What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @octarine_noise with Better Foliage
octarine_noise said:
Better Foliage 1.1.1
  • added round logs
  • some code cleanup

and @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 1.1.0
  • Config option for chalk to generate in normal Dungeon Chests
  • Guardians have a higher chance of dropping amulets
  • Fixed chalk not generating correctly
  • EnderIO Powered Spawners can no longer spawn Dungeon Guardians
  • EnderIO Soul Vials can no longer capture Dungeon Guardians
  • MFR AutoSpawners can no longer spawn Dungeon Guardians
  • MFR Safari Nets can no longer capture Dungeon Guardians
  • MFR Grinders can no longer kill Dungeon Guardians

and @jotato with QuantumFlux
jotato said:
QuantumFlux is a Forge mod for Minecraft that focuses on adding ways to generate, store, and transport RF power wirelessly. My hope is to eventually replace all energy cables.
  • Zero Point Extractor: A way to extract energy from the Void itself
  • Quantum Entropy Accelerator: An efficient and clean early game way to make power
  • Quibit Clusters: Store RF internally to be used later
  • Quantum RF Entangler: Tap into the all permeating Redflux Field to store energy to be accessed wirelessly from anywhere
  • Quantum RF Exciter: Used in conjunction with the Quantum RF Entangler to move RF wirelessly over vast distances
  • Quibit Cell: When activated (sneak+right click) it will charge any item in your inventory that is powered by RF
Depends on CoFH Lib
P.S. both are pretty stable, most of the mod packs have them for ages.
But don't use Steve Carts with Botania at the moment. There is a conflict with the "block:distributor".
You can't use the "External Distributor" from Steve Cart's, it don't save its config.
Here is the error from the fml-server-latest.log:
[09:08:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/StevesCarts]: Registry add: StevesCarts:BlockDistributor 2321 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@55d68
cf (req. id 2321)
[09:08:07] [Server thread/INFO] [Mantle-STDERR/StevesCarts]: [vswe.stevescarts.Blocks.ModBlocks]: Failed to create block (BlockDistrib
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Flaxbeard's Steam Power 0.28.5 has been released with some new config options, new ways to heat the Crucible, and a bug fix!

  • NEW: Config options for steam consumption rates of: Fan, Archimedes Screw, Steam Hammer, Steam Heater, and the Vacuum (#184)
  • NEW: Steam Heater can now be used to heat the Crucible, for the same amount of steam as it costs to heat a furnace (#246)
  • NEW: Thaumcraft Nitor can now be used to heat the Crucible (#171)
  • FIX: Added null check to SteamHeater TE, which should prevent NPEs (#166)
Soul Shards The Old Ways RC8-4 has been released

Change log: RC8: Removed unfinished code for configurable xp drops

I will be updating here for my dev team, Team Whammich. We also are on irc if anyone ever wants to come in and say hi.
Sweet ^^ Looking forward to seeing what's new~
I do not plan to keep on releasing every day but then again I might. Here is a new version of RFTools (2.63):

  • Made the dialer gui code more robust in case of disappearing receivers/transmitters.
  • It is now possible to use the dimension editor to send over a charged receiver to the destination dimension. i.e. 'inject a receiver'. This can be used in case you picked up the receiver there because you didn't think you ever wanted to go back or if there is some other problem with the receiver there. For example, it failed to generate due to some other structure overwriting it (AE2 meteor for example).
  • Started a big refactor of the DimletType system. You should not notice anything of this. If you do then that means I messed up :-)
  • Fixed a bug in the environmental controller where it would not recalculate the amount of rf/tick needed in case only the radius or height range changes.
  • Fixed validation on the void terrain. It was complaining about the void terrain using modifiers even if it was not.
  • Possible bugfix for the problem with filtered biomes sometimes giving a crash.
  • Added a new Energy Extractor block. With this block you can extract energy back out of the dimension. Be careful with this as the dimension needs that power.
  • Changed the matter transmitter to not use all power at once when you accidently step on it. Instead it will spread power usage over the needed ticks. So if you step out early not all power will be lost.
  • The world type for 'normal' terrain is now forced to DEFAULT. That means that if you have an amplified overworld then from now on the 'normal' terrain will be normal and not amplified. If you have such a situation then this might create ugly world borders. Sorry for that.

Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3t3u46k2xxkt4g0/rftools-2.63.jar

Have fun!
The Gregarious Greg has granted us yet more Greglorious updates.
[CHANGE] Replaced all mentions of ForgeDirection inside my Code. ForgeDirection is now only used via the "CS.FORGE_DIR" and "CS.FORGE_DIR_OPPOSITE" Arrays, whenever compatibility Code is needed because Forge Direction is laggier and also looks much more un-overviewable than a simple Array access (with well named Arrays, without the good Array Names it would be an utter mess).
[FIXED] wrong Block Name for small Atum Sand Ore.

[FIXED] tTool.equals("equalsIgnoreCase") inside the Wrench Behaviour... How the hell did I get that one in...
[FIXED] Forgetting to add the first 6 people to the hardcoded Gold Cape List for Patreon.
[FIXED] Left/Right-Texture-Disorder in Burning Boxes, when they face North or South (Only Texture Pack Users could have seen that).
[FIXED] Forgetting to set hasComparatorOverride to true in the MTE Blocks.
[ADDED] Ore variants for "Atum" Stone and "Atum" Sand, including Mappings for the World Generator. The Small Ores will have the Limestone Dust as secondary Drop.
[ADDED] More Energy Compat Code in order to autoconvert GT KU to RF at the lossless 1:4 Rate (but not the other way around!). However that applies only if the Kinetic Units are positive (as in pushing), the negative ones (pulling) are not converted, so with a GT Engine it would have a 50% Loss. And currently there is no GT Machine which emits KU. And RF can also NOT be used to power GT Machines! (I need to repeat that because people are stupid enough to still assume RF->GT even though I said it twice...)
[ADDED] A lot of Arrays to CS.java for handling Facings, Rotations, Sides and Stuff very efficiently and much better than ForgeDirection in most regards, especially computation Speed, since Arrays are much faster than Objects, Enums or Functions.
I still can't access any of these sites. :/
@everybody, any luck?
I can see it just fine
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new day, new update, and today it's @trcx with Swapper
Trcx said:
A small mod that selects the correct tool to harvest the selected block from those in the "swapper" (added by this mod)

Sample usage can be viewed here.

and @Austinv11 with Peripherals++
austinv11 said:
Peripherals++ 1.2.6
  • Project: Red turtles can no longer mine bedrock (for the record, this is Mojang's fault!)

and @T145 with Magistics
T145 said:
Magistics 0.7.6
  • Added lots of content!
  • Fixed lots of bugs!
  • Added support for Refined Relocation, IronChests, and Equivalent Exchange 3!
  • (at least now there's some stuff to play around w/ for a little while!)
And here's the update itself!

Botania R1.5 170 (by Vazkii)
  • Added a Minecart with Mana Pool and a Mana Pump to go along with it.
  • Added Phantom Ink. Can be crafted with a piece of botania armor to hide the armor model in the player.
  • Added the Horn of the Covering. An alternate version of the Horn of the Wild that clears snow.
  • Fixed a crash when crafting with a bauble that has a cosmetic override.
  • Fixed brew vials and flasks being repairable.
  • Fixed Mana Pools being able to go into negative mana under some circumstances.
  • Fixed the Corporea Index being finnicky with Y distance.
  • Fixed the Jaded Amarathus not being inclusive of other mods' soil blocks.
  • Fixed the Orechid spawning GregTech ores by making it ignore GregTech ores altogether.
  • Floating Rannuncarpus flowers will now use the block directly below them rather than the block 2 blocks below.
  • Removed a debug print in the Ring of Correction.
  • Removed unecessary updates from the Rosa Arcana. Should make it not lag.
  • Renamed the Void Lotus to Blacker Lotus.
  • Separated the Mana Mirror and Mana Tablet entries.
  • The decay time in passive flowers will now be saved to the droped stacks if the decay option is enabled.
  • The Spectranthemum can no longer teleport Mana Tablets and other mana containing items.
  • [API] Added IPhantomInkable.
  • [API] Increased version number to 36.