This is a core lib for minecraft mods. The goal of this mod is to gather every library mod out there and make a unique, stable version so that many mod developers can use same stuff. This project will be maintained by more than one person. It started as a mod with single target Open GL stuff but later I (Jiraiyah) thought why not integrate so many repetitive libraries out there in one place. For example, how many times you saw a mod generating Ores like Tin, Copper, Aluminium, and Bronze. Well, we register those ore to dictionary for example, make a method to handle world gen but we don't hard code numbers there, instead we let other mods depending on ours decide those params and then call the generate method to just handle the generation of those ore in world for them. That is a simple example, another target is to develop a flexible enough, yet robust GUI system so that other mod developers can use it for many things that is a bit hard to handle and need lots of jobs like, tabs, gl drawing stuff etc etc. Another one perpose as I said is to reduce the number of repetitive stuff. These days if you want to have a full list of mods to play with, you would need to just install more than 30 mods calling themselves Lib/Api/Core mods. And all of us know that at least 30% of stuff in those mods are repetitive.
If you have a core / APi / Lib mod that you think it can join this mod and reduce the amount of repetitive stuff, be with us, send us a pull request in Github or email me at Jiraiyahsama @ yahoo . com or open an issue in the glHandler repository or pm me on the Github or you can find me most of the time in Malisis, MinecraftForge , forgeGradle and direwolf20 IRC channels. have fun and please help us grow and make this mod more stable.