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  • Greg's working on a big update you say!

    Is it...is it some clever IC2-Forum-Crashing-Mod v0.9? I think he nailed it first try.

    According to my internets anyway
    A lot of foods apparently,
    Some new machines
    And some huge Terra FIrma Craft Support!
    Also some other small but cool stuff
    "There are no giants here" In all do respect WTF is that supposed to mean!
    sorry new here and still fumbling around
    we all learn from others and the best way to learn is to mod something some one else built, but said it in to fancy a way. it made sense in my head
    Ya on that post I was being sarcastic, that's why I was confused. I understood we learn from others and all that I was just poking fun at that person's at how weirdly someone interpreted a comment.
    Have my follow! :)

    BTW, your avatar is a bit small?
    Ya I'm going to increase it sometime soon just have never gotten around to it. I'm fine really as long as it comes out normal in the threads comments.
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