What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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EU and MJ are mostly used for different purposes, and conversion methods tend to be inefficient or costly in some way or another. If you want to eventually use all the goodies in FTB, you're going to need to generate both at some point. It's not a one or the other kind of thing.

As for nuclear reactors, that depends greatly on the design you go with. You would do yourself a favor to go ahead and look up information about their mechanics, decide what sort of designs you'd be comfortable with using, and then decide if the output of those designs are worth it to you. At the very least, nuclear reactors tend to output a great deal of power over the lifetime of the uranium cells.
I am using a steve's carts tree farm to produce wood, which I convert to charcoal in TE furnaces. Enough charcoal is produced to run 2x max size low-pressure boilers with plenty leftover. I am not doing so, but I assume I could easily be keeping the cart powered off the charcoal as well (right now I just manually shove a few stacks of higher yield fuel in every day or so) I am also just voiding the saplings atm, but you could always produce biofuel if you wanted to maximize output.
How do you guys keep your industrial steam engines from exploding? I manually switch mine on and off since i don't use that much power, but am trying to figure out an automatic system.
I was under the impression that you can't let them get too much stored energy, i'm gonna have to do a test in creative then.
I'm pretty sure they explode if they are running and not actually powering anything. I use gates to automate my steam engines to turn them on and off when power is needed. I have 4 of them connected to a TE energy cell which is then connected to various TE/BC machines. I use gates to send a redstone signal when the TE cell drops below a certain amount which then turns the steam engines on to recharge the TE cell back to full.
Not powering *anything* is the key. That means if it is dumping power into a pipe or conduit you are safe regardless of it is has an actual destination.
I'm designing a BioMass/BioFuel system. I currently have a Seed Oil (Melon Farm/Self Powering) system setup legitimately on a friends server, but it is down at the moment. (So no picture yet.)

Here is a picture of what I'm thinking for the core of the BioMass to MJ/t setup:

I'm having trouble with designing an automated moistener and fermenter but hope that RedPower will be my savior in that regard.

I'll try to show more sections/components as I design them.

Oh, and I plan on having only wheat farms be the source for the materials!
I'm pretty sure they explode if they are running and not actually powering anything. I use gates to automate my steam engines to turn them on and off when power is needed. I have 4 of them connected to a TE energy cell which is then connected to various TE/BC machines. I use gates to send a redstone signal when the TE cell drops below a certain amount which then turns the steam engines on to recharge the TE cell back to full.

Would you mind showing how you set this up? i'm having trouble figuring it out :/
Would you mind showing how you set this up? i'm having trouble figuring it out :/

Sorry, I just realized I was doing that on my 1.4.5 server. Gates will not work with any TE energy machinery in the 1.4.2 version. The 1.4.5 version has fixed this issue.
It, wha... It has?! Which specific version because the 1.4.5 setup I manually downloaded a few days ago didn't. :/

And what conditionals are you using on those biogas engines? I want to do something similar but can't get a decent conditional. The closest I can get is "has room for fuel" which, if the engine is running, is all the dang time. Wish there were specific levels, like <25% fuel, then signal.
Not powering *anything* is the key. That means if it is dumping power into a pipe or conduit you are safe regardless of it is has an actual destination.
actually i have had issues where even when connected to a wooden conductive pipe and onto a golden conductive pipe if the engine is left on it will overheat and explode if the power cannot go anywhere HOWEVER i did notice that if you just as much as 1 Redstone Energy Cell connected to the pipe network it will even when full stop the explosions

Those are Railcraft Iron Tanks.

and you can stack the railcraft tanks on top of each other for TRULY large amounts of liquid storage
I currently have been working on a crude biofuel system, in the hopes of refining it and shipping it off through railcraft to a bunch of machines. It is powered by a solid fueled boiler, (I may upgrade this to liquid and run it off biofuel after a while) that is run off of peat. The white orange white enderchest is connected to some tree farms.
A small reactor can get you 100 eu/t with a safe and simple setup with out heat buildup or explosion. The following link has several good reactors. I am using reactor 3 for UU Matter gen. http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=7681

Okay, so I'm going with this one as well, I guess. Problem is, I have no idea what the components are:

I mean, what do these components go inside of?