What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Let's all look at the GT Ore tilesheet.
*Note does not include machines, pipes and some other things

As someone who has previously done 3rd party mod support textures (including GregTech), that image kills me.
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Reactions: Yulife
He created his own power system that can be dynamically converted between all the other mod power systems. So he is no longer dependent on any other mod's power system including IC2's EU system.

#IndependentGregtechConfirmed #Hype

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2
New version of RFTools (2.42):

  • The shield camo system is now a LOT more stable. In the previous versions of RFTools you could actually corrupt the world by putting in a wrong thing (item, energy cell, ...). This should no longer be possible. If it can't render it then the shield will simply be invisible.
  • If you got a corrupt world due to a wrong block in the shield this then there is a way to fix this with this version of RFTools. To get your world back simply set disableShieldBlocksToUncorruptWorld to true in the config. Load your world, remove the offending block from the shield projector. Exit. Then set the flag to false again and you can continue playing and use a better block in your shield.
  • Shield blocks and the matter transmitter beam blocks should now relay be indestructable. With the shield system it is now possible to make a wither killer as it can cope with the explosion of that mob. However, note that you still have to protect the projector (move it far away from where the wither spawns).
  • The tooltip of a screen now shows the number of modules.
  • The shield collision detection system now considers lit tnt, xp orbs and other non-living entities the same as items.
  • Fixed a problem with the crafting of larger/transparent screens crashing if the original screen wasn't placed in the right (top-left) slot.

Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/meko4nk5gd2c2bz/rftools-2.42.jar
Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads

Have fun!
Umm ... that gregtech sheet ...

Should I applaud the layout, or is that something that minecraft does automatically now?
Jabba 1.2.1

  • New: Added config option to reverse behaviour of left clicking so a click is one item and a shift click is a stack
  • New: Added dolly support for BluePower Machines by request of K-4U
  • Fix: Fake input stack is now created on world load for barrels that need it
  • Fix: First ghost update sent to a client will now not (fake) clear a locked barrel if it is emptied
  • Fix: Recipes are now created using the OreDictionary name defined in the config file where appropriate. (Regression fix)
  • Fix: Block world texture generation now correctly works on structural levels which are multiples of 10
  • Fix: Added additional protection against invalid calls to Block Methods
  • Fix: Barrels with Creative Upgrades on them will now properly drop their actual stored amount when broken
  • Fix: Any barrels that have a structural upgrade higher than the current max tier after editing the config will now be downgraded and marked in the log to prevent NPE’s
  • Fix: Hopper upgrades should no longer stack items in inventories greater than the inventory normally allows.
  • Change: Adjusted break texture from nothing to nearly nothing as a temporary work around for a Chisel bug that is being looked into
  • Change: Dollied Monster Spawners now show the name of the entity they spawn in their item tool-tip
  • Change: Tweaked texture generation to reduce incidences of blank textures
New tutorial thingy in botania 1.5, oh and also corporea.

R1.5 160
  • Huh, 1.4 was shortlived.
  • Added a new "Ender Artefacts" category to the Lexica Botania, it contains new and old ender related things. Some entries from other categories have been moved over to this.
  • Added a Tutorial Mode which guides you through the pages you should read, in order, to get a good understanding of the mod's basics.
  • Added Corporea, a new mechanic that allows for item verbal requesting. Here's a video of it in action while it was still in development, it looks a bit cooler now.This is by no means meant to be an AE replacement or competitor, just throwing it out there.
  • Added a Bottle of Ender Air, used as a crafting material and as means to create renewable End Stone.
  • Added End Stone Bricks and Chiseled End Stone Bricks. It's totally a good addition, stop judging me!
  • Added more alternate textures in the Unity texture pack style by Tobbvald to join those by Futureazoo, you can enable them in the config file.
  • Added some disclaimers to the lexicon that shears made of mana materials will trigger tripwire and that blood magic messes with the fallen kanade (if BM is loaded).
  • Changed some recipes to use a Bottle of Ender Air.
  • Changed the creative tab so all the fluff (decorative blocks and the like) is right at the end rather than in the middle.
  • Changed the texture for Livingwood, Dreamwood and the Lexica Botania to new, more detailed textures also by Tobbvald.
  • Fixed a timing related dupe with Force Relays.
  • Fixed the barrier display of the Gaia Guardian being 1 block off.
  • Fixed the Hardmode Gaia Guardian's missiles never despawning and causing a load on the server.
  • Fixed the Thorn Chakram and Enchanted Soil not being in the creative tab.
  • [API] Added hooks for corporea stuff.
  • [API] Added the new ender category to the api.
  • [API] Fixed the tools category being priority 0 rather than 5.
ProjectE has been updated to version 1.2.0: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/226410-projecte/files
* NEW: Config option for using nether stars instead of diamonds in some recipes
* NEW: Alchemical Tome renamed to Tome of Knowledge to better represent its use
* NEW: Tome of Knowledge crafting must be enabled via config
* NEW: German language file updates
* FIXED: Possible fix for transmutation GUI NullPointerException
New tutorial thingy in botania 1.5, oh and also corporea.

R1.5 160
  • Huh, 1.4 was shortlived.
  • Added a new "Ender Artefacts" category to the Lexica Botania, it contains new and old ender related things. Some entries from other categories have been moved over to this.
  • Added a Tutorial Mode which guides you through the pages you should read, in order, to get a good understanding of the mod's basics.
  • Added Corporea, a new mechanic that allows for item verbal requesting. Here's a video of it in action while it was still in development, it looks a bit cooler now.This is by no means meant to be an AE replacement or competitor, just throwing it out there.
  • Added a Bottle of Ender Air, used as a crafting material and as means to create renewable End Stone.
  • Added End Stone Bricks and Chiseled End Stone Bricks. It's totally a good addition, stop judging me!
  • Added more alternate textures in the Unity texture pack style by Tobbvald to join those by Futureazoo, you can enable them in the config file.
  • Added some disclaimers to the lexicon that shears made of mana materials will trigger tripwire and that blood magic messes with the fallen kanade (if BM is loaded).
  • Changed some recipes to use a Bottle of Ender Air.
  • Changed the creative tab so all the fluff (decorative blocks and the like) is right at the end rather than in the middle.
  • Changed the texture for Livingwood, Dreamwood and the Lexica Botania to new, more detailed textures also by Tobbvald.
  • Fixed a timing related dupe with Force Relays.
  • Fixed the barrier display of the Gaia Guardian being 1 block off.
  • Fixed the Hardmode Gaia Guardian's missiles never despawning and causing a load on the server.
  • Fixed the Thorn Chakram and Enchanted Soil not being in the creative tab.
  • [API] Added hooks for corporea stuff.
  • [API] Added the new ender category to the api.
  • [API] Fixed the tools category being priority 0 rather than 5.
Wow. Awesome new update, @Vazkii! :)
As someone who has previously done 3rd party mod support textures (including GregTech), that image kills me.
Umm ... that gregtech sheet ...

Should I applaud the layout, or is that something that minecraft does automatically now?
What the H@ll is wrong with that man?
Couldn't he have made those textures generate dynamically?
The tilesheet is generated by me using an item panel dump from NEI for use on the wiki. Unfortunately it is larger than the file size limit on the wiki so I'll have to split it up.

Don't worry, those textures are all actually dynamic using base textures and material colors, so making resource packs is actually pretty easy. You just have to edit a few base textures and it propagates to the thousands of items.
The tilesheet is generated by me using an item panel dump from NEI for use on the wiki. Unfortunately it is larger than the file size limit on the wiki so I'll have to split it up.

Don't worry, those textures are all actually dynamic using base textures and material colors, so making resource packs is actually pretty easy. You just have to edit a few base textures and it propagates to the thousands of items.

Ah I knew he was crazy but that would have bin strait jacket and rubber room crazy.
Mod Update: Thaumcraft


  • API: minor bugfixes and enhancements.
  • Minor bugfixes.
  • Arcane levitator checks against shift instead of if the entity is sneaking.
  • Fixed the Wisp's hitbox.
  • Bone Bow recipe now actually checks if it is craftable against it's own research instead of Arcane Stone.
  • Possible fix for the Amber rendering crash.

Another Mod Update: QuiverBow Build 91


- Made a whole bunch of adjustments and enhancements to the Arms Assistant
-> This includes a better targeting module (it's now able to see through glass and can fire with more accuracy at longer ranges)
-> By extension I limited their firing range via config to 32 blocks. You can disable this at your own peril
-> It does not yet lead targets, so circle strafing continues to work for now
-> They can also now hold onto any item. Whether or not they can use it is an entirely different question.
-> Added a storage upgrade, which lets them hold 8 instead of 4 items
-> Added the ability to replace empty magazines by using a new magazine on them, to make reloading them easier
-> Only happens if there's no space to add more items
-> Completed their leg design, making them capable of basic movement if upgraded
-> The AA can be instructed to "STAY" (Will try to compensate for recoil) or "FOLLOW" (the owner) via the written book
-> They can also now be instructed to "TARGET FRIENDLY" and "INJURED ONLY". Use at your own risk
-> Speaking of risk: A second weapon rail has been added to enhance their fire power
-> Added the Arrow and Dragon Mortars to the list of items that can be reloaded
-> Fixed it using up items from players in creative mode
- Fixed the Auto-Crossbow not unchambering after firing
Last edited:
new day, new update, and today it's @joshie with Enchiridion 2
joshie said:
Enchiridion 2 2.0c
  • Remove Botania Hijacking
  • Change some defaults for Botania and FSP (Reference: Alfheim Book changed to "openGuiClass vazkii.botania.client.gui.lexicon.GuiLexiconIndex" and fsp type to switch)
  • Change default font color in books to grey
  • Don't crash when a stack has issues with search
  • Attempt to grab the UUID for the library from the username, if a match was not found

and @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania 160, 161 & 162
  • Huh, 1.4 was shortlived.
  • Added a new "Ender Artefacts" category to the Lexica Botania, it contains new and old ender related things. Some entries from other categories have been moved over to this.
  • Added a Tutorial Mode which guides you through the pages you should read, in order, to get a good understanding of the mod's basics.
  • Added Corporea, a new mechanic that allows for item verbal requesting. Here's a video of it in action while it was still in development, it looks a bit cooler now.This is by no means meant to be an AE replacement or competitor, just throwing it out there.
  • Added a Bottle of Ender Air, used as a crafting material and as means to create renewable End Stone.
  • Added End Stone Bricks and Chiseled End Stone Bricks. It's totally a good addition, stop judging me!
  • Added more alternate textures in the Unity texture pack style by Tobbvald to join those by Futureazoo, you can enable them in the config file.
  • Added some disclaimers to the lexicon that shears made of mana materials will trigger tripwire and that blood magic messes with the fallen kanade (if BM is loaded).
  • Changed some recipes to use a Bottle of Ender Air.
  • Changed the creative tab so all the fluff (decorative blocks and the like) is right at the end rather than in the middle.
  • Changed the texture for Livingwood, Dreamwood and the Lexica Botania to new, more detailed textures also by Tobbvald.
  • Fixed a timing related dupe with Force Relays.
  • Fixed the barrier display of the Gaia Guardian being 1 block off.
  • Fixed the Hardmode Gaia Guardian's missiles never despawning and causing a load on the server.
  • Fixed the Thorn Chakram and Enchanted Soil not being in the creative tab.
  • [API] Added hooks for corporea stuff.
  • [API] Added the new ender category to the api.
  • [API] Fixed the tools category being priority 0 rather than 5.
  • Fixed server crash >.<
  • This line is here only to make the changelog look larger than it actually is. Did it work?
  • Fixed the Corporea Funnel not being in the creative tab.
  • Fixed the Ring of Magnetization not ignoring AE2 crystal seeds. Fireball tricked me with the wrong IDs last time but this time I foiled his plans to foil my plans by getting them right, muahahaha! ...I'm tired.
  • Reordered some things in the mana part of the creative tab to make more sense. I'm very perfectionist.

and @DrunkMafia with Thaumic Infusion
DrunkMafia said:
Thaumic Infusion 3.966
  • Fixed a issue with Fastcraft Compatibility
  • Added Humanus effect
  • Performance fixes
  • Data Lookups
  • Method Lookups

and @warlordjones with SteamCraft 2
warlordjones said:
SteamCraft 2 B3.6
  • + Inverted Cast Iron Lamp on by default
  • + Raygun can harden clay
  • + Watch Display Module
  • + Obsidian Armor grants fire resistance
  • + Tinker's Construct Compat with all of our metals
  • + Spanner acts as a RC crowbar
  • * Uranium pellets hurt you unless they are shielded
  • * Make piston boots and climbing spikes modules incompatible
  • * Change the way the emergency tank works
  • * Change the way power/steam consumption works in modular armor
  • * Buff damage of splash lightning bottle
  • * Steam Drill 3x3 doesn't only harvest the same block
  • * Increase the gravity on the Field Manipulator
  • * Removed powered light blocks from the creative tab
  • # Fix turbine having a broken bottom texture
  • # Fix fluid texture related crashes
  • # Fix the crystal jar recipe needing a crystal jar. I'm a silly
  • # Fixes to tool harvesting
  • # Fix some RC related crashes
  • # Probably fix spigot Crystal TE crash
  • # Fix shrinkray on servers
  • # Fixes to the Raygun
  • # Improvements to FMP intergration
  • N.B. A few of the new items are texture pending

and @Country_Gamer with Hearts Bar
Country_Gamer said:
The only thing you need to know is that a config is generated that stores the heart colors in a string array. The strings in this array are matched up per row of hearts (1 row = 10 hearts = 20 HP) and the strings MUST be 6 characters and be a hexadecimal color.


When MCForge1.8 is stable, all functionality will be in Origin.

and @TheCricket26 with Chisel 2
TheCricket26 said:
Chisel 2 2.3.7
  • Updated russian translation
  • Fixed a serious bug allowing left-click chiseling to change blocks to incorrect types