What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Witchery has been updated to version 0.23.0!!!

Emoniph said:
NEW: Winged Monkeys - Tameable, dyeable, creature made by mutating a dog with and owl. Can pick up and carry players to places, or fetch players or other mobs.
NEW: Town keeps - a small keep structure for villages, comes with some town guards.
NEW: Watchtowers - a structure for villages, comes with some town guards.
NEW: Book Shoppe- a structure for villages, contains a bunch of basic books from various mods on its walls.
NEW: Town Walls - a curtain wall circling a village, comes with town guards.
NEW: Village Guards - beefy, armored, patrolling villagers, that shoot arrows at mobs and players who attack the village/villagers. Village guards will defend high reputation players, if attacked by another player.
NEW: Village mayors - Players with high reputation can assign villagers guard duty, making them into Village Guards.
NEW: Larger villages - villages can now generate to span a much larger area.
NEW: Villages in more biomes.
NEW: Snowy villages - new snow theme for villages that generate in snowy biomes.
NEW: Sleeping villagers - Villagers will now go to sleep if they are inside at night. They will regenerate health, and other stats, if they sleep long enough.
NEW: Aguamenti mystic branch effect will now also fill kettles and witches' cauldrons
NEW: Higher level werewolves now transform faster when using the Moon Charm
NEW: Vampires - Blood sucking mobs
NEW: Vampirism - Players can become vampires and level up. Extra hotbar with skills, suck blood (for hunger refill and power for abilities), transfix victims, run like the wind, swarm of bats form, fear the sun!
NEW: Vampire Clothing - Gives some buffs to vampires, looks the part.
NEW: Cane Sword - A sword in a cane!
NEW: Garlic - Multi stage plant
NEW: Meaty Stew - Very nourishing, made with garlic
NEW: Garlic Garland - Place around to keep vampires at bay
NEW: Garlic potion effect for witches' cauldrons, weakens vampires
NEW: Hunter Dawn Armor - extra protection from vampires
NEW: Coffin - Allows vampires to sleep though the day
NEW: Sunlight Grenades - Sun in a sphere, vampires beware!
NEW: Sunlight Collector - For charging sunlight grenades
NEW: Blood-stained Wool - Decoration block, used for making vampire clothes
NEW: Boss - Lilith
NEW: Book Observations of an Immortal.
NEW: Glass Goblet - For drinking.
NEW: Blood Crucible - For charging high-level vampire powers.
NEW: Shaded Glass - Very similar to stained glass until it receives a redstone current, then it darkens to prevent sunburn to undead under it.
NEW: Wooden Stake - Use on a sleeping vampire to kill them.
NEW: Mod Pack support for controlling vampire quests, config options to disable the vampire ritual and questing, and two non-craftable items: Bottle of Warm Blood (that refills two drops of the player's blood bar) and Bottle of Lilith's Blood (that increases the players vampire level by 1, or makes them into a vampire otherwise, if they are at max level it fills their blood bar by 8 drops).

TWEAK: Interacting with a Hobgoblin that his holding something, will now add it to the players inventory instead of just dropping it.
TWEAK: The Creative Wolf Token now cycles vampire levels if sneaking when used.
TWEAK: Modpacks and servers can now specify which blocks can be replaced by the Rite of Natures Power in the config file using the list under: NaturesPowerReplaceableBlocks
TWEAK: Hobgoblins may despawn more frequently when out in the wild.
TWEAK: Lowered the default spawn weight of Hellhounds and reduced their default despawn protection time.
TWEAK: Lord of Torment is once again weaker to the Ingianima mystic branch spell.
TWEAK: Added block protection check to normal Brew of Erosion (made in a kettle)
TWEAK: Werewolf's wolf form fast dig ability now requires the player to be sneaking to use it.
TWEAK: Snow slab recipe is now made from snow layer blocks.
TWEAK: Added a default despawn time for disease blocks, config option to reduce this further.
TWEAK: Added herbology book page for Wolfsbane.
TWEAK: Werewolf villagers now keep their trades when converting to and from wolfman form
TWEAK: Preventing forced item drops if an item GUI is shown, since some mods don't handle this correctly leading to dupe side-effects.
TWEAK: Killing hobgoblins in a village no longer decreases reputation, killing baby hobgoblins does though.
TWEAK: Wolfman rend armor ability now better detects regenerating armor.
TWEAK: Witch Hunters will no longer damage each other
TWEAK: Clearing the area of blocks when entering torment.
TWEAK: Disable visits from your Coven Witches to you base by setting the config key: B:AllowCovenWitchVisits=false

FIX: Hunter armor would damage werewolves, even if not silvered.
FIX: Stack overflow error when using some block from Ganys Nether Mod next to a silver vat, both blocks would generate and react to each others change events.
FIX: Some invalid cast exceptions in Fume Funnels when another mod has not cleaned up tile entities correctly.
FIX: Removed some biome types from spirit spawning, seems to cause issues with Twilight forest to register in most biomes even if generation is later blocked, may also have had some effect on mob spawning in modded nether biomes. Issue seems to be related to any mobs registered as Ambient type.
FIX: Null Pointer Exception could occur when using the village detection rite
FIX: Null pointer exception could occur when a hellhound converts to a normal wolf under some circumstances
FIX: It was not possible to decant a custom brew in a cauldron unless a altar was near, even if the brew did not need altar power, derp.
FIX: Prevented an index out of bounds exception in poppets when another mod breaks somethings with rendering.
FIX: Protego mystic branch effect no longer destroys placed mob heads.
FIX: Player dying and a certain combination of spirit related events could leave a Shade of Leonard invulnerable until the chunk he is in is reloaded.
FIX: Prevented null pointer exception on log-in when certain potion ids have not been assigned correctly, this is still a breaking bug, but at least you can log in properly now.
FIX: Null pointer exception fixed in disease blocks.
FIX: Rare null pointer exception fixed in brew gas blocks (when another mod leaves tile entities around).
FIX: Deaths Hand now works as it should in boss fights.
FIX: Exception could occur when using the new instant waystone rituals across dimensions.
FIX: Incorrect message saying not enough space, when summing a demon in a circle magic ritual, and the demon is still summoning is no longer shown.
FIX: Modified the furnace recipe registration for witchery logs, may help with solving a Thermal Expansion dupe issue.
FIX: Players in wolf or wolfman form appeared as their normal model if a player was very far away in the same world and then came to them.
Yet another GregTech update has been bestowed upon us.
[FIXED] Lang File reading the Property Names rather than their actual Values, when enabled.
[FIXED] Hoe requiring Dirt Blocks made of Air to till.
[FIXED] TC Gold Coins being unificated to Gold Nuggets.
[FIXED] Thaumium Blocks of TC not being obtainable. They can be obtained by Chiseling the GT Block of Thaumium Ingots with the GT Chisel (just like every other Storage Block).
"See-Through" Block Breaking Texture by disabling transparency as a whole for that task, it may look ugly but at least it is not causing X-Ray Textures.
If you have a Solution to that Problem (as in the proper GL11 Blending Parameters or similar) please post it.
new day, new update, and today it's @Claycorp with Pay2Spawn
Claycorp said:
  • Added option to remove twitch subs counting in total donated.
  • Fixed some structure ID bugs.
  • Added zombie reskinning. (Reskins named zombies to players names skin.)
  • Fixed a bug with structures not saving properly.
  • Added fadecolor to fireworks
  • Added Fundrazr support
  • Added Twitchalerts support

and @TeamBR with Modern Alchemy
TeamBR said:
Modern Alchemy 1.0.1-BETA-B226
  • TeamBR-Core now Required
  • Lots of bug fixes
  • Fixed crafting recipes.
  • Started moving methods to Core mod
  • Reduced a lot of time required for crafting
  • Added a cool down to Advanced Crafter if something causing it to interrupt crafting.
  • Fix manual not loading if there is a space somewhere in a Directory.

and @supercat765 with Custom Trades Mod
supercat765 said:
Custom Trades Mod 1.1.0
  • Added Infinite Trades Option by placing a diamond block below chest
  • added command to spawn in

and @joshie with Mariculture
joshie said:
Mariculture 1.2.4f
  • Fixed crucible dissappearing/extreme lag in gui when editing recipes with modtweaker
  • Add config for updating tanks based on mB
  • Switch fishing nets to have same bounding as carpets
  • Fix Oysters placing normal sand inside them (when you use red sand).
  • Make sifters harvesting level wood, not iron -__-
  • Add config to disable squids from dropping calamari (see fish mechanics)
  • Add a whole bunch of configs to adjust different things when it comes to fish breeding (see fussy fish category in fish mechanics)
  • Add a bunch of configs for changing the upgrade values to Machines.cfg (under Upgrade Settings)
  • Fix Blink enchantment configs only applying on the client
  • Fixed Aquaculture fish giving INSANE amounts of Fish Oil and therefore not being meltable
  • Readd Damselfish/Neon Tetra breeding combos
  • Crucible Furnace will no longer eject to the bottom.

and @BluSunrize with Witching Gadgets
BluSunrize said:
Witching Gadgets 1.1.0
  • Lapis or other gems without affinities will no longer crash the cutting table
  • Only the Terrestrial Focus of Hell applies warp on crafting now
  • Stone Extruder outputs to inventories above and below him
  • fixed Clusters crashing when looking up their name
  • nerfed Stealth enchant. Each level now gives 10%
  • made Primordial Tools and Armor auto-repair, albeit slower than normal Void metal gear
  • Primordial Hammer only breaks a single block when sneaking
  • Improved selection gui of the Primordial Gauntlet
  • fixed area of effect on Ageing Stone
  • only Thaumcraft nodes will be accepted into the gauntlet now. No more Ethereal Crystals from Thaumic Horizons!
  • Void metal Blocks now work as beacon bases
  • rewrote entire Coremod to use obfuscated names instead of SRG. Woops.
  • listed all Potion+Enchantment IDs in the config
  • fixed null pointer in the Oval gem of Ordo
  • added documentation to the Abacus, about the infusion enchant calculation. Also improved the info given by the Abacus

and @BlayTheNinth with EiraIRC
BlayTheNinth said:
EiraIRC 2.8.128
  • This release includes a few API changes and improvements. As far as I'm aware all parts of the API that are currently in use by other mods haven't changed, so there hopefully should be no compatibility issues.
  • Added "Submit Channel" link to the welcome screen
  • Added description tooltip to the channel list on the welcome screen.
  • Added synirc to default services (thanks to sandalle)
  • Probably fixed autojoin not working on all servers
  • Fixed a few issues with the IRC context parsing in command parameters
  • Made the suggested channel list be loaded directly from GitHub if possible
  • Improved the custom commands example file (thanks to sandalle)
  • Improved and documented the API a little
  • See forum release post or beta & alpha releases for a full changelog of the 2.8 Update.
Dropped a suggestion to TheCricket (Chisel 2)

We now have golems with chisel'd pumpkin heads. Thank you TheCricket, and you're welcome community.

BuildCraft 6.4.3. For once in recent history, BuildCraft has buffed something - robots! In fact, we lowered their energy usage quite a lot, as we believe 200 RF to travel a single block space is a bit far out there.

* Robot energy usage lowered by about 4-10 times, depending on task (asie, Kubuxu)
* Robot carriers now try to fill their inventory before changing stations (Kubuxu)

* [#2541] Refinery not accepting biomass (warlordjones)
* [#2537] Knights don't attack certain mobs (Thog)
* [#2528] Block-breaking robots go into sleep mode after destroying just one block (marcin212)
* Charging table storing negative RF (asie)
* Minor energy cooling fixes (viliml)
* Picker robots try to move to the same block they're in (Kubuxu)
* Planters ignoring Zone Planner areas (hea3ven)
* Robot dupe when linked to non-main station (hea3ven)
* Robot recharging slightly buggy (asie)
* Robot sleep usage too high (asie)
new day, new update, and today it's @Lomeli12 with Elemental Creepers
Lomeli12 said:
Elemental Creepers 5.0.0
  • Updated to Minecraft 1.8
  • 2 new creepers
  • Improved Ender Creeper AI.
  • Uses LomLib now to take care of spawn eggs and use Forge's entity registry thing, so hopefully no more conflicting with other mod mobs. This however means that LomLib is now required!
  • Improved translations thanks to all the nice people over on github!

and @kingbdogz with The Aether II
kingbdogz said:
The Aether II 1.2 & 1.21
  • Fixed Silk Touch bug with Aether Grass
  • Fixed Orange Trees not dropping more Oranges on Enchanted Aether Grass.
  • Fixed Skyroot Bucket recipe.
  • Fixed ticking Altar and Incubator crash
  • Fixed crashes with String and Pressure Plates.
  • Fixed accessory rendering.
  • Fixed crash when White Gold Pillars have invalid metadata.
  • Fixed white apple duplication bug.
  • Reduced the size of the Aether's assets, decreasing loading time
  • Added language support for Dutch, German, and Thai
  • Added config options for dimension, potion, and biome IDs.
  • Removed Aerwhales temporarily due to a serious performance issue.
  • Fixed Slider crash

and @Planetguy with Remain in Motion
Planetguy said:
Remain in Motion 2.5.0 & 2.5.1
  • FL-style microblocks that carry adjacent blocks
  • BC facades that carry adjacent blocks
  • Special handling for ChickenChunks loaders, so that carriages can stay loaded while moving
  • A carriage drive with its direction as a property, not by the side signals come from
  • Improvements to FMP carriages
  • Much work optimizing the process of motion
  • Added recipe for pre-directed carriage

and @Pauljoda with Modular Systems
pauljoda said:
Modular Systems 1.7.2
  • Pull Request: Fix storage core casting issues
  • Updated forge version and dependency versions

and @OndraSter with Better Sleeping
OndraSter said:
Better Sleeping 0.5
  • Completely recoded the way user properties are saved.
  • WARNING: Current tiredness bar will reset for all players when updating from earlier versions!
  • Changing dimensions no longer resets the bar
  • You can now set in config whether to retain tiredness or reset it upon death/respawn
  • Fixed unreported gameplay bugs :)
  • (for developers) Fixed and updated API, it should now be standalone.

and @JeanGlassmaker with Atum
JeanGlassmaker said:
Atum 0.6.57
Fixes server side crash when spawning the Pharaoh.
Fixes Atum's Desert biome name.
Changes palace spawning rarity from 1 in 320 chunks, to 1 in 1000 chunks.
@Binnie567 with Binnie's Mods
  • Fixed crash when using lumbermill
  • Stopped machines consuming dye/enzymes when idle
  • Fixed recipe using wrong honey
  • Fixed crash when using database in lab stand
  • Fixed gate recipe overwriting vanilla
  • Clay combs give clay, not clay dust
  • Added forestry woods to woodworker
  • Added Mystical bee (Patreon request)
  • Added Hollyhock flower (Patreon request)
new day, new update, and today it's @Planetguy with Remain in Motion
Planetguy said:
Remain in Motion 2.5.2
  • Fixed crafting-related crash due to mistaken recipe
  • Added sound config properties
  • Allow any motion speed down to 1 tick

and @Nuchaz with BiblioCraft
Nuchaz said:
BiblioCraft 1.10.0
  • New Block Furniture Paneler. This block will allow you to apply the texture of any solid block to any one of the new framed BiblioCraft blocks. It functions much like a crafting table with a dedicated slot for the solid blocks and another dedicated slot for the framed BiblioCraft block. This block can be used with or without a GUI. Right click the correct square with a compatible item in hand to add that item to the table and sneak-right click an item to remove it. Sneak right-clicking the crafting result with craft that item.
  • New Blocks Framed Blocks. These blocks are used with the furniture paneler to get a custom textured version. Framed versions include the Bookcase, Shelf, Potion Shelf, Tool rack, Case, Label, Clock, Painting frames, Map frame, Desk, Table, Seat, and all 5 Seat backs. They are crafted using the standard recipes only the wooden slabs are replaced by framing boards and the wooden planks are replaced by framing sheets.
  • New Item Framing Saw used to create framing sheets and boards. Combine with any wood plank in crafting grid.
  • New Item Framing Sheet used in crafting framed blocks in place of wooden planks. Combine with Framing Saw to make Framing Boards.
  • New Item Framing Board used in crafting framed blocks in place of wooden slabs.
  • New Item Plumb Line Measures the depth 1 block in front of the block. Right click to measure depth through empty space and liquids. Depth message will also include the y coordinate of the bottom block.
  • New Feature Clipboards can be placed on walls now. Sneak right click on a wall with the clipboard in hand to place on a wall. Right click the squares and next/prev page buttons to interact and change pages while the clipboard is on the wall. Sneak right click to pick the clipboard back up.
  • New feature Attachable desks. Use the screw gun or hand drill and sneak-right click a desk, than sneak right click a desk to the left or right of that desk to connect them and get a new style desk. Can be an unlimited number of desks wide. This only works with the new framed desks.
  • New Feature Borderless painting frames now have a button in the GUI to "hide frame" which will make the painting frame invisible and let the player walk through the bounding box.
  • New Feature Per-block fast rendering can be enabled in the config. By default the potion shelf, label, and fancy sign have forced fast rendering enabled by default. This should make the potion shelf much more usable without having to enable fast rendering for the whole game.
  • Fixed a crash when connecting hoppers to map frames
  • Fixed sword pedestals not accepting swords from hoppers
  • Fixed the tape measure not removing the pole at coordinates zero.
  • Fixed a duplication bug with the Dinner plates involving items with the same ID but different metadata.
  • Fixed a bug not allowing custom painting resource packs to be read from folders. Now your custom resource pack with custom paintings does not have to be in a .zip file.

and @JeanGlassmaker with Tinkers' Mechworks
JeanGlassmaker said:
Tinkers' Mechworks
  • Fixes drawbridges placing EnderStorage blocks.
  • Adds Block info command.

and @Kentington with Thaumic Horizons
Kentington said:
Thaumic Horizons 1.1
  • Added self-infusions
  • Added horse infusions
  • Added Portability and Instilled Loyalty general infusions
  • Added greatwood and thaumium boats
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the Animation wand focus could sometimes not be researched
  • Evanescent lens now operates completely differently. It should no longer flicker.
  • Fixed server crashes related to alchemite, ethereal shards, and Taintfeeders
  • Cloning vat no longer consumes entire stacks of samples or nutrients. It can also have items fed into it properly.
  • Fixed essentia costs for cloning infused creatures
  • Injections have been reminded that they are not potions, and do not drop glass bottles.

and @Kobata with Inventory Tweaks
Kobata said:
Inventory Tweaks 1.59-beta-174
  • Update forge, add windowid check to click packets. Kobata

and @Mamiya0taru with VoxelMap
Mamiya0taru said:
VoxelMap 1.7.10
  • support for Colored Lights mod
  • prevent teleport to waypoint from teleporting to a waypoint not in the current dimension
  • now possible to create custom icons with .properties file, allowing them to use current resource pack

and @Austinv11 with Peripherals++
austinv11 said:
Peripherals++ 1.2.4
  • (Hopefully) fixes a crash with the RF Charger
  • Events now fire properly in smart helmet guis

and @AlgorithmX2 with Applied Energistics 2
AlgorithmX2 said:
Applied Energistics 2 rv2-beta-9
  • Enhancement #817 Crafting CPU GUI now shows a green background on items being crafted, and a yellow background on scheduled items Eearslya
  • Enhancement Added an option to disable the colored crafting status yueh
  • Enhancement Added more information to the security audit yueh
  • Enhancement Improved performance yueh
  • Fixes #972 Level Emitter tool-tip now corresponds to the actual behavior thatsIch
  • Fixes #982 Auto-crafting lag reduced yueh
  • Fixes #910 Dense cables render correctly with FMP now yueh
  • Fixes #943 Reduced lag when breaking multiple blocks at once using Annihilation Plane yueh
  • Fixes cable render crash and covered cables render as smart yueh
  • Update fr_FR.lang Mazdallier
  • Update zh_CN.lang bakaxyf
  • Updated Texture / Model License to be more specific AlgorithmX2
  • Updated Forge to recommended and other dependencies yueh
Mod Update: The Kappa Experience 2.2.2

Download Link: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/228353-the-kappa-experience/files/2230010

  • Fix for duplicate entries in the "/tke list" and "/tke emotes"
  • Also added sorting to both, Emotes and Channels, when using the command
  • Version bump as well

P.S. Decided to mix up the formatting this time for this mod update. Please tell me what you think!
@lumien with Loading Profiler:
After you install the mod after each successful minecraft start you will see a file called "loading-log.log" in your minecraft root folder. If you open that up you will see something like this: Pastebin. In that file you can see how long each mod took for the respective fml cycles (Constructing,PreInitialization,Initialization,PostInitialization) in ms.

This data is also logged to the debug log.