What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
I'd love to learn more about this mod but there's little information at the links. Wonder if its anything like minechem.

the mod has only been released 13 hours ago and as mentioned it's still in early beta.
give it some time to organize and publish proper mod information.

though it does already have 46 downloads, which is quite alot for a new mod.
the mod has only been released 13 hours ago and as mentioned it's still in early beta.
give it some time to organize and publish proper mod information.

though it does already have 46 downloads, which is quite alot for a new mod.
Big team name behind it will do that :)

I've already asked on their forum if anyone has info yet. Figure its the best place to learn.
@Vazkii released Botania 1.5-169

  • Rebalanced mana generation. All values are relative to the values previous to this release. These numbers may change back slightly if any of the changes proves too drastic.
    • Dayblooms had their delay reduced, now 20% faster overall.
    • Nightshades produce exactly as much as Dayblooms. So 140% faster overall.
    • Hydroangeas will instantly grab water after they're done with the last drink. A single block of water lasts for 4x as long to prevent sound/update spam. 127% faster overall.
    • Rosa Arcanas will produce twice as much mana per XP point. They also have 4x as much of an internal buffer. 100% faster overall.
    • Endoflames had no changes.
    • Munchdews had the amount that a leaf produces increased tenfold and their internal buffer increased fiftyfold. If they spend more than 5 ticks without eating any leaves they'll go in a 80 second cooldown period. 900% faster overall.
    • Gourmaryllises have a higher multiplier for the amount that a piece of food produces and a larger internal buffer. 255% faster overall.
    • Narslimmuses have a higher multiplier for the amount that a slime produces. 412% faster overall.
    • Thermalilies had their cooldown lowered from 8 minutes to 6 minutes. 31% (+ a negligible number thanks to inheriting the dilligence upgrade from the Hydroangeas) faster overall.
    • Entropinnyums had no changes.
    • Kekimuruses had their cooldown increased and amount of mana per slice drastically increased. 75% faster and 181 more resource efficient.
    • Spectrolususe had no changes.
  • Added an options button to the Lexica Botania's main page.
  • Added justified text to the Lexica Botania's text pages as a config option.
  • Entropinnyums now muffle the sound of an absorbed TNT explosion.
  • Fixed an exploit where Thermalilies could be broken before the cooldown period starts, skipping the cooldown entirely.
  • Fixed an exploit with the Gourmaryllis where more than one can eat a single item at once, producing much more mana than intended.
  • Fixed Mana Bursts with Bore Warp lenses fired from a Mana Spreader destroying dropped items.
  • Rewrote the text rendering algorithm for the Lexica Botania's text pages to be less of a mess and not bug out around some formatting codes.

You'll love this update, because who won't love unnerf. (First time ever see a mod unnerf)
Just released version 2.55 with a few fixes and also dimension recovery options:

  • Fixed a bug when the randomizeSeed option was enabled (which is not by default). The random seed would differ every time the player entered the world or the game reloaded. This would create ugly chunk borders when new chunks are generated. This is fixed by storing the base seed with the dimension information. Note that most people will not have suffered from this bug since randomizeSeed is not enabled by default but it is enabled for the upcoming Pathfinder modpack.
  • Fix texture for the feather falling plus module
  • Potentially fixed a rare bug that could cause the dimension information to be lost in single player.
  • Implemented a new /rftdim recover command which can recover a lost dimension (reconstruct the dimension information out of the dimension tab). To use this hold the invalid dimension tab in your hand and type /rftdim recover. If all goes well it should restore your dimension. If you no longer have access to your dimension tab then you can also use this command to associate a newly created dimension tab with a dimension that is lost (just put a dimension id as a parameter).
  • New /rftdim loaddim and savedim command to load and save dimension information in a json file. This can be used for more advanced dimension recovery/editing. Not for the casual user.
  • New /rftdim savedims command to save all dimension information at once in a directory.

For this dimension recovery I also started work on a recovery guide. This is not finished yet but already usable (but I do hope you never have to use it):


Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/nag4hcj05sk449d/rftools-2.55.jar
Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads

Have fun!
Blah blah GregTech 6.00.12
[API] Did some infrastructural work for Covers and their Sync Code.
[FIXED] Cassiterite not giving 1.5 Units of Tin when smolten in Furnace, and also not having 2 Units of Tin when electrolysed (the 1.5 thing is just to make smelting less lucrative compared to the Electrolyzer).
[FIXED] Forgetting to add the temporary Furnace Smelting Tag to Nickel.
[FIXED] Forgetting about the Ore Drop Multiplier for certain Ores.
[FIXED] Gem Plate Storage Blocks and Crates (because Gem Plates are different from regular Plates for Texture Reasons)
[FIXED] GT Blocks not being able to use Alpha in Textures.
new day, new update, and today it's @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.3.0
Changes since 1.2.4:
  • Added drawer controller block.
  • Added 1x1 size wood drawers.
  • Removed L3 status upgrade, and changed L2 to behave like the old L3.
  • All drawers now support all status upgrades.
  • Status upgrade visuals changed.
Fixes since 1.3.0-alpha2:
  • Fixed ExtraUtilities transfer nodes (and maybe other pipes) not connecting to controller.
  • Fixed sync issue causing last item inserted into controller to not appear in the attached drawer.
Changes for Texture Artists:
  • A config file exists in the blocks textures directory that specifies how indicators are rendered to the drawer face, and aspects of the 3D trim of the block. You have more leeway in redesigning the drawers to best match your target pack.

and @Lunatrius with Schematica
Lunatrius said:
Schematica &
  • Re-implemented schematic rotation and extended it to all 6 directions
  • Don't refresh schematics that fail to rotate
  • Fixed a crash in non-dev environment caused by wrong method remapping

and @RazzleberryFox with DecoCraft
RazzleberryFox said:
DecoCraft 1.12
  • 36 new models, Working Chairs and Storage!
A wild mod appeared!
Marble is a small mod all about decoration and other Vanilla-ish stuff. Right now it's in very early beta, only about 1/4 of all planned features are implemented.

Here you can see all the blocks:


From left to right:

  • Multiocolor Stained Glass
  • Tall Torch - essentially a 1.5 block torch, for those of you who hate torches on the floor
  • Null Block (the texture is intended) - a request by my friend
  • Hardened Clay Brick
  • Stained Clay Bricks of all 16 colors
  • Rope (allows you to climb down faster than falling, shift to slow down)
  • Enchanted Rope (allows you to climb up faster than a ladder)
  • Multicolor Stained Glass Panes

  • Apple Pie - for those of you who have automated farms that produce thousands of apples
  • Golden Apple Pie - has nothing to do with my name, I swear
  • Belly Emptinizator Pills 3000 - you can eat them at any time and they remove hunger points instead of filling them.
new day, new update, and today it's @MrCompost with Aqua Creepers!
MrCompost said:

Whilst my team over at Angry Pixel have been working hard on the revival of our main mod, The Betweenlands, I have been working on a little side project with a good friend of mine. This mod was largely conceptualised and designed back in 2012, however it was never brought to life and implemented into the game... until recently.

So, what does this mod add?
Well in case the title wasn't obvious enough, this mod adds a brand new hostile water mob to the game - the Aqua Creeper! Whilst for the most part it behaves as a regular creeper would if it were a fish, this terrifying creature has some fiendish tricks up it's wet, scaly sleeves. Oh, and it looks cool too.


When you're minding your own business swimming around in the ocean, be sure to stay away from these guys; being naturally water-dwelling creatures, they have the advantage of speed. Even if you're on a boat, they will swim beneath it and blow you straight out of the water.

But don't think you're safe on land either! If you stand too close to the water, the Aqua Creeper will just leap out at you and explode in your face after flopping around for a bit.

and @ProfMobius with Jabba
ProfMobius said:
Jabba 1.2.1a
  • Fix: Check that packets are only sent for valid Barrels
  • Fix: Make sure the name for a Structural Level exists when using color overrides
  • Fix: getStackInSlot no longer immediately notifies neighbors
  • Change: Ensure that QOL Storage upgrades are always reverse craftable

and @InfinityRaider with AgriCraft
InfinityRaider said:
AgriCraft 1.3.1
  • ADDED: Nitor Wart: a new crop that produces glowstone dust
  • CHANGE: Renamed Mushroom Seeds to Spores
  • CHANGE: Sprinklers are now less laggy
  • FIXED: Various crashes related to analyzed seeds in the journal after removing mods
  • FIXED: Unable to plant crops on soul sand
  • FIXED: Broken scythes will no longer harvest crops
  • FIXED: Blacklisted seeds bypass disabling of Vanilla farming correctly

and @lumien with Random Things
Lumien said:
Random Things 3.1
  • Added: Nature & Ender Core
  • Added: Beans,Lesser Magic Beans,Magic Beans & Bean Stew
  • Added: Prismarine Ender Bridge
  • Added: Life Anchor & Linking Orb
  • Added: Creative Player Interface
  • Fixed: Recipe for Biome Glass

and @UniversalRed with Redstone Distortion
UniversalRed said:
Redstone Distortion 0.1.1a
  • made it so that machines lost 20 RF/s when it rained for a certain period of time, physically on the machine
  • added a system where if the machines were in contact with rain, it would require more power to smelt ores
  • Redstone Distortion is now dependant on Buildcraft as of 0.1.1a

and @thatsIch with Intelligent Energistics
thatsIch said:
Intelligent Energistics
  • Fixes typo from changed API
  • Remove dirs from project folder when using IDEA
  • Refactor child unloader
  • Removed old API dependency by removing the submodule
  • Updated dependencies to newest AE2, NEI and Forge
  • Bump up to beta release type
  • Use no transitive dependencies at all

and @Tuhljin with Automagy
Tuhljin said:
Automagy 0.21
  • Added tally box lenses. Attach one to a tally box to change the way it detects items.
  • Redcrystal now uses multiple hitboxes so it should be easier to toggle connections.
  • The Inventarium is now more compatible with other mods' blocks that use the deep storage unit interface (such as Jabba barrels).
  • The greedy chest config GUI now has tooltips for each checkbox that display the name of the block in the associated direction.
  • You can now shift-click on a (non-blank) jar label to put it into or remove it from a slot in the vis reader GUI.
  • Fixed shift-clicking on wands deleting them when the crafting focus's GUI was opened by using a staff.
JordsUtils 0.8 - The Cakey Breaky update

-Break's the Kekimauris' balance (Sorry Vazkii) - See God Sword
-Added regeneration armour (Sorry WayOfFlowingTime) - When Blood Magic is loaded you make a chest plate, if not, you make leggings (THESE ARE TERRIBLE FOR PROTECTION!)
-Added Enderpearl rod (right-click to spawn an enderpearl - throws like enderpearl)
- Started to implement Tinkers' Construct support (this is nowhere near complete, but you will notice, if TiCon is loaded, all the Uberium tool parts that will -hopefully- be available next update)

For extra info: