What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @SuperKael with Aetheric Expansion
SuperKael said:
The Aetheric Expansion
The Aetheric Expansion mod is a mod designed to make Aether-Only survival possible, as well as adding various miscellaneous features! Many people, me included, wish that it where truly possible to accomplish anything from within the Aether. continuum orbs almost make this so, but you would need so many of them to get what you wanted, especially if you have other mods installed. This mod allows you to harness the raw power of the continuum orbs to make it do exactly what you want. Additional, it adds various crafting recipes to make life in the Aether easier! Furthermore, if you have other mods like Thaumcraft installed, it adds even more features!

Blocks & Items
Aetheric Converter:
This device allows you to convert Aether items into Overworld items!
Nether Converter: This device goes one step farther, and converts Overworld items into Nether items!
Aetheric Crucible: The block converts cobblestone into lava!
Fake Bedrock: Almost unbreakable block that looks exactly like bedrock! If you have Thaumic Tinkerer Kami installed, it adds one other feature involving the Awakened Ichorium Pickaxe...

Ambrosium Gem: Has no purpose on it's own, put in the Aetheric Converter to create redstone.
Energized Ambrosium Gem: Has no purpose on it's own, put in the Aetheric Converter to create lapis lazuli.
Aether Shard: (Thaumcraft Only) Has no purpose on it's own, put in the Aetheric Converter to create balanced shards.

Basic Conversions
Skyroot Logs/Planks/Sticks ---> Oak Logs/Planks/Sticks
Holystone ---> Cobblestone
Ambrosium Shard ---> Coal
Zanite Gemstone ---> Iron ingot
Enchanted Gravitite ---> Diamond
Golden Amber ---> 5x Gold Nugget
Skydirt ---> Dirt
Quicksoil ---> Sand

For other conversions, try experimenting! Moa eggs has special uses...

Currently there are no known bugs. If you find one, please post about it!

Planned Features
+A block that allows respawning inside the Aether.

and @hilburn with Steve's Addons
hilburn said:
Steve's Addons 0.9.1 & 0.9.2
Added: Item Labeler
  • Allows you to set labels for things connected to your manager, these labels then show up when selecting inventories/tanks/RF i/o
  • Waila compatible to display labels
  • Barrels/Caches/Deep Storage Units will display their contents when highlighed in the Manager Gui
  • "managers" directory is created immediately when a world is loaded (if it doesn't already exist) to allow for easy loading of setups
  • Added tooltip content support for Tanks as well as IDSUs
  • Infinite Recursion edge case
  • Linux manager saving
Greg is having trouble with his alpha blending.
[FIXED] Restoring the Tesselator State causing a crash on the 0,0,0 Coordinate of each 16x16x16 Chunk...
[FIXED] Wrong blending maybe, again...

[FIXED] General Render Issues by restoring the Tesselator Vertex State (it didn't do anything visible to me, but it already rendered properly before, so it is at least not a bad thing to do)

[FIXED] Optifine Render Issues (probably)
[FIXED] Drill/Chainsaw/Wrench Head Textures to not look cut off that much.
[CHANGED] The look of the Capes.
skyboy has been busy today :)

Updates to Thermal Expansion (4.0.0RC7-141), Thermal Dynamics (1.0.0RC7-97), Thermal Foundation (1.0.0RC7-62), Redstone Arsenal (1.1.0RC7-65), CoFH Core (3.0.0RC7-211) and CoFH Lib (1.0.0RC7-127)
No Changelogs

These are releases, but I would still advise caution in use, back up your worlds
Please don't post Curseforge updates from CoFH, those are alpha builds (as you stated) and there are a billion of them every day so trying to keep up with them would only flood the thread. Instead, report only the updates that get released on the CoFH downloads page (note: curse.com, not curseforge.com), and the changelogs can be found here.
While I'm at it, yeah the CoFH mods got non-alpha updates today as well, and here are the changelogs.
1.7.10R3.0.0RC7 Lots of under the hood work.

1.7.10R1.1.0RC7 Armor is more protective, more config stuff!

1.7.10R1.0.0RC7 Fixes a ton of corner case crashes, performance improved.

1.7.10R4.0.0RC7 Fixes crash with the Activator, hopefully reverts AE2 wrench behavior.

1.7.10R1.0.0RC7 Localization updates, minor adjustments.
Please don't post Curseforge updates from CoFH, those are alpha builds (as you stated) and there are a billion of them every day so trying to keep up with them would only flood the thread. Instead, report only the updates that get released on the CoFH downloads page (note: curse.com, not curseforge.com), and the changelogs can be found here.
While I'm at it, yeah the CoFH mods got non-alpha updates today as well, and here are the changelogs.
I can do that :)

Also, Emoniph updated Witchery to 0.23.2
TWEAK: Witch Hunters no longer attack, nor are attacked by Minecraft Comes Alive villagers.
TWEAK: Villagers are now immune to arrows from Village Guards and Witch Hunters.
TWEAK: Some demons from other mobs are affected by the Harm Demon custom potion effect.
TWEAK: Increased the height ceiling of Winged Monkeys carrying creatures to 32 blocks above the target block.

FIX: Sticky Item custom potion effect now works correctly again.
FIX: Brews of Erosion had an inverted block protection effect (meaning they only worked in block protected areas, Derpy McDerpderp).
new day, new update, and today it's @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 1.0.9
  • 3x3 portals
  • 5x5 portals
  • Config to allow rooftop access to dungeon
  • Portal creation

and @jaquadro with Garden Stuff
jaquadro said:
Garden Stuff 1.5.2
  • Changed several recipes to accept ore dictionary replacements.
  • Changed lanterns to self-connect to wood posts and lattice when not supported underneath.
  • Changed soil/containers to not accept tile-entity based plants.
  • Changed heavy chains to connect to lattice.
  • Changed light chains to connect to lattice and wood posts.
  • Changed compost bin to accept wheat and reeds as compostable material.
  • Fix double-height plant rendering.
  • Fix partly-broken lattice rendering.
  • Fix inability to apply plants/items to pots when attach to light chains.
  • Fix texture flipping on some faces of wrought iron fencing.

and @Asyncronous with Remote IO
Asyncronous said:
Remote IO 2.2
  • Added Linker,
  • Added Remote Accessor,
  • Changed Wireless Transmitter texture slightly,
  • Misc tweaks to code,
  • No bugfixes yet still looking into them

and @smbarbour with Reconstructor
smbarbour said:
Reconstructor 2.2
  • Reimplemented using the Redstone Reception Coil if Thermal Expansion is present.

and @thecodewarrior1 with Catwalks
thecodewarrior1 said:
Catwalks 1.1.0
  • Made light strips ignore lighting
  • Removed some debug logging code

and @ProfMobiuswith OreRegen
ProfMobius said:
OreRegen 0.0.9
  • Blacklisted Blood Magic teleposers
  • Fixed some small rendering misalignements when the blocks are held and rendered in the inventory
  • Fixed improper localisation/name
  • Waila will show that a ore is depleted when it is depleted
  • Localization added.

and @iChun with an announcement for Photoreal
iChun said:
Hey again guys,

Again, wanna let you folks know that I’ve made the conscious decision to stop updating Photoreal to the latest Minecraft version.

Reasons are well, as of late I’ve been getting horribly swamped with work that I’ve not really been able to find time to mod, even though I want to, and according to the poll I had a while ago, demand for Photoreal is the lowest and least wanted. In addition to that, the mod has no practicality and no use other than the general show-offyness that doesn’t last for long. A little fun mod/experiment you could say, of which what I’ve learnt from that could be moved on for something better/greater/more useful.

Credit where due though, once again thanks to CorridorDigital for the initial inspiration for the mod (I made this mod in a Starbucks after idly watching their videos, I had a lot more time back then), and to mr_hazard for the camera model used. If you’d like to dig through the source code or if you want to update it yourself, be my guest, it can be found here.

Anyways, I know a couple of you people are thinking, I’m discontinuing mod after mod, I’m most likely heading towards the path of quitting modding. That’s thankfully not the case (yet). There’s still a lot of mods I want to work on for MC, the main thing I’m lacking now is time, and for once I’m actually putting real life priorities over modding (I can admit, for the past 2 years, I’ve spent more time modding than focusing on my life). However, I’ve still got a lot in store/planned for the future and I really am looking forward to working on them one day.

On the positive side, less mods to maintain, more time to make the others more awesome/make new mods. Yeah?

So yeah, goodbye Photoreal, thanks for the fun, thanks for the experience. (I’ll totally rebuild you in a different concept one way or the other)

Advanced Generators 0.9.11 Hotfix 1
  • Fixed crash if BC Core and/or CoFH API is present but not the respective transport API
Gendustry 1.4.8 Hotfix 1
  • Fixed crash if BC Core and/or CoFH API is present but not the respective transport API
Note: Those versions are built for BDLib 1.6.5, if you are using 1.7.0 from jenkins - use the mod versions from jenkins, they include the same fix.

NEI Addons 1.12.5
  • Fixed forestry worktable support for unstable 3.5.0
  • This change is backwards compatible and will work with stable releases as well
Downloads on my website

BuildCraft 7 has just received a massive, experimental tick speed boost by moving packet generation/sending to a separate thread. Don't worry, KingLemming has been made aware of this and it should hopefully trickle down to Thermal Dynamics in a few days for those of you who prefer ducts.
I feel like if more mods start doing this we will need some form of configurable worker thread pool managed by Forge or FML - having a hundred mods each spawning it's own thread will end up killing performance due to context switches and contention.
I feel like if more mods start doing this we will need some form of configurable worker thread pool managed by Forge or FML - having a hundred mods each spawning it's own thread will end up killing performance due to context switches and contention.

BuildCraftCore in BC7 will allow BuildCraft addons to use ours, and I bet CoFHCore will do the same thing - and most other mods simply don't need this level of optimization.
New version of RFTools (2.61):

  • Fixed most commands so they no longer depend on a player performing them so they should also work from the server console.
  • Made the filter biome controller somewhat safer so that it doesn't crash in some rare bordercases.
  • Fixed a problem when creating random empty worlds. It would crash then.
  • Added 'nearlands' terrain dimlet. A pun on the farlands.
  • The shield can now stop rain but you still have to set the 'item' filter to solid.
  • Bugfix in the dimension enscriber where the first dimlet would not be parsed correctly when a new dimension was constructed.
  • Implemented dimlet validation in the dimension enscriber. There is a new label that will be red if there is some kind of error and green otherwise. You can hover over it to see what exactly is wrong.
  • Volcano feature is stable enough to allow at random. When you have volcanoes in your world be careful. They make a very deep noise so you should be able to hear them.

There are still bugs left on the github. I'll try to fix those soon too. Especially the VERY annoying bug with the items disappearing if you shift-click them in some of my inventories. So for now be careful with that.

Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/gw1j39we3i6d3p3/rftools-2.61.jar

Have fun and don't jump into one of the volcanoes!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGib༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ (by Tehnut)
Just ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ yourself all the things.
Has a config for adding things to the ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ list.


Yes, this is a joke mod. I discovered the modid's could have Unicode. It may have slightly spiraled out of control.
Such a random mod...

Steve's Addons 0.9.7 (by hilburn)

- Fixes server-side crash due to mishandling of client side only methods.

Traveller's Gear 1.15.7 (by BluSunrize)
stopped the active ability radial from flickering

made the gui closeable with the key used to open it

Simply Paths 1.0.6 (by momnop)
- Adds Laboratory Path, Wool Path, Yellow Bricks, a Path Variant, and 2 New Asphault Variants.

- Recipe changes.

- Adds Item Propellers.