What's new in modded minecraft today?

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FyberOptic ‏@FyberOptic Feb 10

@NJM1564 Keep in mind that item rendering in pipes is still broken in the 1.2.5 BuildCraft (on the left).

[The current version of Buildcraft is on the right.]

Ok mind blown. So you are saying your 1.2.5 bridge allows both versions of BC to exist. The old and new one at the same time??? Thats insane. Does the old buildcraft handle fluids correctly since they used to be liquids. Also the MJs are basically on their own now right? No support from any RF mod correct?
Ok mind blown. So you are saying your 1.2.5 bridge allows both versions of BC to exist. The old and new one at the same time??? Thats insane. Does the old buildcraft handle fluids correctly since they used to be liquids. Also the MJs are basically on their own now right? No support from any RF mod correct?

This is still early work. And it's mostly working in bits and peaces.
This system that lets old mods play on the new version of MC uses something called an abstraction layer.
So. Old oil = x = New oil. And fluids would convert to liquids and back. Eventually. But the system is crash heavy do in part the hacky tricks the devs had to use back then.

Here's a few more pics from that twitter. I'll skip most of the comments unless it provides new info.

FyberOptic @FyberOptic · Feb 8
Someone expressed concern to me on whether I'm modifying the 1.2.5 mods to run in 1.7.10. No, only basic class mapping occurs at load time.




FyberOptic @FyberOptic
· Feb 9
Transposers are pulling items from regular chests now and piping them to others. No item rendering or visual connections to chests, though.

FyberOptic @FyberOptic · Feb 10
I noticed by surprise that the Philospher's Stone from EE2 works now as well.



FyberOptic @FyberOptic · Feb 10
EntityItem is being handled in various ways now, from spawning to rendering, all making RP2 work a bit better.



FyberOptic @FyberOptic · 19h 19 hours ago
Inventory code is still pretty messy and buggy, but wow, the machine actually works.

I'd strongly recommended checking out the twitter yourself. Some of these images are videos that I can't get working here.
Posted links to the vids.
Last edited:
This is still early work. And it's mostly working in bits and peaces.
This system that lets old mods play on the new version of MC uses something called an abstraction layer.
So. Old oil = x = New oil. And fluids would convert to liquids and back. Eventually. But the system is crash heavy do in part the hacky tricks the devs had to use back then.

Here's a few more pics from that twitter. I'll skip most of the comments unless it provides new info.

I'd strongly recommended checking out the twitter yourself. Some of these images are videos that I can't get working here.
Posted links to the vids.
I can't imagine how giddy he feels when something starts to work.
New mod~! RF-powered drills!

Redstonic 1.0 (by Raizunne)



  • Initial Release
    (Changes are difference from the release in Miscellany.)​
  • Additions
    Added Silky Drill Head
    Added Blazer Drill Head (Auto-Smelt)​
  • Tweaks
    Made Heavy drills (3x3) REAL 3x3. Should break blocks that are of similar hardness. Should be perfect now.
    Made the Redstonic Manual WAY BETTER!​
new day, new update, and today it's @JeanGlassmaker with Tinkers' Mechworks
JeanGlassmaker said:
Tinkers' Mechworks
  • Fixes piping items in drawbridges bypassing blacklist and camo checks.
  • Disables shift clicking items into Advance Drawbridge, Shift clicking to pull items from the Advance Drawbridge still works.

and @jaquadro with Garden Stuff
jaquadro said:
Garden Stuff 1.2.6
  • Added Botania plant integration (Magical technical flowers are blacklisted).
  • Added Thaumcraft plant and tree integration.
  • Added ExtraBiomesXL plant and tree integration.
  • Fixed broken binding in the plant proxy blocks (plants would get wrong lighting/bounding box/behavior/etc).

and @NecroTheif with Custom Items Mod
NecroTheif said:
Custom Items Mod 1.2.0
  • Added Totems
  • Added Affinities
  • Filled out the mcmod.info file

and @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 1.0.1, 1.0.1b and 1.0.1c
  • Recipe Crash
  • Crash on Loading Game
  • Key not spawning in correctly

and @Xexanos with PoorOres
Xexanos said:
PoorOres 1.4.7
  • fixed bug with not getting the right texture and recipe for poor ores like AE2 quartz, which only dropped an Item, but could not be smelted into one.
  • added localization for Metallurgy ores
  • changed default config to make poor ores less common

and @DrunkMafia with Thaumic Infusion
DrunkMafia said:
Thaumic Infusion 3.965
Allot has changed in this patch, exactly 2602 lines of code have been changed effecting both internal and gameplay code.

Change Log:

  • Localization's have been fixed
  • Infusion Core Field Exception fixed
  • Performance Improved
  • A few Effects have been fixed (Void, Permutatio, Iter, Etc)
  • Terra has been added
  • Rendering more compatible (However when in bulk may cause frame drops Will be fixed soon)
  • Added commands for real time banning of blocks and wiping of all data blocks
  • More config options
  • Refactored allot of code
  • Better Syncing

and @chemistrymodmaker with The Calculator Mod
chemistrymodmaker said:
Calculator 1.5.4b
  • Fixed Calculator Locator Crash
  • Fixed Hand-Cranked Generator Crash
  • Fixed the chance of bone meal crashes

and @Binnie567 with Binnie's Mods
Binnie567 said:
Binnie's Mods 2.0-pre6
  • Compatible with Forestry 3.4.0. Buildcraft no longer required to start
  • (Had to temporarily disable custom gate triggers)
  • Can place two block flowers (rose, lilac and peony)
  • Fixed sap/resin energy in biogas engine
  • Ocean bees with mutate in any ocean biome, not just vanilla
  • Fixed localisation issues with woodworker GUIs
  • Gene registration occurs on world load as well to prevent load order issues
  • Can craft black pigment using ink sac and two other pigments due to unobtainable black flowers

and @Dynious with Refined Relocation
Dynious said:
Refined Relocation 1.0.7e
  • Fixed crash when items were wrongly inserted into Relocators
  • Fixed crash with BC 6.3.x
  • Fixed Sorting Hopper supporting just 4 slots
  • Added way to distinguish Sorting Tile and see sorting groups

and @DjGiannuzz with Forge TeamSpeak 3 Integration
DjGiannuzz said:
Forge TeamSpeak 3 Integration

TeamSpeak 3 Overlay and chat in Minecraft
This is a ClientSide only mod.


and @Dyonovan with Thaumcraft Node Tracker
Dyonovan said:
Thaumcraft Node Tracker 1.0.2
  • Fixed issue when selecting or deleting nodes farther down the list.

and @Chocolatin with Better Dungeons
Chocolatin said:
Better Dungeons 1.0
Instalation changed, just drop the file into your mods folder.

1.7.10 update.

Too many new things, take a look at the wiki for more info.
Glass Shards 1.1.1
This update contains only small changes:
  • Since legacy Chisel versions are still quite common, I added a version check for Chisel 2.3.x. It will no longer crash on the wrong version, but instead issue a log warning.
  • Added the URL to the mod information
  • Added package-info to the API
I think I don't need to call it beta anymore. So far the only reported problems (through OpenEye) were caused by either an outdated Forge version or an outdated Chisel version.
This... looks like a pretty cool mod

Accidentally Circumstantial Events (ACE) (by Zavviasso)
Accidentally Circumstantial Events (ACE) is a minecraft mod that allows to configure custom tasks perfofmed after certain triggers occur. For example it is possible to cancel enderman teleporting ability, add trading station, make ordinary block a sacrificial altar which for dmg will grant potion effect, spawn mobs, make contaminated area only accesable with some items. Mod should be compatibile with other mods (giving blocks new abilities and spawning mod mobs tested with Quadrum and Thaumcraft).
Chest Transporter 2.0.3 (by CubeX2)
- fixed compatibility issue with compact storage

CompactStorage (by tattyseal)
  • Added the builder
  • Added the new chests
  • Added the new backpacks
  • Added the ability to convert old chests to the new system

Progressive Automation 1.5.18 for MC1.8 (by Vanhal) HYYYYYYYPE!!!!!!!
Initial 1.8 release.

Please report any bugs to the github issue tracker since I'm sure there is going to be a load!

PLEASE NOTE: Since there is currently no "official" RF API for 1.8 this mod contains a modified version of the 1.7 API so it may or may not work with other devices that require RF. I have changed the API version for it so that any other included libraries should take priority over this one.
Which means he's also (kinda) gotten the RF API to work in 1.8. Interesting...
This is still early work. And it's mostly working in bits and peaces.
This system that lets old mods play on the new version of MC uses something called an abstraction layer.
So. Old oil = x = New oil. And fluids would convert to liquids and back. Eventually. But the system is crash heavy do in part the hacky tricks the devs had to use back then.

Here's a few more pics from that twitter. I'll skip most of the comments unless it provides new info.

I'd strongly recommended checking out the twitter yourself. Some of these images are videos that I can't get working here.
Posted links to the vids.
Can we download those mods?