Trying to gauge interest in this little project of mine. I proudly present, MineGesture!

Last edited:
- The 1.7.2 version is now a 1.7.x version (just a clarification, as 1.0.3 worked on 1.7.10)
- Added Chinese localization (thanks SinusoidalC)
- Updated Italian localization (thanks TheVikingWarrior)
Dynious said:-Now shows error message and doesn't delete old file when an error has been encountered
- Fixed small wording mistake
(If the download did not suceed, it will say it failed, instead of deleting the old mod and not adding the updated one in)
Elrctrical Age Team said:BETA-1.6_r13 released : D
- Now when you look at a small wall block (cables, ..) the bounding box draw is better
- Fix oreDictionary with electrical age ore, now you can use other mod ore with.
- Fix tutorial plate, Now that working on not integrated server
BETA-1.6_r14 released.
- I recommand to upgrade to it because 2 bug that make bad things are now fixed.
- Now, when thunder fall, wireless signals are glitched
- Egg incubator crash on break
- Fix case where turbine going in short cut XD I'm realy sorry for that, it's bad
BETA-1.6_r15 fix :
- fix crash when you break the cable that a replicator eat
- Add the replicator id into configuration file. -1 mean auto generated id
- add PID function regulator into signal processor
- Sound are now played in Block channel, exept for alarm that are played into juxbox/record channel
- remplace rs switch in tutorial by button
- wireless button are now affected by thunder
- add replicator into tutorial
Additionaly, inductor (like in real life are added, but in WIP) work already into buck converter using relay <3
itaros said:Required BC version elevated to 6.0.16+
Required Forge version elevated to
Added Automatic Drawplate
Added EMFBatteries
Added HOE KeepAlive(disabled, please, don't try to enable it yet)
Added IOMultitool
Added ItemPort
Added MetalFormationMachine
Added Mixer
Added Pipes
Added Quenching Chamber
Added Scrapmetal
Added TierManager(may be broken, if yes will fix in next version)
Added Wire Coating Extruder
Added Wire Industry
Added more crash protection
Added more debug output
Added multiinventory UI for crafters
Added recipe indication(check coremod section in the mod info)
Added some textures
Added temporal hacky VersionChecker implementation
All recipes are now tagged
Changed MJ transfer value from 100 to 25
Closed loose recipes
Code cleanups
Fixed EvaporationUnit storage size
Fixed GasChimney regression
Fixed Programmer Stack regression
Fixed Scattered Worldgen crash
Fixed broken MJ receptor on servers
Fixed broken recipes
Fixed item GUI derping and a dupe bug
Fixed multiinit exploit
Fixed performance leak on chunk reload
Fixed production bug(lost secondary items)
Fixed special machines
Fixed synchronization and flickering
Refactored all recipe-based machines
Removed some debug output
HOE:Added HOEFingerprint implementation
HOE:Fixed broken remote representation in SMP
HOE:TileEntity onPostLoad hack implementation
HOE:HOEData disconnection fixed
HOE:Internal API maintenance
HOE:Major server fixes
- Fixes guide book textures and recipes some times showing wrong items
- MiscItemsAndBlocks power system now work with IC2 and IC2's power system will be the preffered system used when IC2 is installed
- A few minor changes and fixed to the heat drill
- A few changes to the Mining Station. Now handles damageing of the tool proberly and check if tool can mine a block before trying to mine it.
Sorry I haven't been around lately, TF2 took over me.
Now i dont need to add MFR for enchantment removing, nice !
Ducts instead of conduits, No more capes!1.7.x update news from Thermal Expansion/ Team CoFH
So, we've just crossed the first milestone. I don't even know what to say. Thank you all SO much for the support. We're at the point now where textures are being added and some render tweaks are being finalized. 1.7.2 had a lot of render bugs that we compensated for. When 1.7.10 rolled around, those fixes conflicted with our fixes, so now we have to figure out what the new fixes are. As far as everything coming down the pipe, here's what to expect: CoFH Core: -Common Framework for both MineFactory Reloaded and Thermal Expansion now.
-HD Capes are going away, we're respecting Mojang's wishes on that one, obviously.
-World Gen is being changed for more flexibility and power. JSON-based files.
Thermal Foundation:
-We've taken the resources and a lot of the material items and put them here. This is essentially a resource mod that packs can use without requiring TE.
-The fluids - Redstone, Glowstone, Ender, Pyrotheum, Cryotheum, Mana, Coal, and Steam are also in here.
-The Forge Lexicon will be returning, in a slightly different form.
Thermal Expansion:
-"Conduits" are being renamed to "Ducts" - they're all "conduit" in the code, but the different names confuse people. It's all the same code. So, "Fluxduct" from here on out. However, Ducts will not actually be part of Thermal Expansion, but rather a standalone mod. This keeps TE a bit more light weight and also gives pack creators the option of having Ducts without the rest of TE, which is fine.
-New stuff: Caches, Sponges, Satchels, Machine and Dynamo Augments, and some tools. More to come, potentially.
~King Lemming
What annoys me the most is they don't have to take away the capes. Mojang clearly stated that purely aesthetic features are fine. @King LemmingDucts instead of conduits, No more capes!
That's just pure "DUCTNESS"
i was thinking that too...What annoys me the most is they don't have to take away the capes. Mojang clearly stated that purely aesthetic features are fine. @King Lemming
What annoys me the most is they don't have to take away the capes. Mojang clearly stated that purely aesthetic features are fine. @King Lemming
i was thinking that too...
So how do I make real money from selling cosmetic items?
You can sell cosmetic items for hard currency directly or allow players to fund an “account” specific to your server. It’s up to the host of the server to decide how this works. Remember that capes are the exception to this rule – you are not allowed to give them away or sell them.
Ahh capes are the exception, I never read that part. Well it looks like we will need to implement 1/2 a poncho only going on the back side for TE.I hate to be that guy that quotes the EULA, but I will just for clarification on this (since I think that's where it came from):
So- if you did this right, would you be able to play Minecraft without a keyboard?Trying to gauge interest in this little project of mine. I proudly present, MineGesture!
HAAATS!!!!In all seriousness @King Lemming you will need something for the donors that were promised capes.
In all seriousness @King Lemming you will need something for the donors that were promised capes.
Having said that, we may at some future time be able to provide capes to patrons through CoFH Core. This is dependent on a few factors and as such, we cannot formally offer it at this time.
Ducts instead of conduits, No more capes!
That's just pure "DUCTNESS"
Freaking love it when developers do this. Good time to be a modded minecraft player.However, Ducts will not actually be part of Thermal Expansion, but rather a standalone mod. This keeps TE a bit more light weight and also gives pack creators the option of having Ducts without the rest of TE, which is fine.
i think TiC is doing this too, seperating itself into modules. (all in one mod tho, but you can disable them)Freaking love it when developers do this. Good time to be a modded minecraft player.