What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
new day, new update, and today it's @mikeprimm with DynmapForge
mikeprimm said:
DynmapForge 2.2
  • Handle insufficient textures vs faces to avoid render exceptions
  • Bandaid Buildcraft definition - more work needed for new texture layout
  • Fix problem with invalid row cache after union() call - thanks to ilmaio!
  • Update colorschemes for v1.8 blocks
  • Handle new renderPass values without error
  • Fix default player skin URL (thanks to @NotWoods)
  • Add showworldborder setting, 1.8 vanilla world border support
  • Add 'nocompass' GUI URL flag (hide compass rose)
  • Cleanse username for webregister command (avoid invalid names)
  • Remove IE-9 meta tag (no longer needed)
  • Fix night-and-day map rendering (make nights dark again)
  • Allow default shader to handle block IDs above 256
  • Fix zoomout behaviour with outline area markers on Chrome
  • Fix webChatEvent being called only for the first message sent and never again (thanks to @blay09)
  • Fix access problem with fetching chunks when pending saves (black spots)

and @The_Fireplace with In-Game Account Switcher
The_Fireplace said:
This is a completely recoded version of Ingame Account Switcher by Elvm.
deFENCE_ did the recoding from scratch, I am now maintaining and improving the mod.

In-Game Account Switcher allows you to change your account in-game without restarting Minecraft.

Other Locations:

In-Game Account Switcher on my website(will be most up to date)
In-Game Account Switcher on the Minecraft Forum(thread maintained by deFENCE_, it may not stay very up-to-date)
Planet Minecraft link
Source Code

Featured in Modpacks:
Improved Vanilla Client(1.8)

Modpack license:

You can use this mod in any of your modpacks and redistribute it as long as you include a link to this thread in your modpack. Let me know if you include it so I can add the pack to the above list.

and @pixlepix with Aura Cascade
pixlepix said:
Aura Cascade 520
  • Added Cascading Fisher
  • Added Ritual of the End
  • New textures for some items, particularly Arcane Gems
  • Illumination pump will only consume adjacent fuel
  • Reduced bookshelf coordinator update frequency. Massively improves performance
  • Massive buff to Cascading Grower
  • Fixed performance issues/console spam with bookshelves
  • Clarified some description in lexicon
  • Added canConnect check to fluxing node
  • Whitelisted Mekanism Galacticraft and Progressive Automation for fluxing node
  • Improved interaction between Red and Yellow kaleidoscopic enchants
  • Fixed asymmetry in range of many machines

and @X_Simeon with Matter Overdrive
X_Simeon said:
Matter Overdrive 0.4.0-RC2
  • Fixed Some Server Crashes
  • Fixed Mod Compatibility, now Computercraft and Waila are no longer dependencies
  • More Computercraft and Open Computers Integration
  • Added whole bunch of new config options from machine energy use to dimension blacklisting
  • More Starmap World, can now claim planets and ships require ship factories.
  • New Android Abilities, such as Cloak and Nightvision
  • Abilities are now either passive or active
  • Added new Ability Wheel for choosing active ability easily
  • Fixed Server Starmap Camera flickering
  • New block Charging Station, for charging Android Players
  • Machine Rendering Optimizations
  • Ores now spawn in all dimensions except ones listed in the blacklist
  • Shield Ability now takes more power
  • New Weapon Module: Healing Barrel
  • More Phaser hit effects dependant on used modules
  • Mad Scientist now has Matter Overdrive specific trades
  • The Weapon Module: Incendiary Filter now lights flammable blocks on fire
  • Health now displayed on the Android HUD
  • New Blue Pill and Red Pill for easy Android transformations. Can be found in stronghold chests and are sold by the Mad Scientist
  • Matter Overdrive now only supports Java 8 and above
  • Ability-Wheel.png
  • Starmap-Stats-page.png
  • charging-Station-screenshot.png

and @BlayTheNinth with EiraIRC
BlayTheNinth said:
EiraIRC 2.8.293
  • Added ircCommandPrefix to set a different command prefix for IRC channel commands
  • Added Twitch turbo badge to the name badges
  • Added /ctcp command to send CTCP messages (thanks to SoniEx2), allowCTCP config option disabled by default
  • Made the reverse-video formatting code (u0016) show up as obfuscated text (§k)
  • Fixed Twitch features no longer working correctly (now using IRCv3)
  • Fixed achievement messages being fired even if they can't be achieved yet, resulting in multiple achievement messages
  • Fixed NickServ authentication
  • Fixed IPv6 address parsing (surround IP by [ and ] when specifying a port)
  • Fixed the nick appearing twice in screenshot sharing messages
  • Fixed /irc command tab completion
  • Fixed IRC color conversion (it broke during last release)
  • Fixed timeout on removing modes from normal users
  • Fixed log file not actually containing crash information when the connection errors unexpectedly
  • Fixed connections not always closing on errors, causing ghost duplicates in IRC
  • Fixed servers.json.example.txt mistakenly saying "general" rather than "settings"
  • API Changes (backwards compatible):
  • Added relayChat API method
  • Added HasResult to all IRC events, allowing the override of chat output using Result.ALLOW or Result.DENY to prevent any output (thanks to SoniEx2)
  • Added IRCPrivate/ChannelCTCPEvent (thanks to SoniEx2)
  • Added IRCPrivate/ChannelChatOrCTCPEvent (thanks to SoniEx2)
  • Added missing getters to IRCMessage (thanks to SoniEx2)
  • Deprecated RelayChat event

and @Reika with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, ElectriCraft, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft
Reika said:
DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, ElectriCraft, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft V7e
  • DragonAPI: Made ASM crashes more clear
  • DragonAPI: Fixed Forestry centrifuge recipe handling (properly)
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed leaving the end counting as a death for element buffer
  • ElectriCraft: Fixed voltage going to 0 or Int.MAX when shutting down a source
  • ElectriCraft: Transformer now renders an arrow to indicate current flow
  • ElectriCraft: Fixed source-to-motor calculations
  • ReactorCraft: Made fusion plasma more tolerant
  • RotaryCraft: Redesigned machine recipe backend
  • RotaryCraft: Reservoirs can now be crafted together to combine their fluid
  • RotaryCraft: Reservoirs can now be crafted into an empty version
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed crash from Pack Modifications pack of handbook
  • RotaryCraft: Added option to toggle fan's 3x3 area of effect
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed steel scythe being unbreakable
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed hydrokinetic curves
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed hydrokinetic chaining
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed shaft junction chaining
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed false-positive shaft junction failure
  • RotaryCraft: Autobreeder can now use Canola Husks as feedstock for livestock
  • RotaryCraft: Autobreeder now works on Ocelots/Cats
and @Lordmau5 with FFS - Fancy Fluid Storage
Lordmau5 said:

Fancy Fluid Storage is the fluid storage solution you've been looking for!

I can't think of a proper description right now, so I'll just post 2 GIF's to illustrate how you build a tank and how you are not able to build one :)



Modpack policy: One can use the mod in their modpacks, as long as they are crediting us properly for it.
As well, monetization is not allowed.

Size limitations: 16x8x16 total outside (16 X, Z, and 8 in Y (height))

Performance: Didn't check that yet, but presumably same or faster. We'll have to check with Opis.

More than one valve: Definitely :)

Losing fluid upon breaking: The tank looses it's fluid if ALL THE VALVES are broken.

CTMLib: Since our mod is rendering the block that was there before, every block render should be properly supported. CTMLib (and especially all the connected Chisel blocks) are working perfectly fine.

For more information on how to build the tank, have a look on our website:


Want to chat with us?

Join #FFS on irc.esper.net

If you find any bugs or got any suggestions, feel free to make issues on the Github for either of them.

Enjoy playing with the mod! :)

and @Jhary with LockedDimensions
Jhary said:
A mod that makes entering other dimensions a bit more of a challenge. Entering now requires a key to be crafted before they can experience any new dimension. Once the key is crafted, you receive an achievement so sharing keys will not work, because the achievment will be checked when changing dimensions.

This mod was originally inspired by the Restricted Portals Mod made by John816. Its completely written from scratch and allows the player or server owner to define every dimension he wants. All modded dimensions will work with this. The description how to setup is found in the config file. As a "how to" you will find the nether and the end already pre configured.

The reason why I made a similar mod was simply that we needed such functionality on our server and John816 has not updated his mod since april.

The big difference is, that this mod can work with as many modded dimensions you like. After polishing it I just thought "maybe others would want that too", so here you go :)


- Thorinair for helping me out with the custom ItemRenderer

- Combichrist for providing a very cool texture for the key

- last but not least to John816 for the original idea

and @jotato with QuantumFlux
jotato said:
QuantumFlux 1.3.0-A1
  • Added the Item Fabricator
  • Added NEI Integration for the Item Fabricator
  • Added the Storehouse
  • Quibit Cluster stats were were reported wrong
  • A handful of new items are added that don't do anything yet.

and @Reika with DragonAPI and RotaryCraft
Reika said:
DragonAPI and RotaryCraft V7f
  • DragonAPI: Made block array support sorting
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed recipe handlers NPEing from other mods
  • RotaryCraft: Woodcutter now cuts leaves before logs, and from outside in and top-down
  • RotaryCraft: Woodcutter no longer causes leaf decay
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed gearboxes being able to be "repaired" and consume items when not damaged
Another Advent of Ascension patch. Should be a big help to new players too!
2.3.10 Changelog

- New UI Features! >> The skills HUD is now disabled by default.
>> There is now a message in it's place letting player's know that they can toggle it with 'C' by default.
>> This message also lets players know that the arrow keys can toggle names.
>> The names are off by default.

>> The night time phrase for not collecting tribute now has many variations rather than the original singular one.
>>> These variations are chosen at random and more may be added for other messages in the future.

- New Damage Limitations
>> AoA now limits the damage that can be dealt to mobs.

>> This damage limitation is a balancing feature that prevents items from other mods overpowering AoA items.

>> This feature can be disabled in the config under 'Damage Limitation'.

- The six upgrade kits introduced in 2.3.5 now drop in their respective dimensions.
>> The Smiley Upgrade Kit has dropped down to a 0.5% drop chance.

- Balance Changes:

>> The Mini, Super, Ultra & Giga Cannon have all received buffs for their damage and/or ROF.
>> The Brown Blaster no longer is dropped by the Everbeast but is a rare drop from Sasquatches.
>> The Everbeast now spawns slightly more commonly.
new day, new update, and today it's @Ellpeck with Actually Additions
Ellpeck said:
Actually Additions
  • Added Thermal Foundation Material Paxels
  • Added MekanismTools Material Paxels
  • Added Mashed Food Blacklist Config
  • Fixed a Bug with the RedstoneFlux API crashing

and @Vanhal with Progressive Automation
Vanhal said:
Progressive Automation 1.6.19
  • Allow the chopper to take the shearing upgrade to sheer leaves (Can be disabled in configs)
  • Buckets and other fuel containers will now be ejected into the main inventory once empty
  • Wither tools updated to use Ore Dict for sticks
  • Made the accepted tool levels configurable. This means you can set up to what level the machines will accept which should improve compatibility with the likes of iguana tweaks (You will have to manually configure the new levels that you want in the config file to generally match you setup though).
  • The machines will give a status feedback if a tool level entered is too high.

and @ MineMaarten with PneumaticCraft
MineMaarten said:
PneumaticCraft 1.9.3-90
  • Added ranged attacks for Drones (Miniguns!).
  • Added option to break out of Dig and Place commands after x actions, to allow for example for checking of tool durability.
  • Added RF support to the Aerial Interface, energy supplied will be used to charge any chargeable item in the Player inventory.
  • Added recipe for the Thaumcraft Upgrade (about time).
  • Adjusted the Gas Lift to pump the highest liquid blocks first, and to allow pumping when on top of non-source blocks.
  • Updated the Universal Sensor model.
  • Fixed most of the derpyness with Elevators when a server is laggy.
  • Bugfix: Multiblock Elevators sometimes have desynced elevator floors.
  • Bugfix: Elevator Status tab doesn't display the right maximum height.
  • Bugfix: Pressure Chamber breaks partially visually when on a chunk border.

and @ Ivorius with Recurrent Complex
Ivorius said:
Recurrent Complex
  • New: More (12 natural generation, one in stone mazes) and improved (walls, abandoned houses) structures!
  • Change: Structure files are now called rcst, and inventory generation component files rcig. The format itself did not change. This is backwards compatible.
  • Change: Structures spawn less often by default now (by popular demand!)
  • New: Literals (by quotes) are now supported by expressions (e.g. "Ice Mountains" = Ice\ Mountains)
  • New: You can now use the scroll wheel in table views
  • Fix: Spawn command tile entities no longer crash with null weights
  • New: /paste and /pastegen now support rotation and mirror values
  • New: Structures can now have limited instances (like vanilla strongholds)
  • New: French translation! (Thanks Mazdallier)
  • Change: disabledStructures, forceEnabledStructures and disabledMods are now gone, in favor of universal structure load and generation expressions
  • Change: The ruins transformer now supports more blocks
  • Change: inventory generators now load from active and inactive folders as well, and they are disableable with load and generation expressions
  • Change: Some GUI improvements (especially with the 'Save in /active' buttons).
new day, new update, and today it's @Dyonovan with Modular Systems
Dyonovan said:
Modular Systems 2.0
  • Changed Everything
  • All old code is gone, rewritten from scratch
  • Fixed all existing bugs from old version
  • Improved efficiency
  • Added Bookshelf API requirement
  • Added furnace and ore processor
  • Added version checker
  • Made structures require a fuel bank: RF, liquid, or solids
  • Added new render to dummies
  • Added tabs
  • Added priority to fuel banks

and @gruntpie224 with Exp-Translation
gruntpie224 said:

Have you ever wanted to store your experience levels for safety purposes? Or maybe you just want to trade with a friend? Well you can do just that with the Exp-Translation mod! Bottle up your exp with the Exp Translator Table and you'll be all set!



The mod is very simple and easy to use, all you have to do is craft an Exp Translator Table, some empty vials, and have some experience!
Exp Translator Table - The main component needed for the mod


Empty Vials - This is where you put the experience

Large Exp Vial - For more compact storage!

Many Exp Vials - Of course you can undo the effect if needed

How To Bottle Experience:
  1. Have at least 1 lvl of experience, an empty vial, and an Exp Translator Table
  2. Right-click the empty vial on the table to store it
  3. To empty the vial, right click the filled vial on the table to regain lvl
  4. If you have more than 10 filled vials, you can sneak and right-click to use 10 at once


  • Main Release

gruntpie224 - Creator/Programmer
Tree_bek - Early code foundation

and @alberyjones with Furby Mania
alberyjones said:

FurbyMania is a mod for Minecraft 1.8, using MinecraftForge, which adds passive and hostile Furbies to your world.

In case it wasn't obvious, this mod is just for fun, not for profit and is not endorsed by or affiliated with Hasbro in any way.

Please note this is a work-in-progress mod and so you may find some glitches. Please let me know if you do - thanks!

and @Ivorius with Recurrent Complex
Ivorius said:
Recurrent Complex
  • New: More (12 natural generation, one in stone mazes) and improved (walls, abandoned houses) structures!
  • Change: Structure files are now called rcst, and inventory generation component files rcig. The format itself did not change. This is backwards compatible.
  • Change: Structures spawn less often by default now (by popular demand!)
  • New: Literals (by quotes) are now supported by expressions (e.g. "Ice Mountains" = Ice\ Mountains)
  • New: You can now use the scroll wheel in table views
  • Fix: Spawn command tile entities no longer crash with null weights
  • New: /paste and /pastegen now support rotation and mirror values
  • New: Structures can now have limited instances (like vanilla strongholds)
  • New: French translation! (Thanks Mazdallier)
  • Change: disabledStructures, forceEnabledStructures and disabledMods are now gone, in favor of universal structure load and generation expressions
  • Change: The ruins transformer now supports more blocks
  • Change: inventory generators now load from active and inactive folders as well, and they are disableable with load and generation expressions
  • Change: Some GUI improvements (especially with the 'Save in /active' buttons).

and @Zixxl with ModTweaker
Zixxl said:
ModTweaker 0.9.0
  • Updated Factorization support for 0.8.95+
  • Updated Mekanism v8 support (Dropped support vor V7)
  • Added Botania PureDaisy & Brew handlers
  • Added Tinkers Construct Smeltery fuel handlers
  • Added Thermal Expansion Insolator handlers
  • New commands
  • /mt ae2 Outputs a list of all Applied Energistics 2 recipes
  • /mt botania Outputs a list of all Botania recipes
  • /mt tconstruct Outputs a list of all Tinkers Construct recipes
  • /mt mekanism Outputs a list of all Mekanism recipes
  • /mt texpansion Outputs a list of all Thermal Expansion recipes
  • /mt factorization Outputs a list of all Factorization recipes
  • /mt railcraft Outputs a list of all Railcraft recipes
  • /mt exnihilo Outputs a list of all ExNihilo recipes
  • Added wildcard support for most remove() handlers
  • Better error logging if parameters missing or recipes could not be added / removed
  • Lots of bug fixes / enhancements
Blood Magic has received an update. This one is mostly performance-related, but it also adds achievements and something called a 'Ritual Disassembler'.
- Made the Ritual of Magnetism more efficient by caching ore blocks.
- Created the Ritual Dismantler to dismantle rituals automagically (if they are active).
- Added achievements. Yup!
- Removed FBOs from the mod, so that lower-end computers can use the mod more easily.
- SEVERAL performance enhancements were added to the mod. Unfortunately, I would have to make this changelog massive in order to mention them all.
That looks sweet. Anyway, I don't know how many of you use ICBM?
  • Cleanup of unused code
  • Updated lang sub
  • Matched up texture and lang names with changes made to sentry upgrades
  • Cleaned up sentry upgrade class file, added speed upgrade & silencer upgrade
  • Improved machine placement logic, and fixed issues with air blocks blocking placement
  • Enabled ru_RU lang file
  • Fixed AA target selector ignoring FoF checks
  • Changed rocket launcher to have a 1 second delay between launches
  • Made rocket launcher not consume energy in creative mode
  • Translated a few methods and vars to English in the radar station
  • Fixed missing radar station recipe
new day, new update, and today it's @OreCruncher with Thermal Recycling
OreCruncher said:
Thermal Recycling
  • The Vending Machine is now a multiblock like structure. When placed into the world the top block will be filled out with a "gag" block automatically. Interacting with the top block will have the same behavior as if a player interacted with the bottom block. The Waila HUD will show the block as a Vending Machine, and the "gag" block is hidden from NEI.
  • Existing Vending Machines in a saved world will not have this upper block. A players interaction with the Vending Machine will be as it was e.g. opening the Vending Machine by clicking the bottom block. To get this upper block the Vending Machine needs to be replaced. (This behavior is intentional. Because there wasn't an actual upper block for the Vending Machine it was possible to place a real block into that space. I decided it was safer to preserve the existing world state than to outright replacing the top block.)
  • Make sure you make a backup of your saved world before deploying this update.

and @Lycanite with Lycanites Mobs
Lycanite said:
Lycanites Mobs
  • New Features:
    • New Item Added: The Soulkey This can be used to activate Altars to summon rare subspecies.
    • Altars Added: An Altar for summoning an Umber Lobber and an Altar for summoning a Lunar Grue have been added.
  • Major Fixes:
    • Fixed a rare crash caused by Yales.
  • Config Changes:
    • Added a config option to enabled/disable rare subspecies health bars.
  • Changes:
    • Rare subspecies will no longer show a boss health bar by default.
  • Balancing:
    • Predators such as Chupacabras or Ventoraptors will no longer attack mobs
    • that are both classed as both an Animal/Alpha and Predator. This will
    • stop unintended targetting such as a Ventoraptor attacking a Pinky or a
    • Shade attacking a Chupacabra.
  • Minor Fixes:
    • Blizzard Charges should now fire as projectiles from dispensers.
    • Tinkers Construct Hatchets should now deal bonus damage where applicable like vanilla Axes.

and @MrRiegel with Blocked Layers
MrRiegel said:
You enter a new world and cannot go deeper than 64.

To unlock specific layers you have to meet challenges.

Layer 64:

-eat 5 steaks/cooked porkchops

-harvest 10 wheat crops

-till 20 dirt/grass into farmland

-"create" a baby animal

-use 1 stone pickaxe until it breaks

-use 1 stone shovel until it breaks


-kill 3 zombies

-kill 3 spiders

Layer 32:

-craft 1 cake

-repair a tool or sword in an anvil OR enchant an item in an anvil

-kill 5 endermen

-kill 1 bat

-wear full iron armor

-set a block on fire

-kill 10 creepers

-kill 10 skeletons

-mine 10 clay blocks


-mine 1 emerald ore

-eat 1 golden apple (any)

-mine 1 quartz ore in nether (yes, you have to pour a nether portal ;))

-drink 1 potion

-kill 5 blazes

-kill 5 magma cubes

On release of new layer you get some reward items. Can be disabled in config.

Also, you can enable the option to only dig deeper if you have a specific amount of levels.

So do not enchant way below.

Thats my first attempt of modding.

If you have any suggestions, give it to me.

and @ganymedes01 with Headcrumbs
ganymedes01 said:
Headcrumbs 1.5.5
  • New names
  • Added code to prevent repeated names to be added by users (they'll be silently ignored)
  • Humans will now only spawn in biomes that Zombies can spawn (should prevent any incompatibility with other mods)
  • Fix human heads not dropping with Tinker's Construct cleavers
Did Botania update?
  • Added a /botania-skyblock-spread command for server owners. It sends the target player randomly into the world and created a GoG skyblock for them.
  • Added Luminizers, new star like blocks that let you transport players and other things around. Here's a demo.
  • Added the Detector Luminizer for redstone output on Luminizer paths.
  • Added the Luminizer Launcher to get mobs on the Luminizer paths.
  • Fixed the Ring of Loki being broken, again. (TheWhiteWolves)
  • Retextured the Livingrock Bricks to look less horrible.