I'm currently working on 1.7 version!
DimStorage add an improved and technologic version of Vanilla Ender Chests with more functionalities:
- chest owner selection
- inventory frequence selection
- lock system for private usage !
Dimensional Chest:
Allow player to access storage for configured owner and frequency.
“Frequency” is a number choose by player and who allow to identify the chest content.
A public DimChest with frequency 5 share his inventory with others DimChest who are publics and with the same frequency.
A private DimChest with frequency 5 doen’t share his inventory with previous DimChest because he’s public !
Same way if frequencies are differents !
The “locked” mode allow access interdiction for players who are not the DimChest owner.
Hoppers or other piping system are disabled when “locked” mode is active !
- Dimensional Chest UI:
- ComputerCraft usage:
ComputerCraft see DimChest as peripheral so you can attach a computer and access to DimChest functions:
- String getOwner(): return DimChest owner name (default is “public”)
- int getFreq(): return the DimChest frequency.
- setOwner(String owner): allow computer to change DimChest owner (not possible when DimChest is locked) .
- setPublic(): allow computer to change DimChest owner for “public” (not possible when DimChest is locked) .
- setFreq(int freq): allow computer to change DimChest frequency (not possible when DimChest is locked) .
- Code sample:
local dimchest = peripheral.wrap(“right”)
if dimchest.isLocked()then
print(“DimChestisnot locked, changing frequence”)