What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Well this is news equally about Redpower 2 as Eloraam's return but,
Eloraam @TheRealEloraam · 41m
I really miss working on RedPower. It was a full-time job, and I couldn't keep up with another one too... But I want to be back!

I am interested to see what happens with Project Red if Redpower 2 returns aswell. In my own though I imagine Project Red will become a bit different then it is and drop some of the stuff directly taken out of RP2 (such as volcanoes, gems and the cables) and sort of drift it's own way but still stay on it's original course.
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Well this is news equally about Redpower 2 as Eloraam's return but,


I am interested to see what happens with Project Red if Redpower 2 returns aswell. In my own though I imagine Project Red will become a bit different then it is and drop some of the stuff directly taken out of RP2 (such as volcanoes, gems and the cables) and sort of drift it's own way but still stay on it's original course.
This might sound heretic, but I think that would be a complete waste of development resources and time. Eloraam should focus on the parts of RP2 that haven't been reimplemented in 1.6/1.7 already and drop the stuff from RP2. If we go by what you say FMP should be dropped completely.
This might sound heretic, but I think that would be a complete waste of development resources and time. Eloraam should focus on the parts of RP2 that haven't been reimplemented in 1.6/1.7 already and drop the stuff from RP2. If we go by what you say FMP should be dropped completely.
Agreed, but most of the mod should not be dropped. You must think in perspective. Not everyone plays with 150 mods. Some people only play with 1 or 2. Going off of that a lot of stuff still should be implemented such as the redstone circuits, the transporting/sorting blocks, the pipes, the frames. I agree with you on the Forge Multipart side of things as that is a fully used 100% functional thing.
Agreed, but most of the mod should not be dropped. You must think in perspective. Not everyone plays with 150 mods. Some people only play with 1 or 2. Going off of that a lot of stuff still should be implemented such as the redstone circuits, the transporting/sorting blocks, the pipes, the frames. I agree with you on the Forge Multipart side of things as that is a fully used 100% functional thing.
FORTH. oh god, i loved FORTH.
Agreed, but most of the mod should not be dropped. You must think in perspective. Not everyone plays with 150 mods. Some people only play with 1 or 2. Going off of that a lot of stuff still should be implemented such as the redstone circuits, the transporting/sorting blocks, the pipes, the frames. I agree with you on the Forge Multipart side of things as that is a fully used 100% functional thing.
If she wants to do it, by all means she should, it's her mod and she should do what's fun coding to her. But form a purely efficient point of view it's a waste. We have two implementations, both are either specific or modular so there is no reason a pack shouldn't include one or the other.
FORTH. oh god, i loved FORTH.
That's another point where I'm doubtful. We have CC and OC, both are more easily accessible to beginners. I fear bringing FORTH back will be a lot of effort for something only few will use, probably mostly out of nostalgia.

But we are getting OT again.
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If she wants to do it, by all means she should, it's her mod and she should do what's fun coding to her. But form a purely efficient point of view it's a waste. We have two implementations, both are either specific or modular so there is no reason a pack shouldn't include one or the other.

That's another point where I'm doubtful. We have CC and OC, both are more easily accessible to beginners. I fear bringing FORTH back will be a lot of effort for something only few will use, probably mostly out of nostalgia.

But we are getting OT again.
i loved the computers, and FORTH was actually pretty easy for me to learn.
She's disappeared many times in the past, and every time has come back, so I don't see this as a surprise. I don't really care for RP2 anymore, honestly.

If she gets it ported to whatever MC version I'm using at the time, great.

If not, whatever. I expected that.

That's just my opinion, at least.
Agreed, but most of the mod should not be dropped. You must think in perspective. Not everyone plays with 150 mods. Some people only play with 1 or 2. Going off of that a lot of stuff still should be implemented such as the redstone circuits, the transporting/sorting blocks, the pipes, the frames. I agree with you on the Forge Multipart side of things as that is a fully used 100% functional thing.
I don't see how having one mod that does everything is different from having a lot of small mods that only do one thing each, other than the amount of mods displayed in the title screen (unless it has a ton of modules, hi there MFR) and the amount of things in your mods folder. I doubt it would matter that much in terms of load times and memory usage, either, especially if the huge mod isn't very well optimized for its size.

As for RP2... the only things I miss a bit are the FORTH computers and the regulator, as everything else has a (better) replacement nowadays. I'm curious about what she would come up with for a possible RP3, though.
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new day, new update, and today it's @iChun with Mob Amputation
iChun said:
Mob Amputation 3.0.1
  • Fixed player gibbing.

and @LordDusk with a huge updates for Hardcore Questing Mode
lorddusk said:
Added 5 new task types
  • Location task
    • A task where the player has to reach up to 4 different locations. These locations are specified by a coordinate, a radius and which dimension.
    • The coordinate and radius can be left out to make the task to just reach a specific dimension.
    • Also, one can specify what the player will see: Both the coordinate and radius, only the coordinate or nothing. This way you can give players clues to where to go and once they get there the task is completed.
  • QDS task
    • This task type is just like the normal consume task with one exception, the "Manual submit" buttons has been disabled. This allows you to teach players how to use the QDS and actually make sure they try it.
  • Detection task
    • This task is a new type of item task. You don't have to hand in the items, having them in your inventory is enough.
    • However, this means that you need all items of one type in your inventory at the same time. Otherwise someone who required 2 iron could use the same iron twice. However, if you need 2 iron and 3 gold, you don't have to have all 5 items on you at the same time: 2 iron at one point and 3 gold at some other point is fine.
    • The detection for items is done when you craft an item, pick up an item or click on the "Manual detect" button.
  • Killing task
    • A task where the player has to kill a specific amount of monsters from up to 4 types. The types are a list of all the mobs registered by vanilla and any mods.
    • Select a mob, a kill required count and which mode that should be used. The Exact mode means that only that specific mob counts whereas the Type mode allows for subtypes as well. For instance, if the spider is selected the Type mode detects cave spiders too.
  • Death task
    • A task that is completed when you die a specific amount of times. This could either be used to help a player (if you die a lot of times you get some extra items to help you on the way) or to troll them.
Added Repeatable Quests
A quest can have one of four different repeatable modes
  • None
    • This quest can only be completed once. This has been the only option in the past.
  • Instant
    • As soon as this quest is completed, it can be completed for a new set of rewards.
  • Interval
    • At a specific interval specified in minecraft days and hours(a mc hours = 50 normal seconds) everyone that have completed the quest will be allowed to completed it again.
  • Cooldown
    • At a specific time specified in minecraft days and hours(a mc hours = 50 normal seconds) after you have completed the quest it becomes available again.
    • When a quest is completed the first time it will forever be declared as "Completed", this means that quests that have this quest as a requiredment will be made avaiable (as long as they don't require other quests to be completed to).
    • If you, or anyone in your party, completed the quest again before you claimed your reward your previous reward will be lost. This means that you can't stack rewards.
Added Trigger Quests
Trigger quests can be sued to control the visibility of quests until certain quests are completed. They can trigger other quests. There are four different types.
  • None
    • This is just a normal quest. This has been the only option in the past.
  • Trigger Quest
    • This quest will always be invisible. Any sub quests it has will be invisible until you complete this quest. On completion this quest will remain invisible and won't offer the player any reward.
  • Trigger Tasks
    • This quest's first X tasks are trigger tasks (X being a configurable integer). This quests and all its subquests will be invisible until the trigger tasks are completed. When the trigger tasks is completed, the player get access to the quest and can see both the trigger tasks and the remaining tasks of the quest.
  • Reversed Trigger
    • This quest will be invisible until it's available. In other words, as soon as all parent quests have been completed this quest becomes invisible. When this quest is invisible, so will all its subquests.
    • Remember that some task types are not suited for being in a Trigger Quest or a Trigger Task. For example, the Consume Task requies you to use "Manual submit" or bind it to a QDS, both impossible if you can't access the task.
    • An example of the use of trigger quests would be to introduce a questline when the player reaches a certain location. This is acieved either with a Trigger Quest or a Trigger Task with a location task checking for that location.
Added 2 new blocks
Both these blocks are for map makers only and requires you to be in edit mode to configure properly. Both also requires you to bind a quest to them. To do so, go to the page where you can see all quests in a set. Click on the Select Quest button and then click on a quest. Now right-click the block with your book.
  • Quest Tracker System (QTS)
    • This block will send out an analog redstone signal(0-15) depending on quest progress.
    • Once can specify which players to count using the radius setting, only players within a sphere with that radius will be used it the redstone strength calculattion. If the radius is set to 0 it will use all players, even offline ones.
      • There are four different modes which all define the redstone strength in different ways
      • Team Tracker
        • The redstone strength is defined by the amount of teams that have completed this quest. If a player is not in a team it is still concidered to be in a one person team. At least one player in the team has to pass the radius check.
      • Player Tracker
        • The redstone strength is defined by the amount of players that have completed this quest.
      • Progress Tracker (Max)
        • The redstone strength is defined by the progress of the person that has come furthest in this quest. Not done at all gives a strength of 0, fully completed gives 15 and partially completed gives strengths 1 to 14.
      • Progress Tracker (Close)
        • The redstone strength is defined by the progress fo the person closest to the block. Not done at all gives a strength of 0, fully completed gives 15 and partially completed gives strengths 1 to 14. No matter what the radius setting is set to, this mode never includes offline players.
        • The redstone signal emitted is a strong signal.
  • Quest Gate System (QGS)
    • This block will (by default) be solid(texture and collision) for players that haven't completed the quest and transparent(no texture and no collision) for those who have.
    • This can however be changed so it is solid when completed and invisible otherwise, or a lot of other combinations. One can control whether textures and collision should be on in the two states(completed or not) independent of each other.
    • The block will have multiple states at the same time, depending on the player it interact with. It doesn't matter if two players are trying to walk through it at the same time, the ones who should be let through will while the others won't be let through.
    • There are three different themes to this block
        • Tech Theme
          • Uses a texture that works well in a tech map
        • Magic Theme
          • Uses a texture that works well in a magic map
        • Custom Theme
          • Allows you to specify a block in its interface, the QGS will now look as this block.
        • One can pick the block (default: middle mouse) to get the block with all its settings (bound quest, theme and camouflage) which makes it easy to make bigger gates.
Quest Option
  • Quests can now be linked to each other as options. If one quest is completed all quests it is linked to as options becomes invisible and can't be completed anymore.
  • Quest options can be combined with Trigger Quests to make one or more options invisible, so the player doesn't even have to know there's an alternative quest line.
Small changes
  • Changed the maximum unique playercount from 1k to 65k
  • Quests that require quests in other sets to be completed to be enabled have stated how many of said quests there are. Now they state how many that are missing as well. For instance "Requires 2/3 quests to completed elsewhere.".
A few bug fixes

and lastly @LexManos with Minecraft Forge
LexManos said:
Updated to Minecraft 1.7.2.
  • ReplaceBiomeBlocks Event constructor that supplies the metadata array if applicable and updates the ChunkProviderGenerate class to pass in the metadata array.
  • New WeightedRandom.getItem hook
  • New GuiScreen events and a new ElementType DEBUG for RenderGameOverlayEvent
  • Added accessible instance to RenderBlocks and RenderItem for modders to use who don't wish to create there own instance. Warning: Other modders may influance the transient state of the instance, BE WEARY MODDERS.
  • Added Farmland to PLAINS type plants
  • New fluid fill amount parameter
  • Made WorldGenShrub respect Block.canSustainPlant
  • New PlayerEvent.Clone called when an EntityPlayer is cloned via dimension travil or respawn.
  • Add Glass, Colored glass, ore storage blocks, alines, and a few others to ore dicitonary.
  • Made AccessTransformer change INVOKESPECIAL to INVOKEVIRTUAL when making methods visible, to properly support private -> protected
  • New @ObjectHolder annotation system to auto-populate items and blocks that are aliased in the GameRegistry.
  • New function to return all ores the specified ItemStack satisfies.
  • Added world display list render events
  • Add PlayerEvent.StartTracking and .StopTracking events.
  • Implemented IShearable for DoublePlants and DeadBushes.
  • Filter all vanilla blocks that we missed through Forge's getDrops and BlockDrops events.
  • Add target world to PlayerInteractEvent for potential 'cross dimension' interaction such as LittleBlocks.
  • Added Noteblock change and play events.
  • Greatly simplified the addition of new biomes to the default world
  • Rework OreDictionary's internals to be a bit more speedy to help combat modders using it inapropriatly.
  • Changed EntityWolf to EntityTameable in EntityLivingBase.attackEntityFrom, to allow for more custom pets.
  • New World Fog color and density events.
  • Warn when chunks are being self-recursively loaded. This can cause serious issues. Modders should watch out.
  • Deprecate getAABBPool so people can stop using it in mods. Failure to do so will result in 1.7.10 upgrade incompatibility. Use getBoundingBox instead.
Bug Fix:
  • Fixed invalid parameters to Block.getExplosionResistance
  • Fixed version checking for mods that exist on the client side only.
  • Fixed display of server mod list info.
  • Fixed memory leaks in vanilla/Forge/FML that would cause Worlds to persist.
  • Fix extended entity properties being lost when leaving the end, This introduces the concept of calling IExtendedEntityProperties.init when entities/worlds change.
  • Fixed some race conditions when connecting to local servers on slow computers.
  • Fix network disconnect with message on the client side in NetworkDispatcher.
  • Fix ObjectIntIdentityMap sporadically matching non-identical objects
  • Fix forge validating strict versions on remote connections.
  • Fully clear DimensionManager's DimensionID bitset when world is loaded
  • Fixed No Blue Orchids spawn in swamp when using bone meal
  • Fixed BlockTallGrass better support custom soils.
  • Fixed Blue Orchid spawning in Flower Forest biome instead of Poppy
  • Fixed Biome Decoration and Chunk lighting bugs
  • Fixed stems dropping to many seeds
  • Fixed deobfusication of nested inner classes.
  • Fixed issue where you could not drown in custom fluids.
  • Fix enum helpers for EnumRarity {moved to Commn and changed paramter} and EnumCreatureType {new parameter} and added junit test for them.
  • Make finite fluid blocks drainable
  • Fixed GuiContainer calling button.mouseReleased.
  • Fixed setBlock not using the location-specific version of getLightOpacity()
  • Fix not being able to change target & attackDamage for EnderTeleportEvent.
The only amusing note from the forge update changelog for me was the "BE WEARY MODDERS" note as opposed to the "Be Wary modders" that should have been the appropriate phrase there ;)

Given the amount of flux around the 1.7 updates, was the irony intended there? I sincerely hope so :P
She's disappeared many times in the past, and every time has come back, so I don't see this as a surprise. I don't really care for RP2 anymore, honestly.

If she gets it ported to whatever MC version I'm using at the time, great.

If not, whatever. I expected that.

That's just my opinion, at least.
Yes, but every time she disappeared in the past she wasn't gone that long. But now there was a 1 year period where she was gone and now she has come back, this time period is significantly longer than the ones in the past.