What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Realistic Terrain Generation was updated to 0.6.0
IMPORTANT: This version is NOT backwards-compatible with previous versions of RTG
REMEMBER: Delete your RTG config folder before installing this version.

World gen
  • Added ravines.
  • Beaches lowered and land raised to reduce biome repair artifacts.
  • Some biomes added to the "swamp" list (no beach repair) as well.
  • Adjusted the floors for a number of hilly biomes to reduce the chance of large beach-level flat areas.
  • Adjusted the centering for the neighborhood biome matrix.
  • Rewrote the EB archipelago biomes to actually be archipelagos.
  • Coastal biome adjustments - 1-block increase in heights for two biomes producing some very wide beaches.
  • Updated rivers to use Simplex-cell noise and a much better curve function (disc-output noise)
  • Bumped up Plains height by 1
Mod compatibility
  • Now compatible with AIC 2.0, currently in closed Alpha (Thanks @elix-x!!)
  • Now compatible with Battle Towers again after fixing crash related to missing biome names.
  • Now compatible with RFTools again after fixing issue related to null variables.
Config options
  • Added new options for caves & ravines (enableRavines, enableCaveModifications, enableRavineModifications)
  • Added biome config option for Logs.
  • Added config option: allowTreesToGenerateOnSand
Under the hood
  • Added new 'Simplex-Cell' noise.
  • Lookup-table OpenSimplex 2D noise, Multi-eval OpenSimplex 2D noise, OpenSimplex 2D derivatives and disc-output noise.
  • Fixed realistic biome names not getting set.
  • Refactored external uses of WorldChunkManagerRTG for biome info to an interface for external testing.
  • Added onWorldLoad event to log world seed.
  • Refactored biome configs.
  • Removed climatizedBiome() & broken climate code.
  • Corrected "Wetland" misspelled as "Wetlands"
  • Refactored RTG trees and removed unused IF/ELSE logic in some biomes' tree gen.
For all you builders out there, GregTech has a new update with its own C-Foam! It's much better than IC2 C-Foam!

GregoriusT said:
[API] You can remove the GT Code (gregtech Folder) from the jar to have just the GT API loaded. I need to contact OvermindDL1 for updating the Download Page in a proper automatic fashion.
[API] Moved NEI Plugin to the API itself.
[API] Moved the Sensor Base Class to the API.
[FIXED] Default Unification Targets not getting set properly, causing them to be overridden by the PrefixItems and PrefixBlocks.
[FIXED] A Server Issue when doing certain things with GT Tools.
[FIXED] Not being able to use Fluids in Electrolyzer due to Recipes only existing for Dusts.
[ADDED] C-Foam. Better than IC2s Foam and also available in the 6 types of GT Slabs.
[ADDED] precolored C-Foam Spray also added the regular Spray Paint.
[ADDED] C-Foam removal and C-Foam hardening Spray.
[ADDED] C-Foam to GT Pipes and Wires. Also makes them as Blast Resistant as regular C-Foam Blocks.
[ADDED] Machines. Mixer, Roaster (for sulfur ores and some other purposes), Distillery (mainly for Potions and Drinks) and Canner to be precisely.
[ADDED] Fire Distinguisher. Just kidding. Ofcourse it is a Fire Extinguisher.
[ADDED] A shitload of compatibilty Recipes and Patches. A shitload is more than a fuck-ton, but it is less then a dontgiveafuck-ton
[ADDED] Pincers, to grab things out of molds faster without getting heat damage.
[ADDED] Tripwire cutting to Scissors and Wire Cutters by rightclick.
[ADDED] Due to "popular" demand you can distill your Vodka as often as you want. The end result will still be Vodka.

[IMPROVED] Some API Stuff to make Addons easier and added usage examples.
[IMPROVED] Internal Structure of the Mod. API should still be compatible after that.
[IMPROVED] Harvestcraft compatibility. Also removed the Milk Bucket to 4 "Wooden" Milk Bucket Recipe (where do those Wooden Buckets even come from?). Instead replaced it with Milk Bucket + up to 4 Bottles = up to 4 Milk Bottles (which are ofcourse usable in crafting the same way as the "Wooden" Buckets)
[ADDED] Native Compatibility with Enviromine Hydration and Temperature of Food/Drinks.
[ADDED] The Food Items and most Drinks back. Not all of them are craftable yet.
[ADDED] Holding Scissors doubles falling damage height. That means falling 2 meters already loses half a heart.
new day, new update, and today it's @Vazkii with Psi
Vazkii said:
Psi is a mod about spell programming, inspired by Mahouka. Check out the website for more info:


and @Emoniph with Intangible
Emoniph said:
Intangible 0.0.21
* Overclocked and unexpected effects change your hand glow color
* Waila should now not show info on some entities
* Optifine issue with rendering of the well should be worked-around
* Souls cheated in with /summon should now do nothing with the rending machine (and not crash too)
* Major deity effects that alter time now do nothing if doDaylightCycle is disabled
* Using a sticky piston to form a well no longer causes a crash
* Mold in a blow mold is no longer pulled out with a hopper
* Bellow now supports a brief comparitor pulse when done
* Added some additional resilience to entity replacement in the bone cage
* Trying to force min version of forge required to play the mod
* Bone cage will now trigger block updates when a soul is extracted
* Fixed a crash that could occur when seeker spells get incorrectly loaded (which should not happen)
This would introduce more ways to modify things, and a bit more MineTweaker capabilities for those that don't want to write an add-on just for a small edit.
new day, new update, and today it's @K4Unl with Hydraulicraft
K4Unl said:
Hydraulicraft 3.1.64
Fixed rendering of buckets, they are now dynamic models! Sweet!

Fluid tanks that have a fluid in them will show that on the tooltip

Added a recipe to make clay: Feed water and sand in a filter, gives clay. Recipe prone to change

Font renderer is back! Pumps now display their info once more

Added a config gui. May not work fully correct yet, waiting on feedback.

Portals work in all the rotations again.

Language updates

Rubber tree sapling has a texture thanks to TTFTCUTS

Rubber trees now gen in world

Reduced the spawn of Lonezium, upped the spawn of Lead.

Tanks can import and export buckets

Multiblock tanks have a GUI now

Block tanks keep their fluids when picked up with a wrench(sneak+rclick)

Fixed recipe for tanks

and @KnightMiner with KnightPeripherals
KnightMiner said:
KnightPeripherals 1.2
Changes version 1.2
  • Added Explosive Turtle
    • Crafted using TNT and a turtle
    • Can place TNT using bomb(), bombUp() or bombDown()
    • Can self destruct using explode()
      • Explosion is slightly stronger than TNT by default
    • Both types of explosions will trigger player kills, similarly to normal turtle attacking
  • Added Ranged Turtle
    • Crafted using a bow and a turtle
    • Can fire arrows from its inventory using turtle.attack()
      • Arrows will trigger player kills, similarily to normal turtle attacking
  • Fixes
    • Smashing turtles now play the block breaking sound when breaking blocks
    • Mobs will correctly target the smashing turtle after being attacked
    • Smashing turtles no longer delete the item when unequiping the hammer

and @MrRiegel with Storage Network
MrRiegel said:
Storage Network 1.5.0
-new textures

-new search modes

-new sort mode

-support for CraftingTweaks

and @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
Blood Magic 2.0.0-16
- Added blood lamp sigil array texture and reagent. Made it so the blood lamp sigil will place the light when right clicking on a block.
- Added magnetism sigil array texture and reagent.
- Added the ability for the blood altar to have its buffer tanks accessed (Semi-tested)
- Improved readability for large numbers
- Fixed break particle for Alchemy Array
- Waila handling for Alchemy Array
- Fixed Ritual eating LP when reactivated via a Redstone signal
- Ritual Stones now always drop blank stones
- Bound Blade is now enchant-able
- Goggles of Revealing upgrade for Living Helmet. Combine a Living Helmet and Goggles of Revealing in an Anvil
- Fixed config for disabling rituals
- [API] Lots of changes to the binding system. It's now handled automatically for all items that implement IBindable.
- Added Incense Altar system.
- Added models for the routing nodes, incense altar, and the hellfire forge.
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.7.10) (1.8.9) to 1.9.0-pre-4:
  • Adjusted a few things in the JEI integration (fuel categories, method for fetching fuels)
  • The bounding box on Depths Ghoul/Anti-Ghoul/Omothol Ghoul has been reduced (the width was far off)
  • Lesser Shoggoths should now be possible to hit without them landing a couple of hits on you
  • Baby versions of all AbyssalCraft mobs (that has a baby version) now has a bounding box half the size of the adult one
  • Crafting recipes displayed in the Necronomicon are now automatically fetched (eg. a MineTweaked recipe will display)
  • Added a new config category: Worldgen
  • Nearly all structure generation and all ore generation can now be disabled in the config
  • You can now add/edit/remove pages in the Necronomicon (MineTweaker support in next ACI release)
  • The second Yog-Sothoth page now displays the correct text (eg. not the same as the first one)
  • Fixed the Ethaxium Hoe texture (file name derp)
  • Fixed the Plated Coralium Armor piece names being way off
  • Fixed Plate Coralium and Dreadium Samurai Armor textures missing
  • Fixed crashes when trying to equip Plated Coralium and Dreaded Abyssalnite Chestplates
  • Now runs on Forge
  • The bounding box on Depths Ghoul/Anti-Ghoul/Omothol Ghoul has been reduced (the width was far off)
  • Lesser Shoggoths should now be possible to hit without them landing a couple of hits on you
  • Baby versions of all AbyssalCraft mobs (that has a baby version) now has a bounding box half the size of the adult one
  • Crafting recipes displayed in the Necronomicon are now automatically fetched (eg. a MineTweaked recipe will display)
  • Added a new config category: Worldgen
  • Nearly all structure generation and all ore generation can now be disabled in the config
  • Monolith Disruptions are a bit more accurate now (Monoliths will always generate within a maximum radius of 96 blocks from the manipulator)
  • You can now add/edit/remove pages in the Necronomicon (MineTweaker support in next ACI release)
  • The second Yog-Sothoth page now displays the correct text (eg. not the same as the first one)
  • No errors mentioning ReputationProps should be printed in the log when a player joins a sever
  • Now runs on Forge
Updated AbyssalCraft Integration (1.7.10) (1.8.9) to 1.4.0:
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.0-pre-4
  • Bumped the extra Necronomicon info to AbyssalCraftAPI 1.6
  • You can now add/edit/remove Necronomicon Pages/Chapters through MineTweaker
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.0-pre-4
  • Bumped the extra Necronomicon info to AbyssalCraftAPI 1.6
  • You can now add/edit/remove Necronomicon Pages/Chapters through MineTweaker
  • Now runs on Forge
new day, new update, and today it's @OreCruncher with Dynamic Surroundings
OreCruncher said:
Dynamic Surroundings
  • NEW: Automatic sound channel configuration. Dynamic Surroundings will automatically increase the number of sound channels/voices that the sound engine will use based on detected system capabilities. This can be turned off using the dsurround.cfg file.
  • NEW: "Redundant" sounds will be culled from the playlist. Water and lava flowing sounds as well as animal "say" sounds (cow moo, chicken cluck, etc.) will be culled in order to reduce the number of simultaneous sounds playing. A cull occurs when a given sound has played within the past 20 game ticks (1 second). The cull interval can be adjusted using the dsurround.cfg file.
  • NEW: Bow pull sound effect when using a bow (an item implemented from ItemBow).
  • CHANGED: Reduced the number of rain splash sounds that play when raining. Again, this is to reduce the number of simultaneous sounds playing. The change shouldn't be that noticeable.
  • CHANGED: Removed the "Inside" biome and changed how fog works when a player is under a ceiling/roof. Biome fog effects should be preserved when inside a building.
  • CHANGED: Frog croaks from water lilies will not be heard if a player is "inside".
  • CHANGED: Improve some of the sounds, like the snake hiss and the critter scuttling sound for monster egg blocks.
  • FIXES: Ambient spot sounds will no longer trigger when the game is paused.
  • FIXES: Tardis mod compatibility - should now be able to manipulate Tardis controls.

and @Phylogeny with Extra Bit Manipulation
Phylogeny said:
Extra Bit Manipulation 1.4.0
  • Global mode for sculpting tools has been implemented.
    • All bits in the world that intersect the removal/addition area are removed/added, rather than just those of the block clicked as in local mode.
  • Changed texture of Bit Wrench to all iron handle with all diamond head.
  • Added Inversion mode to Bit Wrench (currently creative mode only as it is a WIP).
  • Changed name of Sculpting Loop to Curved Sculpting Wire.
  • Added new sculpting tools (now 4 in total):
    • Curved Sculpting Wire: removes spherical areas of bits.
    • Straight Sculpting Wire: removes cubic areas of bits.
    • Curved Sculpting Spade: adds spherical areas of bits.
    • Flat Sculpting Spade: adds cubic areas of bits.
  • Sculpting tool display names now indicate their bit removal/addition area diameter or semi-diameter.
  • Sculpting tool damage is now handled with NBT data rather than metadata
    • Damage is dealt for every bit manipulated, rather than per click as it was (and remains so) for the Bit Wrench.
  • Added configs that apply to all sculpting tools (see Configs page for additional information):
    • 2 for indication of bit removal/addition area size in the item's display name.
    • 1 for added padding to those areas’ size.
    • 2 for where removed bits spawn.
    • 2 for how removed bits spawn.
    • 1 for whether to place bits in the player's inventory.
  • Sculpting tools now play block place/break sounds when used.
  • Added Diamond Nuggets that will be registered with the ore dictionary under 'nuggetDiamond' and added if that name isn't already added by another mod.
  • Changed default recipes for the Bit Wrench and Sculpting Loop.
    • All tools are crafted with an iron ingot and a tool head, which are themselves crafted with Diamond Nuggets.
Another new version of Binnie Patcher, allows it to be used with Liteloader and AdvancedSolars+Gravisuite Fixer.
  • Fixed crash with Liteloader (also have the option to lower the sorting order in the future if necessary)
  • Infused magic
  • Fixed ModID copy-paste bug causing it to not be able to be used with ASP+GS Fixer
  • Fixed the top half of doors not dropping the correct form
  • Fixed crash when using the Escritoire with an Extra Bees bee in the centre
new day, new update, and today it's @Gigabit101 with Trashcans
Gigabit101 said:
Trashcans 1.0.1
Added Trash Can Fluid

Added Trash Bag

and @P3pp3rF1y with Reliquary
P3pp3rF1y said:
Reliquary 1.3-beta.138
Added Alkahestry Tome
Added Apothecary Mortar, Cauldron and all the potion stuff
Fixed Infernal Tear
Added more configuration options for Alkahestry Tome - charging and crafting recipes can be configured as well as base item
Added JEI integration
Added JER integration - even though this one needs a change on JER side to work fully (currently only for eye of the storm)
Added JEI descriptions
And fixed numerous issues in the process, some of them:
- Midas stone flickered a lot, now toned down quite a bit
- Handgun loaded shots wouldn't render on server
- Lyssa rod hook would rebound strangely when looking down despite there being no obstacle in the way
- Blaze shot used to rebound after hitting ground in very strange direction
- Staffs used to be held in an odd way in third person view

and @DrunkMafia with Thaumic Infusion
DrunkMafia said:
Thaumic Infusion 4.8
  • Further Fixes to aspect linking and cross dimension teleporting
  • Optimized more code, should impose less of an overhead
  • New Effect!
Just release a new version of Gear Swapper (1.2.5) for Minecraft 1.8.9:

Version 1.2.5:

  • Fixed a possible null pointer exception with rendering
  • It is now again possible to define the custom gear swapper block in the config. Specify the block you want to mimic (not the texture as it was in 1.7.10)

Download: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/236610-gear-swapper

Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @Mr_Crayfish with MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
Mr_Crayfish said:
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod 3.6.1
+ Added Mirror
+ Added Dark Oak and Acacia Hedge types

+ Added Candle, Chimney, Fairy Light, Grand Chair, Mantelpiece, Wreath, Fire Pit
+ New Blender Recipe: Egg Nog
+ Added Comparator output for; Basin, Bath, Blender, Chair, Chopping
Board, Cookie Jar, Dishwasher, Freezer, Fridge, Mailbox, Microwave,
Oven, Printer, Stereo, Toilet, and Washing Machine.
+ Freezer and Oven have a brand new GUI!
+ You can now hang ornaments on the Christmas Tree!
+ Added various mouse over inforamtion in GUIs. (Tells you stuff like
progress, ice levels, etc).
+ TV channels have changed, and now include sounds. This can be
overridden with a Resource Pack.
+ Ceiling light now has modes; Right Click Mode and Redstone Mode.
+ Lamps can now be stacked to create tall lamps.
+ Added every possible colour for presents, not just green and red.
+ RecipeAPI has been updated. More easier for developers to understand.
+ Particles are now produced when the oven is cooking.
+ Some blocks can now be locked if you are using MrCrayfish's Key Mod.
The blocks that can be locked are; Bedside Cabinet, Cabinet, Kitchen
Cabinet, Dishwasher, Freezer, Fridge, Microwave, Oven, Printer, Wall
Cabinet, and Washing Machine.
+ Most functional blocks can be used with hoppers for automation.
+ Added Easter Egg

+ Improved Login Message

~ Reduced Electric Fence damage.
~ Present GUI has slightly changed.
~ Printer progress has been switched with ink remaining in the GUI.
~ Stone path now uses Minecraft's random system. (Looks better IMO)
~ Minor lang file changes

- Removed debugging code

* Fixed bug with bedside cabinet redstone output
* Fixed achievements not saving.
* Fixed bug where presents could be extracted with hoppers

* (Hopefully) Fixed a render issue with mirror
* Fixed chopping board, microwave, and washing machine not rendering item.

* Fixed crash with Dishwasher and printer GUI

and @Emoniph with Intangible
Emoniph said:
Intangible 0.0.22
* Added a new golem body type that provides a turret with rapid fire weapon, a second player can sit in the turret and right-click (use) to fire the weapon. This body prevents access to the golem inventory.
* Players with soul knowledge on a server could not see an incorporeal player
* Returning from the end with active spell effects (like flight) was causing very odd interactions
* Fixed an issue where soul relay AI was not checking for inconsistent TE/block pairing (due to something else breaking them)
* Now transferring some capabilities on death
* Added a book page on Rebellion dynamic
* Added a note that worship restrictions and curse/blessing must differ when making deities
* Corrected the block name in recipes for golem part assembly
* Removed use of position-aware models in deity head and spider block rendering, hopefully fixing some crashes when specific blocks are used in heads
* Bone cages should no longer remove avatar souls
* Soulbone armor will provide less protection against certain damage types (which may be offset for some types by using unexpected)
* Config option added that may be used to apply an armor debuff if protection-type enchantments are present on soulbone armor and the overclocked armor spell is active
* Golems were not spawning at full health form the factory block.

* Overclocked doombolt no longer causes a crash when it hits a wall

and @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
Blood Magic 2.0.0-17
- Added Living Armour Upgrades
- Solar Powered
- Grim Reaper's Sprint
- [Thaumcraft] Runic Shielding
- Fixed Blood Altar's progress resetting when clicking with another item
- Fixed Divination and Seer sigils crashing when clicking on an altar while not bound
- Added crafting recipes for the following sigils:
- Compression
- Phantom Bridge
- Ender Severance
- Haste
- Dagger now bypasses checks of armour

and @TheSilentium with BetterMining
TheSilentium said:
Removes the need to hold LMB for breaking blocks.

Released a new version of Immersive Craft 1.1.0 (for MC 1.8.9):

Version 1.1.0:

  • Made Tile Entity registration safer so it is less likely to conflict with other mods
  • When you harvest a block below a rock or sticks then the rock or sticks will drop as an item instead of floating in the air
  • Fixed a possible rendering crash
  • Fixed a possible stick worldgen problem
  • Started working on a new multiblock API for a WIP future mod

Download: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/241268-immersive-craft

Have fun!
@MrRiegel's Storage Network is getting better and better - now with covers!
Storage Network 1.7.0 beta.
With your Cover Stick you can cover your cables. Right click on a cable to cover it like the next block to the right in the hotbar.
Shift-right click with the stick to uncover it.
You need Cable Covers in your inventory. They will be consumed.

new day, new update, and today it's @Sunconure11 with Growthcraft Community Edition
Sunconure11 said:
Growthcraft Community Edition 2.4.0
Growthcraft CE 2.4.0 Release Notes
December 31, 2015

Commits: 392 Changed Files: 773

With this release there has been a complete overhaul of the Booze system and Growthcraft Cellar has been given some much needed attention. We have also moved to the latest recommended version of Forge (1.7.10- Below you will find a summary of the recent changes and fixes.

New Features
  • Growthcraft
    • Exposed ALL fermenting, brewing and pressing recipes to user api
    • Locked Growthcraft dependencies
    • Updated localization files
    • New ThaumcraftBoozeHelper
    • Added debug option to all configs
    • New Booze system
    • Refactored Config classes
  • Growthcraft Core
    • Rope has been added to the oreDict as materialRope
  • Growthcraft Bamboo
    • Bamboo walls will now attempt to connect with other blocks
  • Growthcraft Bees
    • Bee boxes are now flammable
    • An axe can now be used to more easily remove a bee box
    • Bee boxes were renamed (note: may break existing worlds)
  • Growthcraft Cellar
    • Yeast has been added
    • Ferment barrels can now form yeast in certain biomes
    • Added an interface for defining heat sources
    • Booze fluids should now act more like fluids
    • New water bag has been added.
    • Bottle volume is now configurable
    • Added ferment jar and it has a GUI
    • Added tooltip helpers
    • Added player sneaking behaviour to cellar blocks
    • Users may now define their own pressing recipes
  • Growthcraft Grapes
    • Grapes may randomly produce bayanus yeast
  • Growthcraft Rice
    • Added Divine Sake
  • Growthcraft API
    • API Version is now set to 2.4
Bug Fixes
  • Growthcraft Core
    • Fixed HashKey expecting an ItemKey instead of a HashKey
    • Fixed bonemeal usage on beebox
  • Growthcraft Apples
    • Fixed structure generation
  • Growthcraft Bees
    • Fixed API isBlockFlower not handling null blocks
    • Fixed bug where beebox would provide infinite honey with a jar
  • Growthcraft Cellar
    • Fixed INVALID FLUID with empty water bags
    • Fixed NETWORK_READ and NETWORK_WRITE issues
    • Fixed time progress for Fruit Press and Ferment Jar
  • Growthcraft Grapes
    • Corrected some of the config descriptions
  • Growthcraft Hops
    • Corrected some of the config descriptions
  • Growthcraft Rice
    • Corrected some of the config descriptions
    • Fixed structure generation
  • Growthcraft Cellar
    • Deprecated buckets are no longer valid containers

and @TomEV with Router Reborn
TomEV said:
Router Reborn 0.0.7a
* Added Inventory cable

* Added Flood Light

* Changed Router model

* Fix: Router not loosing connection to tileentity that get moved without breaking the block