What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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Heres my little set up.
64xIndustrial Steam Engines
Output 512MJ/t
Powered by:
2xHigh Pressure Liquid Boilers running on Fuel converted from Distilled Bees Oily Combs
1xHigh Pressure Solid Boiler running on Blaze Rods (Soul shards farm)
1xHigh Pressure Solid Boiler running on charcoal from Steves Carts tree farm.


Engines Setup




3xInduction furnace converting oak wood to charcoal.

It isnt pretty but it does the job.. have no trouble running turtle/frame quarry (using tesseracts) and running bee genetic machines with no loss of power and its pretty much self sustaining. Got it balanced so well I dont even need frames or fertilizer in the farms and alvearies.
Heres my little set up.
64xIndustrial Steam Engines
Output 512MJ/t
Powered by:
2xHigh Pressure Liquid Boilers running on Fuel converted from Distilled Bees Oily Combs
1xHigh Pressure Solid Boiler running on Blaze Rods (Soul shards farm)
1xHigh Pressure Solid Boiler running on charcoal from Steves Carts tree farm.


Engines Setup




3xInduction furnace converting oak wood to charcoal.

It isnt pretty but it does the job.. have no trouble running turtle/frame quarry (using tesseracts) and running bee genetic machines with no loss of power and its pretty much self sustaining. Got it balanced so well I dont even need frames or fertilizer in the farms and alvearies.
you dont need to power the liquducts on the boilers
i saw his video HE HAS ONE MATTER FAB and its really slow

I have one matter fab, and it is at max speed getting 8192 EU/t.

Matter fabricators are nerfed in gregtech 2.90h, which is the version I use.

Gregtech machines that use 32 EU/t normally with four overclockers get 2048 EU/t, the ones that use 128 EU/t with four overclockers get 8192 EU/t. Time is the most important resource, so I spend a lot of energy on this.
I have one matter fab, and it is at max speed getting 8192 EU/t.

Matter fabricators are nerfed in gregtech 2.90h, which is the version I use.

Gregtech machines that use 32 EU/t normally with four overclockers get 2048 EU/t, the ones that use 128 EU/t with four overclockers get 8192 EU/t. Time is the most important resource, so I spend a lot of energy on this.
really wow, btw u are an awesome builder and your world must have taken tons of time
you dont need to power the liquducts on the boilers
Since only 8 liquiducts connect to the boiler, one needs to be powered to get the full amount of steam out. Alternatives would be: a) add a ninth liquiduct and remove the redstone signal (and don't wrench the liquiducts to the mode with the arrow) or b) remove three liquiducts (so five remain) and keep them powered with redstone.
Heres my little set up.
64xIndustrial Steam Engines
Output 512MJ/t
Powered by:
2xHigh Pressure Liquid Boilers running on Fuel converted from Distilled Bees Oily Combs
1xHigh Pressure Solid Boiler running on Blaze Rods (Soul shards farm)
1xHigh Pressure Solid Boiler running on charcoal from Steves Carts tree farm.
Engines Setup
3xInduction furnace converting oak wood to charcoal.

It isnt pretty but it does the job.. have no trouble running turtle/frame quarry (using tesseracts) and running bee genetic machines with no loss of power and its pretty much self sustaining. Got it balanced so well I dont even need frames or fertilizer in the farms and alvearies.

That's a lot of engines... wouldn't you be better off using power converters? Mainly for compactness (assuming you have it).

Damnit, now GLaDOS is french fries.

Well done, Wheatley.

Well done.


Sorry, I didn't mean to derail the thread or anything, its just someone said something like "This is a joke" a couple of pages back and I immediately thought of that.

Incidentally i've never played portal, so I never knew about this. :p
You talking about a redstone signal? Thats not really power.. But just a switch.
They arent powered as such... its just easier to run red alloy wire instead of putting a lever between each liquiduct ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1368529471][/DOUBLEPOST]
That's a lot of engines... wouldn't you be better off using power converters? Mainly for compactness (assuming you have it).

Sorry, I didn't mean to derail the thread or anything, its just someone said something like "This is a joke" a couple of pages back and I immediately thought of that.

Incidentally i've never played portal, so I never knew about this. :p
Dont think I/we have power convertors... Pics were taken on the server I play on which is the DW20 pack with nothing added or taken away. Theres probably much more efficient and compat ways of doing it but I wanted the room to look like a power plant.... The only thing Im not really happy with is with all the liquiducts and conduits theres like a 1 block gap between everything so its kinda hard to get around in quantum leggings (I like to run a lot heh)
Sorry, I didn't mean to derail the thread or anything, its just someone said something like "This is a joke" a couple of pages back and I immediately thought of that.

Incidentally i've never played portal, so I never knew about this. :p
Hmm, "That was a joke. Haha. Fat chance" is from Portal (Still Alive, specifically) while just "That was a joke" is from Mass Effect 2 :D

My power room currently looks like: OpenGL crash every time I log into the server and I'm getting sick of redownloading the client to fix it every time :(
Hmm, "That was a joke. Haha. Fat chance" is from Portal (Still Alive, specifically) while just "That was a joke" is from Mass Effect 2 :D

My power room currently looks like: OpenGL crash every time I log into the server and I'm getting sick of redownloading the client to fix it every time :(
It actually was the "don't think about it". GLaDOS repeats that when she says that paradox to Wheatley and her circuits almost fries. GLaDOS in her potato form during that moment.
It actually was the "don't think about it". GLaDOS repeats that when she says that paradox to Wheatley and her circuits almost fries. GLaDOS in her potato form during that moment.
I know "don'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutit" but I'm not sure how to get between that and "This is a joke"
Using diamonds as a floor material. I can hear the rage of those who covet diamonds. LOL
Pft, diamonds are spare change. There's plenty of other rare and difficult to make materials to worry about.
I know "don'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutit" but I'm not sure how to get between that and "This is a joke"
Pft, diamonds are spare change. There's plenty of other rare and difficult to make materials to worry about.
It was referring to the paradox. YX33A repeated don'tthinkabout and I commented on that.
Can we stop being derpy and get back to the focus of this thread?
I know "don'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutit" but I'm not sure how to get between that and "This is a joke"
Pft, diamonds are spare change. There's plenty of other rare and difficult to make materials to worry about.
I agree.
Now excuse me, I have to plan my power system for laser mining
A bit over a month since I posted this, and I'm pretty happy about the changes I made. Basically, I put all my excess EU production into matter fabs and switched to ultimate hybrid solar cells. It was really slow at first (over a week to get enough iridium to build an ultimate hybrid . . . then I realized it took another 60 uu matter for the sunnarium. But once you reach a few ultimate hybrids, you're making so much uu matter, you can make another ultimate hybrid in hardly any time at all.
Nether lava into 12 geothermal generators (240 EU/tick):
No more. I eventually went to 24 geothermal generators. But even that produces less EU than a single ultimate hybrid. So I dumped it once I ran out of nether lava.

Item tesseract bringing the drops from a 5x5 multifarm. The saplings go into a fermenter + 7 stills:

which fuel a 36HP liquid boiler, powering 18 commercial steam engines (144 MJ/tick):

The trees from the multifarm go into this setup: 2 sawmills, with planks going into the 36 HP solid boiler and the sawdust being autocrafted, then power furnaced into charcoal, into the same boiler, powering 3 turbines to generate 225 EU/tick:
I switched from a multifarm into a Steve's Carts tree farm. Good thing too. I get a ton more saplings and wood. Instead of just 2 36 block HP boilers, I now have 4. One for MJ production, 3 for EU production. I actually make enough wood to support a 5th boiler (right now I send half of my wood to a void pipe), but I just don't need it, so I didn't build it.

I was thinking of dumping the 3 EU boilers, simply because I have to feed each one it 297 ingots of steel each week to replace the turbines.

But I did the calculations and figured that the additional EU production can't hurt. I now have 11 ultimate hybrids. With the 3 EU boilers, I make 56.92 iridium per day (you need 65 to make another Ultimate Hybrid). Without it, I make only 46.92 iridium per day. I think I still have about 3 days worth of turbines left . . . enough to make 3 more ultimate hybrids. By then, I'll be making 59.72 iridium per day with the solar power alone. I figure that'll be enough for me. Unfortunately, I still need MJ production, so I can't just get rid of the tree farm entirely. So once I get rid of the 3 extra boilers, I'm going to drastically reduce the size of the tree farm. (It's a 16x16 E shape now).

I was planning to build a fusion reactor once I get to 16 ultimate hybrids. But the new version of GregTech changes it a lot and I haven't decided whether or not I still want to build one.
I think i`ll also share power rooms
Here you can see 4 36 hp boilers, 2 solid fueled(charcoal), and 2 liquid fueled(biofuel from distillation tower). and also my golem slaves making me scented paneling :p

here are my other liquid fueled boiler supplied with biofuel from same distillation tower. there are also:18 centrifuges, 6 electrolyzers, 1 liquid transposer and me network, to supply my fusion reactor, which power this setup and feeds mass fab

And fusion reactor itself