What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
new day, new update, and today it's @McJty with The One Probe
McJty said:
The One Probe 1.10-1.2.0

  • Harvestability is now shown in a more compact way
  • It is now possible to configure the border color around chest contents
  • You can specify that chests with fewer then N slots will automatically show chest contents even if not sneaking
  • It is also possible to specify which blocks will show chest contents without sneaking. This is currently configured for storage drawers
  • You can also blacklist this for certain blocks so that you must sneak to show chest contents even if it would otherwise be configured
  • Increased default timeout to wait for server from 500 to 2000 (2 seconds). The message was annoying to some people so now it will wait a bit longer before it shows. Renamed the config to make sure everyone gets it
  • Show break progress in The One Probe (can be disabled, configured as a progress text or configured as a bar (default))
  • There is now an option to show detailed chest info. By default set to be only visible when sneaking and only if there are 4 or less items in the inventory
Small update to Advanced Solar Panels to clear up some remaining issues (such as SMP not working at all ;))
Chocohead said:
  • Fix multiplayer crash on startup (oops)
  • Keep colour of quantum suit helmets when they're used in recipes
  • Allow dying of hybrid and ultimate hybrid solar helmets (they always could be, just never had a recipe registered)
  • Added back easy recipes
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) (1.10.2) to
  • The Abyssal Stone Bricks in the Abyssal Stronghold now occasionally generate as their cracked version
  • Updated the pictures in the Potential Energy section (took new ones on regular Grass, instead of Darklands Grass)
  • Fixed crashes (or just log errors) from Disruptions being triggered after failing to complete a ritual
  • Replaced the smoke from various PE blocks with a particle meant to represent PE
  • Energy Pedestals can now harvest PE from statues again (1.9+)
  • You can now use Energy Relays on Energy Pedestals and Sacrificial Altars (1.9+)
new day, new update, and today it's @kg6jay with MoreDyes
kg6jay said:
This mod adds more than 100 new dyes to Minecraft. For now they are all combinations of the 16 vanilla dye colors. Each color also has a variety of blocks that can be colored with the dye. These include stone, stonebrick(in all varieties), wool, glowstone, even redstone and lapis blocks.

Blocks can be cleaned and returned to their vanilla color by crafting them with a bucket of water.

If Thermal Expansion is detected, rockwool will be available in the mod colors.

If Chisel is detected, all colors of all blocks will be chiselable.

I'm open to suggestions for naming the colors. Right now they are all labeled with their hex code.

Dyed saplings can now be crafted from an oak sapling and the appropriate colored dye. Thats right, dye trees are now in.

Tulips in all the colors are available from the creative menu. Worldgen now exists for both the dye trees and the tulips.

and @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 1.10.2 Alpha 1.2.1
- Added "Redstone lantern". Fixed block that emits a configurable redstone signal level (right click to adjust output).

- Improved Scanner GUI

- Reworked connected textures system so that less common texture configurations are rendered using quads and not stitched textures.
new day, new update, and today it's @AlgorithmX2 with Applied Energistics 2
AlgorithmX2 said:
Applied Energistics 2 rv4-alpha-1
First alpha release for Minecraft 1.10.2

Direct port from the 1.7.10 version, currently no new features.

Supported Energy Systems: Forge Energy and Tesla.

JEI support including shift clicking for recipes, synchronised search and recipe/usages of the active item inside terminals.

External storage system should work out of the box as long as the corresponding mod provides a Forge IItemHandler implementation.

For a detailed changelog, please refer to the commit history on github.
New day, new mod release, and today it is @ChaosTheDude with Nature's Compass
CurseForge page said:

Minecraft Forum - Source Code - Issue Tracker

Nature's Compass is a utility item used to search for a biome and view information about it. No more wandering in circles looking for a mushroom island.


  • Right-clicking with Nature's Compass in hand will open the biome selection GUI, from which you can search for a biome or view information about it.
  • Shift-right-clicking will reset the compass's state.
  • When the compass is not pointing at a biome, it will point at the world spawn.
  • The compass supports all registered biomes, both vanilla and modded.
  • Sample space and maximum search distance can be adjusted in the config file.



Information about a found biome is displayed on the HUD


The biome selection GUI


The biome information GUI



Saplings and logs use the ore dictionary.


  • Install Forge
  • Navigate to your .minecraft folder
  • Download the mod and place the jar file in .minecraft/mods
  • If you've used a different version of this mod before, delete any existing naturescompass.cfg files from .minecraft/config
  • Play!


You can use this mod in your modpack as long as you do not claim to own the mod. I'd prefer if you provide a link to the mod's CurseForge page, but that's up to you.

and @ferreusveritas with Growing Trees
Curse page said:

Project Goal:
To create more dynamic, aesthetic, fun and natural looking trees while respecting the Minecraft graphic stylization and enforcing a narrow project scope that keeps things simple.

Project Features:
A growing tree is a multi-block structure of rooty soil, branches, and leaves blocks that has many advances over the Vanilla Minecraft tree structures. The formation of the tree starts with a seed. This seed is either planted by hand much like a Vanilla sapling or the seed has a chance of planting itself if left on the ground in a suitable location. The tree then grows from a sapling, slowly increasing it's size over time, into a full sized tree. The tree can then be chopped down at it's base and all of the wood claimed at once.

  • Grow from seeds to fully grown trees over time.
  • Grow in natural ways loosely modeled after real world trees and tend to grow in unique, believable ways.
  • Grow around obstacles in a natural way.
  • Are not just reskins but grow using different algorithms per species.
  • Have growth rate and mature sizes that are biome, temperature and rainfall dependent.
  • Drop seeds that can potentially plant themselves.
  • Won't grow in darkness. Leaves not connected to an outer tree branch or starved of light will die. Outer branches without leaves slowly rot away.
  • Will die and rot in a dark place (some species produce mushrooms when they rot).
Screenshots of a sapling growing into a juvenile tree:

Spoiler (click to hide)

Trees grow step by step.

Screenshots of fully grown trees:

Spoiler (click to hide)

Examples of various fully grown tree species.

Rooty Soil:
  • Provides nutrients to trees and can be depleted over time.
  • Applied with bone meal will increase soil fertility and allows the tree to grow past it mature state.
  • Applied with fermented spider eyes will destroy soil fertility and halt growth.
  • Applied with Ghast tears turn the trees growing leaves into vanilla leaves and destroys soil fertility to freeze the tree how it is.
  • Special effect particles are created on the entire tree when an acting substance is applied to the soil or bottom-most trunk block.
  • Right click to get fertility level(0-15)

  • Take the place of vanilla saplings.
  • Are dropped from tree branches slowly and at random.
  • Have a chance of self planting if setting on a dirt/grass/podzol block and has a clear view of the sky above it.

Spoiler (click to hide)
Saplings(Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak) and their respective seeds.
new day, new update, and today it's @malte0811 with Industrial Wires
malte0811 said:

An addon for Immersive Engineering and IndustrialCraft2. It adds IE-style wires that are able to transmit IC2 energy (EU). This is different from the IC2 compatibility IE had in MC 1.7.10 as it is not possible to convert IC2 power to RF/IF/Tesla/forge energy/etc.

Recipes for the relays, connectors and wires can be found in the Engineer's Manual.

All textures are modified versions of the textures Immersive Engineering uses and the models are loaded out of IE, so all art is at least based on art Mr. Damien Hazard made.
And a second (alpha) release for Applied Energistics 2 for 1.10.2:

  • Feature #2438: Added IC2 integration. - shartte
  • Fixes #2489: Revert back to the old lightmap rendering. Added a fallback one in case the forge lighting pipeline is disabled via forge config or Optifine. - shartte
  • Fixes #2515: Incorrect version comparison consider rv4-alpha being older than any rv3 build. - yueh
  • Fixes #2516: Added a modid prefix to tile entities. Existing ones will be converted for some time in the future. - yueh
  • Fixes #2525: Break particles for all attachments of a cable bus. - shartte
  • Fixes #2526: Fixed dense cable not showing the correct texture for 32 used channels. - shartte
  • Fixes #2529: Forgot to call superclass method for onBlockExploded for tiny tnt. - shartte
  • Fixes #2530: Fixed crafting cpus incorrectly cleaning up after a finished job and causing constant updates. - yueh
  • Updated russian translation - xMrVizzy
  • Updated simplified chinese translation - bakaxyf
New day, new update and today it is @Svein Ove Aas with Electrical Age

Change log said:
Electrical Age is Minecraft 1.7.10 compatible. Forge is required.

This version of Electrical Age is, as an experiment, built against the latest 1.7.10 version of Forge ( rather than the 'recommended' version. Please let us know if this breaks anything.

We've also changed the versioning scheme, to follow semantic versioning rules. This is version 1.12.0. Any bugfixes released without gameplay changes will be 1.12.1, 1.12.2 and so forth. See the link for a full explanation.

The tutorial map remains our recommended method of learning the basics of Electrical Age, but doesn't include examples of the highest-tier, mechanical power blocks. To learn about these we recommend the other support options, particularly Gitter or IRC.

There is also a semi-official server, many players on which would be happy to show you around. This always runs the newest development builds, so join in if you want to be an alpha tester.

We are currently looking for people who can help with the Wiki.



  • New items:
    • Added a Gas Turbine. This creates mechanical energy by burning gasoline and equivalents.

      The Gas Turbine's unique charm point, compared to the steam turbine, is that it reacts much faster to control inputs. This makes it more useful in early-midgame. It will also run at 800V if required, although inefficiently. The gas turbine needs to be spun up before it will work, however.

      A wide variety of mod-provided fuels already work, but we'd take any requests for more. Diesel and raw oil deliberately does not, however; use the steam turbine for these.

    • Added a straight mechanical shaft block.
    • Added a mechanical joint block, allowing shaft networks to spread out in 2D.
    • Added a flywheel.

      This can be used to store energy in shaft networks, and they're a good early-midgame alternative to electrical emergency power dumps, but they slow spinup by a large factor.

    • Added a Tachometer block. This outputs the speed of the shaft network as a signal.
    • Added a battery-powered fire detector and buzzer.
    • Added lead uses, as a cheaper alternative to electrical breakers.
  • Gameplay changes:
    • Fuel Generators can burn all the same fuels as the Gas Turbine, except for natural gas.
    • Added WAILA support.

      By default it will only show you information you could theoretically get without a multimeter.
      There is a configuration option to switch this.
  • Added configuration options:
    • The Modbus server port is now configurable.
    • In case the port is unavailable, we'll ignore it and continue rather than crash.
    • The LED bulbs can be configured to have infinite lifespan, even with lamp aging turned on.
    • Battery capacity is now configurable. Please be reasonable; the defaults are as they are to maintain balance.
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed a Thaumic Energistics-triggered NPE.
    • Modbus server is only started if enabled in the config.
    • No more random extra letters in the menus.
    • Misc. fixes: #456, #489, #387, #482, #295, #490, #441, #508, #511
  • Visual:
    • Mechanical shafts now all rotate in the correct direction, regardless of placement.
new day, new update, and today it's @tterrag1098 with Ender IO
tterrag1098 said:
Ender IO 1.10.2-
  1. Fix WAILA integration (commit: 32733316cfbc0dfd5b1aa57149c3e1174a2cc216) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  2. Fix recipe registration (commit: 6c875e85faabd4bccf7130f7bcc114f4fbe7da0f) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  3. Added error messages for some extreme misconfigurations (commit: 82383a82eeb8f165243d1f3e2a53523a718881a7) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  4. Added Inhibitor Obelisk recipe (commit: 45bec43c9a5a77ac356c09ffa378837bed59e974) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  5. Added TOP support for XP (commit: 77135f9507d7738e5f3c96145dec9bf8bc391d84) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  6. Added TOP support for powered spawner (commit: 6aa309c8bed6b3ff34c1bdb21331890fa285f4ce) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  7. Started moving block holders toModObject (commit: 4deac05e866e19ab7aeb4c479145e3736ede1811) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  8. Fixed vanila saplings being converted to forestry when planted (fixes (commit: 95e8927fbd512fda20109f02bd76067227e00f08) — blackdew / githubweb
  9. Moving more block holders to ModObject (commit: 59361a9462175a7d04f6fa7700d244d159d97276) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  10. Moving more block holders to ModObject (commit: 50bf7311e7a03005de8d093e3a4cefc3d7a81f51) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  11. Changed recipe errors to use GUI error screen (commit: 21a230a3b8e8b941d0eff6a7a1a13f71300bc902) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  12. Protected capBank GUI from timing issues (commit: 0192f9c3b3af285eb1728fce173ba890d332d672) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  13. Keep fake world around as long as it may be needed for intelligent (commit: 950d6d840eab271b32120fd9e85f97ce9705ad16) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  14. Moving more block holders to ModObject and general cleanup (commit: f4aa4e7d75e086634d3bd585e7dc3a058f280199) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  15. Changed Redstone Alloay recipe to use oreDict silicon (commit: 2eee7ca0f038a347aea0c6853fdd9ebd99cd236d) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  16. Modified ModObject impl (commit: 857d5276635535088b9bee0dc04ec900e963872c) — CrazyPants / githubweb
  17. Fixed CapBank IO display merging (commit: e78dc061ee335dc030e72f030b1416f385ecc9fa) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  18. RU: Updated Translate (#3656) (commit: 9fd9c2041dead5f630f637706472cb89c6cba40b) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  19. More ModObject work (commit: 4e4cdceb34a64ba5639fa2db3af488742db1aee4) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  20. Moved item holders into ModObject (commit: 3bb3251d9e0d9e8918b349907dd1ba493bb7894c) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  21. More ModObject and startup cleanup (commit: 654e76d20cafea5dcc32f9ed674b3539e8448704) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  22. Fix sidedness crash (commit: 89dce90876df46771c0bd6ef1bf8500f0d51abb7) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  23. Cleanup (commit: 2233384aaf82cbd2e2a2df15e692158081b0faa9) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  24. disabled debug command because it's not needed at the moment (commit: c70bd8a30d5c366f8fee9c0ac0bf35b6ae7eccc6) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  25. Reduced texture map footprint (commit: 8c185ede6d81c4f33eb375d8adbc3c1741ceedc5) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  26. New block: XP Sink (WIP) (commit: adf80ec7f64462f1d3550b61c649c4452f5bb723) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  27. XP Sink now is XP Vacuum and Killer Joe no longer handles XP but for (commit: d94d529c5d10665d0b68cc15137baba9d089b769) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  28. Made Killer Joe pick up XP Orbs that re pulled by another block (commit: a1b7e614ce94dc8cf3d78ae88203d956f64c68be) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  29. Added dynamic amount of Baubles slots (commit: 44eb4261cda18074e1a919882cf4747fee8aff5a) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  30. Fix Forge Energy tiles returning current energy as max energy (commit: 03560f31ada430e4edd789e1dcfd1d8c552252c5) — noreply / githubweb
  31. Avoid epensive ItemStack.copy() when comparing SAG Mill inputs (commit: c10397d0017fe3347b458a88f0471f5409699fc8) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  32. Small optimization in SAG Mill recipe handling (commit: 27e73d49bddd32da57722b0b87adab6f9b171f20) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  33. register fluids before items (commit: 9c08de6b857bf5de33e79b26f83b6bff305151dd) — forfrdm / githubweb
  34. Changed Elytra flying to disable when hitting water or lava (commit: dd532d387260a18f81744bfeed5461d446f6c377) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb

and @MrDimkas_Studio with Player Stats 2
MrDimkas_Studio said:

This is a complete-rewrite of old PlayerStats by me and xMrVizzy, but using new HammerCore, and me, not being as stupid, as before.

This mod allows players to upgrade themselves using experience.

All in-game statistics:
  • Accelerated Furnace: This statistic increases the melting speed.
  • Mining: This statistic increases the speed of the mining pickaxe.
  • Digging: This statistic increases the speed of the digging shovel.
  • Cutting: This statistic increases the speed of the cutting axe.
  • Attack Speed: This statistic increases the strike speed of the any tool/weapon.
  • Leaper: This statistic increases the height of the jump player.
  • Soft Landing: This statistic reduces the damage from falling player.
  • Obsidian Skin: This statistic reduces fire/lava damage taken.
  • Ladder King: This statistic increases the speed, while climbing on ladders.
  • Treasure Finder: This statistic allows players to find precious resources, while mining.
  • PvP Protection: This statistic decreases PvP-type damage taken.
  • Luck of The Sea: This statistic lures fish to your fishing hook.

and @InfinityRaider with Lantern
InfinityRaider said:

Lantern is a small mod which adds just one item: a portable lantern. The lantern will light up the world around you as you go.

In addition to this, the lantern can be placed in the world and also on a boat.

By default, the lantern requires fuel to burn, this can be changed in the config. To add fuel to the lantern, sneak + right click to open the gui and add or remove fuel. To turn on/off the lantern, simply right click.


Spoiler (click to hide)

Spoiler (click to hide)

Spoiler (click to hide)

Spoiler (click to hide)

and @RCXcrafter with AOBD ore chunks
RCXcrafter said:
This is an addon for AOBD, it adds ore chunks that drop from smeltable ores.

This mod allows you to use fortune on smeltable ores so you can get more out of your fortune enchantment.

This mod does pretty much the exact same thing as Fortune ores and it's also heavily inspired by it.

This mod is heavily based on AOBD berry bushes.
new day, new updates and today it is @CovertJaguar with Railcraft
Railcraft's site said:
Railcraft 10.0.0 – Happy Halloween!
So we are finally here! It’s been a long time folks, but the first official 1.10.2 version of Railcraft is ready! After more than six months of hard work, Railcraft lives again!

So first off, I want to say thanks to everyone for their continued support during this long process. You guys are great!

Happy Halloween, all aboard the Ghost Train!

Now onto the gritty details. I want to be very clear, this version is NOT feature complete. There are a lot of things that still need some work to be ready for 1.10.2. None of the Factory machines are ready for example and recipes are largely using their alternate versions. All the Rolling Machine recipe can be crafted at a normal Crafting Bench, but recipe conflicts are a real possibility. Additionally, Switches and Signals are not ready yet, the goal is to include those in 10.1.0 in a month or so. With Factory machines a month after that followed by a feature complete version some time in January. So that is were we stand at the moment.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t new things to play with and vast improvements made! Perhaps the biggest change relates to how Track is laid. Rather than crafting every variant of Track with its own recipe; Control Tracks, Locking Tracks, and the like. Now you first craft the base ‘Flex’ Track, which can do corners and slopes and all that stuff and now comes in seven different variants: Iron Track, Strap-Iron Track, Abandoned Track, Reinforced Track, Electric Track, High Speed Track, and last but not least High Speed Electric Track. Once you’ve done that and laid your track in the world, you can craft a Track Kit. There are currently 19 different Track Kits, I’m not going to list them all but here are some examples: Control Track Kit, Booster Track Kit, Locking Track Kit, Buffer Stop Track Kit, and Gated Track Kit. Once crafted you can take these Track Kits and used them directly on track in the world to upgrade it to a specialty Outfitted Track. This new system allows much more flexibility on track type usage and increases the number of combinations possible without increasing the mental load of having hundreds of variants. I’m quite pleased with how it turned out and I think you will be too.

7 Track Types and 19 Track Kits

Other notable changes and new features include a Charge Trap block that will zap anything that touches it and a much improved Charge Network. The Charge Network has undergone a major overhaul, no more ticking tile entities, and should no longer be a major source of lag on large servers (one can hope!).

Warning: High Voltage!

Additionally, Worldgen has undergone a major overhaul. Its now SimpleRetroGen compatible and Poor Ore generation has been replaced with a brand new algorithm: Mines. A Mine is has large tendrils of Poor Ore and Standard Ore that covers a large area, whereas the old Poor Ore generator spawned diffuse clouds of pure Poor Ore. The picture below will explain it better than I ever could. Additionally, a config option has been added to reduce/disable Vanilla Ore of Gold and Iron for those so inclined. Oh and there is now Silver as well to round out the classical metals.

Usually these spawn underground, but its hard to debug down there

Those are the most significant changes, but by no means the only changes. There were many improvements and bugfixes along the way (no more flipping Locomotives? Yay!). As I said before, the missing features will be added in future versions, 95% of everything from 1.7.10 will return eventually (except the Tracking Aura, its gone, you don’t need to ask!). I should have posted a video with this, but as usual I always forget about that until I’m here writing the post. I’ll try to have one posted tomorrow.

Anyway, enjoy your Halloween, be sure to stop by and see the Ghost Trains and Pumpkin Carts. The event will be around for another week or so!

Download Railcraft

Lastly, I’d like to direct everyone’s attention to my Patreon Page. There is some cool stuff over there (Beta Access, Custom Emblems, etc….) so be sure to take a look! The fact that you can now see and contribute to Railcraft’s code is a direct result of Patreon. If you’d like to continue to see even greater things, be sure to pass some support along!


Change Log:
  • INFO: First official MC 1.10.2 release
  • NEW: Added in-game config editor support
  • NEW: Updated monster spawn list for Pumpkin Cart
  • NEW: Ores and Geodes are now SimpleRetrogen compatible
  • CHANGE: Rework Poor Ore worldgen. Replace with Mines, branching clouds of ore containing both Poor Ore and Standard Ore.
  • CHANGE: Mines are richer in Mountain, Mesa, and Hills types of biomes.
  • CONFIG: Added config option to reduce/eliminate vanilla Gold/Iron Ore generation.
  • FIX: Fix various GUI issues
  • FIX: Render Locomotive and Maintenance Cart Lamps
  • FIX: Add Steam Locomotive Fluid Container handling
  • FIX: Various other fixes
and @JamesWhiteShirt with Literal Ascension
Change log said:
Literal Ascension is currently released in ALPHA. A full release is expected sometime this week.

Literal Ascension adds intuitive solutions for vertical mobility.


Stepladders. Place a Stepladder and climb it to clear a vertical obstacle or to get something out of reach, then instantly pick up your Stepladder with a right click.


Carving Tools. Make your environment climbable by carving notches and chutes in stone and wood with a Carving Tool.


Climbing Rope. Feed your Climbing Rope from above to safely descend anywhere.

and @bdew with AE2 Stuff
Assumption said:
We haven't really gotten a changelog, but it's safe to assume it's a port of the 1.7.10 version with all of its features by looking at this screenshot(unless I'm derping).
new day, new update, and today it's @MrTutankhamun with Storage Boats
MrTutankhamun said:
About this mod:

This mod adds in a boat with a chest to the game which will let you store up to 27 more stacks of items!

You will be able to open the boat's inventory by pressing the E key while sitting in the boat in the next update! Right now pressing E in the boat will open and close the chest.

Crafting Recipes:

To craft the storage boat you'll need an oak boat and a chest!

Known bugs:

*Game crashes when a mob mounts the boat.

Downloads and installation:

For 1.10.2:

1. Install Forge 1.10.2- or higher.

2. Download the mod file.

3. When you have installed Forge, you should find a folder called 'mods' in your Minecraft folder. (You can create it if its not there).

4. Drag and drop the mod .jar file into the 'mods' folder.

5. Done!

and @TTGImp with XP Collector
TTGImp said:
Small Mod to solve the collection of XP Orbs from Mob kills in 1.10.2

Collects orbs and stores them as EnderIO Liquid XP, which can then be extracted via a Transfer Node (liquid) from Extra Utils.

and @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.9-336
R1.9 336
  • Added an alchemy recipe for Chorus Flowers.
  • Added grass paths, farmland and botania alt grasses to the blocks that can be dug for pebbles in garden of glass.
  • Added the Benevolent Goddess' Charm, it stops nearby explosions from breaking blocks.
  • Added the Worldshaper's Astrolabe, a new fancy tool to place a lot of blocks really quick.
  • Changed the crafting recipe for Cellular Blocks to include Beetroot.
  • Changed the secret code for the msnhdlotnpae.
  • Fixed a texture being poorly sized and breaking mipmapping.
  • Fixed log spam when the Loonium is doing its thing.
  • Fixed Resolute Ivy not working.
  • Fixed the Invisibility Cloak not using up mana properly.
  • Lowered how much the Dandelifeon will produce per iteration, but increased the maximum mana iteration to 100 (from 60).
  • Mana Pumps will now output a comparator signal if they're turned off.
  • Minecarts with Mana Pools now have the correct amount of drag.
  • Removed the WIP page from the Dandelifeon page. Balance is still up in the air but I don't think I'll be changing mechanics now.
  • There is no longer a limit in how many iterations a Dandelifeon can do, but the amount of mana a cell produces peaks at 100.
  • Updated the Gourmaryllis' documentation to be clearer.

and @Baughn with ElectricalAge
Baughn said:

LINKS ________________

FEATURES _____________

A better simulation
Real electrical simulation model (with resistive, inductive and capacitive effects). Behaviour similar to those of real life objects. We're not talking IC2 here, folks: This is an actual MNA solver.

Multiple electrical sources
Furnaces, solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, capacitors, steam turbines, ...

You won't believe it's not redstone!
A completely new logic system featuring XOR, NAND, AND, signal processors, buttons, switches, display screens, wireless transmission and more... using floating-point values. Actually quite useful.

Perfectly ordinary tools
XRay scanner, flashlight, portable mining drill, ...

Old redstone circuits can be exploited with electrical - redstones converters.

If that isn't enough, break out your OC computer!

Ran out of power? Buildcraft oil wells come quite in handy.

Break the cube
Cables, sensors, actuators, alarms, etc. can be placed on each face (outer and inner) of a cube, which allows a significant reduction of the consumed space by electrical installations.

Small and big electrical consumers
From the lamps, electrical furnaces,... to the miners, transporters, ...

Night-lighting revisited
Lamps, switches, street lights, ...

and @rowan662 with Elytra Boost Fruit
Rowan662 said:
Hello guys!

ElytraBoost is a Forge mod for Minecraft 1.10.2. It is going to add boost fruit so you don't have to
shoot yourself with a bow while flying with an Elytra.

You can follow me on my twitter for development logs and updates: https://twitter.com/RowansMods


You MAY add this mod in a modpack, ONLY if i am credited.
You MAY NOT make any money of your modpack, no matter what.


1. Download the mod.
2. Install Forge or higher (or the mod won't work).
3. Drop the ElytraBoost Vx.x.jar into your mods folder.
4. Enjoy the mod!

Currently, there are no bugs that i'm aware of. If you found one, please PM me.

Feel free to leave a Diamond or a Comment.
and @Eladkay with Mapper

CurseForge page said:
Helps fix missing mappings for blocks and items for removed mods.

Let's say you have two mods in your world, Silimatics and Refraction. Refraction adds Lasers, right? Now if one day you want to remove refraction, you wouldn't want all of those lasers to vanish, right? You might want to change them out automatically for Silimatics Glass! For that purpose Mapper exists. It also works with items.

A file called mapper.properties will be created. It is located in the same folder that contains the mods folder, i.e the folder with the resource packs, config, etc. folders. In it, just place your mappings like so (one per line):

Notice how I used "Smedry" and not "Silimatics". You need to make sure you use the actual resource location, which you can look up using F3+H in game. The backslash after the mod ID is to prevent Java from thinking you want to map "refraction" into "laser" :)
Applied Energistics 2 for 1.10.2, Alpha3.

  • Feature #2527: Implements charging of tools via RF (Forge Energy) and Tesla. Tested with Tesla Essentials and EnderIO. - shartte
  • Feature #2545: Show P2P-Tunnel Link Status on WAILA. - shartte
  • Fixes #2525: Light P2P Tunnels not using the correct source for the light value. - shartte
  • Fixes #2528: Light level not being updated when light-level of cable bus changed after removing parts. - shartte
  • Fixes #2531 and #2533: Slight overhaul to how Facades store the associated item and retrieve the sprite. - shartte
  • Fixes #2532: Work around bug in Forge lighting pipeline and UnpackedBakedQuad. - shartte
  • Fixes #2536: Mark host for save when placing facades. - shartte
  • Fixes #2542: Prevent memory card from opening a GUI. - yueh
  • Fixes #2546: Annihilation plane now use the center of an entity instead the bottom to prevent entities from being considered below it. - shartte
  • Fixes #2547: Fixed bounding boxes of crystal growing and fluix crystals. - shartte
  • Fixes #2548: Disable item.csv export on the server side, because we're unable to access creative tab information on the server. - shartte
  • Fixes #2551: Prevent chunk rebuilds when drive is unchanged. - yueh