Too Much Free Time
So Azanor posted this
Good luck trying to decipher it.
So Azanor posted this
Good luck trying to decipher it.
So Azanor posted this
Good luck trying to decipher it.
Currently Aura nodes are breaches between this world and somewhere else through which magical energy flows. By ripping open the breach and allowing magical energy to flood into this world, Aura nodes can be transformed into power sources which will fuel various magical devices. Most items that currently require a steady supply of essentia (Infernal Furnace, Lamp of Growth, Lamp of Fertility, Arcane Bore, Magic Mirror, MAYBE the arcane Levitator) will run on this new power system. These items will still be able to accept Essentia, however it will have to be pumped directly into them through essentia pipes, and the devices will require much more Essentia than they do now, if you choose to still power them with Essentia.
This new system will allow you to transmit vis from specially-equipped aura nodes through special relay crystals, into these devices. The relays each have a range of 8 blocks, and can transmit through walls, so there's no need to worry about aesthetic clutter if you don't like how they look.
The power generated by a node for a particular aspect is proportional to the square root of the aspect's capacity. In other words, nodes with many aspects produce far more vis overall than single-aspect nodes. Therefore, you'll probably want to use node stabilizers to allow your nodes to steal from one another and trade aspects before turning them into power generators.
You will be able to use this system to charge wands in arcane crafting tables. (Implying there's something coming soon which will require continuously charged wands in crafting tables)
Magic Mirrors will be able to accept items from pipes and hoppers directly. They will have a nigh-unlimited storage buffer. They will output one random item per tick, however, if they receive high traffic they will gain "instability". This reduces their output rate. Powering them with essentia from pipes, or Vis from the new power system will reduce instability, restoring their output rate. Instability may also produce other interesting effects.
From Reddit (some unverified source)
Rewrite/update for 1.7.2
Lots of fixes to various things that were broken/missing/crash prone.
Supports Too Many Biomes villages.
Biomes can be disabled by setting biomeID to -1, instead of having 50% more config settings.
New, unused block of biomeIDs, so far less likely to need to fiddle with the config.
I knew the two devices on the left had to due with node manipulation and stabilization. Honestly campers, Thaumcraft is getting to a level of complexity that may move it into needing a dedicated pack of its own.
Agreed. I'll be interested to see how the growing addon family takes advantage of the new 1.7 content. I'd also throw Blood Magic in that pack since some TC addons help interweave the two mods. Thaumic Sanguimancers, I like it.I honestly think if there is one mod that could handle it's own pack it's Thaumcraft.
Something like Thaumcraft, Thaumic Tinkerer, some of the lesser known addons, Reliquary with Thaumic Reliquary enabled and then Biomes O Plenty. You've got a pretty decent world then.
Agreed. I'll be interested to see how the growing addon family takes advantage of the new 1.7 content. I'd also throw Blood Magic in that pack since some TC addons help interweave the two mods. Thaumic Sanguimancers, I like it.
he did the same thing but in a different machine a month or so ago. this better be real this timeI'll just leave this here: http://puu.sh/9tFM0/0aa4ec70af.png
I'll just leave this here: http://puu.sh/9tFM0/0aa4ec70af.png
I'm working on it now. I'll PM you the potential modlist in a minute. It's seeming a bit light on TC Addons, so please recommend some good ones.Tainted Blood: Thaumic Sanguimancy. A 1.7 modpack featuring Blood Magic, Thaumcraft & addon friends. Potentially coming to you soon.
I'm working on it now. I'll PM you the potential modlist in a minute. It's seeming a bit light on TC Addons, so please recommend some good ones.
I'm working on it now. I'll PM you the potential modlist in a minute. It's seeming a bit light on TC Addons, so please recommend some good ones.
I recommend adding :
Thaumcraft Extras
Forbidden Magic
Thaumic Exploration
Thanks for your input. I've just added the latter 2.I recommend adding :
Thaumcraft Extras
Forbidden Magic
Thaumic Exploration
Igor.... Flip the dance machine!
ELN has been updated to a stable 1.7.2 release!
What! You don't know what these 3 alphabets mean?!
It's short for ElectricalAge!
Do you hate zombies?
Do you want moar ores?
Does these questions bedaffle you?
If you answered yes! Too bad this mod ain't for you!
Electrical age is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform the industrialisation of your minecraft world..The content is more than 150 items/blocks.This mod is not just another electrical mod because of hisunique simulation model. Electricity is not echanged with "packet" like in EU, I2C, BuildCraft, but with a real model that allows to do unseen possibilities !
A better simulation
Electrical simulation with resistive and capacitive effects. Behaviour similar to those of real life objects.Multiple electrical sources
Furnaces, Solar panels, Wind turbines, Batteries, Capacitors, ...
Break the cube
Cables, sensors, actuators, alarms, etc. can be placed on each face (outer and inner) of a cube
witch allows a significant reduction of the consumed space by electrical installations.
Night-lighting revisited
Lamps, switches, captors, ...
Small and big electricals consumers
From the lamps, electrical furnaces,... to the miners, transporters, ...
Incredible tools
XRay scanner, flashlight, portable mining drill, ...
Old redstones circuits can be exploited with electrical - redstones converters.
Game lifetime/complexity extended
A consequent list of new raw materials and items...
Some tutorial maps are available on the release page.
"ElectricalAge_tutorial" map is a step by step tutorial
"tutoAll" map is a show room
In game controls
To open the integrated wiki it's X key.
To turn some small wall blocks it's C key + right click.
To interact with some items it's C key.
The large majority of blocks are totaly finished. Some sound are actualy missing but it's in the pipeline.
Actualy we are focussed in releasing a version with all current stuff finished.
The Electrical Age Team:
Source Code:
3D models and texturing:
Public Relations / Wikia Writer
Others contributions
DrummingFish (GUI text parsing, testing)
But that does add "moar ores"Igor.... Flip the dance machine!
ELN has been updated to a stable 1.7.2 release!
What! You don't know what these 3 alphabets mean?!
It's short for..
Do you hate zombies?
Do you want moar ores?
Does these questions bedaffle you?
If you answered yes! Too bad this mod ain't for you!
Electrical age is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform the industrialisation of your minecraft world..The content is more than 150 items/blocks.This mod is not just another electrical mod because of it's unique simulation model. Electricity is not exchanged with "packet" like in EU, I2C, BuildCraft, but with a real model that allows to do unseen possibilities !
A better simulation
Electrical simulation with resistive and capacitive effects. Behaviour similar to those of real life objects.
Multiple electrical sources
Furnaces, Solar panels, Wind turbines, Batteries, Capacitors, ...
Break the cube
Cables, sensors, actuators, alarms, etc. can be placed on each face (outer and inner) of a cube
witch allows a significant reduction of the consumed space by electrical installations.
Night-lighting revisited
Lamps, switches, captors, ...
Small and big electricals consumers
From the lamps, electrical furnaces,... to the miners, transporters, ...
Incredible tools
XRay scanner, flashlight, portable mining drill, ...
Old redstones circuits can be exploited with electrical - redstones converters.
Game lifetime/complexity extended
A consequent list of new raw materials and items...
Some tutorial maps are available on the release page.
"ElectricalAge_tutorial" map is a step by step tutorial
"tutoAll" map is a show room
In game controls
To open the integrated wiki it's X key.
To turn some small wall blocks it's C key + right click.
To interact with some items it's C key.
The large majority of blocks are totaly finished. Some sound are actualy missing but it's in the pipeline.
Actualy we are focussed in releasing a version with all current stuff finished.
The Electrical Age Team:
Source Code:
3D models and texturing:
Public Relations / Wikia Writer
Others contributions
DrummingFish (GUI text parsing, testing)
So Azanor posted this
Good luck trying to decipher it.