What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Will "store all of these" be an upcoming feature?
To store all of x to z items already in inventory. I like the idea of dropping all my ores off just by stepping on a PP. Also picking up a few more torches.

Edit: Well a way that doesn't involve killing a wither or trying to manhandle a SFM program.
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FyberOptic @FyberOptic · 20h 20 hours ago
So it runs. A regular 1.7.10 + Forge environment, unmodified 1.2.5 mods dropped in a folder, and it runs. That's a big step.

It's a sloppy build process currently, the mod is basically remapped three times. First for Forge, then a dual pass for the 1.2.5 part.

If I want to release this mod bridge, I have to dynamically generate the old terrain.png and items.png files since I can't include them.

This means going over the old textures, finding the modern equivalents, and putting this all in a text file with the arrangement.

Though I do want to let you be able to drop in the original versions and use those if you prefer.
Another preview of GregTech 6.
Accidentally Circumstantial Events 1.0.1 was released by @Zavvias:
- Fixed Identifier localization
- Added condition "revesed" parameter to reverse condition .

For those curious about the full extent of the mod, I've combined it with Custom Items to create a block that spawns villagers. The block is nothing special, just a regular block with some crappy textures made by yours truly. However, thanks to ACE, when right clicked, it will look for an item called a Manganese Activator in your inventory. If one is not found, it will print to chat:

However, if one is found, it will spawn a villager where you are standing, consuming the activator:

This is just one script. You can have conditionals on conditionals, tasks on tasks, and so much more. This mod can have its effects triggered by, as you saw in my example, having someone right click a block. But, it can also be triggered by phrases in chat, allowing you to create custom commands. It can be triggered by Ender Teleportation, when a certain block is harvested, when someone throws an item via Q, when someone joins a world, or when a certain amount of time has passed. There's an incredible variety of things that you can do with this mod, and I cannot stress enough how amazing this is. My example barely scratches the surface, as there is so much more one can do.

Seriously, just look at the things one can do here. Or some of the examples here. This, if anything else, is a hugely diverse and brilliant tool for pack creators. I guess I'd better go add it to the thread :D
You have always been allowed to use Reika's items in recipes for other mods items. You just can't add/remove recipes for his items.
Doesn't address my question or concern.

If it helps, I'm a bit curious if this restriction is being loosened specifically:
...RotaryCraft, ReactorCraft, and ElectriCraft must not be modified in any way, including disabling items and changing recipes. This includes the use of MineTweaker and other similar tools!

Impeding a user's ability to tweak balance is questionable if you plan on playing with any other mods at all. It makes sense if its the only mod you plan on using, or if you're interested in balancing every other mod mod around RotaryCraft. As it stands the rule severely restricts one's ability to creatively include the mod with others.

If this restriction is loosened, this rather excellent mod and its addons will be a viable addition to a substantial number of packs.
new day, new update, and today it's @Lomeli12 with AchieveSON
Lomeli12 said:
AchieveSON is made for map makers and those who want to amuse themselves as a method to make custom achievements. Achievements are written in JSON and can be added simply by reloading the game. The mod also allows for localization of achievements!

and @Lunatrius with Schematica
Lunatrius said:
  • Added entity related methods to ISchematic
  • Added entity saving to schematics

and @michael__ with Liquipacks
michael__ said:
Liquipacks 1.3.5
  • Small Bugfixes

and @10paktimbits with Plant Mega Pack
10paktimbits said:
Plant Mega Pack 5.00
  • Added: 15 trellis blocks
  • Added: advanced plant powders are now elevation-sensitive
  • Added: config: advanced plant powder elevation limit
  • Added: config: advanced plant powder effective underneath plants
  • Added: defoliant powder now works on leaves
  • Added: fertilizer powder changes regular stone bricks to mossy stone bricks
  • Added: defoliant powder changes mossy stone bricks to regular stone bricks
  • Changed: updated tooltips for advanced plant powders
  • Changed: epiphytes now check for a solid face to attach to
  • Fixed: wall brackets not decreasing inventory when used
  • Fixed: eating foods that return items not working properly (soups, drinks)
  • Fixed: fertilizer used on crops clones plants at same growth as original plant
  • Fixed: bamboo and kelp plants not stacking properly
  • Upgraded: 3 Worldgen files

and @neptunepink with Factorization
neptunepink said:
  • Major changes to the license.
  • Added the Lost Map. It is now the starting point for Factorization. You will find it after getting the Diamonds achievement. Using the map will point you towards... the new source for the LMP, and a nice bit of Dark Iron and Logic Matrices. It can break, so don't use it too much! And you'll only get one, so don't drop it in lava!
  • Added the /deglitch command. Useful for escaping glitchy situations!
  • Added Gargantuan Bricks. I assure you that automatically crafting them is pretty easy.
  • Rewrote dark iron ore spawning. They miiight have been causing worldgen crashes, especially with flat bedrock; hopefully they'll stop doing that, and they'll also be easier to find with flat bedrock as well.
  • Changed the bedrock texture and (less noticably) the Birch log texture.
  • Added the Twisting Dark Iron Block. It has the potential to mess up your world, so be careful with what you put on it. If things go really south with those features, as a last resort you can try deleting its dimension (see the config file). But first see if you can use the /fzds command to fix it.
  • A bunch of bug fixes, tweaks, polishes, minor, and less major additions.
  • Add "Count Items" servo instruction. Counts the number of items the servo's holding.
  • Add "Read Redstone" servo instruction. Gets the redstone signal on the block the servo is pointing at.
  • Made goo less buggy in creative mode
  • Double-punch a gooey block while holding goo to deselect everything
HAYO EVERYONE! ... I mean... this is not an IndustrialCraft² update. Well, its as good as or better for many, so anyway:
GregTech 6 has been released! Be warned that GT 6 is NOT savegame compatible with GT5.
GregoriusT said:
@everyone: Set Debug3 to true if you dont wanna crash on startup

6.00.00: (savegame incompatible, 1.7.10, API not released as standalone for now because of some minor issues)
Universal and technically GregTech independent Energy API with all Use-Cases of the RF API,
plus the Possibility to determine what Type of Energy something is (like Electricity, kinetic Energy or even Redstone Flux),
the Usage of the DataType Long instead of Integer,
additional Data being accessible for the more complicated Energy Network implementations, such as Minimum, Recommended and Maximum Size of Packets to be transmitted into or out of a Block,
the Functions being named in a way so that the second word after "get", "is", "do", "insert" or "extract" is always "Energy" and then being followed by the rest of the Name in a Table alike fashion,
and a simple Compat Class to insert Energy of the Electric Type into IC2 Machines, and Energy of the Redstone Flux Type into RF Acceptors,
also containing an IEnergyItem Interface with really everything one could ask for, such as Coordinates or the Inventory the Item is contained in.
Universal and technically GregTech independent Network Handler,
where only the sent/received Packets have to be defined. Everything else is done by the Network Handler itself.
Also including optimised Packet implementations for transmitting Coordinates without wasting Bandwidth,
and a default Sound Packet for sending Sounds to the Client.
Universal and technically GregTech independent OreDictionary Manager,
with the ability to silently (much unlike the very loud regular GT OreDict Manager) Filter out and distribute OreDictionary Events to their respective Targets (such as OreDictPrefixes),
to automatically re-register OreDictionary Names (for OreDict Lists for example) by just adding Strings to a List,
and to find unknown OreDictionary Materials and add them silently to a List (which GregTech would access to put them into the Log).
Versions of OrePrefixes and Materials, which are no longer Enum dependent,
with shorter class Names for the default OrePrefix and Material Lists (MT and OP),
better HashCode uniqueness by making hashcode independant from IDs,
and also Utility for shorter Code ("OM.stack()" is much shorter than "new OreDictMaterialStack()"),
including a List of all Chemical Elements and their Anti-Elements from Hydrogen to Triennennium,
complete with ALL Melting and Boiling Points of said Materials (which are known to Wikipedia, and without the decimals),
some Isotopes of them like Deuterium, Tritium, Carbon-13, Carbon-14 or Lithium-6,
and also some aliases like "Aluminium"<=>"Aluminum", "Wolframium"<=>"Tungsten" or "Farnsium"<=>"Ununseptium" and more (and it is possible to easily create an alias to rename a Material).
Universal and technically GregTech independent Tool Rightclick Usage Interface for the Block Class with all Parameters one will need,
including Tool Name, Approximate Tool Durability, The Coordinates of the Block with the Side clicked (to get the TileEntity if needed) and much more,
returning the Durability lost by the Rightclick on the Block, so that anyone can use his own Tool Damage System,
also including a Compatibility Class for vanilla Blocks and some other Mods Interfaces, so that one doesn't have to implement the special cases for those over and over again.
Interfaces for delegating whole TileEntities into different positions. This is very useful for extending the Sides of a Block or for Tesseracts, if the accessing "Third Party Mod" decides to use the Interface. All GT-API based TileEntities automatically access that Interface when getting TileEntities.
Interfaces for giving "stupid" Blocks the ability to return a TileEntity, in case you have your own TileEntitiy Registry. "UT.Worlds.getTileEntity" automatically uses that Function of the Blocks if no regular TileEntity has been found.
MetaItems which everyone can create by just calling a Constructor once (Same goes for MetaBlocks too).
I now differenciate between the Prefixes for "blockIngot", "blockGem", "blockPlate" and "blockDust", because people fucked with that Prefix way too much.
I re-registered some of the "block"-Prefix based Items to fit their proper new Prefix in order to keep at least some compatibility with the old Prefix.
I also added "blockSolid" for a 100% Cast Metal Block. Even though some "blockIngot"s look like they have been cast in vanilla, I see the difference in crafting.
With all those new Storage Blocks I don't need the Config for Storage Block Recipes anymore, since EVERYTHING is now available in some Storage Block Form or the other.
Improved Worldgen with Ores for almost every kind of vanilla Stone/Sand.
Memory Leaks from GT Fluid Stacks caused by the List of all Fluid Stacks being filled with every instance of the GT Fluid Stacks even after the Server Started (since those Fluid Stacks are just for Recipes)
Railcraft Names for Items being outdated causing some Recipes to be removed.
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