tinkers Construct API, instead of relying on reflection for version discrepancies (seriously, guys, scythes are back, go update if you haven't)
  • Added Creeper Shearing - primetoxinz
  • Added Ender Spectacles - primetoxinz
  • Added White Stone - primetoxinz
  • Added Ender Pearl storage block - primetoxinz
  • Added more difficult Soulforged Steel recipe (configurable, enabled by default) - primetoxinz
  • Animals will now eat food off the ground
  • Implement loot tables for device overpowering drops
  • Add MineTweaker support for Hardcore Buoyancy
  • Various fixes for MineTweaker support
  • Add vases - BordListian
  • Stoked fire now does not require a block above it, and will now damage entities
  • Fix potential crash on stoked fire tick
  • Mod compatibility now has config toggles - primetoxinz
  • Hardcore Buckets can now affect modded buckets (a completely separate config, might create a whitelist config in the future)

and @al132 with Packet Filter
al132 said:
Packet Filter 1.2.0
Added the Routing Packet Filter, a more advanced version of the Packet Filter that allows each output slot to be set to a specific side of the block.

and @boni with Tinkers Construct
boni said:
Tinkers Construct 1.10.2-2.5.3
This version requires Mantle 1.0.0 or higher and Forge 2073

Also check out the Changes from 2.5.2


  • Add Scythes: AOE attack and blockbreaking. Rightclick harvests crop in an AOE or shears entities in an AOE. Silktouch turns the scythe into a shear for block harvesting.
  • Resource Packs can now override how materials for the tools look the same way like TiC does it!
  • Add a config option to only show the first type for all the tables
  • Add a config option to only show the first material for all the toolparts, tools,...
  • Drains now properly provide all the infos about smeltery contents to other mods blocks
  • Updated/added several localizations

  • Fix NPE when obtaining harvest info (WAILA Error)
  • Fix Slimegrass not spreading to vanilla dirt anymore
  • Fix EFLN explosions losing NBT of drops
  • Fix inconsistency in Width/Height modifier descriptions
  • Electrum tools don't reset item in use anymore when holding rightclick
  • Fix mattock always using durability when hoeing, even when it should've been prevented
  • Fix shurikens ignoring invulnerability time (you wont notice the change in most cases)
  • Fix shurikens flickering
  • Fix fancy itemframes missing model when putting a map into them
  • Fix tinker tank fluid rendering height
  • Fix the config-sync message being displayed every time on server logon, even though the config already was up to date
  • Readd missing smeltery fuel tooltip
  • A few safety measurements against crashes

and @Lellson with Rough Tweaks
Lellson said:

Rough Tweaks is a pretty small mod which adds some small hardcore changes to the game. This mod was created for a hardcore based modpack I'm working on at the moment. All features are based around making the minecraft health system a bit more difficult. You can turn off / change every single feature in your config file.

Current Features:

  • Disables natural health regeneration on world join (Turns the gamerule to false).
  • Sleeping now heals 1 Heart.
  • Adds 5 new items which heal half a heart on use
    • Salve: Can be used 2 times
    • Plaster: Can be used 4 times
    • Bandage: Can be used 6 times
    • Medikit: Can be used 16 times
    • Enchanted Medikit: Can be used 16 times. Also gives the user the absorption effect for a short period.
  • There are currently 2 ways to get these items:
    1. Hostile Mobs have a 1 in 30 chance to drop either Salve, a Plaster or a Bandage
    2. Crafting:

and @Subaraki with Pet Buddy
Subaraki said:

All necesairy info can be found on the official wiki.

Official Wiki

Short Description :

If you have ever felt lonely in minecraft, then your tiny pet buddy will be there to make you feel less lonely !

He can carry stuff around for you, fight with you if you give him the tools to do so.

If you don't want him to look like you, you can even change his appearance !

check out the official wiki (link above) for more in-depth details.

and @tterrag1098 with Chisel
tterrag1098 said:
Chisel 1.9.4-
WARNING: The IDs of Oak Bookshelves and Dark Oak Bookshelves have been remapped! We're in still in alpha, proceed with caution.
  • Updated a few things in Russian Localization (Thanks, xMrVizzy!)
  • Added Chiseled Wool and Carpets! In all 16 colors. Each comes in two flavors:
    • Legacy (Basically, the old carpet design in Chisel 1.7 and before)
    • Llama (Designs based off of 1.11's Llamas!)
  • Added new Trodden Bricks pattern for stones.
    • Design based off of masonry bricks Drullkus attempted to create. (and failed to make look good in 1.7) Now they look great again!
  • Bookshelves
    • Added OreDict for Bookshelves
      • bookshelfOak
      • bookshelfSpruce
      • bookshelfBirch
      • bookshelfJungle
      • bookshelfAcacia
      • bookshelfDarkOak
  • Bugs squashed plus internal changes. We spawned some more bugs but we squashed those too! Yay, us!
  • Please, respect sheep!
Made something again: ThirdPerson Everything!

3rdPerson Everything!

Automatically switches you to 3rd person when you enter a boat, switches you back when you disembark. Does a similar thing for the Elytra!

Completely client side, will work for modded boats as well, as long as they extend EntityBoat. Will also work for vanilla.

You can setup keybindings to turn boat/elytra 3rd person view off. Will save between sessions so you don't have to do it everytime! Default keys are "'" for boats and "]" for elytra. Can be changed under "Misc" in Keybindings.

Yes, you can use this in a modpack, that's the point!

After I used it on my server I realized I should have done it for horses and possibly minecarts too, so that's coming in a future update as well :)
It's me again with an update to ThirdPerson Everything!:
Added support for Horses and Mincarts.

Now has a GUI and only one Keybinding, 4 keybindings was a little too much.


3rdPerson Everything!

Automatically switches you to 3rd person when you enter a boat, switches you back when you disembark. Does a similar thing for the Elytra, Minecart and Horses!

Completely client side, will work for modded boats as well, as long as they extend EntityBoat. Will also work for vanilla.

Use the default Keybinding "'" (Apostrophe) to open the config GUI:


Modes are automatically saved between sessions so you don't have to do this every time you play.

It's entirely client side, you do not need this on the server! You can even use it on vanilla servers!

Yes, you can use this in a modpack, that's the point!
Long awaited update to Blood Arsenal! Added the combat changing Sigil of Sentience!
- Updated to the latest Blood Magic
- Culled unused files
- Fixed some bugs with crashes
- Added the Sigil of Sentience
- Added the False Swipe Stick
- Fixed around with the Blood Burned String
False Swipe Stick also added for those who want to kill things, but at the same time don't want to kill them ;)

Forum Thread


RemoteIO is BACK!

Imagine a world where your contraptions aren't limited by the simple six sides to a block, or the fact that your machine is 50 chunks away from your massive mining operation

Sounds crazy, I know, but RemoteIO makes it possible!

The mod hinges around two key blocks, the Analyzer, and the Remote Interface.

By placing the Analyzer under any block in the world, it instantly becomes available anywhere else in the world. By shift-clicking said block, one can also set it to be broadcast along any several thousand frequencies, ensuring no interruptions, and having everything at your finger tips.

Finally, place down your Remote Interface and connect it to the same frequency. Instantly, your machine becomes accessible, functioning exactly as you would expect the original block to.

But that's not all, craft yourself a Pocket Gadget, and you can access your machine's interface as though you were standing right next to it. Need to smelt something in a hurry? Store some items? The Pocket Gadget is your friend!

Ohhhhh shiznits, RemoteIO is now available as an ALPHA for 1.10 :D
new day, new update, and today it's @RWTema with Extra Utilities 2
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 1.10.2 Alpha 1.1.0
- Added Deep Dark dimension, and Portal to the Deep Dark
- Added Ethereal Glass
- Added Ineffable Glass
- Added Quantum Quarry
- Added Resturbed Mob Spawner
- Added Wireless RF Battery
- Added Wireless RF Heating Coil
- Added Wireless RF Transmitter

- Add support for Forge energy
- Add support for EnderIO and Buildcraft wrench interfaces

- Mechanical miners will not mine air, fluid blocks or unminable blocks
- Drums now show the name of the fluid they are holding
- Use shift-click to auto-add items to the filter's ghost slots
- Change Item Filter GUI buttons to be less confusing
- Prevent boomerang enchantments from showing up on books

- Fix armor slots in Player Chest being reverse
- Fix issues with Destruction Wand not selecting blocks
- Fixed and rewrote JEI integration to prevent furthur issues
- Fix issues with Chunk loading manager
- Improve comparator handling
- Fix rendering on moon stone
- Fix improper caching of furnace smelting list

and @Tomson124 with Simply Jetpacks 2
Tomson124 said:

DescriptionThis mod is a small addon Ender IO (more mods to come). It adds jetpacks that can be used to fly. The jetpacks are powered by Redstone Flux (probably Tesla, too, in the future).

Yes, you may use this mod in your modpack. Please do not PM me about it.

If you like the mod and want to help its development, donations are always welcome as well as new patreons: https://www.patreon.com/Tomson124

Most up to date information is available at the Github repo.
new day, new update, and today it's @ReikaKalseki with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, RotaryCraft, ReactorCraft, ElectriCraft, ExpandedRedstone, Geostrata, CritterPet, TerritoryZone, LegacyCraft & MeteorCraft
ReikaKalseki said:
DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, RotaryCraft, ReactorCraft, ElectriCraft, ExpandedRedstone, Geostrata, CritterPet, TerritoryZone, LegacyCraft & MeteorCraft V16
DragonAPI: Added ItemEffectRender event
DragonAPI: Fixed config matching system
DragonAPI: Stopped sending packets to fake players
DragonAPI: ChancedOutputList can now support chances over 100%
DragonAPI: Expanded Forestry Bee handling
DragonAPI: Fixed MystCraft handling
DragonAPI: LuaReadTank now returns fluid internal registry name as well as previous values
DragonAPI: Reduced ModOreList registered drop rate for Certus from 3 to 2
DragonAPI: Added EnderLookAggro event
DragonAPI: Fixed ParticleEntity spawn detection
DragonAPI: Greatly improved GuiPainter performance
DragonAPI: Adjusted biome humidity parsing
DragonAPI: NEIIntercept can now hook into WAILA mouseover-lookup
DragonAPI: Expanded TiC tool handling
DragonAPI: Patched fluid renderer to allow fluids more control over in-world rendering
DragonAPI: Made PotionID cap fix more tolerant of other mods having the same patch
DragonAPI: Added config to make mobs not target players for 10s after logging into a world
DragonAPI: Added config to make rain make crops grow faster if exposed to it
DragonAPI: Added getUUID command
DragonAPI: Chat helper can now handle very long strings, splitting them as necessary
DragonAPI: Increased registered size of TF trees in ModWoodList
DragonAPI: Added FarmlandTrample event
DragonAPI: Added HarvestLevel event
DragonAPI: Added ItemStackUpdate event
DragonAPI: Added SlotClick event
DragonAPI: Added MemoryUsage command
DragonAPI: FilledBlockArray can now be NBT-sensitive
DragonAPI: Fixed BiomeID+128 issue preventing spawn of some mutated biomes (eg Ice Spikes)
DragonAPI: Fixed TickScheduler again
DragonAPI: Added SheepShear event
DragonAPI: Redesigned ASM system to be more easily expandable
ChromatiCraft: Added Lumen Stream
ChromatiCraft: Added Lumen Alveary Booster
ChromatiCraft: Added Item Distribution Node
ChromatiCraft: Added Fluid Link Anchor
ChromatiCraft: Added Avolite Ore
ChromatiCraft: Changed some recipes to use avolite
ChromatiCraft: Added Avolite Lamps
ChromatiCraft: Added Avolite Defence Beam
ChromatiCraft: Added PlaceStructure command
ChromatiCraft: Added Chromastone TiC tools
ChromatiCraft: Added MystCraft Page Extractor
ChromatiCraft: Added Transposition Gate
ChromatiCraft: Added Floatstone boots
ChromatiCraft: Added Lifecycle Acceleration Frame
ChromatiCraft: Added Scissorweed
ChromatiCraft: Added a new dimension puzzle structure type
ChromatiCraft: Added Recall Tablet
ChromatiCraft: Added Sparkling Sand, Dirt, Stone and other block variants
ChromatiCraft: Added Sparkling Sands biome to dimension
ChromatiCraft: Added Ethereal Luma
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Ritual Table granting some abilities too early
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Lumen Turrets killing wisps causing packet errors
ChromatiCraft: Made info fragment usage more clear
ChromatiCraft: Finished Transmutation Flame
ChromatiCraft: Added Crystal Forestry Backpacks
ChromatiCraft: Fixed some issues with Shifting Maze
ChromatiCraft: Genetic Insight no longer analyzes bees, but instead displays genes directly
ChromatiCraft: Added Progression Caching system
ChromatiCraft: Added Relay Filter
ChromatiCraft: Fixed repeater turbocharging being gated too late in progression
ChromatiCraft: Added Item Fabricator recipes for Ender and Nether shards
ChromatiCraft: Added Item Fabricator recipes for Soul and Life shards
ChromatiCraft: Added Item Fabricator recipe for Primordial Pearl
ChromatiCraft: Added Item Fabricator recipe for Gaia Spirit
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Aspect Former GUI
ChromatiCraft: Tile Accelerators no longer work on Bee Housings except to accelerate lifecycles
ChromatiCraft: Added some missing lexicon entries
ChromatiCraft: Essentia Relays will now try to fill labelled jars
ChromatiCraft: Added Air Miner enchantment
ChromatiCraft: Added Enhanced Utility enchantment
ChromatiCraft: Added Submergence enchantment
ChromatiCraft: Added Reposession enchantment
ChromatiCraft: Fixed shard brewing effects
ChromatiCraft: Greatly improved Biome Painter GUI performance
ChromatiCraft: Added Safe Mode to biome painter (will only replace biome it was placed in)
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Excavation star spreading logic
ChromatiCraft: Redesigned Biome FX, removed config since no longer render-intensive
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Mineral Enricher crash and tier error
ChromatiCraft: Added Omni Mode to Item Inserter
ChromatiCraft: Blacklisted DE dragon from Spawner Reprogrammer
ChromatiCraft: Lumen trees will no longer supply power if almost empty
ChromatiCraft: Pylons will no longer attempt to generate above Y 255
ChromatiCraft: Added API hook to blacklist enchantments from the Chromatic Enchanter
ChromatiCraft: Relay Source can now be upgraded
ChromatiCraft: Automation now properly harvests crystal blooms
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Monument Completion Ritual camera screwups when View Bobbing is enabled
ChromatiCraft: Made MultiChromatic rune recipe give 4x output
ChromatiCraft: Changed Potion Crystal recipe
ChromatiCraft: Tripled Elemental Farmer recipe output
ChromatiCraft: Elemental Stones can now boost liquid chroma
ChromatiCraft: Crystal Tanks now interact with comparators
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Heat Lamps on RC engines
ChromatiCraft: Made World Shift cheaper
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Sonic Blast interaction with blast resistance
ChromatiCraft: Gaining progress now makes a sound
ChromatiCraft: Item Fabricator can now make fluids
ChromatiCraft: Added "Cycling color" option to Particle Spawner
ChromatiCraft: Reduced lag from high-load relay sources
ChromatiCraft: Item Stand item-spreading is now player-specific
ChromatiCraft: Lumen Trees can now be fertilized
ChromatiCraft: Crystals are now more common in Rainbow Forests
ChromatiCraft: Peace broker mechanics reworked; more reliable, but also nullified if the player attacks a mob they "made peace" with
ChromatiCraft: Added receive and transmit range for crystal network tiles to the lexicon
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Rainbow Trees causing crashes if on fire without MystCraft installed
ChromatiCraft: Added ore-overlay mode to Ore-Finding pickaxe
ChromatiCraft: Lexicons now spawn as rare dungeon loot
ChromatiCraft: Enchantment value now affects cost in the Chromatic Enchanter
ChromatiCraft: End and Home keys can now scroll through the Ritual Table GUI
ChromatiCraft: Ley lines and relays can now go through many types of glasses
ChromatiCraft: Added fragment about CC enchants
ChromatiCraft: Crystals now render better in water
ChromatiCraft: Fixed extreme exploit with Heat Relay
ChromatiCraft: Buffed pylon damage to 1/4 of health
ChromatiCraft: Fixed some crafting behaviors
ChromatiCraft: Pylons can now spawn in Mesa biomes
ChromatiCraft: Crystal Blooms now have several varieties per color
ChromatiCraft: Fixed Wireless Source
ChromatiCraft: Aura Locus now works on sugarcane
RotaryCraft: Added Block Filler
RotaryCraft: Liquid spiller now requires power
RotaryCraft: Added Integrated Gearbox Upgrade
RotaryCraft: Iron scrap can now be melted in the TiC smeltery
RotaryCraft: Charcoal can now be used to make HSLA
RotaryCraft: Fixed Apiarist upgrade on bedrock armor
RotaryCraft: TNT Targeting tool now works for Block Cannon
RotaryCraft: Fixed Block Cannon
RotaryCraft: Fixed Heat ray spawning clientside TNT
RotaryCraft: Nerfed Slippery Bee
RotaryCraft: Fixed exploit with underpowered friction heaters
RotaryCraft: Drop processor now can process MystCraft folders
RotaryCraft: Fixed grinder giving >64 output items
RotaryCraft: Crystallizer can now freeze all molten metals into ingots
RotaryCraft: Pulse jet can now recycle most mods' armor and tools, including Bronze, Thaumium and dark steel
RotaryCraft: Made flywheels spin down faster when driving converter engines
RotaryCraft: Scythes can now remove weeds from AgC crops
RotaryCraft: Added visor upgrade to Bedrock Helmet
RotaryCraft: Fixed upgrades with Bedrock Helmet of Revealing
RotaryCraft: Scythes do more damage when used as a weapon
RotaryCraft: Added some more handbook info on shaft-portal interactions and engine muffling
RotaryCraft: Redesigned DPA
RotaryCraft: Refrigeration unit now gives more dry ice
RotaryCraft: Improved Item Cannon
RotaryCraft: Added flower > dye grinding recipes
RotaryCraft: Added NEI handler for fuel enhancer
RotaryCraft: Baitbox can now incubate eggs
RotaryCraft: Bedrock armor now nerfs DE damage
RotaryCraft: Spring boots prevent farmland trampling
RotaryCraft: Redesigned and improved Igniter
RotaryCraft: Fixed Woodcutter StackOverflow issues
RotaryCraft: Item Pump can now inject patterns into AE interfaces
RotaryCraft: Added Magnetizer API
RotaryCraft: Centrifuging clay now gives silicon
ReactorCraft: Fixed generator EU connectivity
ReactorCraft: Fixed toroid ClassCast on improper or unusual reactor designs
ReactorCraft: Fixed corium block duplication exploit
ElectriCraft: Added fuse
ElectriCraft: Fixed Lua wire interface
ExpandedRedstone: Fixed block breaker refiring on chunk load
Geostrata: Reduced lava rock spawn
Geostrata: Added a rock backpack for Forestry
CritterPet: Spiders now flip out if the rider drags them with a jetpack
CritterPet: Pets now teleport to players as necessary
TerritoryZone: Fixed loading territories trying to send packets during server boot
TerritoryZone: Added "Allow fire spread" flag to territories
LegacyCraft: Fixed LgC breaking Villager trading and breeding
MeteorCraft: Fixed clientside impacts

and @LosJustos with SimpleAutoSwitch
LosJustos said:
What's this mod about?
This client mod manages your tools while you mine, in both single player and multiplayer.
You can look for diamonds without stopping to change your tools every dirtblock!

  • It automatically changes your handhelt tool if you got a better one to break the facing block
  • It switches to your silktouch or fortune tools whenever you meet an important ore
  • It can be toggled on and off by pressing a custom key
  • It supports shovels, axes, pickaxes and shears

Mining with Effi5 and Haste2 beacon.

How to install the mod?

1. Make sure Forge is installed
2. Put the jar in your mods folder
3. Run the game!
4. Mine without stopping!

How to use the mod?
1. Customize the key to toggle autoswitch on or off in your minecraft-controls
2. Put the tools you want use into your hotbar and activate autoswitch.
3. Profit!

The mod checks if the block should be mined with silktouch or fortune.
It prefers silktouch if you got various tools with both enchantments.
Last edited:
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
Railcraft! Hurrah! (Note: Beta release for 1.10.2)

CovertJaguar said:
Beta 1:

This is the first public beta release for Minecraft 1.10.2.

There are too many changes to count, but the major points to be aware of are that Tracks have changed and that half the mod is still missing and will be added later.

Keep in mind that this is still very much beta, things will break, hopefully no worlds will be corrupted, but I make no promises.

Java 8 is required.

Beta 2:

Fixes various crashes and compatibilities issues identified in the previous version.
new day, new update, and today it's @Toastertim with Spikes
toastertim said:
This mod adds 5 spike blocks, which damage any living entity or player that walks over the top of it. Each spike increases in damage done per hit relative to their crafting tier, starting at half the damage of a wooden sword and incrementing consistently to being half the damage of a diamond sword hit. The spike blocks deals player damage to non player entities in order to drop xp. The spike blocks are also capable of having mobs spawn on it for easy mob farms in skyblock setttings.

This mod was created due to a lack of blocks of the same functionality present in 1.10.2 as Extra Utilities spikes are not in the 1.10.2 version currently. This mod was created to fill that need.

and @SassyShoelaces with Elytra Boost
SassyShoelaces said:
Elytra boost mod

This is a simple mod with a simple aim.

That aim being to make the use of elytra in the game more enjoyable for the user.

The mod inserts a key binding which allows the player to boost in the direction their cursor is facing.

The strength of this boost is adjustable using the configuration file and the in-game configuration menu, the mod also adds the functionality of allowing the player to auto equip the elytra after being in the air for the amount of time set in the config. This is able to be toggled on and off and does not affect players in creative mode.

This mod is for the client side only but may be used on servers depending on their configuration.

You may use this mod in a modpack with no attribution. Feel free to use the mod as you please however please note I am not responsible for your use of the mod. Do not attempt to reverse engineer this mod, if you wish to have access to the original files or have any other things you want to talk to me about, please contact me.

If you have any suggestions for the mod, please voice them.

and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.10 - 43
- added version dependency for TCon to prevent further reports of that
- added Banners! They look awesome! Shoutouts to Tris for making all the textures!
- added support for TConstructs resourcepack based materials
- added Strip Curtains. Purely decorative, dyeable, pretty nice for factories!
- re-added the ability to climb scaffolding on pipes
- re-added the Lightning Rod!
- expanded the "allow" and "interdict" functions on the Hammer in regards to multiblocks
- expanded the API on wires for an addon
- changed manualpages for Multiblocks to be better at everything (thanks boni)
- greatly improved renderperformance on waterwheels and windmills (thanks Malte)
- fixed wooden barrels not being toggleable
- fixed wooden barrels acceptign invalid fluids
- fixed side-solidity on pumps
- fixed changelog display in the Engineer's Manual
- fixed jerrycans not getting filled properly and beign lost in crafting
- fixed broken villager trades
- fixed glitches in the toolbox (hopefully)
- fixed <ERROR> overlays when WAWLA is installed (thanks Malte)
- fixed WAILA display for EnergyProviders
- fixed crash with Phial Cartridges
- fixed Homing Cartridges not doing damage
- fixed CraftTweaker method name
- fixed Balloons not emitting light
- fixed crash during Arc Furnace recycling calculations (thanks Malte)
- fixed Bucket Wheel continuing to rotate when the Excavator is broken and desyncing (thanks Malte)
- fixed LootEntry manipulation (3rd time's the charm?) (thanks Malte)
- fixed crash with Railcraft (thanks Malte)

and @Winter_Grave with FlightTweaks
Winter_Grave said:
This modd will add features to flight since Elytra was added in 1.9

More features are intended to be added in terms of tweaking the flight so you don't need to keep shooting your bootey with Punch II enchanted bows.

There's an item called the E-Tank (will be renamed soon), use it instead to gain impulse. Only available in creative for the moment, maybe useful for map makers or use othr mod to add is a t loot.

You can also add your favorite banner design to your Elytra, and you'll have some fancy wings.
New release of RFTools 5.50 for MC 1.10.2:

  • With the network monitor in your hand you can now see how much RF (or forge energy) is in nearby blocks:
    • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f71384377424c422e706e67
  • Screens can how be fullbright in the dark:
    • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f5878345735744b2e706e67
  • New HUD display on top of builder showing what it is currently doing:
    • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f4a7761614674512e706e67
  • To help with debugging the endergenic powergenerator you can also see a HUD above them if you hold your wrench:
    • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f39694c523743472e706e67
  • Builder improvements:
    • The Builder has a new 'pump' card with which you can pump liquids into two separate tanks (one on top and one on the bottom). By doing that it can support up to pumping two liquids at once. The default pump card replaces with dirt to avoid block updates. There is also a clearing variant.
    • The Builder now supports the standard item filter that is already supported by the crafter and the storage system. This works in combination with the void and quarry cards and allows you to restrict what the builder will work on:
    • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f3844437865544f2e706e67
  • Various:
    • Fixed a bug with huge screens disappearing if you would look at the lower side of it (and the top wasn't visible)
    • Old feature: sneak right click with a filter on an inventory will copy the contents of that inventory to the filter. That is still there. However, if you now sneak right click with a filter on any other block then that block will be added to the filter. Handy in case you want to add ores to the filter that you cannot pick up yet (no silk touch)

Download: https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools

Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @elucent with Embers
elucent said:
Embers is a mod that will fuse many magic-themed elements with many more technical ones. It's currently a serious work-in-progress and is missing a lot of the more unique features I have planned for it, but I figured that since it's quite functional at the moment, I might as well release it. No sense keeping it hidden for no reason, right?

Some of the mod's features at the moment:

Energy System:

Spoiler (click to hide)

An independent energy system (called Ember) with entity-based transfer methods. Use Ember Emitters and Ember Receptors to move power around!


Spoiler (click to hide)

Limited power generating in your world! Prospect around using the Atmospheric Gauge, and wait for that needle to wiggle to see if there's Ember around!

Ember Bores:

Spoiler (click to hide)

Ember bores! Once you find Ember in a chunk, mine down to bedrock level, place one of these machines down, pump in some fuel and some gunpowder using hoppers and item pipes, and over time it will generate tiny crystals of Ember that you can extract using an item pump.


Spoiler (click to hide)

Three ores, fairly standard: Copper, Lead, and Silver. Copper is used for most Ember-related purposes, Lead is used for most item-related purposes, and Silver will be mainly used for a feature that will be coming soon. Ore generation is totally configurable.

Item/Fluid Pipes:

Spoiler (click to hide)

Pipes! Transport fluids and items around your world. Use a Pump powered by a lever to extract items, and just a normal pipe to insert!

Heating Coil:

Spoiler (click to hide)

Item smelting! Just drop the items you want to smelt on top, pump in some Ember to the center block (or to a Mechanical Core next to the center block, or to a Mechanical Accessor next to a Mechanical Core next to the center block), and it'll input the items to its internal inventory, which can be pumped out with an item pump.

Ore Doubling:

Spoiler (click to hide)

Somewhat unconventional ore doubling! Put some ores into the Metal Smeltery (left), give the bottom block some Ember, and it'll melt them down into molten metal. Pump that out into a Stamper Base, put a Stamper above it with an appropriate Stamp, and it'll turn your metal into various item forms, like ingots or plates! The Stamper Base will either pop out the items into the world, or input them into a Bin behind it.

And more!

As I said, this mod is quite WIP, so unfortunately it is lacking in documentation. I'll be glad to answer your questions on this CF thread, but for the time being I recommend you play around with it to figure it out. The Metal Smeltery and Stamper have JEI support, which I would strongly recommend to see the mod's recipes.

I have a few disclaimers about the mod's content. I'm calling it a magitech mod, due to it having a fusion of magic and tech themed features, but it doesn't have nearly the scope of magic features I would want. So if you notice that the mod isn't quite that magical at the moment, I'm working on it!

There's also silver and dawnstone, which are pretty much unused at the moment, as well as the Centrifugal Mixer machine. These will all be much more useful in the near future -- I plan to use silver and dawnstone as much as I use lead and copper in the current mod.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this release!


and @Reika with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft & RotaryCraft
Reika said:
DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft & RotaryCraft V16b
  • DragonAPI: Fixed config matching system "holding a grudge" against players
  • DragonAPI: Redesigned TileEntity redstone checking system to greatly improve performance and syncing
  • DragonAPI: Fixed Beam AABB code
  • DragonAPI: Fixed Mekanism Tool handler
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Genetic Insight not showing Pristine status of princesses
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a system to restore lost progress
  • ChromatiCraft: Added fabrication recipes for Blizz, Blitz, and Basalz rods
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a new biome to the registry (not worldgen yet)
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Transition star on tiered ores
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Crystal Bee products being given at times when they should not
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed crash when Forestry present but with backpacks disabled
  • ChromatiCraft: Essentia Relays can no longer pull and push from the same location
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed new structure not generating an exit on completion
  • RotaryCraft: Slippery bee can now detect AgriCraft canola
and @CJBurkey with Translocation
CJBurkey said:
This mod was especially designed for the newest Minecraft snapshots. It currently does not work on them, it's for 1.10, but when 1.11 comes out, this mod will re-add the translocation feature to Minecraft as the Translocator Block.

This works just like the piston translocation glitch except it just teleports anything in front of it to its back on a redstone signal. It only triggers once per pulse.

The arrows point to the block where the entity will be moved to. The red side is the "from" side, and the blue is the "to" side.

Note: This block does no checks as to whether the destination is safe or not, that is up to the player.

This block can be mined by hand, but mines quickest with a pickaxe.

  • Pictures:
    • Recipe

  • Elevator design(not very compact yet):

and @GlobbyPotato with Rockhounding Mod: Chemistry
GlobbyPotato said:
This is a branch of the Rockhounding mod for 1.10.
Chemistry tries to run through the processes which bring a mined mineral to become chemical elements. The purpose of this mod is to reproduce in a simple way some features involving the extracted elements, be them decorative or functional applications.

I've updated RemoteIO a few times since I last posted. I've been focusing on the various bug reports that have come in, in the effort to make sure I keep up to date with things this time, and don't let things fall behind!

RemoteIO v0.0.2 is released!
* Various bug fixes, including fixing pocket gadget not retaining set frequency

RemoteIO v0.0.3 is released!
Bug Fixes!
Null checks. Fixes #84
Temporarily disable particle spawning on remote interfaces. Fixes #83

RemoteIO v0.0.4 is released!
More bug fixes!
Overhauled remote block rendering, should fix most if not all of the various rendering issues that have been reported
Remote interface blocks now capture left-clicks on blocks
new day, new update, and today it's @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 1.10.2 Alpha 1.1.0b
- Quantum Quarry can now be disabled with redstone signal (configurable in the GUI)

- Add config option for Quantum Quarry energy use

- Deep Dark is not marked as a 'hell world' so buckets of water can be placed there

- Now only the center bock of the quantum quarry actually ticks

- Improved Deep Dark chunk generation

- Fix crash when some block entries are disabled
And @Ivorius with Recurrent Complex:

reddit post said:
+ Structures are now loaded from the specific world save too. That means per-world progression!!
+ /#retro which retro-generates ReC in all biomes it has not yet generated!!
+ Spawn Tweaks option: Quickly adjust the spawn rates of structures from the config without editing them!!
+ All expressions now support true, false and global toggles you can add in the config file!!
+ Global toggle 'treeLeavesDecay' which allows you to disable the decay of the big new trees!
+ Spawn distance multiplier for natural spawn categories - that means you can now make structures spawn more often the further away they are from spawn!
+ /#write which can write any loaded file to any default resources folder !
+ /#delete which deletes a loaded file from its resources folder !
+ /#setbiome which sets the biome in the current selection. Good for structure-themed biomes!
* Mazes now finally, finally support mirror and are a lot more reliable overall!
+ /#selecting which runs a command that requires a selection (e.g. /#setbiome). This enables those commands in spawn scripts!
+ /#as which runs a command as another entity !
* Saplings will no longer disappear when the tree refuses to grow
* Preset selection now looks a lot nicer, as well as other stuff in the GUI
* The structure min cap now respects spawn weight
* Single item generation tags now have a spawn chance
* Dependency matchers can now depend on inventory generators, presets etc.
* Some generated furnaces now contain coal left in there
* The ruins transformer now looks a bit better
* Trees are even more mindful of where they spawn now
* Item tags now also generate in chest minecarts and the likes
* Books now generate properly again. Anyone else dearly missed poems? :D
* Presets are less prone to crash if the preset file is missing.
new day, new update, and today it's @Reika with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, RotaryCraft, ReactorCraft & ElectriCraft
Reika said:
DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, RotaryCraft, ReactorCraft & ElectriCraft V16d
  • DragonAPI: Fixed registered size of Greatwood and Silverwood
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Item Fabricator crash when trying to fabricate impossible fluids
  • ChromatiCraft: Miasma is now placeable
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed router nodes dropping the wrong type
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed handbook tab labels
  • RotaryCraft: Made some temperature behavior more consistent
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed MystCraft dependency of Ground Hydrator
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed RailGun exploit breaking some blocks
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed the location of an achievement
  • ReactorCraft: Added some handbook info
  • ReactorCraft: Blast Glass now stops neutrons
  • ElectriCraft: Added some missing handbook info