new day, new update, and today it's @mikeprimm with DynmapForge
and @The_Fireplace with In-Game Account Switcher
and @pixlepix with Aura Cascade
and @X_Simeon with Matter Overdrive
and @BlayTheNinth with EiraIRC
and @Reika with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, ElectriCraft, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft
mikeprimm said:DynmapForge 2.2
- Handle insufficient textures vs faces to avoid render exceptions
- Bandaid Buildcraft definition - more work needed for new texture layout
- Fix problem with invalid row cache after union() call - thanks to ilmaio!
- Update colorschemes for v1.8 blocks
- Handle new renderPass values without error
- Fix default player skin URL (thanks to @NotWoods)
- Add showworldborder setting, 1.8 vanilla world border support
- Add 'nocompass' GUI URL flag (hide compass rose)
- Cleanse username for webregister command (avoid invalid names)
- Remove IE-9 meta tag (no longer needed)
- Fix night-and-day map rendering (make nights dark again)
- Allow default shader to handle block IDs above 256
- Fix zoomout behaviour with outline area markers on Chrome
- Fix webChatEvent being called only for the first message sent and never again (thanks to @blay09)
- Fix access problem with fetching chunks when pending saves (black spots)
and @The_Fireplace with In-Game Account Switcher
The_Fireplace said:This is a completely recoded version of Ingame Account Switcher by Elvm.
deFENCE_ did the recoding from scratch, I am now maintaining and improving the mod.
In-Game Account Switcher allows you to change your account in-game without restarting Minecraft.
Other Locations:
In-Game Account Switcher on my website(will be most up to date)
In-Game Account Switcher on the Minecraft Forum(thread maintained by deFENCE_, it may not stay very up-to-date)
Planet Minecraft link
Source Code
Featured in Modpacks:
Improved Vanilla Client(1.8)
Modpack license:
You can use this mod in any of your modpacks and redistribute it as long as you include a link to this thread in your modpack. Let me know if you include it so I can add the pack to the above list.
and @pixlepix with Aura Cascade
pixlepix said:Aura Cascade 520
- Added Cascading Fisher
- Added Ritual of the End
- New textures for some items, particularly Arcane Gems
- Illumination pump will only consume adjacent fuel
- Reduced bookshelf coordinator update frequency. Massively improves performance
- Massive buff to Cascading Grower
- Fixed performance issues/console spam with bookshelves
- Clarified some description in lexicon
- Added canConnect check to fluxing node
- Whitelisted Mekanism Galacticraft and Progressive Automation for fluxing node
- Improved interaction between Red and Yellow kaleidoscopic enchants
- Fixed asymmetry in range of many machines
and @X_Simeon with Matter Overdrive
X_Simeon said:Matter Overdrive 0.4.0-RC2
- Fixed Some Server Crashes
- Fixed Mod Compatibility, now Computercraft and Waila are no longer dependencies
- More Computercraft and Open Computers Integration
- Added whole bunch of new config options from machine energy use to dimension blacklisting
- More Starmap World, can now claim planets and ships require ship factories.
- New Android Abilities, such as Cloak and Nightvision
- Abilities are now either passive or active
- Added new Ability Wheel for choosing active ability easily
- Fixed Server Starmap Camera flickering
- New block Charging Station, for charging Android Players
- Machine Rendering Optimizations
- Ores now spawn in all dimensions except ones listed in the blacklist
- Shield Ability now takes more power
- New Weapon Module: Healing Barrel
- More Phaser hit effects dependant on used modules
- Mad Scientist now has Matter Overdrive specific trades
- The Weapon Module: Incendiary Filter now lights flammable blocks on fire
- Health now displayed on the Android HUD
- New Blue Pill and Red Pill for easy Android transformations. Can be found in stronghold chests and are sold by the Mad Scientist
- Matter Overdrive now only supports Java 8 and above
and @BlayTheNinth with EiraIRC
BlayTheNinth said:EiraIRC 2.8.293
- Added ircCommandPrefix to set a different command prefix for IRC channel commands
- Added Twitch turbo badge to the name badges
- Added /ctcp command to send CTCP messages (thanks to SoniEx2), allowCTCP config option disabled by default
- Made the reverse-video formatting code (u0016) show up as obfuscated text (§k)
- Fixed Twitch features no longer working correctly (now using IRCv3)
- Fixed achievement messages being fired even if they can't be achieved yet, resulting in multiple achievement messages
- Fixed NickServ authentication
- Fixed IPv6 address parsing (surround IP by [ and ] when specifying a port)
- Fixed the nick appearing twice in screenshot sharing messages
- Fixed /irc command tab completion
- Fixed IRC color conversion (it broke during last release)
- Fixed timeout on removing modes from normal users
- Fixed log file not actually containing crash information when the connection errors unexpectedly
- Fixed connections not always closing on errors, causing ghost duplicates in IRC
- Fixed servers.json.example.txt mistakenly saying "general" rather than "settings"
- API Changes (backwards compatible):
- Added relayChat API method
- Added HasResult to all IRC events, allowing the override of chat output using Result.ALLOW or Result.DENY to prevent any output (thanks to SoniEx2)
- Added IRCPrivate/ChannelCTCPEvent (thanks to SoniEx2)
- Added IRCPrivate/ChannelChatOrCTCPEvent (thanks to SoniEx2)
- Added missing getters to IRCMessage (thanks to SoniEx2)
- Deprecated RelayChat event
and @Reika with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, ElectriCraft, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft
Reika said:DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, ElectriCraft, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft V7e
- DragonAPI: Made ASM crashes more clear
- DragonAPI: Fixed Forestry centrifuge recipe handling (properly)
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed leaving the end counting as a death for element buffer
- ElectriCraft: Fixed voltage going to 0 or Int.MAX when shutting down a source
- ElectriCraft: Transformer now renders an arrow to indicate current flow
- ElectriCraft: Fixed source-to-motor calculations
- ReactorCraft: Made fusion plasma more tolerant
- RotaryCraft: Redesigned machine recipe backend
- RotaryCraft: Reservoirs can now be crafted together to combine their fluid
- RotaryCraft: Reservoirs can now be crafted into an empty version
- RotaryCraft: Fixed crash from Pack Modifications pack of handbook
- RotaryCraft: Added option to toggle fan's 3x3 area of effect
- RotaryCraft: Fixed steel scythe being unbreakable
- RotaryCraft: Fixed hydrokinetic curves
- RotaryCraft: Fixed hydrokinetic chaining
- RotaryCraft: Fixed shaft junction chaining
- RotaryCraft: Fixed false-positive shaft junction failure
- RotaryCraft: Autobreeder can now use Canola Husks as feedstock for livestock
- RotaryCraft: Autobreeder now works on Ocelots/Cats