What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
The in progress version of GregTech, previously labeled 5.08.00, is now labeled 6.00.00. It will still be for 1.7.10, but your save games will not be compatible.
In addition, Greg claims he will be adding RTG pellets composed of multiple elements that experience radioactive decay.
And here's a preview screenshot of meta storage blocks next to the vanilla gold block.
Those textures are beautiful
They're just recolored iron/gold blocks and gravel, though.
I wonder if they're made dynamically and follow whatever texture pack you're using.

Knowing Gregtech's texture system, its likely that it has its own copy of the base textures then applies a color filter on top rather than pulling from /assets/minecraft
They're just recolored iron/gold blocks and gravel, though.
I wonder if they're made dynamically and follow whatever texture pack you're using.
They are made semi-dynamically. The base textures are stored in GregTech's assets and can be customized by any resource pack that specifically supports GregTech. The colors are hardcoded so resource packs cannot change the colors.
new day, new update, and today it's @Lomeli12 with Void Glasses
Lomeli12 said:
A simple little mod that adds glasses that let you choose what shaders to view the game in. The glasses are found in dungeon chests.

and @Pauljoda with Where are you?
pauljoda said:
Where are you? 0.2
  • Added Player's face under name (of sender)
  • Fixed fog issue making the text hard to read

and @jaquadro with Garden Stuff
jaquadro said:
Garden Stuff 1.2.3
  • Garden soil supports most hoe tools (including TiCon) for creating garden farmland.
  • Fixed wood post / fence / block recipes sometimes failing for third party wood types.
  • Added Chinese (zh_CN) translation. Thanks ViKaleidoscope.

and @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 0.9.6b
  • Ender Belt
  • Boss Room Prep
  • Too many bugs to count
  • Spawning
  • Removed Diamonds on top of World

and @Drullkus with Thermal Smeltery
Drullkus said:
Thermal Smeltery 1.0.1
  • Added configuration option for RF cost multiplier

and @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.4-158
  • Added a new Mana Lens: Warp. It teleports bursts around. It lets you make quarries (good luck with that).
  • Fixed potions IDs being set to a value over 127 by default and added a check to change the old configs to a new proper value, networking passes the values as a byte, which means anything over 127 got messed up and crashed the game.
  • Fixed the particle render messing up other mods' renders when very far from 0,0. (Gwani)
  • Made the Rod of the Unstable Reservoir and Rod of the Shaded Mesa use Dreamwood Twigs in the crafting recipe.
  • [API] Added setCollidedAt to IManaBurst
  • [API] Updated version number to 31

and @MineMaarten with PneumaticCraft
MineMaarten said:
PneumaticCraft 1.5.6-59
  • Removed leftover debug code, which caused a crash when using the Manometer on SMP.
  • Bugfix: Crash when using older forge, added dependency on correct version.
  • Bugfix: Pneumatic Wrench doesn't work correctly when having Buildcraft installed.

and @Gory_Moon with Global GameRules
Gory_Moon said:
Global GameRules 1.0
  • Inital Release for 1.8

and @Tuhljin with Automagy
Tuhljin said:
Automagy 0.19.1
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if looking at the Unseen Scribe GUI while its local contents are updated.

and @hilburn with Steve's Addons
hilburn said:
Steve's Addons 0.7.3
  • Added: Deconstruction of cable clusters back to their component items

and @OndraSter with Better Sleeping
OndraSter said:
Better Sleeping 0.1.6
  • Added sound to the alarm
  • Fixed sleeping on ground ignoring config option
A few weeks ago I posted a mod name "ShaderKey" on the Minecraft Forums. It allows you to change vanilla shaders using a simple press of a button. A list of why this is useful is explained in the thread on MCF.
The mod has not received that much attention, despite some downloads, nothing much really happened on the thread. I would love to hear some feedback from you guys, although I know that this mod might not be the most useful one ever.

Thanks! :)
Technomancy 0.9.0 (by theflogat)
Final 0.9.0 version!

- Thaumcraft and TE modules updated
- Dynamos now calculate energy properly
- Config options for ratio
- Disabling items and blocks
- Essentia Reconstructor is disabled
- Condenser Fixed
- Fix for the energized rod recipe
- Fix crash when linking wireless coils
- Balanced the ratio for ore processing
- Fixes for Eldritch Consumer
- TileMachineBase now properly saves current energy stored. This may fix the galvanized bellows
- Fix Sanguine Infuser drawing LP on both client and server, causing it to draw twice the essentia.
- Fix Electric Wand absorbing power and not recharging.
- RItuals with Crystals and Catalysts (in-game documentation coming in the near future)
- Animations for Wireless Coil fixed
- Animations and Sounds for Node generators
- Redstone settings and upgrades for Dynamos
- Node Fabricators now have a full bounding box that is actually able to handle essentia and energy income.
- Fixed a whole bunch of rendering problems
Advanced Generators 0.9.8
  • Changed energy gauges tooltips to show RF
  • Updated to BDLib 1.6.2
    • Fixes crashes on dedicated servers and loss of fluids from exchanger
Gendustry 1.4.5
  • Added Pollen Collection Kit - Allows tree breeding for those not interested in those pesky bees!
  • Updated to BDLib 1.6.2
Note: Pressure Pipes does not require an update and the old version will continue functioning.

Downloads - on my website
new day, new update, and today it's @jaquadro with Garden Stuff
jaquadro said:
Garden Stuff 1.2.4
  • Containers of water no longer drop water source block when broken.
  • Medium pots now drop as the correct color when broken.
  • Grass will render with soil-test-correct color when used as a substrate in a container.

and @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 0.9.7
  • Various Bugs
  • Ender Belt Recipe
  • Bug involving belt of flight

and @Tim_Bradgate with Tiny Storage
Tim_Bradgate said:
Tiny Storage

For some reason, everyone seems to think that bigger is better! Well with this mod I aim to add the opposite: smaller and more compact storage options for your Minecraft world!

The concepts for this mod include (will be added to!) : -

  • Smaller chests
  • Filter chests (can only store one type of item)
  • Lockable chests
  • Click only interaction draws/barrels
Each of the storage options will come in a range of textures; examples shown below


Feel free to submit ideas either here or over on the GitHub for the mod

Issues, bugs etc should also be submitted on the GitHub

GitHub: https://github.com/Tim020/Tiny-Storage

and @LordDusk with Bagginses
lorddusk said:
Bagginses 2.0
  • Added | whitelisting and toggable bags.
  • Known Issue (Or intended issue) | Shiftclicking is disabled for now, it overrules the whitelisting somehow.
  • Check the config on how to whitelist/toggle bags.
  • No NBT whitelisting support YET.
Bagginses 2.0.1
  • Added | *:* to add all items/blocks from all loaded mods and vanilla minecraft
  • Added | ore:oredictionary to add a complete oredictionary. (ore:dye will add all dyes, etc)

and @konatatatata with Realistic Explosives
konatatatata said:
Realistic Explosives!
And thats what its all about. Naah, its more than just blowing things up.
Its also about basic chemistry (which is needed to craft most explosives)
and a bit of a simulator. Later on there may be long range weapons added.
This mod is still work-in-progress, but there are (for now) 18 useable explosives!
So this mod works fine in creative mode, i just have to work on the synthesis/crafting system.

How explosives work:
There are 4 kinds of explosives.
  1. initials. These are mostly unstable and easy to ignite.
  2. main. Most explosives need initial explosives to fuse.
  3. misc. Some (weak) explosives dont need initials.
  4. booster, which are for now not mentioned in this mod.

Craft gunpowder in Survival mode:


I suggest using the latest minecraft forge! Also "craftguide" is very helpful for this mod!

and @tattyseal with Horizontal Glass Panes
tattyseal said:

Horizontal Glass Panes does what it says on the tin. It allows you to craft Horizontal Glass Panes.


Comparison of full size Glass Blocks compared to Horizontal Panes



To craft simply put 3 Glass Panes (Stained or Not) in a row to get 3 Horizontal Panes (of the color you chose).

Please gain permission from me by Private Messaging me after reading the following rules

  • Permission does not need to be obtained before using Horizontal Glass Panes on packs distributed through the FTB (Feed The Beast) Launcher.
  • You cannot distribute your pack through an ad-wall, a site that requires a user to view ads before downloading (adf.ly, adfoc.us, etc)
  • My mod must be removed from your pack on request.


  • tattyseal (Developer)
  • MarkR (Original Idea)
Waila 1.5.9
This is a smallish update to fix some of the outstanding bugs and add a couple custom renderers for modders to use.

Unless some more problems pops up, I will now move to 1.8 and port all the recent changes to the new MC version. So expect a new 1.8 release soon.


  • [Fix] Added proper size hint to icon's custom renderer. Should fix hearts going out of the tooltip.
  • [Fix] Text vs Hearts display is now based on max health, not current health. Should fix the prb with mobs having incredibly large max hp but low current hp.
  • [Fix] Protected rendering call. Should solve crashes on load from some mods (Thaumcraft included).
  • [Fix] Cleanup the internal lists to prevent a whole Waila tooltip corruption happening in some cases.
  • [Fix] Handler insertion order is now enforced properly.
  • [API] Returning a stack with a null item from getWailaStack will desactivate the tooltip for a given block. A good way to do that is to return new ItemStack(Blocks.air);
  • [API] Added custom renderer "waila.health", with arguments "<maxhearts>,<health>,<maxhealth>"
  • [API] Added custom renderer "waila.stack", with arguments "<type>,<idstring>,<stacksize>,<damage/meta>"
  • [API] Added custom renderer "waila.progress", with arguments "<currentvalue>,<maxvalue>"
Regarding the "Xycraft in 2 hours" tweet, it was all a misunderstanding. he just said on stream that he got asked by Wyld when he was going to start streaming. Soaryn responded "2 hours", however Scarlet had asked soaryn when xycraft is coming out and soaryn didnt see it. Scarlet though soaryn was responding to her (or maybe played it like that) and she posted xycraft in 2 hours.
If anyone's interested in seeing progress of the 1.2.5 -> 1.7.10 mod bridge, I'll link the Tweet where they converted to MP4 to avoid huge GIFs on the forum. But I'd say I'm getting close to doing a public beta release soon, at least when I get GUIs to a functional state.

Interesting. So this allows 1.2.5 mods to work in 1.7.10 rather than porting the mods themselves?
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Reactions: Strikingwolf
Interesting. So this allows 1.2.5 mods to work in 1.7.10 rather than porting the mods themselves?

Yeah. So far I have a lot of RedPower 2 working, Equivalent Exchange 2 somewhat, BuildCraft 2 somewhat, IndustrialCraft 2 loads but the energy net doesn't seem to work, Thaumcraft 2 loads but still lots of crashes and rendering problems, and Nether Ores even though the worldgen doesn't work. But with no GUI support yet it's hard to know what else works/doesn't work. But it's coming along fairly well so far, all things considered.

Man that's a lot of 2s, now that I think about it. RP2, EE2, BC2, IC2, TC2.
Yeah. So far I have a lot of RedPower 2 working, Equivalent Exchange 2 somewhat, BuildCraft 2 somewhat, IndustrialCraft 2 loads but the energy net doesn't seem to work, Thaumcraft 2 loads but still lots of crashes and rendering problems, and Nether Ores even though the worldgen doesn't work. But with no GUI support yet it's hard to know what else works/doesn't work. But it's coming along fairly well so far, all things considered.

Man that's a lot of 2s, now that I think about it. RP2, EE2, BC2, IC2, TC2.
Hey keep up the good work that in itself is amazing