Unique Energy, Your Set-Ups and Plans.

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How... is this working?

I thought windmills decreased in power with every nearby block within like... 9 blocks of them. Is that not true anymore? I actually just looked for where I'd heard of that... and I have no idea. That's really weird.

Well, I found part of it. From the wiki: "Calculation is: power = s * (y - 64 - c) / 750; 's' is Wind Strength, 'y' is Block Height, and 'c' is number of blocks (not including the windmill itself) in a 9x9x7 area around the windmill."
Check out SpwnX's post on the IC2 forums. This is entirely stolen from him and he includes all the math along with it. (That was done with GT btw, so many carbon plates went into that farm)

That's just my interim power until I get the fusion reactor set up in Ultimate 1.0.2. I just finished making the 144 centrifuges I need to automate the H2 and H3 production, now to hook it all up with routers, AE and RP2.
Hey, Mash, what about water mills? They are cheaper and can be automated for 2eu/tick each.
The recipe is terribly cheap, and with RedPower 2 and an infinite water source you can generate as much as 4 solar panels with a lower production cost.
And that is if you only automate 2 of them.

Water mills and wind mills are sort of in a package of 'needs to be looked at again'.

I have looked into water mills, but i never really developed a system to make them good enough to justify using the first time around, so I kind of put it on hold. In my mind, it's really something that would need to be done on a pretty massive scale if you wanted it to be worthwhile. Considering the amount of time it would take to set up say... 100 watermills... I think there are many, many less annoying routes that many people would prefer to take.

This is considering the hard mode recipe, of course. For the easy mode recipe... yeah, it's not bad. I could see it working.[DOUBLEPOST=1366941425][/DOUBLEPOST]
Check out SpwnX's post on the IC2 forums. This is entirely stolen from him and he includes all the math along with it. (That was done with GT btw, so many carbon plates went into that farm)

That's just my interim power until I get the fusion reactor set up in Ultimate 1.0.2. I just finished making the 144 centrifuges I need to automate the H2 and H3 production, now to hook it all up with routers, AE and RP2.

I thought it was a pretty neat system. You definitely do not see many bases powered by windmills.
Has anyone watched Berserkenstein's video? Because that setup and area is incredibly impressive. Just thought I'd say something as its really is quite amazing, great builds, clever mod integration and generally good aesthetics are each rare but you've managed to tick all those boxes. Really has inspired me to aim a little larger in 1.5 :)
Hey, Mash, what about water mills? They are cheaper and can be automated for 2eu/tick each.
The recipe is terribly cheap, and with RedPower 2 and an infinite water source you can generate as much as 4 solar panels with a lower production cost.
And that is if you only automate 2 of them.
Don't forget to they are buggy as hell and laggly setups too but.. AE may be the way to do it.. A witch spawner can supply you with free premade bottles for you then you just gotta filler up and import them to the me. But for being so buggy I wouldn't even make one for night power use early game.
Don't forget to they are buggy as hell and laggly setups too but.. AE may be the way to do it.. A witch spawner can supply you with free premade bottles for you then you just gotta filler up and import them to the me. But for being so buggy I wouldn't even make one for night power use early game.

I already gnash my teeth at "only" 12 EU/t from diesel generators. I have 84 of them. Would need over 500 to match that power in a watermill being supplied with water filled bottles.

Plus I have 14 semi liquid generators and 14 gas turbines. Although the turbines don't have a solid fuel supply.
I already gnash my teeth at "only" 12 EU/t from diesel generators. I have 84 of them. Would need over 500 to match that power in a watermill being supplied with water filled bottles.
6 watermills, not 500.
watermills generate 2eu/t when filled with water bottles.
I needed a little bit of MJ production just to power some centrifuges and rolling machines. My entire base is powered off EU, but obviously those machines require MJ instead. I didn't want to take the lazy way out and use Power Converters or Lava, and really didn't want to go through the effort of setting up steam power (I was already routing my saplings to somebody elses boilers and didn't want to screw them over.)

So, I came up with a way to generate Milk power. It probably generates more than I need, but the MFR Ranchers generate way more milk than I could possible use. I have about 10-15 cows being milked by 2 different ranchers. I don't know if having 2 of them speeds it up at all with such a small number, but I know that the system I have works fine.

Biogas engines running on milk constantly use lava, it was nerfed because people just used milk and never used peat farms. You may as well just use magmetic.

Why forget about sterling engines when talking about "a little power". If you're generating saplings, you've got wood, and a biogas engine running on milk generates 1MJ/t, just like a sterling.

Or, since you've clearly got bees, run it off honey. That wouldn't use lava past the initial warm up phase. Also 1MJ/t
Yea oddly enough your better off using lava in a Combustion Engine for best "bangs" for your bucks at 20k MJ per bucket then the 11.3k MJ via milk burning in Biogas. Magmatics have the best of both and output 4MJ/t and 90% effective burning.
No, they don't, I've tested. Not a lot anyways. They use lava to warm up, and to stay heated up, if all the energy isn't being used. I filled the engines with lava initially and disabled their lava inflow, and they used almost a not-noticeable amount when I was charging up energy cells.

Yes, my system does use lava, but not a very large amount, and certaintly not as much.

Why are you in the thread on Unique energy setups, telling me to use sterling engines powered by wood? Yes I could have, and yes, it would have been way easier, but I wanted to use something I've never done before. Isn't that the ENTIRE point of this thread?

I don't really use much bees. Ive just got 3 alvearies with platinum bees that I bought off someone else on the server. I dont think they generate nearly enough honey to power my rolling machines or carpenters.

Im not after the best bang for my buck. As I said, my base is powered almost 100% off of EU, which I generate using the not-so-unique solar panels. I just needed enough for 10 rolling machines, 10 carpenters (I only use one currently,) and 2 liquid transposers.
Why are you in the thread on Unique energy setups, telling me to use sterling engines powered by wood? Yes I could have, and yes, it would have been way easier, but I wanted to use something I've never done before. Isn't that the ENTIRE point of this thread?

Because I could come up with dozens of poorly designed unique methods that got piss for power, but that would be dumb.

Like... hunt down oil spouts and burn oil directly! That's unique!

Burn lava in a combustion engine!

"Burn" water in a biogas engine!

Breathe really heavily around redpower windmills and use a bluectric engine!

or if you're on 1.5.1, make dozens of clockwork engines and CLICK AWAY!

Also, the amount sterling engines are used, an actual use of them would be fairly unique.
As I said, the point wasnt to generate tons of MJ. I think you take this game a little too seriously. (Maybe way too seriously.)

I wanted something Id never done before. Ive done wood power. Ive used power converters. Ive used lava (Used the hell out of lava.) Ive used watermills, wind power, etc. Ive also used the shit out of steam. The only thing I could think of that I haven't done, is to use milk for power.

Sometimes the point isnt to have the most efficient power system. If I wanted the most efficient, Id use power converters and route some of my solar power into an MJ system. That would be easy, quick, painless, and compact. But I didn't.

Also, you didn't properly answer my question. Why are you in the UNIQUE energy generation thread, telling me to use wood or lava in engines? That's far from Unique. Theres a thread a few posts down that more suits your needs.
hmmm, clockwork engine.

people already use the AE quartz grinder in combination with a turtle. the turtle just clicks onto the grinder, and it works.

so a turtle combined with that engine... unlimited power... although tons of turtles clicking onto the engines would produce a lot of lag :)

regarding a good system, I would stop focussing on the power generation and focus on energy distribution.

how about this: a gregtech-fusion reactor (the new version), but splitted into two parts. the fusion torus, which generates plasma and the plasma-EU converter, the generator-part. since plasma is a liquid, it can be sent around by liquid tesseracts. et voila, transdimensional global energy.

Also, you didn't properly answer my question. Why are you in the UNIQUE energy generation thread, telling me to use wood or lava in engines? That's far from Unique. Theres a thread a few posts down that more suits your needs.

Reverandraptor has the idea people, I too have used the common methods a fair bit and am finding it a tad boring now. I am always after something new to do seeing as these mod packs supply nearly endless possibilities.

Keep this going though, quite interesting!
Something to try is the 1.5 GT fusion reactor, could someone tell me if these large reactors are even worth for very compact eu per meter spent on the space needed for building it and fuel production line?? I think they actually nerfed now for what's you need. I don't care how much UUM it's take I just want to make sure it's actually more power per cubic meter than USPs even though they only work when they clear view of sky. They put out at least 1 eu/t per cubic meter. The current reactors can give you about double that if you can compact 4 on a chunk maybe even 6 or 8 with fuel production included.