What's new in modded minecraft today?

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I can't force you to do it my way but I would really prefer it. Also this is the wrong thread to do this over here
Oh yeah, I forgot that I should post in both threads, not sure if that's a bit tedious though.
Welcome to the "what's new in modded minecraft today?" topic.
This topic is a community effort to report any updates related to the modded minecraft community.
Which means people can make a post to report new mods, updates to mods, or updates related to mod developers. Anyone is free to contribute, just make a post mentioning the update, where you can name the mod, the mod version, the mod developer and the changelog with a link to the update of the mod. Mod developers are also allowed to report updates for their mod, or to announce a new mod they've been working on.
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Probably nobody noticed, but JourneyMap 4 got a public beta release some time ago.
It has an amazing waypoint system and a better minimap!
Highlights of what’s new in JourneyMap 4.0.0
New feature: Full Waypoint Support (other mods not needed)

  • Optional In-Game beacons have many customized options (beams, icons, label sizes, etc.)
  • New Waypoint Editor provides multiple dimension support, color picker, error-checking (form validation)
  • In-game: Use the “B” key to create a Waypoint at your location and open the Waypoint Editor
  • In-game Full-screen Map: Double-click anywhere on the map to open the new Waypoint Editor and create/edit a Waypoint
  • New Waypoint Manager features include: Find on Map, Teleport To (if permitted), Sort by Name or Distance, Filter by Dimension, Enable/Disable, Toggle All (on or off) Edit, and Delete
  • In-game: Use CTRL-”B” to directly open the Waypoint Manager
  • In-game Full-screen Map: Use the “Waypoints” button to open the Waypoint Manager
  • Import old waypoint files from Rei’s Minimap or VoxelMap (Zan’s)
  • Optional: Turn off waypoint management and use Rei’s or VoxelMap for waypoints instead. Their waypoints will still display on JourneyMap.
New feature: Map Coordinates under Mouse

  • In-game Full-screen Map: Block coordinates under your mouse are now displayed at the bottom of the screen. Elevation and biome are also shown if that chunk is loaded.
Notable Changes:

  • Many new options to customize displays
  • Improved surface mapping and cave-mapping algorithms, including support for stained glass
  • Mob/player radar positions/headings now update in real-time on Minimap and Full Map.
  • Sneaking entities (usually players) will no longer appear on the radar (Unlimited Edition)
  • Minimap Options has a new “Medium Square” size
  • New Minimap Options to customize what’s shown, font sizes, icons, etc.
Performance Improvements:

  • Faster map updates via listeners for block placement, removal, and numerous events like TNT explosions
  • Mob/player radar is significantly more efficient
  • In-game maps are more efficient about checking render steps are within the active viewport; should improve pan/zoom update speeds on slower machines
  • Minimap render pass simplified

  • Too many to list here
new day, new update, and today it's @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
  • Fixed a rather nasty bug with the Call of the Zephyr ritual. Should be fixed in both versions.
  • Fixed bug with LE rendering in tanks
  • (1.7.2) Made the Ritual system much less likely to break when a modder adds a new ritual.

and @Leonelf with Extra Cells
Leonelf said:
ExtraCells 1.6.9d:
  • Fix FluidVoid ticking

and lastly @joshie with Mariculture
joshie said:
Mariculture 1.7.2 BETA 10
  • Fixed BOP Compatibility with newest versions
  • Ethereal upgrades give a 1.25x modifier to mutation in the incubator(DOES NOT STACK)
  • Hotter temperatures in a Crucible Furnace will make things melt faster, the lower the melting point of something, the faster it can be processed at max temp!
  • Fixed Crucible Furnaces having 1000x more storage than they should with upgrades
  • Damselfish and Neon Tetra, are now breedable, but with a low chance, so it's still better to catch them if you can!
  • Added a temperature control unit(available with fishery module). Allows you to store heating/cooling upgrades, and for them to act as one upgrade.
  • Changed fertility calculation with eternal life upgrade
  • Block/Ingot Casters should now work across load/save
  • Removed recipe for making titanium in the crucible, one it causes confusion, two vat is easier anyways
  • Rewrote Handlers
  • Added Config to Enable/Disable Ingot/Block Caster NEIS, Disabled by default.
  • Transparent Plastic and Heat Resistant glass got 'larger version recipes', Allowing you to do more items at once.
  • Extreme Hatching Upgrade, now has 1000x mutation chance modifier
  • Fixed mutation multiplier only allowing for non full bred
  • Dropping stacked live fish, will now return the correct amount of raw fish
  • Fixed Bass Bomb Texture, Bass Bomb now does damage (not much).
  • You now need to 'construct' the sifters, just place two blocks next to each other, the recipe for a sifter now gives two :)
  • Block updates will cause the sifter to 'sift' out items. You can pipe items in to the top of a sifter.
  • Fixed missing sounds
  • Removed chucking fish food in water to feed the fish
  • Fixed Coral Spreading, reduced the default spread chance to 12, so you may want to adjust this in your configs to match up
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Probably nobody noticed, but JourneyMap 4 got a public beta release some time ago.
It has an amazing waypoint system and a better minimap!

I use this mod and Zan's in combination, since opis used to kill my PC/FPS performance. Yup... two map mods running in tandem was okay for my machine, but just one opis mod and it was "1 FPS" all the time - go figure!

So, I was awaiting for JM 4 (and the backport to 1.6.4) as that would be implementing waypoint support... ergo, only one minimap. And then I was waiting for it to go into public release from the private beta testing phase since feb. But I guess,
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans
So, tl;dr I missed this release :)

Thanks for sharing.
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Must I? I feel a lot more comfortable doing it "my way"

Header (Title and link to the mod)
[Spoiler]Quick copy + paste the features[/spoiler]

No you don't this is not his thread. Nore is anyone required to post to his thread.
It's an unnecessary redundancy as postings for new mods are more than welcome right here.

A few thoughts on this "new" "development"

As in real life, when something gets too big, it is a good idea to break it into smaller, manageable pieces. We do it in our own lives. Why not here in forums? I mean, this thread is now a venerable juggernaut (congrats to @Yusunoha for the "aha" moment and to everyone else that pitched in). But, due to the traffic and post volume of late, it is getting pretty hard to keep up with all the posts and updates happening here on any given day. So, with that premise:
  1. People have been probably staring at this thread for long enough to get a few "what if?" "would it be better if we did this like this?" moments for this thread and future ones. Shooting people down at the first suggestion and mention of alternate solutions that go against "this is how we've always done things around here" is a bad idea to begin with.
  2. Creating a "uniform format" of presentation is not a bad idea on its own. Like a manual of style, having everyone do it in a certain way, means the eyes "trip over" the relevant information and stay focussed for the details when needed... But the eyes need to train for what to "trip over". A uniform format achieves this... Look no further than our own wiki guidelines, or the mod config files or the ore dictionary entries for usefulness of having a uniform format.
  3. It is not a bad idea to hive off "unheard of" mods into a separate thread. After all, we've already done it once before with the "Recent events discussion thread". Why not again? We can use this thread as the "go-to" thread for all our old favourites. The newly formed thread becomes the "go-to" point for mods that we are not aware of. Already, trying to find information about a certain known mod's update discussion on this thread is a "needle on the haystack" affair. God help us if we have to find about "that new thingummy-bob mod that adds those fancy doo-daads which interacts with itemducts" on this thread one month from now. A separate thread for 'esoteric' mods is not going to help much in searching like what I've mentioned, but as a separate thread, navigating "X number of posts" to get to the information you need, will be that much easier. I am sure everyone sees that POV.
On that note, thanks, @Not_Steve for taking the initiative with the new thread and for proposing a new format for displaying mod info. Even if it doesn't catch on, they are both good ideas on their own.
@iChun updated for Sync to 2.2.2
iChun said:

  1. Disallow fake players to use constructor
  2. Fix a bunch of NPE’s
  3. Fix ghost blocks in some cases
  4. Fix issue where sometimes players may get stuck in “limbo”
  5. Prevent item dupe whilst syncing
  6. Allows objects to be placed on the top, bottom and back of storage
I would say that news about mods (either new, old, unknown) are quite welcome here. Thus, debating about old mod that was just discovered is more suitable here, than debate about tapatalk, ipod/ipad browser or any kind of similiar posts...
A few thoughts on this "new" "development"

As in real life, when something gets too big, it is a good idea to break it into smaller, manageable pieces. We do it in our own lives. Why not here in forums? I mean, this thread is now a venerable juggernaut (congrats to @Yusunoha for the "aha" moment and to everyone else that pitched in). But, due to the traffic and post volume of late, it is getting pretty hard to keep up with all the posts and updates happening here on any given day. So, with that premise:
  1. People have been probably staring at this thread for long enough to get a few "what if?" "would it be better if we did this like this?" moments for this thread and future ones. Shooting people down at the first suggestion and mention of alternate solutions that go against "this is how we've always done things around here" is a bad idea to begin with.
  2. Creating a "uniform format" of presentation is not a bad idea on its own. Like a manual of style, having everyone do it in a certain way, means the eyes "trip over" the relevant information and stay focussed for the details when needed... But the eyes need to train for what to "trip over". A uniform format achieves this... Look no further than our own wiki guidelines, or the mod config files or the ore dictionary entries for usefulness of having a uniform format.
  3. It is not a bad idea to hive off "unheard of" mods into a separate thread. After all, we've already done it once before with the "Recent events discussion thread". Why not again? We can use this thread as the "go-to" thread for all our old favourites. The newly formed thread becomes the "go-to" point for mods that we are not aware of. Already, trying to find information about a certain known mod's update discussion on this thread is a "needle on the haystack" affair. God help us if we have to find about "that new thingummy-bob mod that adds those fancy doo-daads which interacts with itemducts" on this thread one month from now. A separate thread for 'esoteric' mods is not going to help much in searching like what I've mentioned, but as a separate thread, navigating "X number of posts" to get to the information you need, will be that much easier. I am sure everyone sees that POV.
On that note, thanks, @Not_Steve for taking the initiative with the new thread and for proposing a new format for displaying mod info. Even if it doesn't catch on, they are both good ideas on their own.

A long thread is not unmanageable. We at most tend to get about a dozen posts a day here. That's still very manageable.
1. I didn't shoot him down for having an idea. I shot him down for him using the idea with out bothering to disuss it with anyone, or considering how it would disrupt this thread, and posting about it in another thread with out permission.
2. Creating an uniform format is a honorable idea. The point of this is to give out what ever information we have in what ever format we get it in. You post some of it in that style and not only will some people not bother posting because formatting is a pain in the azz but some people will ignore the rest of the information or even this entire thread because that kind of rigged formatting is boring.
3. Unheard of mods are unheard of for a reasons. One of them is a lack of advertising. Do you really think we should push off mods like that into a corner where they can remain unheard of?
This is a news thread. While there are discussions that isn't the main point of this thread. If you want to really discuss a mods changes you should go to that mods main thread. And if you must find info in this thread try using the search function.

The long and short of this is that no one wants to have to search all over the net for information. That's why this thread is so popular. One place to find it all.
And spiting the thread unnecessarily dousen't make it less info to search through. It makes more.