I don't know what in the world The Mists of Riov is, and apparently it now has a sequel... I've never heard of a sequel for a mod before...
Anyway, without further ado... (credits to sheenrox82)
Anyway, without further ado... (credits to sheenrox82)

Welcome! The Mists of RioV II - Shadow of Aun'Tun is here! The sequel to the popular Minecraft mod, The Mists of RioV! This mod adds new dimensions, tools, horse armor and more! I hope you enjoy!
Source Code: http://www.github.com/sheenrox82/TheMistsOfRioVII
You can find the API src within that. The API repo will be updated soon.
Getting Started
Getting started is fairly normal, spawn in the world, get wood, survive the night. The usual Minecraft start. You want to find Ermyst Ore in the Overworld. This ore will be needed to get to the first dimension. Construct the Ermyst Block like a normal block of ore. You will want to construct the RioV Activator to activate the portal. You need coal, and leaves.
Construct the RioV Activator like so:
You will then proceed to the first dimension: RioV. A world given to the citizens of the world, now corrupted due to the Shadow of Aun'Tun.
To get to the second dimension, you need to mine Trivu Ore, and make the portal like the first portal. See the recipe for the activators below.
Tool Stats
All tools are in order from worst to best.
Ermyst, Oni, Frav, Unix, Trivu, Frevinite, Redur, Olite, Vrutri, Shadow, Tritter, Brunim, Redtri.
This also applies for ores, the easiest to mine, to hardest. I.E: You need Oni tools to mine the Frav Ore.
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