What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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Just wondering can 1 forestry tree farm provide enough logs to keep a 36LP boiler running? If so, how many hobbyist/commercial/industrial steam engines could I run?
I don't know about a forestry farm, but a Steve's carts farm can.
a steve's cart farm could be as large as you want it though i think the more important thing is how SMALL can a steve's cart farm be and still produce enough for a boiler
Just wondering can 1 forestry tree farm provide enough logs to keep a 36LP boiler running? If so, how many hobbyist/commercial/industrial steam engines could I run?
You'd obviously need to process it first (turn into charcoal or scaffolds), but there should be more than enough wood in that to keep you going.
You'd obviously need to process it first (turn into charcoal or scaffolds), but there should be more than enough wood in that to keep you going.

So basically, as long as I autosmelt the wood, I should be good?
Not as impressive as most here but still.


Engine room:

You can see the fuel storage behind the engines. I have 20 commercial steam engines (I can only use 18, slight miscalculation) hooked up to it and that 72MJ/t it procues is currently way more than I can use. Guess I'll just go and smelt cobble or something :D
Here is my FTB setup... running a boiler without Logistics Pipes was a new challenge for me. I figured it was best to create something that required as little manual input as possible but also gave me good "bang for my buck" when it came to power output. I am using a full-size high-pressure liquid fired boiler powering 18 industrial steam engines.

I decided to go with as simple of a setup as possible, that used as little MJ as possible to produce fuel for the boiler. Here is what I ended up with this week:

Two 21x21 Cactus farms being harvested by Forestry mod Cactus loggers supply the materials. This minimizes MJ usage since only a "logger" is required, and nothing is required to place/store/replace materials unlike the tree farm setup I am used to using when Logistics Pipes is available...


The cacti are sent into a single Fermenter. The fermenter has a hopper on top that is filled with mulch. With the hopper feeding it mulch, I only need to add mulch to the hopper around once per 24 hours to keep things running. That is the ONLY manual input that is required. The boiler and fermenter are fed by a Aqueous Accumulator that is submerged in a 3x3x3 water tub under the floor. Gold pipes are needed the supply enough water to the boiler and the fermenter.


The fermenter supplies biomass that is "tee'd" into 2 Stills that produce biofuel that is pumped directly into the boiler.


Connected to the "tee" between the two Stills is another liquid pipe that runs to a Bio generator - the bio generator takes the (small) amount of excess fuel that the boiler is unable to consume and turns it into EU that keep my MFE full, allowing me to idle my Rotary Macerator, Induction Furnace, and Singularity Compressor in a "powered on" mode so they are always ready to use.


The biggest bottleneck with this system is that when the MFE fills up, eventually the stills back up and the Bio generator does as well, eventually leading to an overflow of some cactus - I need to set up some kind of device to burn off excess energy when the MFE fills up to prevent this from happening. Overall I'm really happy with this setup, in the future I may upgrade to a Steve's Carts tree farm to convert saplings into biomass since that is a bit more efficient than Cacti, however, at the moment I have way more MJ power than I can even begin to think of using. If only there was a device to convert it to EU...
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on boilers: Super simple thing for water is to use aqueous accumulator directly underneath. I put water next to them, but even if you don't water rate dry is still enough.

The solid fueled firebox will take fuel from chests adjacent to any firebox, so overflow should not be a worry.

36 LP boiler is 360 steam, 360/5 = 72MJ tick you could get with all MJ engines. You divvy up the steam however you want: 2 steam turbines (50EU/t each) + 40 steam leftover, 9 industrial, 18 commercial, or 36 hobbyist. Or some combination of those.

At full heat 1 charcoal will last just under 17 seconds. You will need about 215 charcoal an hour. 3 stacks + 23.

I haven't started a cold LP at 36, but an 18 HP took about half a double chest of peat to get to max heat. It is a little less efficient than a 36 LP.
I'm a bit OCD-ish when it comes to symmetry. Guess I'm a stereotypical nerd in that regard ;)

I'm a bit OCPD about correcting people using OCD when they mean OCPD.

OCD = Compulsion to repeat actions or avoid actions. IE, washing your hands exactly 20 times, never stepping on cracks, locking each lock exactly 3 times is OCD.
OCPD = A compulsion to set disorder into order. IE, alphabetizing the books in a bookstore when you don't work there or making sure all your steam pipes coming out of your boiler are symmetrical. ;)

As for my power room, this is probably going to be the one that people look at and think, "That's it? That's like, the first day, right? Tell me that's the first day."


There's 3 generations of power in that picture. Hidden in the back are my original 2 TE Steam engines fed by hoppers. They are setup with an LP Supplier to keep them stocked with 64+16 scaffolds. To the side of it is an unimproved Forestry Electrical Engine which is hooked up to 5 standard solar panels. I have disabled Advanced Solar Panels, GregTech, etc, and only use base IC2, barely.

The 576 bucket, 3x3x4 railcraft biogas tank is fed by a single fermenter that eats saplings from a single spruce farm. It, in turn, feeds 3 biogas engines. That is my third generation of power. They replaced a set of TE Magmatics as I got sick of hitting up the nether for netherrack. All my 'rack now goes for obsidian.

The 576 3x3x4 tank is my fuel tank. It feeds into 3 BC combustion entines. That's the forth, and most recent, generation of power in my base. I've already blown them up once because I was feeding them using cobblestone waterproof pipes from the third railcraft 3x3x4 tank on the right. It is my water supply that feeds water to all my engines, a small BC tank next to my Thaumcraft crucible, and the carpenters in the foreground.

The whole setup uses TE REConduiets feeds into the bottom RECell near the Electrical Engine. That, in turn, feeds a Power Converters MJ->EU LV converter that feeds my whole 4, largely untouched IC2 machines. The fermenter has its own RECell so I can kickstart my fuel production as well as to throttle it to 1MJ/t. Of the upper RECells the right one is my portable power for far-off oil extraction. The left one is for my bank of TE machines, which is my primary ore processing setup. It throttles them to 30 MJ/t.

The biogas engines run 24/7 and provide a base 15MJ/t. This slowly trickle charges the primary RECell so that power is available when I hit peak demand. When I am running my ore processing or assembly table I turn on the combustion engines to provide another 18MJ/t to offset my peak usage. When I really overload the system I turn on the old Steam engines for an additional 8 MJ/t. The electrical engine kicks in another 2MJ/t during the day.

Base: 15MJ/t - 17MJ/t.
Peak: 33MJ/t - 35MJ/t.
Overload: 41MJ/t - 43MJ/t.

I'd say over 80% of the time I'm running at base generation and rely on the RECell buffers to accommodate any temporary usage over that amount. I just opened up the area behind the two tanks and intend to drop in another 3x3x4 and start producing biofuel. I'll probably moved my biogas production off saplings and onto cactus by then, too.
I am only considering it because outside the wall on the right I have a small 8 cacti farm I set up for cheap and easy waterproofing. As that screenie I had a good 7 stacks just sitting around mocking me. :)
This is what my whole room looks like: http://imgur.com/a/R2n8I

Oil gets dumped into an iron chest with Mystcraft portals + railcraft unloader. That gets converted into fuel with 4 refineries. The fuel then gets sent to my liquid boiler from underground. The power from that goes into my processing machines, which uses BC pipes to filter out (the loop around was made to prevent ore blocks from going into my Factorization router) and routed to their proper barrels using Factorization routers.
Cactus is the easiest farm to automate as it has been possible since cactus was added. Doesn't require any redstoning etc. I'm wondering if some bright mind "fixes" the cactus mechanics in this burst of bug fixing done by Mojang.
Here is my FTB setup... running a boiler without Logistics Pipes was a new challenge for me. I figured it was best to create something that required as little manual input as possible but also gave me good "bang for my buck" when it came to power output. I am using a full-size high-pressure liquid fired boiler powering 18 industrial steam engines.

I decided to go with as simple of a setup as possible, that used as little MJ as possible to produce fuel for the boiler. Here is what I ended up with this week:

Two 21x21 Cactus farms being harvested by Forestry mod Cactus loggers supply the materials. This minimizes MJ usage since only a "logger" is required, and nothing is required to place/store/replace materials unlike the tree farm setup I am used to using when Logistics Pipes is available...

The cacti are sent into a single Fermenter. The fermenter has a hopper on top that is filled with mulch. With the hopper feeding it mulch, I only need to add mulch to the hopper around once per 24 hours to keep things running. That is the ONLY manual input that is required. The boiler and fermenter are fed by a Aqueous Accumulator that is submerged in a 3x3x3 water tub under the floor. Gold pipes are needed the supply enough water to the boiler and the fermenter.

The fermenter supplies biomass that is "tee'd" into 2 Stills that produce biofuel that is pumped directly into the boiler.

Connected to the "tee" between the two Stills is another liquid pipe that runs to a Bio generator - the bio generator takes the (small) amount of excess fuel that the boiler is unable to consume and turns it into EU that keep my MFE full, allowing me to idle my Rotary Macerator, Induction Furnace, and Singularity Compressor in a "powered on" mode so they are always ready to use.

The biggest bottleneck with this system is that when the MFE fills up, eventually the stills back up and the Bio generator does as well, eventually leading to an overflow of some cactus - I need to set up some kind of device to burn off excess energy when the MFE fills up to prevent this from happening. Overall I'm really happy with this setup, in the future I may upgrade to a Steve's Carts tree farm to convert saplings into biomass since that is a bit more efficient than Cacti, however, at the moment I have way more MJ power than I can even begin to think of using. If only there was a device to convert it to EU...
Very impressive.

If you are not using GregTech, then the MassFabricator would be the logical choice to dump excess EU into.
Maybe get a MFSU in place, and then look at having a forcefield? That'll take a ton of power.
Overflow cacti could be dumped into a recycler (I think that will work), turned into scrap boxes, open them to have small chances of other useful (and non-useful) items.
After that, work out an automated system to add mulch, and you have a setup that I know I would be proud off.
Ok, here's my little biofuel production facility utilizing cactus: http://imgur.com/a/n9xaL#1RiKS

It's greatly expendable and currently making 45 Mj/t which is enough to feed 10 layers of cactus farms, 3 fermenters and 3 refineries. At the current rate it's making 1 bucket of biofuel every 20-30 seconds but I can add about 15 more layers of cactus if needed.

It has a storage of about 19,000 buckets of biofuel (3 tanks each has about 6,2k buckets) and after that I'll start canning the fuel....what can I say, I love hoarding stuff :)