Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Fixed world gen customization options for vanilla biomes
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added amethyst and biome essence ore to the End. Fixed celestial crystal generation
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Changed Biome Finder recipe/texture, renamed Ornamental Artifact to Terrestrial Artifact
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added hot springs to the Mystic Grove
forstride: Tweaked the Ominous Woods biome, changed names for customization menu options
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Tweaked Wasteland biome, added hot spring pools to the Sacred Springs
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Tweaked Mystic Grove and Ominous Woods
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added customization options for rock formations, nether plants, and end features (for when they're added). Tweaked berrry bush generation in some biomes. Tweaked lily pad textures
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Tweaked foliage in some biomes
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added customization option for hot springs and nether hives (for when they're re-added), and fixed some of the other options
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added customization options for soils, flowers, mushrooms, and liquid poison
Build 1.8.9-
Adubbz: World type configuration now supports biome extensions
Adubbz: Added mahogany trees
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added a customization option for water plants
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added customization options for foliage and plants (Flowers, mushrooms, and water plants coming soon!)
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added customization option for BOP grasses
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Added world creation customization menu options for poison ivy, flax, berry bushes, wild carrots, thorns, and quicksand
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Tweaked various textures
forstride: Tweaked Wasteland, Xeric Shrubland, and some textures
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Fixed "earth" item (Used for creative tab icon)
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Removed Dense Forest biome, tweaked Deciduous Forest
Build 1.8.9-
Adubbz: Fixed flammability for a bunch of stuff
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Removed fruit blocks in favor of having them drop from leaves (Like vanilla apples)
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Tweaked gem block textures, removed vines from bamboo trees
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Fixed flammabilty/fire spread for slabs, planks, logs, foliage/plants, and flowers
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Updated Forge version (Update for fixed spruce trees in Taiga biome!)
Build 1.8.9-
Adubbz: Orange autumn saplings now produce dark wood trees
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Re-added overpowered magic healing water that obviously no one liked at all
Build 1.8.9-
forstride: Removed large stalagmite/stalactite textures
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Tweaked biome climates
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Removed Arctic and Glacier biomes, improved Cold/Frozen Desert biomes. (Be sure to fix biome IDs in your configs!)
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Changed how quicksand generates
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Fixed pine saplings, tweaked wisteria more
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Changed wisteria. Now a plant rather than a vine-like block.
Build 1.8.9-
shkl0206: Create zh_TW.lang
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Added new rock formation textures (Not used yet)
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Removed pumpkins from our biomes temporarily
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Added pumpkins to our biomes
Build 1.8.9-
Adubbz: Big trees no longer generate on water, vines no longer generate on tree trunks
Adubbz: Added a temporary fix for the ugly taiga tree bases in the side of hills
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Tweaked butterfly textures
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Removed big mushrooms from Woodland biome, updated title screen panorama again
Catcwe316: Added butterfly color variants
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Still trying to fix entity spawning...
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Mob tweaks (Still having spawning issues)
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Added butterflies (That don't spawn for some reason...)
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Added snail spawns to swamp/forest biomes (They still don't move yet though)
Catcwe316: Tweaked snail texture
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Added snail model and texture
Catcwe316: Added snail entity (Currently doesn't move)
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Finished terrariums
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Tweaked which biomes players can spawn in
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: More crafting recipe stuff
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Added more dye recipes
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Added roots and waterside sand generation to biomes
Build 1.8.9-
Adubbz: Fixed an NPE with Buildcraft (and likely other things)
Build 1.8.9-
Catcwe316: Added dandelions and poppies to biomes
Build 1.8.9-
Adubbz: Fixed up trees and spikes in the Wasteland
Adubbz: Fixed hardness and sounds for fences and fence gates
Catcwe316: Tweaked biome climates
Catcwe316: Minor climate changes
Catcwe316: Fixed plants from growing on mud blocks, tweaked Marsh biome
Adubbz: Removed unnecessary new Object[0]
Catcwe316: Re-added Meadow biome (Missing Meadow Forest sub-biome)
Catcwe316: Fixed generator crash (Oops

Catcwe316: Re-added Shield biome, fixed pine trees
Catcwe316: Re-added Lush Desert biome (Trees not generating)
Adubbz: Fixed tree gen in the lush desert
Catcwe316: Re-added Temperate Rainforest biome
Catcwe316: Re-added Land of Lakes biome
Adubbz: Fixed vine generation on Basic trees
Adubbz: Allowed the leaf radius of basic trees to be customized
Adubbz: Changed how customizable leaves radius works
Adubbz: Fixed soil pick block. Closes #618
Adubbz: Fixed reed bottom block rendering. Closes #620
Adubbz: Fixed incorrect awarding of achievements. Closes #613
Catcwe316: Re-added Lush Swamp, Mystic Grove, and Ominous Woods biomes
Adubbz: Dark leaves are no longer tinted
Catcwe316: Added pixies to the Mystic Grove, and ocelots to more tropical biomes
Catcwe316: Added Lost Soul texture
Catcwe316: Removed the Jade Cliffs biome. Goodbye old friend...
Catcwe316: Replaced Dandelion Puff's with Wilted Lilies. Changed Miner's Delight texture
Catcwe316: Added trigger for wilted lily achievement
Adubbz: Fixed the remaining achievements. Closes #612
Adubbz: Fixed double slab drops. Closes #615
Catcwe316: Tweaked which biomes villages can spawn in
Catcwe316: Tweaked biome climates more
Catcwe316: Renamed Dark Wood to Umbran Wood, renamed Ghastly Souls to Souls
Adubbz: Prevented a crash on right clicking with an empty hand
Catcwe316: Changed the default temperature setting for BOP world type to medium zones
Adubbz: Fixed an error with the achievement handler
Catcwe316: Fixed Umbran Wood slabs
Catcwe316: Added new logo
Adubbz: Added redwood trees
Catcwe316: Re-added Redwood Forest (Trees don't generate properly yet)
Adubbz: Fixed some generation issues with redwood trees
Catcwe316: Tweaked Redwood Forest
Catcwe316: Re-added Tropical Rainforest biome, tweaked mob spawns in certain biomes
Catcwe316: Added generators for some saplings
forstride: Update
Catcwe316: Tweaked foliage/flowers for a lot of biomes. Tweaked reed texture (Again)
Catcwe316: Fixed lily pad and duckweed rendering
Catcwe316: Added proper snow texture for long grass
Catcwe316: Added Terrarium Jars (Not placeable yet)
Catcwe316: Added a proper model for clover patches
Catcwe316: Added rafflesia plants to jungle biomes, fixed ocelot spawns, tweaked Eucalyptus Forest
Catcwe316: Added jar block (Still needs work)
Adubbz: Allowed vines to not be instances of BlockVine
Adubbz: The leaves offset for basic trees can now be customized
Catcwe316: "Finished" terrarium jars (More variants coming soon!)
Catcwe316: Added cactus terrarium, fixed particles for blocks that have "fancy" models
Adubbz: Removed silty dirt from the Shrubland
Catcwe316: Tweaked the wetland biome, made dead forests and dead swamps less common
Catcwe316: Tweaked bayou trees, added willow trees to temperate rainforest and vanilla swampland. Fixed jacaranda trees in extreme hills
Catcwe316: New title screen panorama
Catcwe316: Changed Lush Desert trees to acacia logs/leaves
Adubbz: Attempting to fix building on Jenkins
Adubbz: Fixed building