What's new in modded minecraft today?

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@AlgorithmX2 with an update for AE2
Fix Chest render in Crafting Gui.
Fixed Multipass item rendering for storage monitors.
Register TSER CableBus Tile, fixes a crash with Waila.
Send Dimension Data earlier to ensure players in spatial cells can login without crashing.
Re-enabled AlphaPass for Immibis's Microblocks 59.0.3+
You can now place parts into Immibis's microblock tiles by clicking on adjacent blocks.
[DOUBLEPOST=1409381370][/DOUBLEPOST]@Skyboy026 with an update for MFR

No changelog?!?
@CrazyPants with an update for EnderIO

Added soul vessel
Added black list for soul vessel.
Fixed crash when a power network is destroyed before being initialized.
Added config option to disable capture of bosses in soul vessel.
Added Gas Conduits
Include Mekanism API.
Fixed hydrogen transmitting and upped default transmission rates
Massive cleanup up recipes.
Added code to short circut rendering of conduits when hidden behind facades.
#938 Insulated Redstone Conduit with Multiple Colored Endpoints Not Working
#933 Removed SAG Mill bonuses from quartz blocks / stairs etc to prevent item dupes.
Removed unused portions of Mekanism API
gas conduits completely hidden if disabled.
[/changelog][DOUBLEPOST=1409381963][/DOUBLEPOST]The openmods team with an update for OpenBlocks

trying to reduce tank update spam
Fix #482
Remove warning
Fix #469
Repair particle logic, needs tweaking
Align to lib
Fix flim-flam sound names
Align to lib
Fix graves being destroyed by explosions
Fix #428
Fix #459
Change log severity, since NEI pokes things it shouldn't
Properly wire auto enchantment table
It was really strange for me when somebody suggestion Nuclear Control to drop IC2. You know there's more then fancy signs, right? :p

A lot of IC2 addon authors have disappeared though. All praise Zuxelus though, who's ported Nuclear Control (w. me), Combo Armors (you know the nano bow?), advanced power management, and electric fishing rod forward.

I was the one who suggested it, because I mainly use Nuclear Control just for the fancy signs
it'd be pretty awesome though if Nuclear Control could also support other mods instead of it being IC2 dependant
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Reactions: RedBoss
@Yusunoha, you missed a couple :p

@Flaxbeard updated Flaxbeard's steam power mod

Beta 0.26.1
ADDITION: Config option to fix particle crashes
BUGFIX: Fixed BM crash on SMP
BUGFIX: Fixed lag issue with Flash Boiler

@copygirl updated BetterStorage

- Prevent picking up slimes in buckets automatically eating them
- Fix picking up and eating thaumic slimes in buckets
- Fix disabling some (not all) cardboard items causing a crash

@ephys updated his 1.7.10 fork from Tinkers Steelworks

  • Fixed the drain / duct refusing to orient itself up
  • Fixed alumentum and coal coke not being valid high oven fuels
  • Fixed a crash when a duct was part of a deep tank
  • Fixed the steelworking manual not being craftable using TConstruct manuals

@Vazkii with an update for Botania
R1.2 110
  • Added the ability to customize the wings the Flugel Tiara gives you, using Quartz. Confirmed, Botania is a cosplay mod now.
  • Fixed Sparks making pools losing mana even if there's no place for it to go.
  • Fixed wings' rendering being affected by the color of the item being held
@CrazyPants with an update for EnderIO

Added soul vessel
Added black list for soul vessel.
Fixed crash when a power network is destroyed before being initialized.
Added config option to disable capture of bosses in soul vessel.
Added Gas Conduits
Include Mekanism API.
Fixed hydrogen transmitting and upped default transmission rates
Massive cleanup up recipes.
Added code to short circut rendering of conduits when hidden behind facades.
#938 Insulated Redstone Conduit with Multiple Colored Endpoints Not Working
#933 Removed SAG Mill bonuses from quartz blocks / stairs etc to prevent item dupes.
Removed unused portions of Mekanism API
gas conduits completely hidden if disabled.
That's a dev version, though. Not the official latest download on neither the official website or on Curseforge.
Unless dev updates are cool here, in which case oh god it's going to get even more spammy than the usual[/quote]
I was the one who suggested it, because I mainly use Nuclear Control just for the fancy signs
it'd be pretty awesome though if Nuclear Control could also support other mods instead of it being IC2 dependant
An IC2 Addon will stay an addon. I have NO plans whatsoever to lose IC2. Besides, it has those awesome IC2 textures.

Funfact: Nuclear Control does support other mods. It's supported buildcraft, gregtech, NEI, railcraft for a while. I'll probably do some thermal expansion stuff eventually.
My turn to be more like @Fixided

Winner winner update dinner! MCA to version 4.1.0
MAJOR: MCA is now compatible with 1.7.10.
MAJOR: MCA now "phones-home" during each play session. This means that it connects to a remote server belonging to us to get information such as the most recent update.
MAJOR: MCA now has the ability to send us crash reports as they happen.

Feature: As requested, MCA "Lite" mode is now toggleable via the in-game setup screen. This disables marriage, babies, etc.
Feature: You can now craft villager beds, and any nearby villager will sleep in them at night.
Feature: Cooking chore now accepts all fuels, even those from other mods.
Feature: Villagers can now swim!
Feature: Added /mca.reloadmodproperties to update the loaded mod properties without having to restart.
Feature: Added /mca.reloadworldproperties to update all players' world properties without having to log out or restart.
Feature: A family tree editor has been added to the villager editor.
Feature: An MCA villager's ID is now shown at the top of the villager editor, for family tree editing purposes.

Change: Distance at which villagers begin following has been extended.
Change: Farmers will now place slabs on top of water to avoid falling in.
Change: There are no more commands for marriage, having a baby, divorcing a player, etc.
Change: As soon as you receive a marriage request or baby request, you must accept or decline.

Fix: Villagers will no longer run around wildly on dedicated servers.
Fix: Villagers will now free themselves from water blocks when farming.
Fix: Smooth stone is now properly turned into cobblestone when villagers mine.
Fix: Villagers no longer run around at super speed in multiplayer.
Fix: You can no longer marry a villager then use the lost relative document.
Fix: Villagers no longer suddenly stop maintaining large farms.
Fix: Escape now closes the villager editor.
Fix: You can now call your spouse or child while they're riding a horse.

Technical: Packet system completely rewritten. No more memory leaks on dedicated servers.
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From Extra Utilities: