What's new in modded minecraft today?

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This might sound heretic, but I think that would be a complete waste of development resources and time. Eloraam should focus on the parts of RP2 that haven't been reimplemented in 1.6/1.7 already and drop the stuff from RP2. If we go by what you say FMP should be dropped completely.

Yeah. TBH I'm fed up with Eloraam's status in the community - always going back and FORTH.
It's time for the first Applied Energistics 2 (by @AlgorithmX2 ) weekly summary! Today featuring builds 23-29!
AlgorithmX2 said:
rv0.beta build 23
  1. No more duplicate patterns in meteorites.
  2. QNB's Stop updating when the world unloads ( might fix dynmap crash. )
rv0.beta build 24
  1. Energy Acceptor can now accept RF into the network buffer.
  2. Fixed Bug: #0431 - Weird Inventory behaviour in SkyChests with InvTweaks
rv0.beta build 25
  1. Adjusted Block Hardness and Block Tool Requirements.
  2. Skystone BreakSpeed Event now tests getHarvestLevel
  3. Metroite Crater Size Adjusted for deeper craters.
  4. Tweaked Energy Acceptor and Grid Energy Logic.
rv0.beta build 26
  1. Fixed Bug: #0518 - Using the WAT and switch via quickslots closes WAT GUI
  2. Fixed Bug: #0514 - An unknown error occurs frequently
  3. Fixed a bug where RF and EU tunnels could vaporize themselves.
  4. Added Recipe for Charged Quartz to NEI.
  5. Prioritize powered networks when handling connections, fixes a glitch with tunnels connecting.
  6. Item Tunnels now cycle Outputs.
rv0.beta build 27
  1. Fixed http://openeye.openmods.info/crashes/1cc02c8016ddc5ec81efb429f5653ad0
  2. Added support for http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/221140-version-checker
rv0.beta build 28
  1. Fixed Crash with Fuzzy Upgrade in Export Bus.
  2. Seeds now make sense with item automation
  3. Breaking and Damaging Particles for cables and parts now work properly.
  4. Breaking Animation now works on Cables and parts as expected.
  5. Cable now has a bounding box where it touches parts.
  6. Fixed http://openeye.openmods.info/crashes/4f9bc963a227094a154064a7044e6377
  7. Possibly Fixed http://openeye.openmods.info/crashes/f523c5fc05555d058a84a15680c2e80b
rv0.beta build 29
  1. Storage Cell Byte Per Type Usage Fixed - 8, 32, 128, 512
I found 2 new mods! (Posted in Not_Steve's new/unknown mod thread too)

DimStorage (Dimensional Storage)

I'm currently working on 1.7 version!

DimStorage add an improved and technologic version of Vanilla Ender Chests with more functionalities:
- chest owner selection
- inventory frequence selection
- lock system for private usage !

Dimensional Chest:
Allow player to access storage for configured owner and frequency.

“Frequency” is a number choose by player and who allow to identify the chest content.
A public DimChest with frequency 5 share his inventory with others DimChest who are publics and with the same frequency.
A private DimChest with frequency 5 doen’t share his inventory with previous DimChest because he’s public !
Same way if frequencies are differents !

The “locked” mode allow access interdiction for players who are not the DimChest owner.
Hoppers or other piping system are disabled when “locked” mode is active !

- Dimensional Chest UI:


- ComputerCraft usage:

ComputerCraft see DimChest as peripheral so you can attach a computer and access to DimChest functions:
- String getOwner(): return DimChest owner name (default is “public”)
- int getFreq(): return the DimChest frequency.
- setOwner(String owner): allow computer to change DimChest owner (not possible when DimChest is locked) .
- setPublic(): allow computer to change DimChest owner for “public” (not possible when DimChest is locked) .
- setFreq(int freq): allow computer to change DimChest frequency (not possible when DimChest is locked) .

- Code sample:
local dimchest = peripheral.wrap(“right”)


if dimchest.isLocked()then
  print(“DimChestisnot locked, changing frequence”)

Simple Lock - Protect your land
Kinda like PnC's (PneumaticCraft) Security Station but no way to hack in
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@Fixided unless those mods came out today/recently, it's not really worth mentioning here AND the other thread ;)

If they did, ignore me.
Yup, today or yesterday, depends on which timezone you're at.

Tip: You could check the thread and see when it was created.
The other thread might be an exception for old mods, if it's not well known and is pretty useful
RWTema ‏@Extra_Utilities
Working on re-adding FMP support for Connected textures blocks to 1.7. (FMP's rendering system changed quite a bit) pic.twitter.com/ThzjPiE4Sa
RWTema @Extra_Utilities · 1h
Making progress on glass, it connects properly but you may notice it still draws side faces between the microblocks. pic.twitter.com/o2xYrcBBAg
RWTema @Extra_Utilities · 17m
Okay, FMP connected textures work again. The 1.7 update is now officially complete. pic.twitter.com/F87SIhAJG2
I found 2 new mods! (Posted in Not_Steve's new/unknown mod thread too)

My thoughts on an idle morning hour....

Okay, so you seem to find value and relevance in maintaining the other thread, appropriately called "Mod discovery". Now, I posit that if a certain mod is not part of the usual mod packs then there is a likelihood of it not being known to a wider public (*) . Now use your own common sense and post it in one or the other. If it is relatively new or if it is not part of a relatively well known mod pack, you might as well leave it in just the "discovery" thread for people to discover, pick it up and comment on it.

IIRC, this thread also started as just any other forum thread before it gained traction with contributions from everyone (public memory being short and all). Let's allow time and compound interest to do the same trick on the other thread too.

(*) - sure, there are exceptions to this rule, but in general this would be case. I definitely do not browse the MCF forums in the hope of discovering hidden "mod gems" ;)
So, the magical crops beta stuff is rather neat. There's no official changelog, but from what I've seen, there's ars magica 2 support and new potion plants. These plants give an item that, when used, apply a short potion buff to the player. I don;t remember the buffs, but I think they last 20 seconds each. There's also new fences that instantly kill mobs that get too close if they're adjacent to magical crops. Nifty for those pesky spiders. Also in are a new flight armor set and some lower-tier magic crops tools and armor. Granted this stuff is 2 weeks old, but since nobody posted a changelog I felt why the heck not. It's beta and new and neat. And I like making resources rather than mining them.

new day, new update, and today it's @Mineshopper with Carpenter's Blocks
Mineshopper said:
>> Version 3.1.6 Changelog
  • Fixed dye crash introduced in Forge build 1113. Must use build 1118 to get correct dye coloration.
  • Removed tile entity restriction for covers (some blocks may look unusual as covers).
  • Added config option to add cover exceptions with Thaumcraft planks added by default.
  • Fixed block sounds playing incorrectly, and sound-related errors in console.
  • Cleaned up configuration and made custom overlay items easier to add.
  • NOTE: I advise deleting your existing config and starting fresh.

and @Mithion posted a tweet for Ars Magica
Mithion said:
Trippy. Ender boots, anyone?
My thoughts on an idle morning hour....

Okay, so you seem to find value and relevance in maintaining the other thread, appropriately called "Mod discovery". Now, I posit that if a certain mod is not part of the usual mod packs then there is a likelihood of it not being known to a wider public (*) . Now use your own common sense and post it in one or the other. If it is relatively new or if it is not part of a relatively well known mod pack, you might as well leave it in just the "discovery" thread for people to discover, pick it up and comment on it.

IIRC, this thread also started as just any other forum thread before it gained traction with contributions from everyone (public memory being short and all). Let's allow time and compound interest to do the same trick on the other thread too.

(*) - sure, there are exceptions to this rule, but in general this would be case. I definitely do not browse the MCF forums in the hope of discovering hidden "mod gems" ;)
If I understand correctly, the reason the mods were listed here is because they were new mods. Which does kind of fit under the category of mod news.
If I understand correctly, the reason the mods were listed here is because they were new mods. Which does kind of fit under the category of mod news.

It's all down to semantics (and individual interpretation) now... While the original intent of this thread becoming the "be all, end all" of all things modded in minecraft is honourable, reality is that the familiar ones still get discussed a lot and analysed, while the new mods get buried in that pile of overall traffic.

I'll place my last post here for clarity again.
As in real life, when something gets too big, it is a good idea to break it into smaller, manageable pieces. We do it in our own lives. Why not here in forums? I mean, this thread is now a venerable juggernaut (congrats to @Yusunoha for the "aha" moment and to everyone else that pitched in). But, due to the traffic and post volume of late, it is getting pretty hard to keep up with all the posts and updates happening here on any given day. So, with that premise:
  1. People have been probably staring at this thread for long enough to get a few "what if?" "would it be better if we did this like this?" moments for this thread and future ones. Shooting people down at the first suggestion and mention of alternate solutions that go against "this is how we've always done things around here" is a bad idea to begin with.
  2. Creating a "uniform format" of presentation is not a bad idea on its own. Like a manual of style, having everyone do it in a certain way, means the eyes "trip over" the relevant information and stay focussed for the details when needed... But the eyes need to train for what to "trip over". A uniform format achieves this... Look no further than our own wiki guidelines, or the mod config files or the ore dictionary entries for usefulness of having a uniform format.
  3. It is not a bad idea to hive off "unheard of" mods into a separate thread. After all, we've already done it once before with the "Recent events discussion thread". Why not again? We can use this thread as the "go-to" thread for all our old favourites. The newly formed thread becomes the "go-to" point for mods that we are not aware of. Already, trying to find information about a certain known mod's update discussion on this thread is a "needle on the haystack" affair. God help us if we have to find about "that new thingummy-bob mod that adds those fancy doo-daads which interacts with itemducts" on this thread one month from now. A separate thread for 'esoteric' mods is not going to help much in searching like what I've mentioned, but as a separate thread, navigating "X number of posts" to get to the information you need, will be that much easier. I am sure everyone sees that POV.

Like it or not, the most comment and user traffic is generated by the "familiar" mods. Which is fine, since the familiarity lends to all the ensuing discussion. But the side effect of that is that if a "brand new" or "esoteric" mod gets posted in that melee, it quickly gets buried. So why not make a thread on just those new mods? I definitely think there is strength in that idea. Which is what I point out time and again.

The sad fact is, while people are supportive of the theory of wanting to learn about new mods, time constraints and RL means that we stick with the familiar most of the time. But (with a dedicated 'unheard mods' thread) when someone wants to break the rut of the familiar, all the "brand new" new mods are "grouped" in one place, waiting to be picked and chosen, and mixed and matched! [emphasis mine]

As to my comment on the uniformity of syntax (bullet points 1 and 2), the OP @Not_Steve placed it by accident here instead of his other thread, but by then someone else asked for clarification here before he managed to delete it, and he was forced to respond here for continuity... it got some unnecessary flak without people necessarily appreciating the overall context of it (that it was originally for his other thread) so I made a point on that.

Last time @Padfoote said he didn't care too much on the outcome of this debate on this thread. I agree. I've gone past caring now since I can see it's all down to individual interpretation of whatever POV someone wants to approach it. I am no moderator, after all, ;) so, this might be the last time I make point on this public.

People can do whatever the hell that pleases the hell out of them and post wherever the hell they like on whatever the hell takes their fancy on these forums, :p :) aaaannnnd with that I'm done. :)
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Weekly Logistics Pipes Update

0.7.4.dev.242 thru 0.7.4.dev.246
davboecki and artforz said:
1.Add missing setSlot. Fix issue #377.
(NullPointerException in NewGuiHandler.openGui #377)
2.add lots of checks on disks. fix request table treats any item as disk
3.Add workaround for BC tank drain(), Fixes #365
(Logistics Fluid Supplier and Honey #365)
4.Add sanity check to Quicksort, getMultipleItems is allowed to return null or fewer items than requested.
There is another thread for welcoming Elo back and some comments

Let's leave that conversion to that thread and move on with the normal topic of this thread ;)
My fault :D

In other news, my twitter buddy sheen is working on a technology mod. He's not known for tech mods, but he's a great modder nonetheless. He made a mod called RioV by himself which is about as big as divine RPG...

Not much information yet, but he has a logo picture...
WOOT! \o/ The one I've been wanting so bad!

@Vswe ported Steve's Factory Manager to 1.7.2


Alpha 85
  • Port to 1.7.2.
  • One can now use commands to animate the components of a built manager to see how it could've looked when it was put together.
  • A command is used by simply typing it on your keyboard when nothing in the interface is selected.
  • Use the commands 'buttons', 'mouse' and 'info' to toggle the visibility of gui components.
  • Use the commands 'green', 'blue' and 'pink' to toggle the use of green/blue/pink screens.
  • Use the commands 'animslow', 'animate', 'animfast', 'animrapid' and 'animinstant' to start the animation in various speeds (1, 2, 5, 20, and 100 respectively).