I'm shocked this hasn't already appeared here.
Yay! Now I can get annoyed due to having fabulous rainbows in my face! Great!Ooh! Vazkii keeps making pretty stuff! Tall mystic flowers this time!
I didn't make those, wiiv did.Ooh! Vazkii keeps making pretty stuff! Tall mystic flowers this time!
Me. I prefer my rainbows solid. That way I can actually BUILD with them. And if I want to have a pool of the stuff I can just dump it in a magma crucible.Who doesn't want a face full of liquid rainbow?
Who doesn't want a face full of liquid rainbow?
PRATTLE: Prof & Razz's Alternate Tabbed Talk: Loquacious Edition
IRC like take on MC chat system with full PM support, zoned chat, local chat, channel creation and 100+ chars input !
You can keybind to open the chat, open it with the command symbol already typed, or open the latest chan you got a msg in.
You can switch tabs by clicking on them, and middle click will automatically part from the clicked channel.
"/join <channel>" : Join a given channel, create it if it doesn't exist. Creation of channels by normal users is configurable.
"/part <channel>" : Leave a channel
"/invite <channel> <player>" : Invite a player to a channel if the channel is Private (Owner and OPs only)
"/revoke <channel> <player>" : Revoke an invitation and kick out the player from the channel (Owner and OPs only)
"/chatzone <channel> <start|stop|remove>" : Start/stop/remove a chat zone (a chat that people will autojoin when they walk in the zone).
"/channel" : Multi command to handle channels access rights and flags.
"/channel help" will give a detailled list of possible usages (transfert ownership, add/rm OPs, switch flags to create private local channels, etc).
HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPEI'm shocked this hasn't already appeared here.
Whats so cool its just MCHeli ???? I have been using that mod for over a year . Is FTB just now learning about it ?HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE
It's so much more than just MCHeli. Yes, that is obviously one of the main mods, but Tfox has great plans. It shall be spectacular.Whats so cool its just MCHeli ???? I have been using that mod for over a year . Is FTB just now learning about it ?
And now for some screenshots!6.00.22:
[FIXED] The EnergyCompat Class can now handle RF Packets of different Sizes and all the "To-RF-Conversions" properly.
[FIXED] The Hardcoded Cape Lists now only load if their Online Cape Lists could not be loaded.
The Boiler Blocks. I think I got everything done right, now.
It is simple: Don't let the Barometer reach the Red Section due to risk of Explosions, and don't let the Boiler run completely out of Water as it melts otherwise.
Currently only supports Water Buckets and Fluid Transport Mechanisms (such as Pipes or adjacent RC Water Tanks) to refill the Water. Every Boiler has a Water Capacity of 4 Buckets (4000L).
Use distilled Water if possible or you risk calcification and therefore decreased Efficiency. Every Boiler starts at 100% Efficiency amd slowly degrades with every bit of non-distilled Water getting converted to Steam. Break and replace the Boiler to clean it, but NOT while it is full of Steam!
Regular burning boxes + boilers on the left, strong/dense ones on the right. No GUI at all, but at least the tooltips are descriptive.
And yes, that barometer on the block does actually work.
And since there's nothing to do with the steam at the moment, once it turns red...
- Beta Version 0.5.7
Fixed: Statues not updating for other players on servers
Fixed: Statue camou textures
Fixed: Sides of moving blocks not rendering sometimes
- Beta Version 0.5.6
Fixed: Statues causing problems on server load
- Version 2.1.0 Added: Render Distance Slider to the Particle Emitter Fixed: Destroyer not updating adjacent blocks when destroying
10paktimbits said:Plant Mega Pack 5.00 PRE14
- Added: 4 beach plants
- Added: 7 forest plants
- Added: 14 climbing plants
- Added: 8 food items
- Changed: when adding a plant to a decorator area, the plants list is now re-sorted
- Changed: add plant config screen no longer displays plants that are already assigned
- Changed: all stackable plants (bamboo, climbing, kelp) have a minimum growth height of 4
- Changed: trellis blocks can now catch on fire
Country_Gamer said:This mod takes the hassle of scanning things, for Thaumcraft, in Minecraft. By creating a Thaumic Analyzer, you can pipe items to and from it to automagically scan them, like you would a Thaumometer. By installing a Decomposer Upgrade, you turn the Thaumic Analyzer into a more efficient Deconstruction Table.
For a full wiki experience, see: http://thetemportalist.dries007.net/wiki/index.php?title=Thaumic_Expansion
Greymerk said:Roguelike Dungeons
- Added biome variants of the default dungeon back in
- Made biome Novelty dungeons rare to find
- new Config setting "doNoveltySpawn" will disable variant dungeons if set to false
- new Settings option "tower" will allow customisation of the spawned tower type and theme
- Custom dungeon settings will now blend with the base dungeon rather than variant types (if available)
Keray said:Monster Swarm 1.0.2
- Added config option for aggresion towards animals (creepers will not attack animals regardless)
- Added config option for enabling all mobs burning during daylight
- Changed name of creeper exploding option to more intuitive
jakimfett said:Minechem 5.0.5
- fixes #692 — hilburn
- fixes #685 — way2muchnoise
- fixes #657 — way2muchnoise
- Fixes containerItem recipe issues — hilburn
- Fixes Bucket Recipe for null fluids — hilburn
- Prevents the fission reactor doing bad splits — hilburn
- Fixes Synth journal I/O — hilburn
- Prevents Ghost items decaying — hilburn
- Fixes GC cheese issue — hilburn
- updates build.gradle to new CoFH — way2muchnoise
- maybe a fix for #678 — way2muchnoise
- remove lib since all libs are in libs now — way2muchnoise
- remove parenthesis — way2muchnoise
- Update fr_FR.lang — Mazdallier
- So apparently they have IMC — hilburn
- Polytool Changes — hilburn
- Polytool Refactor — hilburn
- Made Gold Work — hilburn
- Update Messages when the player opens the Gui — hilburn
- Allows Automation of Journal in Synthesiser — hilburn
Mr_TJP said:Project Red 4.5.15 build #75
- FIX: Segment display textures
- FIX: Lamps not updating on placement
- FIX: Array gates not reading dust signal
- CHANGE: Tweaked bus converter algorithm
[Balance]Block instability baseline values are automatically determined
[Balance]Default dangling modifier instability value increased
[Balance]Makes flux goo seabanned by default
[Balance]Replaces flat weights system with rank-based system in grammar and treasure generation
[Balance]Symbols without a rarity ranking cannot be obtained
[Balance]Revises booster contents slightly
[Mechanics]Dimensions are no longer registered until the first link attempt is made
[Mechanics]A newly made descriptive book (not yet visited) will not make a usable portal
[Generation]Handles new biome direct generation (ex: Mesa Biomes; specific Biome population elements)
[Generation]Updates stone noise to match vanilla generation
[Items]Splits notebook item into portfolio and folder
[Items]Existing notebooks map to new folder item
[Items]Pages now stack to 64
[Items]Portfolios are collection items, allowing easy tracking of a symbol collection (akin to a CCG)
[Items]Folders function much like notebooks before, useful for organizing and ordering a set of pages
[Items]Adds sealed folder, which takes the place of generated notebooks (new booster packs; right click to open)
[Items]Book names are limited to 21 characters
[Crafting]Adds recipe for portfolio
[Crafting]Changes recipe for folder
[Crafting]Makes folders a valid book cover material
[Trading]Implements basic core of villager shop system
[Trading]Mystcraft Villagers no longer use the vanilla trading system
[Trading]Right-clicking on a mystcraft villager brings up their shop (WIP)
[Interface]Right-clicking a text box clears it
[Interface]The page surface is auto-sorted (A-Z) client-side (respects localization)
[Interface]Duplicate pages in a portfolio in the surface are stacked
[Interface]A show all button has been added to the page surface to show all in-game symbols
[Interface]Improves horizontally scrolling page gui element
[Interface]Improves surface element
[Interface]Folder/Protfolio right-click bring up gui with surface view
[Audio]Replaces pop sound (Minecraft no longer works with WAVs)
[Visuals]Adjusts link panel disabled grey-out effect
[Visuals]Improves symbol rendering
[Localization]Updates to localization files (See GitHub)
[Localization]Alters localization key of symbols
[Config]Prevents auto-config gen of mod-blacklisted fluids
[API]Refactors MystObjects
[API]Moves Color and ColorGradient back to API
[API]Adds drawColor back to IRenderAPI
[API]Adds function to get BlockCategory by name
[API]API for symbols and instability effects reinstated. Some elements remain in need of cleanup.
[API]Makes the ChunkProfiler handle blocks by unlocalized name key (allows for blocks w/ metadata)
[IMC]Adds IMC message handler for building block modifiers
[IMC]Adds IMC message handler for specifying block instability factors
[IMC]Fluid config message flag "rarity" replaced with "cardrank" (int)
[IMC]Fluid config message flag "grammar" replaced with "grammarrank" (int)
[ModCompat]Adds a tickcounter for clientside use on the world info override object
[ModCompat]Correctly uses/handles Quartz generation event
[BugFix]Fixes issue with error handling in IMCHandler not giving full log
[BugFix]Fixes crashbug with empty desk tabs
[BugFix]Fixes the can snow here check
[BugFix]Fixes the Mexican jumping books and block ejection
[BugFix]Fixes a bug with interacting with empty surface tabs
[BugFix]Fixes an issue with viewing linkbooks to removed dims
[BugFix]Forces folder used as covers to be empty
[BugFix]Fixes pickup/drop with folder on binder (1 item in folder looked empty)
[BugFix]Fixes read order of block modifiers on terrain symbols to match grammar generation
[BugFix]Command created books get pages as previously written
[BugFix]Fixes localization for missing world in TPX command
[BugFix]Fixes dim registration for ages (trying to register existing dimensions now fails correctly)
[Tweak]Minor changes to library generation
[Performance]Optimizes ChunkProfiler
[Other]There is a fake dimension created for baseline profiling which is not saved and generates a little every tick until profiling is completed
[Other]Chunks from baseline dimension only keeps ~32 most recent chunks
[Other]Descriptive books now store own data (not in AgeData)
[Other]AgeData file does not exist until first link through the descriptive book
[Other]XCompWiz no longer spawns with glasses
[Debug]Implements new debug system for accessing internal live data
[Debug]Revises debug command autocomplete and value addressing
[Debug]Adds global profiling data (stability calcs) to debug tree
[Debug]Adds more information on bonus stability system
[Debug]Adds debug instability value controllable from debug tree (ex: set agedata_#.instability.debug 100)
KNOWN_ISSUE: You get a lot of (nearly) useless folder items...
KNOWN_ISSUE: Villager trades still incomplete
No oceans yet...Version Alpha 1.3.2 '21-03-2015'
- Added new biomes
- Added clay to rivers
- Added river biomes
- Added extraBiomesXL support
- Increased village spawing
- Added support for cave gen mods