What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Another new mod~! Something that I think has been long overdue from Minecraft worldgen! Real rivers!

Streams 0.1.2 (by delvr)


  • Fixed crash when using Player API mod.
  • Fixed trees turning to stone near river sources.
  • Fixed server crashes caused by patching and/or calling client-only methods (related to flow display and boats).
  • Fixed a crash when using mod combinations that can check for flows on non-liquid blocks (ex.: Localized Weather + Biomes O'Plenty).
  • Disabled unused Config button that caused a crash when clicked.
  • Requires Farseek API 1.0.1 or newer.
  • Initial release.
Another new mod~! Something that I think has been long overdue from Minecraft worldgen! Real rivers!

Streams 0.1.2 (by delvr)


  • Fixed crash when using Player API mod.
  • Fixed trees turning to stone near river sources.
  • Fixed server crashes caused by patching and/or calling client-only methods (related to flow display and boats).
  • Fixed a crash when using mod combinations that can check for flows on non-liquid blocks (ex.: Localized Weather + Biomes O'Plenty).
  • Disabled unused Config button that caused a crash when clicked.
  • Requires Farseek API 1.0.1 or newer.
  • Initial release.
*presses like button furiously*
I was SO waiting for this one. Now to see if it has compatibility with RWG...

EDIT: OMG yes it does
Another new mod~! Something that I think has been long overdue from Minecraft worldgen! Real rivers!

Streams 0.1.2 (by delvr)

  • Fixed crash when using Player API mod.
  • Fixed trees turning to stone near river sources.
  • Fixed server crashes caused by patching and/or calling client-only methods (related to flow display and boats).
  • Fixed a crash when using mod combinations that can check for flows on non-liquid blocks (ex.: Localized Weather + Biomes O'Plenty).
  • Disabled unused Config button that caused a crash when clicked.
  • Requires Farseek API 1.0.1 or newer.
  • Initial release.

So see much lag. Sob.
(Un-proud owner of a crap-puter.)
  • Like
Reactions: Odovbold
new day, new update, and today it's @portablejim with VeinMiner
Portablejim said:
VeinMiner 0.23.0
  • Fix checking of the blocklimit when mining.

and @jaquadro with Garden Stuff
jaquadro said:
Garden Stuff 1.2.7
  • Fixed plants confusing their data values when passing through block behaviors (read: very "interesting" behaviors)
  • Plant Arrangement and Compost Bin GUIs highlight compatible items in your inventory when mousing over container inventory slots.
  • Added most foods and string as valid compost bin items.
  • Allow third party hoes (TCon mattock) to till soil in large clay pots.
  • Added new 'ivy' plant, craftable with vine and enriched soil.

and @TheCricket26 with Chisel 2
TheCricket26 said:
Chisel 2 2.3.6
  • Rewrote presents, now function properly as double chests (better than vanilla!)
  • Add metal blocks, varaitions for aluminum, bronze, lead, silver, steel, tin, and uranium
  • Config options for hex block colors
  • 2 Valentine's blocks
  • Antiblocks and other colored blocks can now be chiseled between
  • New malfunctioning fan texture
  • V4 and V9 textures will now tile instead of staircase
  • Fixed some render issues with ice/icepillars
  • Crash with some IFacade blocks next to columns
  • Fix harvest levels of all blocks
  • Fix compatability with Railcraft 9.5.X
  • Fix crashes with creative tabs
  • Add IMC for major API functions

and @Sangar with OpenComputers
Sangar said:
Moreso than usual, do make a backup of your world before updating.


This update contains some major changes, so be sure to read the change log. Also, due to these changes, this version may have some neat new bugs hidden in it, in particular in the way robots' and drones' inventories work and how they interact with the world. I did a good bit of testing, but would like to get a few more eyeballs on this before I'm declaring it somewhat stable.
  • Added: eeprom.getData/setData for storing a 256-sized byte array.
  • Changed: Microcontrollers are now fully sided, i.e. they do not pass power, network messages or component access anymore. They can select to which sides they send network messages, however, allowing use as advanced switches.
  • Changed: Internet card now uses userdata for opened connections. The internet library didn't change and remains backwards compatible. However, if you used the internet component directly, you'll need to adjust your code.
  • Changed: Drones can now place blocks and break blocks that can be harvested by hand.
  • Changed: Robot movement restrictions added. They have a limited flight height when in mid-air now (default is eight for now, may add upgrades to boost it). Their movement logic after a good amount of discussion can be summarized as such:
    1. Robots may only move if the start or target position is valid.
    2. The position below a robot is always valid (if it isn't solid).
    3. Positions up to <flightHeight> above a solid block are valid.
    4. Any position that has an adjacent block with a solid face towards the position is valid.
  • Changed: Methods inserting into robot/drone inventories (*.suck()) will now prefer inserting into the selected slot over merging into an existing stack.
  • Removed: computer.getBootAddress/setBootAddress, this is replaced by eeprom.getData/setData. The new Lua BIOS will provide a temporary fallback that uses the EEPROM's new methods. IMPORTANT: you will need to recraft your Lua BIOSes, the old ones will error.
  • This version should be world-compatible with 1.4, i.e. blocks and items should be safe.
  • Computers will stop due to computer save-state incompatibility. You will also need to re-craft your Lua BIOSes due to a low-level Lua API change (the one that causes the save-state incompatibility).
  • There were some changes to the Java API. I don't think many mods use the parts that changed, but you may encounter issues with those until they also update.

and @BluSunrize with Traveller's Gear
BluSunrize said:
Traveller's Gear 1.15.3
  • Seeing as I broke all the things in the last version, I fixed them in this Version. Armorstand should now be un-broken too!

and @carliman with Toolbox
carliman said:
This is a small mod that adds one item: the toolbox.

What does it?
It can store up to 4 items that can be used.
You can combine all items that are available (even modded items).
The toolbox will automatically use the best tool for the specific block it breaks.

For example:
A great miner's toolbox: pickaxe, shovel, torch(doesn't work for now)
- it can break all the blocks a pickaxe/shovel can break
- on right click on a block it will place a torch

A great farmer's toolbox: hoe, shovel, seeds, bonemeal
- it will turn dirt to farmland on right click
- it will plant seeds on right click on dirt
- it will grow the seeds with the bonemeal

How does it work?

You simply craft a toolbox like so:


- sneak + rightclick with the toolbox to place it down
- rightclick with an item on one of the four slots of the toolbox to place it there
- sneak + rightclick with empty hand to get the item out of the slot
- break the toolbox to get the toolbox back

Now you can use the toolbox as a normal tool.



1. Install MinecraftForge from here
2. Place the mod-file in the mods dir

1.0: Release

You are allowed to use this mod in a public modpack if you put a link to this page in the modpack's description.

(I'm German so I'm sorry for the mistakes)

and @pixlepix with Aura Cascade
pixlepix said:
Aura Cascade 222
  • Added walkthrough
  • Added ritual of the nether
  • Added Cascading brewer
  • Reduced healing power of Red Amulet
  • Made transmutation recipes cheaper
  • Crystals give 1,000 aura instead of 100
  • Added hardness and light values for various blocks
  • Fixed #26
  • Fixed #27

and @Mr_TJP with Project Red
Mr_TJP said:
Project Red 4.5.12 build #64
  • FIX: Thermal Expansion compatibility
  • FIX: Lily maturing fully after world reload

and @Reika with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, ElectriCraft, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft
Reika said:
DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft, ElectriCraft, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft V4b
  • DragonAPI: Fixed MT parser
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed some lexicon GUI issues
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed ContainerBookPages crash
  • ChromatiCraft: Made Casting Table GUI show structure status
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed tower of pylons on debug mode
  • ElectriCraft: Fixed network unregister() crashes
  • ReactorCraft: Fixed pipe spam
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed fan spam
AgriCraft 1.3.0-alpha1 (by InfinityRaider)
-ADDED: Hand Rake tool which, when enabled, is the only thing that can remove weeds
-ADDED: A config option to change the maximum stat cap on crops
-ADDED: A config option to divide the stats on a newly mutated crops
-ADDED: A config option to let the cactus crop produce cactus blocks instead of cactus green
-ADDED: Villagers for the greenhouse (@@Elec332)
-ADDED: MineTweaker3 support for changing growth requirements
-ADDED: Canadian French translations (DragonsLover)
-CHANGE: The background of the seed portrait in the journal is now the required soil
-CHANGE: You can now specify any block as a specific soil for custom crops
-CHANGE: Adding cross-crop sticks won't clear weeds anymore
-CHANGE: Overhauled the way mutation requirements work: instead of setting specific requirements for mutations, you now have to set specific requirements for growing.
-CHANGE: The requirement for a mutation to happen is the same as for growing: A plant can only mutate if it can grow there
-CHANGE: NEI will show the needed soil and required base block (if any) for mutations
-FIXED: Sprinklers no longer hate railcraft hidden blocks
-FIXED: Moved Botania crops to post init to possibly fix the crops not dropping petals
-FIXED: Nether wart not being recognised as a valid seed (Marcin212)
-FIXED: Sprinkler not stopping when water in the channel above ran out
-FIXED: Waila not showing accurate fluid levels for channel, tank and valve
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AgriCraft 1.6.0-alpha1 (by InfinityRaider)
-ADDED: Hand Rake tool which, when enabled, is the only thing that can remove weeds
-ADDED: A config option to change the maximum stat cap on crops
-ADDED: A config option to divide the stats on a newly mutated crops
-ADDED: A config option to let the cactus crop produce cactus blocks instead of cactus green
-ADDED: Villagers for the greenhouse (@@Elec332)
-ADDED: MineTweaker3 support for changing growth requirements
-ADDED: Canadian French translations (DragonsLover)
-CHANGE: The background of the seed portrait in the journal is now the required soil
-CHANGE: You can now specify any block as a specific soil for custom crops
-CHANGE: Adding cross-crop sticks won't clear weeds anymore
-CHANGE: Overhauled the way mutation requirements work: instead of setting specific requirements for mutations, you now have to set specific requirements for growing.
-CHANGE: The requirement for a mutation to happen is the same as for growing: A plant can only mutate if it can grow there
-CHANGE: NEI will show the needed soil and required base block (if any) for mutations
-FIXED: Sprinklers no longer hate railcraft hidden blocks
-FIXED: Moved Botania crops to post init to possibly fix the crops not dropping petals
-FIXED: Nether wart not being recognised as a valid seed (Marcin212)
-FIXED: Sprinkler not stopping when water in the channel above ran out
-FIXED: Waila not showing accurate fluid levels for channel, tank and valve
1.6???? who released that?
ComputerCraft 1.7 (by Dan200)


  • Added Command Computers
  • Added new API: commands
  • Added new programs: commands, exec
  • Added textutils.serializeJSON()
  • Added ILuaContext.executeMainThreadTask() for peripheral developers
  • Disk Drives and Printers can now be renamed with Anvils
  • Fixed problems with HD texture packs
  • Fixed various bugs and crashes
  • Documented all the new features in the in-game help system
The aether II is released for 1.7.10, not sure if it is compatible with NEI yet though fb.me/3AwPgC2lZ
Yes they released it on facebook >.>
edit, the mod is like 100 mb 0.0
It works but not with Tinker's Construct (It works with Tinker's Construct but if you have NEI and Tinkers Construct with Aether 2 NEI doesn't work). Also if you get a potion effect with Tinker's Construct and Aether 2 the GUI gets wonky as hell. In short Aether 2 + NEI = Fine. Aether 2 + Tinkers Construct + NEI = Nope.

Edit: It appears to be an on again off again issue, however Dragon API now shows to mess up the Renders for Armor Set's and Gloves in Aether 2 (Armor Set's meaning Valk Wings).
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