Some work in progress
Pahimar @Pahimar · 19h 19 hours ago
Some work in progress
Pahimar @Pahimar · 19h 19 hours ago
Some work in progress
Some work in progress
Pahimar @Pahimar · 19h 19 hours ago
Some work in progress
Pahimar @Pahimar · 19h 19 hours ago
Some work in progress
Some work in progress
New Mod from ProfMobius - OreRegen
Generates ores for every registered ore that will not be completely broken when a player mines them and instead can regen after a configurable period of time. Probably cool for skyblock maps and such.
jaquadro said:Storage Drawers 1.3.1
- Fix single drawer block recipes.
- Double base storage for all blocks (puts storage capacity in line with a vanilla chest).
hilburn said:Steve's Addons 0.9.0
- Factory Labeler Alpha Build - unstable
warlordjones said:SteamCraft 2 B4.1
- + Allow raygun to melt ice into still water
- + Grindstone recipe
- + Splash lighting bottle & wingpack/goggle module recipes
- + Logs -> Planks recipes.
- + Polished Oak Planks temp recipe
- + Oredict planks, logs and leaves correctly.
- * New path recipe to reflect the new look for the block.
- * Internal API changes meaning we no longer package any APIs except the RF api.
- # Fix a mod compat crash
- # Fix field distorters not being used up
- # Fix the parachute not functioning to slow fall
- # Internal projectile refactors - fixes the splash lightning bottle entity being invisible, and gets us a step closer to fixing invisible rockets/bullets
- # Fix a raygun crash
- # Fix monocle on blocks
Emoniph said:Witchery 0.23.1
TWEAK: Vampire knockback effect only triggers if sneaking when striking.
TWEAK: Hobgoblins will flee village guards if not in a pack.
TWEAK: Moon Charms may be repaired in an anvil with a gold ingot.
TWEAK: Purified Milk may also be made from a Cake (don't ask...) since some mods remove milk buckets.
TWEAK: Placed Garlic Garlands will now be rendered at the top of the block, and allow click-though below them, this allows players to place them before a door to prevent vampire entry, and still look good.
TWEAK: Dream Weavers now work for vampires sleeping though the day in a coffin.
TWEAK: Coffin should not now open when there is a block above it.
FIX: Open coffin lid was being inappropriately culled.
FIX: Sun was burning a vampire separated from the sun by a single block, if the vampire was only 1 block high (bat or shrunken) and directly below the block.
FIX: Guards will no longer shoot at Witch Hunters.
FIX: Enchantment effect on Cane Sword model was being shown even if the sword was not enchanted.
FIX: Added a workaround for the Ars Magica 2 issue with resized players suffocating under a block, when in bat form.
AlgorithmX2 said:Applied Energistics 2 rv2-beta-10
- Fixes #861 Wireless Terminal notifies player, if it is unlinked - thatsIch
- Fixes #920 Increased GUI close distance to match Vanilla MC distance - thatsIch
- Fixes #743 Crash with BC plugs
- Fixes #942 BC builder can build AE networks again
- Update #319 Now compiled against BC 6.4.2, with that MJ is gone
###Version 1.7.10-PE1.4.0
* NEW: Implemented Dark Matter Pedestal
* NEW: Replaced old EMC mapper with new GraphMapper
* NEW: Tooltips have been prettied up
* FIXED: EntityMobRandomizer NullPointer
###Version 1.1
* NEW: Dark Matter Pedestal texture
* VERSION: Compatible with ProjectE 1.4.0+
jaquadro said:Garden Stuff 1.5.0
- Added garden lanterns^.
- Added wrought iron resource, produced by smelting iron ingots.
- Added wrought iron fences.
- Added Colored Lights integration for stained glass versions of garden lanterns.
- Changed 'black oxide' items and blocks to 'wrought iron'. Previous smelting recipes changed to use wrought iron crafting.
- Fixed large pots, wood posts, and wood post fences not being able to drop correctly when harvested by some mods.
- Fixed compost bins to be proper sided inventories (hoppers will no longer pull from input slots).
- Fixed all the missing texture errors on load.
- Fixed language entry conflicts with other mods and consolidated language files.
- Fixed heavy chains to extend rendering to connect with wood post beams.
- ^ Garden lanterns are crafted as a frame with or without stained glass. After placing the block in the world, a light source must be inserted by left-clicking a valid item. Current valid light sources are:
- Vanilla torch
- Vanilla redstone torch
- Vanilla glowstone
- Twilight Forest firefly
- Light sources can be removed by shift+right-clicking. Breaking a lantern with a light source will produce an item with the light source still embedded inside.
Ferdz said:Placeable Items 1.3
- Added ingot stacking system (right-click to take, left-click to add). Up to 4 iron or gold ingots.
- Books are now placeable
- Snowballs are now placeable (squishes to a snow tile when walked on)
- Minor code enhancements
insaneau said:Ever wanted to make blocks of metal from liquid faster? (I'm looking at you, RFTools)
Now, you can!
Adds one block to the game: Casting Frame
This somewhat neat looking block is mainly used as a crafting ingredient in the fluid transposer. Combine with the right amount of molten metal, and you have yourself a block of metal!
This mod requires Tinkers Construct and Thermal Expansion to use.
Way2muchnoise said:NotEnoughResources
- Loads of improvements, some things are still unstable.
- This has some interesting improvements and a lot of WIP stuff
octarine_noise said:Better Foliage 1.0.6
- round logs now use Optifine CTM textures
- fixed disconnected textures on round logs
- fixed round logs not working for modded blocks
- new option: mycelium can be turned on/off separately
- new option: grass under round logs
BluSunrize said:Witching Gadgets 1.1.2
- fixed the Scan Camera for real this time
- nerfed recipes for bewitched fleece and spacious cloth
- un-nerfed (that a word?) the recipes for Voidlinked and Enderlinked Bag
- added Hungry Bag
masa said:Ender Utilities 0.4.0-beta-1
- Fix some BlockState bugs, plus some clean-up and improvements.
- Fix some other bugs that were introduced in 1.8
- Add item and block textures/models. The only thing missing at the moment is the Ender Bucket fluid rendering.
10paktimbits said:Plant Mega Pack 5.00 PRE13
- Added: 'basic' and 'advanced' world generation modes
- Added: worldgen 'empty chunks' settings use to create areas where plants don't spawn
- Added: new config screen for worldgen all worldgen stuff starts on this screen6
- Added: 'render centered' config plants render centered in their block when enabled
- Changed: major changes to many parts of the worldgen code
- Changed: plant list on add plant screen is wider can see all plant names now
- Changed: user decorator settings moved to a subfolder for each decorator set
- Changed: decorator area generation rate range is now a percentage of maximum
- Changed: config main menu
- Fixed: fertilizer not working on colored flowers and aquatic plants
Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the re-re-rebirth of Weekly FTB News.
First off, let’s talk about our wonderful time at PAX East.
This last week, FTB continued its tradition of hosting official events at PAX conventions. On Saturday, over 90 individuals signed up to compete on our specially designed map, East 2015, for a chance to win incredible prizes donated by Curse including gaming keyboards, mice, and headsets.PANEL:
While users were competing, we had some of our friends streaming and playing along over on Twitch. Internet personalities Direwolf20, FireBall1725, PurpleMentat, Quetzi as well as FTB staff members tfox83 and Watchful1 tried their hand at completing the parkour-themed map. However, even with their combined efforts, they couldn’t tame the Beast and eventually conceded defeat. You can watch their attempt over on FireBall1725’s Twitch channel here.
After two hours of competition, we had our four winners. In first place, Blood Magic author WayofTime achieved 20:38.35, followed by Kingfishgames at 34:28.65 for second, goldenback52400 at 51:44.55 in third, and BombTime at 65:21.05 for fourth. Congrats, guys! Regardless of completion time or percentage, all participants were awarded with PAX-exclusive FTB shirts, Curse clothing, and three months free of Curse Premium.
Speaking of challenges, our online PAX map contest recently came to a close. Speedrunner ZaxTheNoob (or zax0ng on our forums) managed to snag a victory with a completion time of 9 minutes, 46 seconds. For his fastest time, he walked home with a shiny new Nvidia GTX 980 video card. Congrats, ZaxTheNoob!
You can watch his winning attempt on his YouTube channel here:
A day before our tournament, we were invited to participate on a panel involving modded Minecraft. FTB’s founder slowpoke101 sat alongside Forge lead programmer LexManos, Youtuber Direwolf20, Twitch streamer Soaryn, Blood Magic mod developer WayofTime, and Equivalent Exchange 3 mod developer Pahimar. The panel was moderated by Twitch streamer and employee, Mindcrack member, and ForgeCraft player Aureylian.
The panelists were asked various questions about their contributions to the world of Modded Minecraft, some of their future endeavors their thoughts on where Minecraft might be heading in the future.
For those of you unable to attend, streamer Fireball1725Dev was able to record and broadcast the panel. You can watch his copy here. Additional video copies were also recorded and we will provide links to those as soon as they’re posted online.
Even outside the convention hall, the festivities continued throughout the weekend. On Saturday night, Curse hosted an amazing and generous dinner at Fogo de Chao. Members from FTB, Curse, Twitch, YouTube, ForgeCraft, and Mindcrack were in attendance. Food was served, drinks were poured, and the entire event was absolutely top-notch.
In addition, we attended the ForgeCraft dinner organized by Pahimar and Peter from NerdKingdom on Thursday, the Friday Twitch party, and helped organize the Mindcrack party on Sunday.
We would like to thank everyone who made these events possible as well as everyone who was able to attend. You guys made a wonderful weekend even better!
But you’re here for the modpack news, right? Right.
Direwolf20 version 1.1.1 and Infinity version 1.2.1 will be moved to ‘Recommended’ very shortly. This update introduces Thermal Dynamics into the world as well a handful of additional content changes and bugfixes in the form of other mod updates. You will be able to download both of these pack updates from the Launcher tomorrow.
Also, we are pleased to be able to tease that there are three new Official FTB currently in the works! Trident, Departed, and Relentless are now in official production. More information to come later.
Also note: as development is starting to ramp up on 1.8, many of our 1.7 packs will become either locked (no more updates) or enter maintenance mode (mod updates only, primarily bugfixes).
We’ve also got some general FTB news to share as well. Firstly, we would like to congratulate GideonSeymour on joining the group as part of our Modpack Development team and tfox83’s promotion to Modpack Development Lead. Congratulations, guys!
Our teams have also been restructured a bit for efficiency. Right now, our organization’s format is as follows:
Modpack Development Team
Modpack Maintenance Team
Mod Development Team
Beta Testing Team
Graphics and Marketing Team
Changelog Team
Literary Team
In case you missed it, we’ve got two new designs up on our store. Products and wearables featuring the FTB logo and the Jampacked logo are now for sale. If you haven’t already, go check them out!
FTB logo
We’ve finally decided to hang up our Walkmans, toss out our Windows95 floppy discs, and finally enter the world of active social media. We have just created two new consolidated content outlets for users.
Official YouTube
Official Twitch Account
With our YouTube page we hope host tutorial videos, pack and event trailers, and news briefs. Similarly, we plan to use the Twitch account to stream events, show off real-time developments on our end, and host other streamers playing our packs.
Our new marketing team will handle the content on both of these sites, as well as our Twitter, Storefront, and News Page.
Stay tuned. This weekend.
I have turned in my resignation to Slowpoke. I will no longer be part of the moderation or modpack teams for FTB.
Its not about lack of time, interest or anything like that. FTB has been my family for quite a while now. However Slow and the new modpack team wish to go in a different direction with packs than what I enjoy creating. I could stick around as a creative modpack consultant but I prefer doing things my way. Right now its best for both me and FTB if we part ways as friends.
I will still be making my own packs and releasing them, and hopefully people will still play them even though I am no longer part of FTB.
- Beta Version 0.5.5
Added: Book of Gears
Added: ConfigOption: whiteList
Added: ConfigOption: modBlackList
Added: ConfigOption: modWhiteList
Added: ConfigOption: opaqueSlimeblocks
Changed: Added WIP tag to gears
Changed: default blacklist
Fixed: One possible recipe for extensions should now be shown in NEI
[FIXED] In World Alpha Overlay Rendering.
[FIXED] Light Opacity Hook not working properly.
[ADDED] Flint and Tinder Items using other things than Steel (such as Quartz, Jasper or regular Iron).
[ADDED] A way to localise the Energy Names with both, a short name (for example "EU"), and a long name (for example "Electric Energy"), what can be useful for Tooltips.
[ADDED] Bismuth Chest. Also Bismuth, Lead, Tin, Copper and Zinc will be the only Furnace Smeltable Metals, once I do the Smeltery.
[ADDED] Tooltip with Harvest Tool and Level for the MultiTileEntity Blocks, and Localised Names for most Tool Classes.
[ADDED] The Multiplate Crafting Recipes back for obvious Reasons.
[ADDED] Plates are now crafted from Double Ingots rather than using two Ingots. This results in one Hammer Usage more per Craft Earlygame. Double Plates can be made with Triple Ingots, Triple Plates with Quad Ingots and Quad Plates with Quintuple Ingots, so those Ingots make sense too.
Multiple different "Burning Boxes" and "Dense Burning Boxes" (Lead and Bismuth Versions being the most early Game variants), which convert Furnace Fuel into Heat Energy.
Their Efficiency depends on the Material used to contain the Heat (Invar being the only 100% one but on a low Rate, Tungsten 95% with a very high Rate)
The Dense ones cost about 4-5 times the Material but also have a 4 times the Output Rate, without >>ANY<< change in overall Efficiency. In order to make them you need a Dense Copper Plate, and therefore a way to compress them, meaning it is higher Tech.
At 100% one Furnace Smelting equals 5000 Heat Units, so Coal/Charcoal would be 40000 HU, Coal Coke 80000 HU and Alumentum 160000 HU for example, it also accepts Wooden things (7500 HU), Saplings (2500 HU) and all the other Furnace Fuels.
Many Fuel Materials have some kind of Ashes, which are left behind when burning them. These Ashes has to be removed regularly from the Burning Box in order for it to work. Coal Coke and Alumentum don't have those Ashes for example.
The Burning Box is very primitive, meaning it has no GUI and won't receive any GUI. Anything you insert for burning by rightclicking the front of the Box with it will get burnt without mercy (if it is a valid Fuel, and if you don't happen to wrench the Box right afterwards, and only when the Box is actually active).
In order to work, it also needs a Block without Collision Box in front of it (Air is such a Block without Collision Box).
It also emits its Energy regardless of being acceptable by the Block ontop of it or not, even though in that case it only wastes half the Energy Rate.
This Block is also a Fire Hazard, meaning when active it can randomly set flammable things around it on Fire
The Burning Box requires Flint and Tinder or similar in order to be ignited, blame retep for that.
つ ◕_◕ ༽つPRAISE GREG༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つAnother day, another glorious GregTech update from Greg, may he live forever.
No, its a Greglorious update.Another day, another glorious GregTech update from Greg, may he live forever.
GregoriusT said:I have set up a Patreon, due to a new financial Situation coming up soon. This should/could/would help me working on GT a bit more without having to worry that much about things. I'm not trying to get rich or something, I always save every bit of Money I have, and spend the least amount possible on everything. But when having almost nothing, it doesn't matter how smart you are with your spending of Money.
skyboy has updated Redstone Arsenal. Keep in mind that this is an ALPHA version, so back up your worlds
ProfMobius has updated Ore Regen. Keep in mind that this is a BETA version, so back up your worlds
Its skyboy
+ Fixed FML missing class error
+ Fixed missing icons (custom item renderers should all work now).
+ Black listing for TT Dislocation Foci & Funky Locomotion
+ Each stack has now a metadata and can be accessed via /give
+ Ore <-> Stack metadata is stored in the world save
+ Potential fix for the NPE in the tick handler.
These posts are so unnecessary.Changelogs. More of them <3