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I think I we drove away @Yusunoha.
I miss him saying, "new day, new update"

Must resist..... putting a changelog... The urge!
Project Red updated to 1.7.10

Morph health balance:
So what happens if you turn into a... WHAT A SEC!!! I see the ender dragon. You could never turn into that before!!!

Oh right. What happens when you turn into the enderdragon wither ENDERDRAGON.
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This was posted before.
RWTema @Extra_Utilities · 24h
Working on stuffs. pic.twitter.com/JimVzR6Ccy

This explanation is new.

RWTema @Extra_Utilities · 23h
To clarify, the block/item textures are automatically generated from a given color palette.

Mod related? Don't know.

RWTema @Extra_Utilities · 5h
Imagine a world made only of connected textures glass. pic.twitter.com/BYTwkbnFN9

RWTema @Extra_Utilities · 59m
Felt like posting my 'cape' again. He he, still cool. pic.twitter.com/351pL67c2q

Pretty sure it's a current config setting.

Yah but it never worked. It would glitch out badly.
I have updated Computronics, my all-encompassing ComputerCraft/OpenComputers/NedoComputers peripheral mod to 0.5.1. This version supports Minecraft 1.7.2 (with AsieLib 0.2.5) and 1.7.10 (with AsieLib 0.2.6). Mostly a bugfix release, but particle emitting turtles for ComputerCraft managed to sneak in in time!

  • ADDED: Cipher Block support for NedoComputers.
  • ADDED: Particle Turtle Upgrades for ComputerCraft.
  • FIXED: Allow setting bus IDs for NedoComputers. With NedoC installed, sneak-right-click with an empty hand on any Computronics peripheral.
  • FIXED: Robot Camera Upgrades now work again.
  • FIXED: The Tape Drive GUI finally works in 1.7.
Morph still needs an actually gameplay mechanic to earn morphs. Otherwise it's still very unbalanced.
Whaddya suggest?

A potion you make from mob essence you find from killing mobs with a special Morph stick.
It uses Piggawatts, cause' how do you expect to get Morphs from energy alone?
It needs Proteinized energy.

After you made your Morph stick, go kill a mob, and ta-da! Nothing, cause you did it wrong.
You're going to have to weaken the mob with weakness potions, because too much protein is bad for you.
Once it's weaken, you kill it with ferocity! Like a humping dog to a human leg!

Good, good. Now you have the mob essence.
However, that's way too easy, you need to enchant that mob essence in an enchantment table.
Then throw strength potions at it until the essence explodes! (With ferocity! Like a dog hum- have I said this one already?)
The better the enchant, the better chance your essence will explode.

Mix the new re-born essence in your cauldron with milk (for dairy).
Throw in a few gunpowder until the cauldron explodes ferociously!!! (Like a dog- I need a new metaphor)

Okay, now we have the re-reborned essence ready to be mixed with an awkward potion inside a brewing stand.
Wait for it... Wait for it... It's done! We have finished the splash potion of essencienessess....
Throw it at a mob and you have their morph!
Be very steady with the angle your throwing it, if it misses you're gonna need more potions.

Ta-Da! I have now wasted your time, because iChun is probably not going to add this in the mod.

We can all learn a lesson from this, don't use the same metaphor twice, but trice is OK.
The end.
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Whaddya suggest?
A potion you make from mob essence you find from killing mobs with a special Morph stick.
It uses Piggawatts, cause' how do you expect to get Morphs from energy alone? It needs Proteinized energy.

After you made your Morph stick, go kill a mob, and ta-da! Nothing, cause you did it wrong.
You're going to have to weaken the mob with weakness potions, because too much protein is bad for you.
Once it's weaken you kill it with ferocity! Like a humping dog to a human leg!

Good, good. Now you have the mob essence.
However, that's way too easy, you need to enchant that mob essence in an enchantment table.
Then throw strength potions at it until the essence explodes! (With ferocity! Like a dog hum- have I said this one already?)
The better the enchant, the better chance your essence will explode.

Mix the new re-born essence in your cauldron with milk (for dairy).
Throw in a few gunpowder until the cauldron explodes!!! (Like a dog- I need a new metaphor)

Okay, now we have the re-reborned essence ready to be mixed with an awkward potion inside a a brewing stand.
Wait for it... Wait for it... It's done! We have finished the splash potion of essenceienessess....
Throw it at a mob and you have their morph!
Be very steady with the angle your throwing it, if it misses you're gonna need more potions.

Ta-Da! I have now probably wasted your time, because iChun is not going to add this in the mod.

We can all learn a lesson from this, don't use the same metaphor twice, but trice is okay.
The end.
That was the most beautiful thing I've ever read. You good sir deserve a cookie.
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Will you shut up. Have you ever read his plans for that. It's nightmarish.

Ok as it seemes like some people diden't get it this was intended as a half joke.
Whaddya suggest?

A potion you make from mob essence you find from killing mobs with a special Morph stick.
It uses Piggawatts, cause' how do you expect to get Morphs from energy alone?
It needs Proteinized energy.

After you made your Morph stick, go kill a mob, and ta-da! Nothing, cause you did it wrong.
You're going to have to weaken the mob with weakness potions, because too much protein is bad for you.
Once it's weaken, you kill it with ferocity! Like a humping dog to a human leg!

Good, good. Now you have the mob essence.
However, that's way too easy, you need to enchant that mob essence in an enchantment table.
Then throw strength potions at it until the essence explodes! (With ferocity! Like a dog hum- have I said this one already?)
The better the enchant, the better chance your essence will explode.

Mix the new re-born essence in your cauldron with milk (for dairy).
Throw in a few gunpowder until the cauldron explodes ferociously!!! (Like a dog- I need a new metaphor)

Okay, now we have the re-reborned essence ready to be mixed with an awkward potion inside a brewing stand.
Wait for it... Wait for it... It's done! We have finished the splash potion of essencienessess....
Throw it at a mob and you have their morph!
Be very steady with the angle your throwing it, if it misses you're gonna need more potions.

Ta-Da! I have now wasted your time, because iChun is probably not going to add this in the mod.

We can all learn a lesson from this, don't use the same metaphor twice, but trice is OK.
The end.

Wow that's so nice so pleasant. However this is what Ichun has planed.
Heya, I'm iChun and I am the dev of Morph. I've been asked multiple times about the future and about balancing Morph due to it's current, overpowered state. This post is to explain, in detail, on what is currently planned for Morph. Mind you that these are all plans and are subject to change.

I'm pretty new to making reddit posts so I'll try to format it to my best ability with the time constraints I have at the moment.

Take note that these will not be coming to Minecraft 1.6. The final update for Morph for Minecraft 1.6 will be v0.6.0.

There will probably be a config to keep the mod at it's current state, but it'll have to be enabled by the player/server host.

Morph Skill

  • First off, you are not supposed to be able to "morph" just because you have the mod installed.
  • There is supposed to be a random event, set a while into the game, where a meteorite spawns in the air above you and crashes into the terrain, leaving an obvious trail of destruction and I'll try my best to make the SFX noticeable so that players don't miss out on the already obvious meteorite landing. Just hope that you're not in the wrong place at the wrong time when this happens, so that you don't accidentally destroy someone's base. The mod will crudely track which players are active and try to approximate, so it doesn't randomly happen over someone who's AFK.
  • The meteorite landing is a 1 time thing. It is not meant to happen more than once in the overworld. Griefing the land will be a config option, but enabled by default (because seriously, what meteorite hits the earth with no damage?). The reason I want damage + destruction, is because it'll be the kind of thing that'll make you go "phew that was close", or "curse the RNG gods!" rather than going day by day doing the same thing over and over again, expecting things to change, which is the very definition of insanity. Also, based on feedback in this thread, there will probably be something added to summon the meteorite, but by default, I would rather it disabled.
  • If you're worried about losing items/blocks which are hard to craft/acquire... I'm actually more keen on doing block displacement rather than block destruction. Meaning that you can probably find your chest full of goodies somewhere else, instead of it being completely destroyed, if it were to go through your base.
  • After the meteorite landing. A mob and an entity will spawn (these will chunkload, no argument about that). You need to acquire these two in order to have the full Morph skill, but I'll come to that later.
  • The entity, will provide a basic morph skill. Details on the basics are not really written in stone, but these are the suggestions/ideas that have been put into thought.
  1. Killing the mob you want to morph into is a definite.
  2. Time limited morphs: Morphs you acquire have a time limitation on usage and will eventually run out.
  3. Item-related morphs: Stuff like potions, except like the current morph acquisition status, you have to kill the mob to be able to acquire it, and you need to use up the item in order to use the morph, which is lost once you remorph.
  4. Abilities..... I'll come to that soon.
  • The mob, will be something of a "boss mob" that will first run away from the player, and stay relatively distant from the player until it's ready. Codenamed "The Thing".
  1. It spawns when the meteorite explodes, and that will be one of the only few times you will see it's original form (which has not yet been decided).
  2. It will hunt down mobs and kill them, acquiring them as morphs. The more mobs it kills/acquires, the higher the overall health, as its overall biomass increases. This will eventually make it harder to kill.
  3. Eventually, when it feels it's strong enough, it will hunt down the player. If it kills the player, it will acquire the player as a disguise, and YES, I plan to make it pick up the items you drop, if you are the only player on the server, it will quickly retreat, if not, it will go for the other players. If, somehow, you and the other players manage to weaken The Thing, it will begin retreating, using speed, flight, anything to get away. This is where you have to keep up the offense and try to kill it if possible.
  4. Difficulty will be scaled to number of players on the server.
  5. When The Thing is finally killed. It will drop an item to upgrade the current Entity mentioned before, of which you'll be able to get the full morph skill after that. I will try to implement failsafes to prevent the item from being destroyed somehow, and if said item is destroyed, another Thing will spawn. (Yes, I'm pretty cruel).
  • The full Morph Skill will allow you to morph on demand, it'll probably be time-unlimited and will most likely use the GUIs you see in Morph at the moment. You will need to acquire the Morph skill by interacting with the upgraded entity. You will no longer need to kill mobs you are trying to morph into, you will only have to weaken them to a certain amount. Killing the mob will ignored unless you still have spare morph tokens from the original entity, and this morph will not be added to your full acquired morphs index.

  • Abilities:
  • Abilities will need to be learnt, per-player. You learn abilities of certain morphs the longer you use them. However, as abilities goes by right now, I've mentioned before that abilities are called as such despite them actually being part of characteristics and traits of mobs, for simplicity sake. Therefore, some abilities will be present from the moment you acquire the mob.
  • Abilities may have a hunger factor over time in the future. Certain abilities will use up hunger the more you use them. Right now this is not 100% confirmed and it's still being considered.

  • Allergies:

  • As you're technically reforming your current biomass to fit as another mob's, there may be some forms of morphs which your system will reject. You may feel nausea at random times as long as you have the morph, and unlike the current version of Morph, you will not be able to plainly hit backspace on the Morph to delete it.

  • The more morphs you have, the higher the chance of an allergy to an existing or newly acquired morph. (Still being considered).

  • Eventually, your body will naturally reject the allergic morph, expelling it from your system. This will form a new entity, so just hope you aren't allergic to something like the Wither, or else you'll have to fight it all over again.

  • The rest of the balancing for Morph was explained in the Morph Skill section above.
That's as much as I can think of right now. I'll update if I left out anything that should have been mentioned.

Feel free to ask anything related to the mod, I'll try to respond if possible.

TL;DR: Stop asking to balance Morph. There's already plans. If you don't like where the mod's going, despite it's config options, feel free to uninstall the mod, for it doesn't bother me.
Refrence links.

And if you don't want to read all that just read this.

  1. "It will hunt down mobs and kill them, acquiring them as morphs. The more mobs it kills/acquires, the higher the overall health, as its overall biomass increases. This will eventually make it harder to kill.
  2. Eventually, when it feels it's strong enough, it will hunt down the player. If it kills the player, it will acquire the player as a disguise, and YES, I plan to make it pick up the items you drop, if you are the only player on the server, it will quickly retreat, if not, it will go for the other players. If, somehow, you and the other players manage to weaken The Thing, it will begin retreating, using speed, flight, anything to get away. This is where you have to keep up the offense and try to kill it if possible."