Here's my current setup powering 3 36hp boilers atm but will be expanding:

Tree farm with mfr fertilizer held on a level emitter to keep me network stocked with 1024 logs at all times, feeds to a sawmill that keeps 1024 planks in the system at all times and feeds boiler 1. Sawdust used to make charcoal for the blast furnace for steel production (I'd usually use coal coke but I need to use the charcoal for something).

MFR farm block 1: 4 planters and harvesters, 1 fertilizer. Keeps 1024 seeds, netherwart, carrots and potatoes in the network at all times, level emitters on the harvesters to control each product.

Other end of the room has similar set up with 4 more farms: 1 jungle log for cocoa beans and melon/pumpkin both using ic2 crops for small footprint. Same level control as other side.

9 coke ovens producing enough coal coke to run boiler 2, creosote is sent to semifluid generators for eu production. Coal is supplied from quarry and once level emitter works with mfr rednet (I'm currently on v0.5 beta) t5 wither skel will automatically maintain coal level at 1024 units or more.

Boilers, the one at this end isn't turned on yet but will use the ethanol in the orange steel tank that was produced by the bioreactor/unifier on the left closest to camera. Producing 432mj/t through 9 energycells, so 900mj/t potential burst power

Inside the bioreactor, supplied by the tree farm, the 7 farms and the bonemeal produced from bones from the wither skel spawner. I think my farms could easily run 2 of these.
Expansion plans under consideration: 18 more coke ovens to power 2 more 36hp coke boilers and 1 creosote boiler (24 coke ovens for enough creosote) running 6 steam turbines to produce 1200eu/t (and 2 more steam engines per boiler for left over steam). Numerous refined bees once I get extra bees to produce bc fuel and ethanol. 2nd bioreactor.