What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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Gah. I have to make a mockup of my planned energy system now. I've danced around it long enough.
Gah. I have to make a mockup of my planned energy system now. I've danced around it long enough.
It's okay man, I do the same thing every single world. I make something and then I just stare at it for hours on end. I don't know why it's so much fun.
Man I'm slow at being productive, let alone creative.

Here's my new setup:



Things I think of in regards to this setup;

44 Lily pads of Fertility might be overkill...
Powering 37 MFR planters, not so bad as I'd thought.
I need to learn how to create with expansion in mind!
Why does everything I think of generate frame lag?
Man I love that ceiling! (Never searching for an outlet!)
Uh, I can't turn this off without turning everything off...
Kinda feel like I used too many routers, but they work great at reducing overflow issues!!!

And lastly, RIP old Forestry harvester blocks. You allowed me to be creative in my builds and hide you away for visual awesomeness! (How will I farm in the future if the new Forestry farms, Steve's Carts and MFR harvesting looks funky to me?! MFR Planters are awesome at least!)
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Well, here is my power room!


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Here's my current setup powering 3 36hp boilers atm but will be expanding:

treefarm.jpg Tree farm with mfr fertilizer held on a level emitter to keep me network stocked with 1024 logs at all times, feeds to a sawmill that keeps 1024 planks in the system at all times and feeds boiler 1. Sawdust used to make charcoal for the blast furnace for steel production (I'd usually use coal coke but I need to use the charcoal for something).

farm1.jpg MFR farm block 1: 4 planters and harvesters, 1 fertilizer. Keeps 1024 seeds, netherwart, carrots and potatoes in the network at all times, level emitters on the harvesters to control each product.

farm2.jpg Other end of the room has similar set up with 4 more farms: 1 jungle log for cocoa beans and melon/pumpkin both using ic2 crops for small footprint. Same level control as other side.

cokeovens.jpg 9 coke ovens producing enough coal coke to run boiler 2, creosote is sent to semifluid generators for eu production. Coal is supplied from quarry and once level emitter works with mfr rednet (I'm currently on v0.5 beta) t5 wither skel will automatically maintain coal level at 1024 units or more.

boilers.jpg Boilers, the one at this end isn't turned on yet but will use the ethanol in the orange steel tank that was produced by the bioreactor/unifier on the left closest to camera. Producing 432mj/t through 9 energycells, so 900mj/t potential burst power

bioreactor.jpg Inside the bioreactor, supplied by the tree farm, the 7 farms and the bonemeal produced from bones from the wither skel spawner. I think my farms could easily run 2 of these.

Expansion plans under consideration: 18 more coke ovens to power 2 more 36hp coke boilers and 1 creosote boiler (24 coke ovens for enough creosote) running 6 steam turbines to produce 1200eu/t (and 2 more steam engines per boiler for left over steam). Numerous refined bees once I get extra bees to produce bc fuel and ethanol. 2nd bioreactor.
My main power system right now is a Atomic Sci Fission reactor pushing 12 turbines. 590+ EU/t

Reactor Mark IIa by Saice, on Flickr

Reactor Mark IIa by Saice, on Flickr

EDIT: There was an update to Atomic Sci that boosted the reactors. I had to make some small changes to get all the benfits of the new system and there is still some more I could do like rebuild the reactor as a 7x7 instead of the 5x5 it is now. But Hey my old 5x5 with an updated configuration on the turbines puts out 4k EU/t now.

MOAR POWA by Saice, on Flickr

MOAR POWA by Saice, on Flickr

MOAR POWA by Saice, on Flickr
This is my latest project, 480 magmatic engines pumping out 1920 MJ per tick. I am use an energy bridge to convert it to EU for my matter fabricator and the left over powers the rest of my base. I have a nice nether portal nearby to run and move my lava station whenever needed.

I hope you all like it. My eventual goal once I can make a lava ocean world, is to output 10,000 MJ per tick.
I really like how you use soul cages the way you do, Dragonsama.
Thank you I thought it would look a lot better then engines just floating in mid air. Eventually a need to build a true support structure around it, thinking about using a mixture of iron fence post and blocks.
So, after finding out that Factorization solar boilers produce RailCraft steam, I decided to find out exactly how much.

This was built in creative, just as a test, but I'm starting to think that, when I have the silver to spare, I'll build a couple of solar boiler towers like this one. It's a huge resource investment (almost thirty stacks of silver) for about 44 MJ/t, but it's maintenance-free and requires no fuel, so it might be worth trying eventually.


This setup produces almost as much steam as a 12HP boiler.
Ember, that's beautiful, and it mimics the other side of RL solar farms.

I'd make one if I could farm that much silver, but alas.
So, after finding out that Factorization solar boilers produce RailCraft steam, I decided to find out exactly how much.

This was built in creative, just as a test, but I'm starting to think that, when I have the silver to spare, I'll build a couple of solar boiler towers like this one. It's a huge resource investment (almost thirty stacks of silver) for about 44 MJ/t, but it's maintenance-free and requires no fuel, so it might be worth trying eventually.


This setup produces almost as much steam as a 12HP boiler.

It's not very space efficient, but it's cool as fuck. I like this design, and I had a similar thought a few months ago, back on AdvancingCraft.
I had posted my setup earlier. But our last server crashed and we were forced to start from scratch with a new server. There's probably 10 people on our server, but 4 of us decided to build a joint base, each of us handling different responsibilities. One guy is the bee guy. One guy handled all the design of the base. One guy does the quarrying, soul sharding, and other misc stuff. I do power, machines, and trees (both breeding and farming).

I'll post pics later, after I make it look better. But it's a pretty simple setup. (It may be lol worthy. Due to an unfortunate filler accident, I deleted the floor holding the first boiler we built. I never replaced it because I thought a floating boiler looked kind of cool.)

We found a huge oil spout just outside spawn, so that was our first fuel source. It was 3500 buckets, but we're now down to 1200 buckets, waiting for the bee guy to amp up his oil bee production. The rest of the base is run off of an MFR tree farm. A pen with a bunch of cows produces fertilizer. I don't run the tree farm during the day for lag reasons. But just before I go to bed, I turn it on, and I turn it off when I wake up. It's enough to fuel 6 solid fuel boilers and 3 liquid fuel boilers.

From the boilers, I have one of them powering the base's MJ needs and 4 separate tesseract channels with 96 MJ/t each. One for the quarries. One for the bees. One for AE and associated equipment (e.g., the automated pulverizing and saw milling). One for MFR.

The rest of the boilers are dedicated to EU production via Power Converters. One runs a 512 eu/t line for the IC2/Gregtech machines for every day processing. The other produces 1750 EU/t dedicated to the matter fabricator, 4 blast furnaces, and 4 industrial grinders. (The furnace and grinders are usually idle, meaning the matter fab gets most of the 1750 EU/t). Also hooked up to the matter fab are solar cells. Right now, it's 1 ultimate hybrid and 5 hybrids. But every iridium we get goes to more solar panels. That's 2606 EU/t during the day and 1857 EU/t at night, for an average of 2231 EU/t dedicated to the matter fab. That gives us an average of 1 iridium every 43.5 minuts, or 33 iridium per day--an ultimate hybrid every other day.

Thinking of building an SC tree farm just for supplemental power. I was unable to log on for nearly 48 hours and we plowed through our industrial fertilizer (we had over 22k of it when I turned on the MFR farm.) Since I may not be able to log on for even longer next week, I we may need more wood than the MFR farm can produce without fertilizer).

In the alternative, we have a skeleton soul shard, so I may build an MFR wheat/flax farm and craftf the industrial fertilizer.