What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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I use an MFFS FE to EU converter at 512 eu/T feeding into storage. I have found that 1 hybrid solar panel can keep 4 quarries running at max speed, possibly 5, with 2 electrical engines, upgraded with 2 bronze tubes each, per quarry, extremely efficient and easy to move.
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Thanks to the suggestions of some of ya'll in this thread I decided to convert 100 of my 144MJ from my boiler into Industrialcraft power.

5 Igneous Extruders feed cobblestone to 5 Magma Cruicbles, which in turn send the lava into 5 Geothermal generators. 100 EU/T is more than enough for me at the moment...

I would like to mention that a single igenous extruder cobble gen can keep a massive amount of magma crucibles fed. I managed to get a single one to feed 18 crucibles, and only stopped because it was using more power than both of my HP liquid boilers could support. It's a shame that test world got borked or I would've built a few more boilers to see just how many a single cobblegen could support.
Well, this is my massive power room.


Not shown: two magma crucibles feeding into the maximum size railcraft tank (containing a very small percentage of magma), which then feeds up to the overhead pipe. The water pipe is of course fed from an aqueous accumulator. And there's a few other machines around, but they're not really relevant.

I would like to mention that a single igenous extruder cobble gen can keep a massive amount of magma crucibles fed. I managed to get a single one to feed 18 crucibles, and only stopped because it was using more power than both of my HP liquid boilers could support. It's a shame that test world got borked or I would've built a few more boilers to see just how many a single cobblegen could support.
Why are you melting cobble into magma? Where's the energy gain? I use netherrack in order to actually put MJ into the system.
D: build a dozen advanced solar panels connected to an MFS to 4 electrical engines. Plenty of backup power for startups :)

I don't build stuff I personally consider cheating. Advanced solar panels make no sense to me whatsoever. A single regular solar panel can convert the solar energy falling on the surface to 1 EU/t. An advanced one can convert the same amount of energy to 512EU/t? So this is just my personal opinion on the stuff.

Why are you melting cobble into magma? Where's the energy gain? I use netherrack in order to actually put MJ into the system.

Same here. I personally just disagree with this 'solution' to the problem of 'free' magma. I think pumps should be just disabled in the Nether making lava a finite resource again.
Why are you melting cobble into magma? Where's the energy gain? I use netherrack in order to actually put MJ into the system.

If you looked at the post above mine you'd understand what he was doing with it. With current conversion ratios, you can melt cobble in a magma crucible to produce a bucket of lava for 20k MJ. That bucket of lava can then be fed into Geothermal Generators for 20k EU, so it's a 1:1 conversion of MJ to EU, which is much higher than any other conversion ratio outside of Turbines, which require a fairly large amount of steel for their upkeep. With this system there is 0 upkeep outside of fuel costs.
Reeds are more efficient. They grow faster and you can also stack more in a 21x21 area (a single harvester) because although reeds need water, cactii can't be next to each other. So a simple reed-setup with rows nets you with 14x21 (7 rows needed for water) = 294 reeds. For cactii it's only 21x21/2 = 220. And as far as I know cactii grow slower.

This is my farm:

I found out that 2 layers aren't enough to keep a single fermenter topped off so I build a 3rd. That fermenter ferments faster than 3 stills can digest. I use it to feed my liquid fuel 3x3 boiler. I'm currently thinking of a back-up plan to be able to restart my fuel production system in the case I for some reason run out of fuel, because I have a bit of an issue there.

I have a low pressure 3x3x4 steam boiler that delivers 72MJ/t. More than enough for my base but if I leave my system running my fermenter will run out of compost and in the end that will result in my boiler running out of fuel and stopping. Then I will have a chicken / egg situation where I don't have to power to generate fuel I need to generate power.

So basically there are three options:
-A: easy, just use some biomass engines that can be used to kick-start the production again.
-B: bit more complex: I have craptons of coal I can feed steam engines with
-C: even more complex: make a separate smaller solid fuel boiler that I can use to kickstart my entire base untill my main boiler can take over.

Since C is by far the most complex option it's the one I'm picking :D
I've been toying around in creative on reed farm setups, and it is actually possible to increase that amount of reeds within the double stacked area. I found a design in the talk section of the minecraft wiki on sugar canes, and utilizing the design at http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Talk:Sugar_Cane#80.25_efficiency.2C_5x5_pattern. It's near the 80% theoretical maximum of space that you can get for sugarcanes, and since it was 5x5, I could just put it in a 4x4 pattern, with the edges for 21x21 filled out. A bit less for the piping and conduit necessary to run the harvester. I found it best to just do the corners of the 5x5 layout be a different material, then just fill in the positions off 4, 6, 13, 20, and 22 over and over, nice and repeatable and I don't have to bog myself with remembering the positions for all of the water locations, just those locations repeated. I think it's fairly near to the maximum efficiency, which is about 80%, or 352 or so reeds in that 441 block range. 2 of those stacked with 1 harvester, and it seemed to actually be more output than the fermenter could handle, but I'm not sure if that was justa circumstance from testing it in a flatworld. Should be possible to run the system hopefully on 5 or 6 combustion engines running on biofuel it produces until you get the steel and fuel stockpiled that is required required for a HP boiler setup. I haven't actually built it legitimately yet, as I was waiting for the new version of FTB to come out before doing an actual world. Also, you can produce mulch for the fermenter with wheat in a moistener, reduces the need to setup a tree farm to get apples or any number of other things. Also you can get mossy cobblestone as a bonus. Might make it a bit easier to automate everything. I'm sure doing a tree farm with saplings making biofuel and such, but it's certainly a lot less maintainance. Also something to keep in mind for the future, according to the changelog for the latest version of railcraft, the fuel requirements for boilers roughly doubled, but liquid fueled fireboxes were also doubled, so it looks like it was a nerf to the solid fueled fireboxes. Will probably be an even better idea to power it by biofuel.
One thing that is confusing me on all of these setups is that people seem insanely overpowered. Meaning they are generating a ton of power yet I have no clue what they are spending it on.

For example my setup idles at 15MJ/t and peaks at just shy of 50MJ/t but it is rare I need to peak it out. My biogas engines run constantly, my 3x3x4 tank is topped off and my fermenter idles most of the time. In fact I have 4 static RECells in my network, the LP buffer and 1 more RECell which I use for remote installs. My RECells are constantly topped of which is why I rarely need to throttle up past my base 15MJ/t. In fact, if I don't dump things into my network every now and again my primary buffer cell will be full and I have to make a choice, burn biogas while idling or power off the biogas engines and have to make a lava run eventually. This is because each branch of my power network is throttled to what it needs to operate. The treefarm, 1MJ/t. The cacti/fermenter branch, 2MJ/t (or was it 1?). My ore processing line, 30MJ/t.

People say they are generating 50-70Mj/t constantly. And spending it on what, exactly? Is it just generation without actual output? I can see the need to spike up that high if you've got a quarry or two currently running, but that is a temporary state of affairs from which you should eventually throttle back from.
I've been toying around in creative on reed farm setups, and it is actually possible to increase that amount of reeds within the double stacked area. I found a design in the talk section of the minecraft wiki on sugar canes, and utilizing the design at http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Talk:Sugar_Cane#80.25_efficiency.2C_5x5_pattern. It's near the 80% theoretical maximum of space that you can get for sugarcanes, and since it was 5x5, I could just put it in a 4x4 pattern, with the edges for 21x21 filled out. A bit less for the piping and conduit necessary to run the harvester. I found it best to just do the corners of the 5x5 layout be a different material, then just fill in the positions off 4, 6, 13, 20, and 22 over and over, nice and repeatable and I don't have to bog myself with remembering the positions for all of the water locations, just those locations repeated. I think it's fairly near to the maximum efficiency, which is about 80%, or 352 or so reeds in that 441 block range. 2 of those stacked with 1 harvester, and it seemed to actually be more output than the fermenter could handle, but I'm not sure if that was justa circumstance from testing it in a flatworld. Should be possible to run the system hopefully on 5 or 6 combustion engines running on biofuel it produces until you get the steel and fuel stockpiled that is required required for a HP boiler setup. I haven't actually built it legitimately yet, as I was waiting for the new version of FTB to come out before doing an actual world. Also, you can produce mulch for the fermenter with wheat in a moistener, reduces the need to setup a tree farm to get apples or any number of other things. Also you can get mossy cobblestone as a bonus. Might make it a bit easier to automate everything. I'm sure doing a tree farm with saplings making biofuel and such, but it's certainly a lot less maintainance. Also something to keep in mind for the future, according to the changelog for the latest version of railcraft, the fuel requirements for boilers roughly doubled, but liquid fueled fireboxes were also doubled, so it looks like it was a nerf to the solid fueled fireboxes. Will probably be an even better idea to power it by biofuel.

I actually made a setup like that as a test. Although it does have a higher density I could not really be bothered with it because simply takes quite a bit longer to set up. Once builders start working again I might go for that setup. So this is the lines setup I use:

This is the setup I created that is quite a bit more efficient:
As you can see by simply shifting it one row up you can make it even better. You will have some gaps though.

So that's the full 21x21 layout. This one has about 29 more 'space' (probably a bit more even). The main issue I have with this one that to me that space isn't worth the extra time it takes to set this up. Especially making the covers over de water to place torches is a lot more work.
People say they are generating 50-70Mj/t constantly. And spending it on what, exactly? Is it just generation without actual output? I can see the need to spike up that high if you've got a quarry or two currently running, but that is a temporary state of affairs from which you should eventually throttle back from.

The thing is that if you have a Steam Boiler the amount of power it can deliver is dependent simply on the size (can be 1x1x1 to 3x3x4) and the type (high or low pressure). I use the biofuel to fuel a max size low pressure boiler (called a 36LP because it has 36m3 space and is low pressure). It doesn't matter if I use the steam to create 4 MJ/t or the maximum 72MJ/t; it will use the same amount of fuel to stay hot. A high pressure boiler of the same size will generate double the power but use double the fuel.

Steam Boilers are very powerful but they have a downside: heating them up costs a LOT of fuel (a cold one will eat 8 times as much fuel). So you basically have to commit to have one running constantly.

And yeah, most of the power I don't actually spend. I need 20MJ/T for my stills/fermenter, about 10MJ/t for my farms and 10MJ/t for my quarry. That leaves 32 MJ/t I have to 'spare'.

When it comes to power generation it's the same as everything else in minecraft: If it's worth doing it's worth overdoing ;)
It's a solar panel so it needs sun, poke a hole in the roof or put it outside and it won't power vanilla furnaces, make electric ones
Wisdoms: What are you trying to do? Powering furnaces with solar energy?
a) Solar panels topside needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky to produce 1 EU/t during sunshine
b) Vanilla furnaces don't work with EU, you need electric furnaces for that.
c) Electric furnaces need 3 EU/t, for a total of 390 EU per smelting operation. Your single solar panel won't help much. Use more and use a batbox as buffer.
Could people perhaps start using spoiler tags for images, please? Every time I load this page, I have to keep scrolling for several seconds as all the images load when I want to read the latest posts or post something myself.
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Ah, sorry. I have a 120mbit connection at home so I kinda forget what it was like for me 10 years ago ;)

Edit: Those diagrams I posted are 4kb each so I doubt that would cause a large delay for you. But anyway, I'll add spoiler tags.
Could people perhaps start using spoiler tags for images, please? Every time I load this page, I have to keep scrolling for several seconds as all the images load when I want to read the latest posts or post something myself.
Not to mention the window borders on those screens when Minecraft has a screenshot function built in that leaves them out.
Not to mention the window borders on those screens when Minecraft has a screenshot function built in that leaves them out.
It doesn't help that people quote posts with pictures in them, so there's even more. @.@

I totally think Wisdoms is trolling though. :p
Not to mention the window borders on those screens when Minecraft has a screenshot function built in that leaves them out.

Minecraft doesn't autoupload screencaptures to an image host ;)

Edit: Also it saving to PNG is a bit silly.